Rachal-Caron Ch. 04


I knew with a certainty that my experiences with Nikki were not to be my only times with another woman. I was certain I would be enjoying the sweet taste of another female sooner than I could have imagined.

I was right. But not in the way I envisaged.

The next morning was strange. Basically, my phantom lover ignored me. I waited for her to open up the conversation. Or at least to make eye contact. There was nothing. Embarrassment, perhaps? I doubted it. That didn’t seem to fit in. Even when I attempted to initiate any sort of discussion, she was disinterested, preferring instead to spend time chatting to Nikki.

Distraught would be too strong a word for what I felt. But it was close. The brunette had finger fucked herself to orgasm whilst watching me cum on Nikki’s face and lips. I had imagined making Sarah cum on mine, tasting her juices. I’d told myself I wouldn’t rest until I had. But suddenly, the cool enigma was ignoring me. What the fuck?

The next sleepover came a week later. Not at Sarah’s, I hadn’t seen her again, though I had tried to make contact a couple of times. It was at Nikki’s.

We had this thing once in a while when we had a movie night. And not just for Nikki and I, her mom took part too. She was really cool and would fix us really great meals and allowed us wine. Tonight, we’d all had a little more than we should. It gave me a nice buzz and I was looking forward to my session in bed with Nikki. After the disappointment with Sarah, I wanted this to be something special.

Nikki’s mom was fifty-eight, but I have to confess there was something about the way she carried herself that gave off a certain allure. We had had a particularly good meal and it was later than usual when we began to watch the dvd. We weren’t even halfway through it when Nikki fell asleep. Her mom woke her up once, but the same thing happened again. I smiled. It was that wine. But sleepy or not, I had great things planned for Nikki later.

Eventually, her mom nudged her and told her to go to bed. Nikki straightened up, her eyes incredibly sleepy.

“I’ll go, too,” I murmured, anxious to arouse my young lover before she fell into too deep a sleep.

Mrs. Murray chuckled. “No, Rach, don’t go yet. You want to see the finish of the movie don’t you? And I’d feel terrible watching it on my own.”

Well, yes, I did want to go with Nikki. But I had no choice. I glanced across at Mrs. Murray and she smiled sweetly. I thought that another hour wouldn’t hurt. It might even heighten the anticipation. I smoothed my red t-shirt as I sat up and nodded. “Yeah, that would be nice.”

Nikki’s mother slowly got up from the couch and left the room. Within a few seconds, she’d returned, with another two glasses of wine. That was nice. When she sat back down, she flopped next to me, her thigh settling against mine. We sat for about ten minutes watching the movie when a lesbian scene came on. Nothing Escort Kartal heavy. But sensual.

I felt myself tingling. I also felt Mrs. Murray casually running her fingers along the back of my hair. How had she got her hand there? The stroking of my locks felt nice, and I could feel my breathing increase from the action on the screen.

“Do you have a boyfriend, Rachal,” she asked.

“I’ve been on dates,” I confessed. “But no boyfriend.”

“Been on a date with a girl?”

My head jerked round to stare at her. “A girl?”

Her blue eyes smiled at me. “Well, it’s quite natural nowadays. And you seemed to like the action on the screen…”

I didn’t answer. But somehow that tell tale tingle was between my legs.

“Did you?” she pressed. “Like the action on the screen?”

What could I say? That her daughter and I had been fooling around for a little while now. That as soon as we were in bed my tongue would be in Nikki’s pussy? I decided to act cool. I was a woman of the world after all.

“Yeah,” I said. “I did.” I looked across to see the shock on her face. But there was none. Just a smile. A curious sort of smile.

“You ever masturbate?” she asked. Out of the blue, just like that!

I was shocked, embarrassed and yet very aroused at the question. She didn’t wait for me to answer.

“Of course you do. We all do. Next time,” at this point she leant closer and I could feel her breath on my cheek, “think of another woman when you do.”

If I was breathing a little faster from the action on the dvd, I went into overdrive now. My arousal levels bounced into the red zone. Her face was so close to mine and it was all I could do to prevent myself from kissing those full, red lips. Her intense blue eyes stared into mine.

“My wine…” I whimpered, trying to break the spell.

But before I could lean forward, she beat me to it. “I’ll get it,” she breathed, reaching across to the table with my glass next to hers. She picked it up, but instead of handing it to me, she drank it herself. Or at least, she took a long drink into her mouth. Then she slowly eased her arm back around me and leaned in, pressing her mouth to mine.

Instinctively, I opened my mouth for the kiss and she allowed the wine to flow from her mouth to mine. Without a doubt, it was one of the most erotic experiences of my life, in its own way almost on a par with Sarah’s masturbation.

When I swallowed the wine, our tongues entwined. Quite simply, it was wonderful, full of the experience that only the older woman can bring. Her perfume, her hungry eyes, and the warmth of her lips hit me like a freight train. It was the softest and sweetest French kiss I’d known and it sent tingly shivers to my pussy and every spot on the way.

When she pulled away, she took a lingering look at my breasts, and then slowly raised her eyes to mine. There was something smoky and hot in her gaze.

