Sex Club Stand In Pt. 03


Author’s Note: All characters in this story are at least 18 years of age, and, even in role play, are “playing” characters at least 18 years of age.


As Mom and I drove back to the hotel, she actually managed to calm me back down a bit. It was the strangest thing; I mean, we were leaving a sex club where at least a dozen unspeakable things had just happened, and Mom was talking to me about it like it was my first day at camp! “So, I saw you made a friend,” was her lead-in to asking me about the woman she’d found resting in my lap, post blowjob. And, as Mom questioned me, I eventually got to the part where the woman had insisted on pretending that we were Aunt and Nephew. But, her whole reaction to that was just a smile, and a, “Ooh, how exciting! I might just have to tease her about that next time and call her ‘Sis’ or something;” and Mom just, gave a laugh. As if, tonight had been totally normal. And, that just might have been the freakiest thought of all. That, for my Mom, tonight had some kind of normalcy to it. I mean… minus the part where we… you know…

Anyway, it was like that all the way to the hotel. The strangest part of it might have been that it worked. I mean, Mom talked it about it all like it was so normal, that it she almost made it normal, just by doing so. She poked me, and she laughed, and teased a bit, but never too much. She did the Mom thing. It was like I said, no different than she might have talked about camp, or my first day at school, or anything else. So, she chatted with me and as she did, the sound of her voice, the most familiar voice in the world, somehow made it all seem normal. At least, as long as I didn’t picture… you know. The stuff she’d been involved in.

But, alas, my sense of normalcy did not last long. It’s not that I was surprised when we got to the hotel and had to check into a king suite as husband and wife. I mean, I was up here pretending to be Dad after all; so of course, the original reservations hadn’t accounted for me. No, that didn’t surprise me. However, the glimpses I kept getting into my parents’ lives were proving to be always, just a little more, than I’d been prepared to expect. So, after Mom’s shower was over, she called from the bathroom, “Hey, uh, sweetie…;” and her apologetic tone immediately told me that something was about to be dropped on me. “Yeah Mom?” I said tentatively, trying to brace myself for the unknown.

“Soooo…” she started from the other side of the door. “The thing is… I didn’t pack a second suitcase when you agreed to do this with me. So, all I have is what I brought when I thought I was coming here with your Dad, and well…”

And with that, Mom stepped out from around the bathroom door and into the bedroom area wearing silk lingerie that somehow managed to be too tight and form fitting, while also being so loose that it seemed to be draping; and falling off of her at every turn. Her large breasts struggled against the thin silk material, while at the same time it seemed impossible for her to keep both of the straps on her shoulders. Every move she made sent a strap slowly slipping off of one shoulder, or the other. At the back, her perfect ass was being caressed by the material as it struggled to keep her covered, but at the front, the loose, frictionless nature of the material had it constantly threatening to ride up too high, if she moved just right, and show the world, “the goods.”

She was biting her lower lip and looking appologetic as she stood before me like the universe’s first, shy sex-goddess; but her mood quickly changed when I, unable to help myself, asked, “Does Dad have something against pajama’s or something!”

At that, Mom laughed so hard she actually snorted a little, and quickly brought her hand up to cover her face when she realized that she had. And her laugh broke the tension enough that I laughed a little too. A little…

After a minute or so, I took my turn in the shower, and came out in shorts and a t-shirt, because I’d known exactly what I was packing for; even if I had been expecting more than one bed, or even more than one room, for the sleeping arrangements. As part of our own wind-down from the evening, and possibly because we were both used to staying up pretty late, Mom and I ended up channel flipping in the hotel, as we sat up in bed together.

That worked, for a little bit. But after an hour or so, I couldn’t contain my curiosity anymore, and I sort of blurted out to Mom that I needed to understand why on Earth she would dress that way after a full night in a sex club.

It wasn’t an attack or anything, it was just really odd to me! Like, her and Dad would have just finished fulfilling their every fantasy, and they were about to go back to do it again the very next night, why on Earth would Dad insist on Mom dressing like, temptation itself!?!

At first, Mom gave me a look that might best be described as, “Excuse me Mister!” and I realized that yelling out questions without context over an hour after they made sense might seem a little… ‘attacky’. But before I could muster a sheepish explanation, Mom seemed to watch the whole thing play out on my face and caught on before I even had İstanbul Escort to explain myself. She held up a hand and nodded for a sec, cutting off my explanation as she said something along the lines of, “Okay, okay. I can see where this is coming from.”

