Obsession Ch. 02

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I woke up between cool white sheets, stretched out on Ethan’s side of the bed. Soft, familiar music drifted into the opened door from the kitchen under the clinking of dishes and running water. Laying on my back, I recalled the night before with a twinge of regret. It might have been porn for what I felt was a good performance on my part- the dangerous, cooing tease whispered in his ear, the salaciousness of every exaggerated movement- tossing my head back and begging him not to stop. Maybe I assumed that once he was fucking me he’d call me back with his body, reassure and resurrect what had expired between us. I couldn’t feel anything, though, but guilty while I had lain afterwards, tangled in his limbs, held tight to his chest. He must have carried me to bed after I had fallen asleep in his arms.

Pulling one of his sweatshirts over my rumpled clothes from last night, I sat down at the table, taking a sip of his lukewarm coffee.

“Good morning, princess.” I caught the sudsy kiss he blew in my direction, still basically asleep.


I didn’t want to eat , and rarely do in the morning. I examined his fruit bowl, though, as he didn’t allow me to fast under his watchful eye. It was a fact that was initially warming, and grew to make me feel as though I were a personal charity project instead of his girlfriend. I chose a peach that looked ripe in its warm, summery colors.

“Georgia-grown.” he drawled, noticing my fruit of choice as I bit into the soft, fuzzy skin.

“Fuck off.” I had to laugh at his impersonation as juice ran down my chin. I had been from a boring southern suburb before moving for college. My accent was almost completely abandoned by the time I met him (thank God) but he still liked to watch me squirm when I mentioned it.

“So what’s on the agenda today?” I watched him dry his hands on a dish towel.

“Oh, you know, ” he dragged out a chair, “a few engagements. I have to meet a client today, but other than that, I’m all yours.”

“I have an appointment, too.” I grinned, feeling worthy of some sort of praise. It wasn’t often that I had someone call in for a portrait on reputation alone and was relieved that I could mention this small victory. It was crippling at times to watch Ethan’s easy success while I struggled to make a full-time occupation of painting.

“That’s great, sweetie. Anyone I know?” he beamed.

“Oh, uh, I don’t even know her: Sara-something. I’m finally going to use that 46 x 58 you helped bring up the stairs. She called yesterday before I came over, wanted to make an appointment.

“When is that, then?” he took a sip of his coffee.

I glanced at the digital clock on the stove.

“Fuck. I need to go right now.” I got up, pulling off his sweater and he followed me, watching me as I found my skirt near the couch, offering advice as to where my other shoe might’ve gone.

He shook his head, kissing me quickly in the foyer.

“How do I look?” I straightened my clothes fretfully, examining myself in the mirror.

“Anxious.” he smoothed my hair back. “Relax. I love you. Drive safe!” He called after me as I slipped out the door.

I was taken with her from the moment I saw her, an attractive blonde looking skeptically down at a scrap of paper and up again at the number of my door. Even in her uncertainty her features were striking. Hers was a classic beauty that reminded me of black and white films and antiquated speech patterns.

“You must be Sara.” I extended a hand, wishing I had worn something more conservative to Ethan’s the night before. She looked at me and her face was a pleasantry breaking a sweet smile.

“Oh, Yes. Cadence, right? I thought maybe I had written down the wrong number.” Her speech and demeanor was radiant in a sort of intoxicating propriety that didn’t seem to belong in the fluorescent-lit hallway.

“I am so sorry I’m late!” I felt completely disorganized, sloppily thrown together, especially in her perfectly manicured appearance.

“It’s no problem, really, I haven’t been waiting for any time at all.” Her voice was all warm sugar.

Painting her was a pleasure; she was a visual feast that I think few people can truly appreciate. Her fair skin looked like it’d be silk to touch, accentuating her shocking, blue eyes as they focused in some owl-eyed amusement. At rest, her face looked something of mischief and good intentions. The contour of her body could only be called elegant even in repose. She was the sort of model that inspires masterpieces and strikes envy into those around her. I was no exception, true, but I was more absorbed in translating her beauty into soft hues on canvas than anything.