“How was that?” she asked.

“Fucking hot,” I gasped, before I realised what I’d said.

She smiled, her blue eyes boring into my soul. “So you like women, Rachal?”

I nodded. I admit it, I was putty in her hands.

She leant forward and kissed me again. Just as sweet but this time it didn’t stop. We kissed and kissed, our tongues exploring each other’s mouths for what seemed like a long, long time. I could feel her full breasts pressed against mine and I knew I was almost excited enough to orgasm then and there on that couch. Fuck!

“Mrs Murray…” I began.

“Call me Kelli.”


“Yes dear…”

But her lips cut off my words. She kissed me for so long I forgot what it was I intended to say. And it wasn’t just the kiss that stopped me in my tracks. Her hand had found my breast and she was tweaking my nipple through my thin bra. It was instantly hard and the sensation shot straight down to my clit.

I reached up and put my hand on her right breast, not believing I was doing such an impulsive thing. Fuck, it felt nice. And so deliciously wicked, too. I kneaded it in my hand, encouraged by the purring that somehow escaped my lips as we continued our kiss.

Kelli peeled off my top and dropped it on the floor. Her experienced fingers quickly had my bra off, too. I could feel the cool air on my nipples as she removed her own top and bra and I gasped out loud when her erect nipples pressed against mine.

She eased her left leg over mine and pressed her groin against my pussy. Our breasts pushed together as she began fucking motions with her hips, slowly and gently, grinding her pussy into mine. As she began to fuck me, she my neck and shoulders with kisses and I responded, grinding back into her. My first orgasm was quick and Kelli held me whilst I trembled. But then she was back to fucking me again.

She stayed that way, her hips gyrating as she fucking me. Our lips touched, her breasts pressed more firmly against mine. She kissed me softly, her tongue flicking at mine. She moaned, pressing herself harder against me, and I wrapped myself closer, increasing the friction on our pussies.

We stopped kissing as we both began to pant and squirm against each other. I was moaning and Kelli was giving tiny almost inaudible grunts with each of her thrusts. I’m not sure who started to cum first, but we locked tighter together and kept thrusting as our orgasms engulfed us. Her first, my second.

I don’t know whether it was the experience of the older woman, or just the illicitness of the situation. But whatever the reason, it was the most intense orgasm I had ever had. Even more so than my experiences with Nikki. Even more than when Sarah was watching.

But if I thought we were finished, I was wrong. Kelli was slithering off the couch and her fingers were working on my jeans. Her movements were frantic as she pulled them down and off my legs.

“So sexy,” she moaned, when she saw my skimpy and very wet black thong.

It quickly followed my jeans. With an increasing urgency, she pushed my legs apart and lowered her head. “Gotta taste you,” she groaned, seconds before her mouth devoured my pussy.

Her experienced tongue was hot. So were the deep purring noises she gave as she lapped at my juices. After our fucking, her tongue easily slipped inside and I moaned as she began a series of broad sweeps from the bottom to the top of my sex. She was firmly in control, delighting in my young body. When my moans grew, she pulled away. Her eyes looked up into mine and the lascivious look burnt into my soul.

She deliberately held my gaze as she moved a little higher, seeking out my clit. Her blue eyes blazed arousal at me as she picked up the rhythm and I placed my hand lightly on the top of her head, following rather than directing her movements. Fuck, she quickly had me close to a third orgasm and she hadn’t really started. I let my hand slip to the back of her head and tightly gripped her hair.

She knew I was on the edge and renewed her efforts to take me to my goal. And hers, too. She began lapping at me with a new found ardour and I could not help but grind my pussy against her face. I gave up any pretence at control as I looked down at her. Her blue eyes remained on mine as she licked ever faster. Her face was red with exertion, her forehead glistening with perspiration, and I realised that just from this wanton act, Kelli was close too.

The realisation that she was going to cum, simply from licking me, was too much to handle. My body stiffened and then shook as jolts of pleasure shook through me. It was quick, it was violent, and it was sensational. I jammed my fist into my mouth to drown out my screams of pleasure. Fuck, Kelli knew everything there was to know about a woman’s body.

It took me a while to come down from my high, and when I did, I realised that Kelli had cum too. Yet she was still in position between my legs. I looked down at her with a slightly quizzical look.

“Need to clean you…” she purred, and I felt my loins twitch again at the thought.

She began to lick at the juices on my inner thighs and then moved to my pubis. The touch of her tongue, combined with the soft sucking sounds, felt magical. I felt a growing twinge and instantly knew that she was bringing me back to the boil.

With a teasing smile, her sweet tongue roamed over my pubis, sometimes returning to my thighs, teasing me by avoiding my labia. Only when she heard me groan out for release, did she take pity. In one movement, she clamped her mouth to my pussy and sank her tongue deep inside. My fourth orgasm was not so intense, but I felt special by the way her mouth eagerly sucked in and swallowed down my offering.

Eventually, she slithered upwards. She looked so sexy with her face covered in my juices. “That was so good, baby,” she moaned into my ear. “You’ll have to stop over more often.”

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