I gulped, grateful for the save. But I was also really hoping that this moment of understanding would be followed by an answer of some kind. And, “thankfully,” I guess, it was.

Mom turned the TV off, then she reached over and turned the light off. Then, turning back to face me, she told me that she was going to do her best to answer my question, but first she needed me to turn my light off, and lay facing away from her. I hesitated for only a second.

Following Mom’s lead over the last day or two had already led to several of the most amazing moments of my life, and if anyone was a master of this strange fetish world that I found myself visiting, it was her. So, I did as she asked, and I laid there in the dark, waiting to hear her answer, and maybe a little thankful that I wouldn’t see my Mom laid out like a porn star beside me every time I glanced her way.

After a few moments though, Mom scooted up to me, and I felt that porn star body of hers mold itself again mine with only the tiniest traces of silky lingerie acting as a barrier between our two naked bodies. After a second though, I did remember how to breathe again; so at least I had that going for me.

Then, in a voice that could have seduced a dead man, Mom asked, “Did you see all those men that followed me into the private room?” And, damnit, she actually waited for an answer. Which left me trying to form words despite the growing heat that seemed to be frying my brain for some reason. Still, I managed a, “yeah.”

But then, mercilessly, she asked, “and do you know what we were doing in that room?” And, I swear to god, I felt her scoot into me just a little more, even though we were already touching. A small grinding motion, that moved traces of her warmth all along me, and brushed the rest with silk. I nodded, and managed to hum a yes, “mmmm hmmm.”

“Well,” Mom continued. “That part, right there; the things that were happening in that room… that’s your Dad’s favorite part. He likes the part of the night where his wife goes into a room with a stranger or two, and then when we do the things that I did tonight.”

And, I should’ve kept my mouth shut, I really should have… but instead of that, I did something that it is never safe to do. I corrected my Mother.

“That was more than two guys tonight Mom…” said the idiot.

And, I swear, somehow, in the dark, facing the wrong way, and with no contact that should have conveyed it, I still managed to FEEL her smile. Like a hunter who is watching its prey go dancing into its trap.

“Yes,” she admitted. “It was.” And then one of her legs slid up on mine, and pulled it back some, opening my legs up a bit, as I felt her thigh running gently up and down my own, and the feeling of it forced me to moan against my will.

“And that wasn’t the only thing that was different tonight, was it?” she asked, her voice dripping with seduction. She hadn’t done anything yet, and she had my every nerve ending feeling as sensitive as it had ever been.

I was about to ask what she meant, but before I could put my foot in my mouth, Mom saved me by volunteering that when she’d first come out of the room, someone had told her about my little adventure with “my Aunt.” And, they had told her that it had happened right outside of the door that my Mom had been on the other side of.

How thoughtful of them…

“So,” Mom said. “Did you hear what me and the, ‘more than 2 guys’ were doing?” And I could only nod, but Mom allowed it. Her hand was now tracing along my waistline and teasing the skin just under my shirt with her fingertips. “And did you hear them pretending to be your little school buddies, come to visit for a sleepover, but slipping off to fuck your Mom instead?” And I was nodding again, but my breathing was getting a lot heavier than it should have from just her hand traveling up my shirt a bit and gently stroking my chest.

“Good,” Mom said. “Now, keep answering honestly okay?” And this time I managed to hum another yes, instead of just nodding. “Mmm hmm,” I replied, just a little too quickly for it to sound normal.

“Did you hear me sucking on them?” she asked, and I nodded a yes. And when I did, she cooed “good…” again, and slid her hand from my chest down to my stomach. “And did you hear me MOANING, while they fucked me.” I could barely breathe, it was just, weirdly hot was all. But I still managed to nod; and when I did Mom slid her hand from my stomach, back down to my waistband. She was teasing one finger along the elastic band, for a few moments. Just running it back and forth.

“Well sweetie,” she said. “All those things you heard? Your Dad likes to watch. He lives for that, for our little weekend getaways. And when we are not at them, we talk about them… just like you and I are doing right now. So…” she teased. “In order to give your Father the most BANG for his BUCK’… we have a little rule.

The rule Anadolu Yakası Escort is that, while we are out here, at an event like this, your Dad doesn’t get to cum, unless we are at the club.