The spilling of oil onto canvas and reproducing a radiant woman posed patiently had me entranced. I am not able to lose myself so completely in any other trade as when I do when I paint, and it’s a trance I can rely on to ignite me and burn hours at a time uninterrupted. When reading or running or any other activity that is mine alone, I am all too aware türkçe bahis of myself. The characters in a book are there, and they are real, but I am only watching and they are removed, pushed further back into their fiction. When running, I am aware: these are my lungs expanding, these are my muscles stretching , and I am present the whole time. Whenever someone allows me to capture them on canvas, I fall in love with them a little. I learn them, find out all of their deepest sins and secrets. I read their face like a topographer and see them exposed in all of their truth and vulnerability. Painting them burns me alive, gives me a purpose. Sara, then, was my muse- my raison d’être. After all, what is an artist without her model?

We took short breaks every so often and she stretched and walked around my apartment as I gleaned little facts of her. She was a classically trained dancer and moved like it. She loved the theatre, opera, and wanted hardwood floors like mine. Her openness was disarming.

“I’m so enthused to be doing this,” she confessed, taking a long sip from her bottled mineral water, her voice low with a secret. She talked on as I squinted at the light reflections and highlights on the silky fabric of her emerald green blouse, my eyes jumping from her to the painting. I listened intently, absorbing her and she slipped from the stool she had been perched on for the past hour, stretching, and slipped out of her heels.

“Let me see.” She leaned in, half bent to me in a spark of excitement.

“I usually don’t unveil my work until it’s done . . .” I tried to protest, not completely pleased with the work accomplished in the short amount of time with her.

“Please?” her smile warmed me with glowing insistence.

I gestured, defeated, for her to come around and took a look, and she stepped lightly, like she was intruding something sacramental.

“Oh, Cadence!” her low voice simmered in a note of surprise. “It’s fantastic!”

“It’s not even closed to finished, I felt myself blush. I’ve noticed that those who don’t paint are easily impressed by what they haven’t tried to do.

“I knew you were good from the painting you did of Julian, but this is so . . . I guess because it’s me, I’m a little biased.” She babbled on, giddy, returning to her stool, obediently.

She continued, but any meaning was blurred.

“Sorry, what?”

“Oh, I thought he would have told you. My fiancé wanted me to get my portrait done; I saw that painting in his apartment the other morning and he seemed so eager for me to make an appointment. Oh, I’m so glad I did. I was excited before, but. . .”

I could barely make sense of the onslaught of words tumbling from her mouth in every haphazard way, my mind clouding over.

“Yeah . . .” I managed, “See, I don’t really know him. We just met the other day.”

She nodded, smiling, “He told me.”

As if to call a break to the scene, her cellphone started chirping for her; the wedding march was calling her out of her reverie.

“Oh, I have to . . .” she excused herself, glancing at me in some wide-eyed request of permission.

“Hello? Oh, oh, no! Yes, well it’s supposed to be kosher. No. Really. I’ll be right over.”

He told her about me. I thought of them cuddled together on her couch, watching some pathetic romantic comedy. Oh, yes, she’d like that. He’d endure it, too, because he was a doting and loving future-husband.

“So I met one of my neighbors the other day.” he’d tell her, casually, “A real slut! She found my bondage gear and, as luck would have it, she wears my collar now!”

She glanced at the clock behind her and turned to me. “Oh! Is that time right?”

I honestly didn’t know how far off left or right the hands were, but didn’t see how I could explain it to her at the moment.


“I’m so sorry-You’ll have to excuse me, Cadence; I have a rehearsal dinner emergency and it’s all a mess.” she smiled apologetically.

“No,” I shook out of my stupor. “that’s fine.”

“Maybe we could finish this some other time? Soon?”

“Yes, of course, you have my number. . .” I managed, watching her hurry out.

I began to swirl the brushes I had used in mineral spirits, watching the colors mix into a hazy gray, but even that simple act was too much.


I stared at the canvas. The magnanimity of her beauty, her presence, even though I felt I hadn’t done it justice, dwarfed me. The whole situation made me feel ridiculous. Sara. His Sara. The same woman who wouldn’t sleep with him until they were married was just in my apartment, captivating me, sitting with her face titled just so. I felt ill thinking of how desperate and completely out of control I must come off as to Julian, something completely disposable, just a secret. He had the best of both worlds maintaining his understanding, supportive fiance status while bedding the desperate neighbor who was commemorating her beauty in oil. He didn’t try to hide the fact that he iddaa siteleri was engaged, true-never said he cared to begin with. Still, though, it hurt me in a way I didn’t know he could touch, and the fact that I still wanted him despite the fact only fueled my anger.

