

Subject: Returning Son Returning Son Hey let’s get the formalities out the way. PLEASE SUPPORT THE SITE. KEEP THE STORIES LIKE THESE CUMIN; lol. I’m Jason Boner thank for your support and I’ll keep a story for Yeah. In other words, please support. My name was George Winfield. I had sex at 14 and got the girl next door who was 16 pregnant. As soon as her parents found out they moved away. I knew about the kid. I was heartbroken when they moved. I want to be with her. I don’t know if I loved her. She thought I was older. I thought she was too. I was already 6 foot tall at 14 and a half. We grew them big in our family. When my dad found out we offered to take the kid. It blew over and was soon a memory in my life. My mom died when I was 25. My parents had been in a car accident. So, I took my dad in as he had trouble walking after the wretch. I got another girl pregnant when I was 18. I went nuts. She popped out two kids and died. I was 20 with two sweet little boys. My parents helped watch them as I worked. I had a lot of frustration in loss of woman. I had married her. Jump ahead to when I was 29 with 1 boy 9, the other 10. My dad was now 52 living with us. He had been living with me for 3 yeas when out of the blew I got a phone call. A guy who said he was my son’s mother lawyer. Apparently, My son of 14 was being dropped off as he had no other family. istanbul travesti He arrived that afternoon. Jerry who was ten was looking out the window as they arrived. “I think I see our brother. He looks just like you dad,” said Jerry. “Wow, he sure does,” said Jasper. My 9-year-old son. Then there was a knock at the door. All 4 of us came to greet my oldest son. We found out his name was Spencer. The paper work; I signed said his last name was being change to mine. He looked so much like me. He was quiet and shy. The house had 5 bedrooms. I gave him the spare. I checked in on him at bedtime. I knew My dad and the other boys were asleep. “Spencer, are you doing OK,” I asked. He didn’t say anything. He just started to cry. “Now you’re going to think I’m a baby,” he said. But I wasn’t sure who he was talking to. He was now bawling as I grabbed him. I held him a long time. I had been told he had a head injury and might not be ok for 6 months. He buried his face in my neck. I just held him as he almost wailed. I got three faces at the door. They all wanted to know if he was ok. “How would you be if you lost everything and had to live with strangers,” I asked. They all 3 understood. I just held spencer for a few hours. He slipped into sleep finally. I left him on his bed to rest in dreamland. I grabbed kadıköy travesti the letter from the lawyer. It told how he had been in the hospital for 3 months. He was recovered enough to come to our house finally. Apparently, they thought the stepdad was his biological father. The police did some checking with neighbors and found out I was the father. Just a name and they finally found us. It had been a 5-hour trip in the car to get to us. The medical report told me it was going to be maybe years before he was alright. I heard him cry out. I ran to his room. He was bawling again. I grabbed him and held him. I remember the report had said he didn’t sleep well as he kept waking us with nightmares. I held him and just cuddled him. He was whimpering a little now. My dad helped out and took over as I went to the bathroom. I got a cup of coffee. It was now 7 AM. He had cried all night and was still was so troubled. I finally took back over from my dad. Then he went to a slight whisper of talking. “I miss them. It been forever. Help me. I need to pee,” he said. I grabbed him up and took him to the bathroom. I lowered his shorts and underwear. I turned him around and sat him on the toilet. I directed his penis into the toilet bowl. He was still whimpering as he peed. When he seemed done; I stood him up and returned his clothes back up. I led bakırköy travesti him to the living room and placed him on the couch. He put his arms up and made a gestor to be held. He was desperate for being held. This went on for 5 months. Now it was 8 months since the accident. My dad or I took care of him. My other sons help too. One morning he snapped out of the trauma. He was still confused as thought I was his step-dad. “I need sex Dad.” I looked at him. He had gone to eating by himself but not really talking. “I miss my whole family. My mom and dad and brothers. They were all so young. I was adult compare to them they were only 3, 4, and 5. I wish I was dead he said. A few days later he was better and not talking about dying. He even smiled a bit. “I’m partically a virgin for almost a year since the accident. I haven’t even jerked off,” He said. Apparently, he no longer had a filter. “I sorry dad, (pause). It weird to call you dad as I didn’t know you were my dad. I’m also sorry to be so blunt. I had my whole life being lied to, all the time. No one told me the truth,” he said. “Are you doing ok,” I asked. “Better still confuse. The fire and following explosion happened so sudden,” he said. “The worst part is I had talked my dad into doing anal sex with me. I mean stepdad. I really like that. Now I have no one to have that with.” “Now I wouldn’t say that. We’re both into that as we are bi by the way,” said my Dad. “You’re 14 and old enough as far as we are concerned. I ready if you are boy.” more next time. Jason ail

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