“Which means, when we come back to the hotel, your Dad is trying to build tension for the next day, and for all the times after that weekend when we are going to talk about it again. So…” she said, trailing off and waiting. After a minute of her playing with my waistband, but going no further, I managed to get enough thoughts together to figure out what she was saying. “So,” I said, picking up the thought where she’d left it for me. “You dress all sexy at the hotel and tease him all night with what he can’t have. And then that, somehow makes it hotter for him the next day when he gets to see you… Doing, all that stuff.” Again, I could sense it. I could feel my Mom smiling in the dark. Or maybe I just knew her, and I knew she’d be amused at my choice of words.

“Exactly kiddo,” she said, her voice more normal now. And, as she said it, without that, “I’m going to seduce and fuck you” purr to her voice, I honestly felt really bummed out by the change in tone. But, before I could sulk off to a blue balled sleep, Mom, it turned out, how a few questions for me that weren’t related to answering my own question from before.

“Now,” she said. “Mind if I ask YOU a few questions?” I told her to go for it, and she settled her body a bit, which sent a fresh thrill through me since, apparently Mom had no intention of moving out of the position she’d maneuvered us into. So, she was still laying pressed against my back, with one leg thrown over my leg, and her hand gently tracing around my stomach and the elastic of my shorts!

I was okay with this…

“The way that you explained your Dad’s kink… it didn’t sound like you approved of part of it. Would you not want to be teased in the night so that the next day would be that much better?” And, sticking with the honesty that had proven my best and truest friend thus far, I told her No. “Honestly Mom, if I was in Dad’s shoes, I would want to do it at that club, and then in the car, and then in the shower, and then in the hotel, and then,” and Mom laughed and gave my stomach a little slap.

“Okay, okay, I get it,” she said with genuine amusement in her voice. “I forget sometimes that, at 19, even though you are an adult, you still have that word “teen” at the end of your age. Still… I find it interesting that you diverge so much from your Dad on that front, because, you certainly agreed with his behavior at the club… didn’t you.” And, just like from before, Mom’s hand stopped for a second, and hovered as she waited for my answer. It was exactly like she had done before, when every honest answer had moved her hand lower as I answered her questions. But now her hand was at my waist already… Of course, it could have just been habit, right? Like, she paused like that when she asked questions or something, and it didn’t actually mean anything…

Mom cut into my thought process, asking, “Welllllllll?” And her tone was the tone she used when I was being tested, so I answered honestly. “Yeah Mom. I, um, I… I liked… hearing you, like that…”

And then there was a pause. Silence and stillness hung for just a few seconds. But before I could have a freak out and question if I said something wrong, I felt a hard tug on my shorts. It was a weird sensation, and it took my brain a second to process what I was feeling, but then there was another. And that, was when I realized that what I was feeling was my Mother’s hand untying the knot on the front of my shorts. I froze with knowledge, because, I knew, that she knew, that I wasn’t wearing any underwear underneath them; and my heart was suddenly racing all over again.

Then Mom cut into the silence, saying, “You know…”, and I couldn’t help but notice that she was using her ‘sex’ voice again. “… your Dad has this phrase that he likes me to say. It’s nothing special, but it just, does it for him. We all have that, I guess. Words like slut, or whore. Phrases like you’re so big, or your so small. But, for your Dad, it is this very specific phrase, at this very specific moment.

Then she paused and gave my untied shorts a little tug. “Take these off, would ya kiddo.” I was nodding and pulling them off like I’d never hated a piece of clothing more in my whole life. After I dropped them on the floor, I tried to get back to the same position I’d been in before, and as I tried to find just the right spot, Mom’s leg came back up over me, and once more pulled my top leg back a bit. Her thigh was sliding up and down my own, but now I was INCREDIBLY aware of how close it came to my crotch. Like, I was mentally measuring the distance and questioning on every pass if she’d meant to get that close, or if it was an accident, only to do it all over again.

Her hand fell back to where my waistband was, but now my shorts were gone, and her cool hand slid naked along my waist, sending ripples of pleasure through my whole body. Seemingly by the second.