It was late and I was about ready for bed when I heard a rapping at the door: Ethan, of course, no one else would come knocking so late. I answered in a t-shirt and panties, my toothbrush still in hand.

“Come here.” Julian linked his grip around me and pulled my hips against him, dropping a kiss on my lips. “I missed you.”

His hand found its way into my hair in the doorway, tangled in a firm grip as he tilted my mouth to him. His lips were seeking them out, insistent, his tongue a probing intrusion as he moved into my apartment, closing the door behind us. I managed to peel myself away, straightening up.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“I said I missed you, don’t you believe me? Looks like you were expecting me anyway.” He nodded at my scantily clad form, slipping past me.

I locked the door, crossing my arms, fighting the urge to slip on a robe. He walked around the most lived-in room, my “studio.” Different projects and canvases were propped up against the walls and on cheap wooden easels. He looked over them, casually, of course. Everything he did seemed calculated, precise.

“Not really.” As mad as I was, I had to admire his sharp appearance as he was all class and pinstripes; his cologne had done something to me as soon as he accosted me at the door, leaving a dull ache in his absence. I watched as he moved, training a critical eye over the strangers in oil, averting their eyes or looking back with consternation. He stopped suddenly in front of the wedding planner’s portrait as though he hadn’t seen it all along- it was easily noticeable once entering the room-the only working canvas. He looked back at me.

“So I see Sara found your door after all.” his expression was all too pleased.

“You dick! I can’t believe you did that to me.”

“Why? It’s your job, isn’t it? I boosted your sales, what, fifty percent?”

“Fuck you!” I felt my face burn. “Are you done with your stupid games? I feel sick! I can’t believe. . . Get out!”

“Whoa, there,” he looked up, arching a brow, “I didn’t come along just to see what progress you made. I really did miss you.” He picked up an apple from an unfinished still life and took a bite, giving the painting another once-over.

I snatched the prop out of his grip, “You’re getting off watching me squirm! You’re shameless!”

“You finished that part!” he protested, gesturing to a sketch nearby.

“Get out.”

We stood there, my hands on my hips, furious at his arrogant coolness. Something either broke or clicked and he rose his hands in surrender.

“Hey, for the record, you really are good. Those are her eyes.” he stood, fixated again on the canvas.

“Oh? Well when you were telling her about me did you manage to mention what a good fuck I was, too?”

I got some vindictive thrill when he tensed, and still it wasn’t enough for the hell he put me through.

“Or should I? We have another appointment set up; how do you think she’ll take it when I tell her just what you really wish you could do with her? She knows you’re a sadist, right? Funny, I didn’t think she was into . . . ”

From the set of his jaw, my words died before they reached the air as he moved towards me. Cold. Whatever anger he had had focused in his eyes as he peered down at me. Tilting my chin to him, he sneered.

“You little bitch.”

My voice failed me and I could do little else but look up at him. Rage burned coolly, so close beneath the surface that I was actually frightened.

He pulled me closer by the arms, kissing me full on the mouth- an angry, biting kiss like he wanted to hurt me. I couldn’t kiss back, completely thrown off.

“What is this?” He tried again, his tongue a hapless intruder, and again I could do nothing but just experience his raging fury though his mouth.

He loosened his grip, looking at me, searching my soul, asking me just who I thought I was.

“I’ll show you a sadist.” He took the apple from the counter and held it to my lips, “Open up, whore, until I can find a more suitable gag. There, bite down.”

I looked up at him, insulted.

“No.” I pushed his hand away by the wrist.

“Do it, Cadence.” His voice held no anger, just an arrogant sort of indifference, “Do it, or I’m leaving.”

I looked up at him feeling ridiculous at the apple raised up to lips with the edge of a warning. I half expected him to announce the arrival of the “choo-choo train” and tell me to open wide. My quickly depreciating self-worth obviously meant nothing to him. This was just some hobby of his. I was just a notch on his belt, who knows how many other girls he had done this to? All of me knew that I didn’t mean a thing to him, and that this would irreparably deneme bonusu veren siteler tear what tethers still tied me down to Ethan. To my horror, my body was also responding to him in this shame. My blood coursed through my veins and I grabbed it out of Julian’s easy grip, sinking my teeth into the ripe flesh, my eyes burned into him with every ounce of defiance I could still feign in my position.


