
Big Tits

Subject: My Dad’s Family 5 If you enjoy this or any of the stories that provides, please consider donating to fty/ Thanks! Enjoy your read! —– The next day I decided to be a little more daring so I only trained in my jockstrap, when my dad came through the door he was actually kind of shocked. I guess he wasn’t expecting it. -I see we’re past the need for clothes -Haha, maybe so -Then you won’t mind me taking off my shirt I gulped -Go ahead And with that he removed his top as I stared in disbelief. With a smirk on his face, he looked like he was enjoying being ogled at. -What? Like what you see? He was so fucking sexy, but I needed to concentrate on something else cause my dick was getting hard, so I tried to downplay it. -I’ve seen better Then we started training like the day before, me eyeing up his crotch and him almost always looking at my butt. After a while I was focused on my exercises when I heard my phone vibrate so I picked it up: it was a text from my brother asking me how I was doing. I proceeded to send a pic of me in the mirror and my dad in the background. -I’m doing okay. Out here working out with dad, since you’re not home I’m happy to have some company 🙂 -I can see that, I can also see that somebody else is happy haha -What şişli travesti do you mean? -Dad’s dick is totally hard haha I think he’s starting to get excited from seeing that thing of yours haha I watched my dad in the mirror and sure enough his bulge was looking really big, bigger than usual. But the fun thing was that he was still staring at my ass while training. -I told you my cheeks were distracting lol 😉 -We shall see when I get back haha -All right bro, I need to stay focused now, talk to you later Then I put down my phone and went back to my workout. My dad’s gaze was still concentrated on my ass so I had an idea. -Hey dad can you help me again with yesterday’s exercise? I don’t think I’m doing it right I saw him snap out of his trance and regain some composure, even though he tried to adjust his dick you could see the shorts tenting still. -Hm, yea sure Then he came behind me and held me just like the day before, with some space between us. But I couldn’t waste the chance to feel him against my bare ass so I scooted back a little more nestling his cock between my asscheeks. When I did that I think I heard a little moan escape him. I could feel his hard staff straining the fabric and emanating heat on my skin. -Whoa there be careful, beylikdüzü travesti this thing could break you in half -Haha I can feel that, seems you got a little excited, dad -Sorry, you know I’m an ass man, and yours is a great one -Don’t worry, I don’t mind it -I bet you don’t haha -Just one question though -What is it? -Yesterday you asked me if this is how I like to get taken Then I bucked my hips back some more and added -Is this how you like to take others? Then he laughed a little and pushed a little bit more -Maybe it is And then after a couple of seconds of us staying in the same position he added: -But if I’m being honest I like it better like this And with that he put a hand on my stomach to hold me in place while simultaneously putting his other on my neck and pushing me down. I struggled to keep my balance so I put my hands forward to keep from falling. Then he put his hands on my hips and faked fucking me from behind. -See? That’s better, you get more leverage this way Then, while laughing out loud, he stopped, smacked my butt and went back to training, while I was left there with my butt in the air. I put myself back up and worked out some more while thinking about what had just happened. At one point my dad said: -I guess istanbul travesti you like that too While glancing at the pouch of my jock in which my dick was definitely hard -Sorry, you know what I’m about After a little while I finished training and went to shower and as soon as I dried up I said -Bathroom’s free! You can go shower now. I’m gonna go up to change then I’ll see you at dinner -Okay bye son, nice workout today -Yea it was, see you later I went up to my room and I changed myself into some shorts and a t-shirt, I couldn’t find my phone until I remembered that I left it in the garage’s bathroom, so I went back down. I heard the shower still running so while opening the bathroom door I yelled: -Dad, I’m coming in to get my ph.. But I wasn’t prepared for what was behind the door. My dad was standing in the shower giving me a full view of his back and ass, and he was definitely jerking off. I guess I might have scared him because he turned a little towards me so now he was looking at me and I could see the tip of his cock getting engulfed by his moving right hand. I heard him say “fuck” right before I saw his glutes clamp up and white jets of cum volley from his piss slit into the walls of the shower. I stayed still for what felt like an eternity but was probably more like a second, then I hurriedly grabbed the phone and ran away upstairs toward my room. I needed to jerk off so badly. ——————— If you enjoyed this story, please reach out to ail, I always like to hear your thoughts

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