“Now,” she continued, her body pressed gently against my back as she teased me to insanity Kartal Escort with just one leg and one hand. “The very specific moment is after I’ve had sex with the two, OR MORE…” she teased. “… men. And I mean Right after. Before any cum has been wiped away, or condoms have been picked up. When I am still out of breath and panting from one climax or another. That is your Father’s preferred moment, and his preferred phrase… Well… would you like to hear it?”

And as she asked, Mom stopped her hand, and hovered it.

If I could have found the air, I would have said it even faster. As it was, even though I know it took me several, highly tense seconds, I still felt like I blurted it out too fast. But, apparently, Mom didn’t think so. Because she set her hand down right where it had been before, sitting at my waistline. And then…

Then she turned it, and, ever so slowly, slid it downward. She went towards my pushed back top leg, and passed within millimeters of my dick as she brushed her hand along my inner thigh, and continued her back and forth stroking in her hands new location.

And before I could fully process just what immense pleasure that was bringing me, she half whispered, half moaned into my ear, “they gangbanged your wifey.”

I uh… wow.

I think I might have spent a few minutes in stunned silence. Like, wow. No, it felt like minutes, but, no, it legitimately took me several minutes to process all the ‘wow’ that came with my hearing those words, spoken in that way, by that voice. And my Mom, saint that she was, just let me have them. She continued to touch me, and press against me, as she gave me ample time to process what she’d said, and to think about when she would have said it, and just… yeah.

Did I mention that the super-hot sex goddess telling me all this was my Mom?! Because I feel like that part is relevant!

Anyways, after a few moments of stunned bliss that might have felt hotter and better than anytime I’d actually jerked off in the whole of my life, I slowly came back to my senses. And as I did, Mom must have sensed it. Because even though I had no idea where we were going… I also wasn’t the one “driving.”

So, a moment later, Mom continued. She said, “Now, I know that you and your Dad differ on when the teasing should stop, and the sex should start. And I know that you and your Dad differ on what should happen in the hotel room at the midway point, so I have two more questions for you, and I expect honest answers. Can you do that for me?”

I nodded, something in her voice clearing my head enough that I could speak again. I gave her a “Yes Mom,” and, for a second, I could swear she shuddered like she liked that…


I answered her, and, when I did, she stopped touching me, and lifted her hand above my thigh. But this time, there was less guesswork. Because before she even asked her question, Mom very slowly, and very pointedly moved her hand, so that it was hovering just over my erection. Then she asked, “Would you like your Mom to get you off before you go to sleep tonight?”

And, by god, it took me a moment. I mean, yeah, her hand had been teasing and creeping its way towards… that! In retrospect, it was obvious. But right in that moment? That was one HELL of a question!

I needed a few seconds. But not as long as before. And, after I was sure it wasn’t some kind of insidious trap. I nodded again, and managed a, “Yes Mom”.

And when I did, there was a long inhale behind me, followed by the world’s most familiar voice, in the worlds sexiest tone saying, “There’s my good boy,” And as she said it, her hand came down, and her fingers wrapped themselves delicately around my cock. Then, after a moment, she gave it an approving squeeze that made me moan.

I swear to god, she could have just held it there for another hour, just breathing, and I still could have cum. But she’d said two questions, and she’d meant it. So as we laid there, with her leg over my top leg, and her hand reaching around to grip my cock, Mom hit me with her second question.

“Now…” she started. And she gave a little moan as she squeezed my cock again, but didn’t otherwise move it.

“… I think that you and your Dad liked the same part at the club. So, I want you to answer me honestly. Do you think you would like to have been in your Dad’s usual spot tonight, but with our little roleplay going?”

And… I knew what at least part of that meant…

But I needn’t have worried, because Mom had every intention of explaining. “Would you have liked to have been standing in the room tonight, while those men pretended to be your friends, and fucked me, right in front of you? One after another, after another. Would you have wanted me to look over at you, as they shoved their cocks into my mouth? To look into my eyes as you watched me moan for it, as they used me? One after another, after another. And then, after they’d all finished fucking me, after they covered my body in cum; and left me panting and moaning. Would you have LOVED it… and don’t you dare lie to me now? Would you have LOVED it, if I had looked up at you with cum running down the tits that I keep catching you staring at. MY big tits. With me looking like a well-used whore; and I’d said…” And then she sort of, ‘bucked’ up against the back of me, and bringing her lips up to my ear, she half panted, and half moaned as she said; “Oh sweetie… They Gangbanged your Mommy.”

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