He grabbed me around the hips and lifted me onto the counter, his body between my legs- hard, present, so achingly present for how he had left me to writhe and wait like an obedient little dog.

“Did you miss me, baby?”

He tangled his fingers into my hair, his words and their meaning smudged by his lips against my skin- the frantic kissing, like the surface of my body had become less his in the hours he hadn’t been touching me. I groaned through the mealy consistency that hid behind unbruised, brilliant red skin- of course I missed him.

“You missed your master?”

His deep, probing voice wrapped itself around me in its condescending tone.

I nodded, wishing that the skin I was biting into was his.

“Did you?” He pulled himself away from me, lucid, as though gasping for air after having been submerged in water. “Did you?”

I looked him dead in the eye with every ounce of need and frustration, every fiber of my being was woven with insatiability. I looked right into the clarity of his furious eyes.

“Come on.”

He took me by the hand, pulling me through the door. I looked dumbly back over my shoulder at my apartment and caught my distorted reflection in the dull chrome of the toaster: a shiny red apple distending my lips with its girth.

“I know you’re excited, but you can’t forget to lock up.” he chided and I hurriedly worked at the crappy lock. He knew I might as well have left it open. I turned, frantic to get out of the dead hallway, aware of the odd hours the tenants come home to pass out and he took me by the wrists, pinning me to the door.

“Just imagine, Cadence,” he kissed my neck, pressing his hard cock against my hip, “what if someone saw us like this- me leading you around in your panties? You’d love it, wouldn’t you?” He growled the words low into my ear, running his hand up my tank top and over my bra. I whined piteously, panicked as he pinched my hardened nipples through the thin fabric. My hands stayed where they were, as if in a hold-up. His kisses swallowed me up, took me with him, and I wanted to bite and lick him, kiss him hard on the mouth. He melted me with this impassioned kiss, and I wasn’t sure if my legs would hold out.

“Huh,” he gasped, pulling his mouth from my chest, “I guess no one’s going to find out what a slut you are tonight.”

Mercifully, his door wasn’t too far and I only had to endure his exhibitionist stunt for the amount of time it took for him to get out his key.

“Here,” he went through a drawer, glancing up at me as I stood, dizzy in the dim light of his bedroom. “Get that out of your mouth, you look ridiculous.”

I didn’t dare protest when he replaced it with a mercifully small ball gag.

He looked over me, ravenous, and bit my neck and kissed it in apology. Just as suddenly, he pulled away.

“You’re not wearing your collar.” he held me at arms’ length, shaking his head, “I should make you get it like this.”

A panicked, pitchy whine pierced his mock-concentration.

“You’re lucky you have such a considerate Master.”

He looked down the line of my body, viewing me as though I were nothing but usable. He secured my wrists to the headboard in cuffs and I squirmed, biting my bottom lip. Chained up for him on his soft brown comforter I was riled and needy. He seemed completely content to tease me with light, bare touches and I wondered how he could restrain himself so effortlessly. His eyes dragged over me and I felt it like dripping wax, scorching tentative skin as he peeled my panties off of me as though they were some minor inconvenience.

He pulled himself up, his warm body taken from me and I felt something animalistic stir in him. I could do little else but watch as he got up to look through a drawer I knew held all of his gear. He pulled out a vibrator and pocketed something as he returned, looming over me.


A thrill cut through me, his statement like a slap, his voice level and calm.

“You’re so hot you don’t know what to do with yourself.”

His words curled around me and I felt him then, breaking me- rebuilding me into someone he could control. I felt myself slipping into him pulled as though I were standing in a strong current.

He pushed aside a bright orange bottle and tissues, coins and a lighter from the bed side table and rested the vibe there, breaking eye contact.

“And you know what? The fact that you don’t even know what you want was sort of a turnoff at first, but for some reason . . . ” he grazed my skin with his fingertips, highlighting my cheekbone to my jaw, “I don’t find that terribly important right now,” he gave a thoughtful pause, “and neither do you.”

I looked up into his face, totally intoxicated by him. I was breathing him in, impatient for his body against mine. I wanted him more than I had wanted anyone in my life.

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