The Boyfriend Pt. 31


XXXI: Which First?


Lexi grinned at Marie’s question as she finished washing off her cock. She’d been waiting for Marie to ask, and had almost let Marie cum. She’d been toying with letting her after hearing those delectable moans and gasps, but had decided against it.

Though a part of her wanted to be nice, since they couldn’t physically be with each other, the rest of Lexi wanted to see just how far she could push Marie. She’d never had the chance to do this with anyone before, and a part of her wanted to see if she could get Marie so routinely worked up, that Marie turned into putty before her once they were physically together again.

If I could make it so she would have to physically restrain herself from trying to fuck me…

Lexi grinned at the possibility. Then blushed when a tiny voice in the back of her head suggested:

Maybe you should ask Helen for some ideas.

Lexi would have to get very drunk to do that…but it probably wasn’t the worst idea, either.

I just have to make sure she’s drunk enough that she won’t remember enough to give me shit about it.

“Alright, Marie,” Lexi said, drying off her hands and hips before walking back to her desk. She made sure to switch to Marie’s name so Marie could calm down a bit. The way Marie acted to being called “slut” was intoxicating, but Lexi knew she had to be careful with it.

“I guess I can open your presents that you weren’t supposed to get me, and then feel like a jerk for not getting you anything.”


“I’m just teasing you, Marie,” Lexi assured her girlfriend, “Though if you got me something really nice, I probably will feel bad, so let’s hope your presents are only okay. Which one should I open first?”

“The small one,” Marie said, “It’s a bit of a joke-impulse present, but I still want you to open it.”

Lexi arched an eyebrow as she looked at the gebze escort smaller box, about the size of her fist, and had to shove away some momentary dysphoria at the comparison.

Lots of tall girls have big hands. All the Lana jokes are because her voice actress has big hands. And that’s just because she’s tall.

When she opened the tiny box, Lexi couldn’t help but smile at the little bag inside, and the metal wound about inside it.

“Wait, this was the joke-present?” she laughed, pulling the body chain out of the little bag.

“So, it’s a good joke?”

Grinning, Lexi rose from her chair and set the present down on her desk, taking off her current chain that fell between her breasts and separated just above her navel, with the more elaborate part over her back.

“You still shouldn’t have gotten me anything,” Lexi said, putting on the new one, “But…”

She bit her lip as she stepped over to the mirror and took herself in, punching through the bit of dysphoria at her shoulders–she worked hard for them, but for never liked them as much without a shirt on–to take in the chain. This one was more like a necklace at the top, the strands coming together just below her clavicle, then running between her breasts and separating where they began to swell before traveling around her side and to the back.

“I love it,” Lexi said, grinning.

Marie was silent for a moment, and Lexi frowned.

“Marie? I just told you I love your gift. What’s up?”

“I was wondering if it would be too much to ask to see you in it.”

Lexi looked at herself in the mirror for a moment, considering. She’d essentially already done what Marie was asking with those videos, though she hadn’t sent them yet…

You’ve got to give her something.

“It’s not.”

Walking back to her desk to pick up her phone, cock about half-hard again gediz escort at the idea of sending Marie a picture of her like this, Lexi almost took the picture, then stopped, thinking of something.

She went over to her dresser and grabbed a low-cut crop top, then went over to her closet and grabbed a vest.

“Wait just a moment, Marie.”

“Yes, Lexi.”

Lexi smiled at that as she put on the crop top, and took a picture of herself in the mirror, then did the same with the vest. Both, from the waist up. Then, she took the vest off and took a full-body picture for Marie.

She hesitated for a moment, then sent the pictures to Marie.

“There,” she said as the pictures loaded and popped up on her side of the text chat, “Does it look as good as you imagined?”

Marie was silent for a moment, and again Lexi had to bat away thoughts that Marie didn’t like it because she looked too manly.

She’s seen you naked before. Just because you feel this way doesn’t mean–

“Holy shit. I want to fuck you so bad, Lexi. Being this far away sucks.”

Lexi beamed. She couldn’t help it. She knew she should expect that from Marie, given how much she’d just teased her, but…

No. There’s none of that to her voice. She just genuinely wants that. She misses me.

Lexi swallowed, trying to contain her excitement, “Thank you. I really like it, Marie. Even though you weren’t supposed to get it for me.”

“If you need to punish me again, I think it’s worth it,” Marie said, “As long as you’re wearing that while you do it.”

Lexi couldn’t help laughing at that, “You’re such a fucking brat.”

Marie let out a dramatic sigh, “If only you were here to put me in my place for it. Now open your second present.”

Lexi rolled her eyes at that, thinking for a moment about reprimanding Marie, but she was too excited.

If her gölbaşı escort joke-present made me feel this good…

The second box was bigger, and had a lot more packing inside when Lexi opened it.

“Technically,” Marie said as Lexi tore at the packaging, “This one was more of an impulse-buy than a Christmas present.”

When Lexi finally reached the present, her eyes went wide. A moment later, as she cleared away the rest of the packaging, her jaw dropped.

“I saw it and just thought of you,” Marie said, “I decided I was getting it for you. You like it, right? Or do you already have it?”

Lexi couldn’t find any words as she turned over the slipcase, then drew the book out of it.

It wasn’t one of the Barnes and Noble special editions, or some artsy copy or anything like that, but…

“I don’t have it yet,” Lexi finally forced out, setting it down on her desk and flipping through the pages of Stephen King’s The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, “It was on my reading list, but…”

“So, I remembered right?”

Lexi’s throat felt tight. She was smiling so much the corners of her mouth hurt.

“You did. I can’t believe you remembered. I never even–“

“You said how you had spent so much time working on school that you didn’t have time to read for fun lately,” Marie said, “After we went to those old horror movies, remember?”

Lexi smiled, closing the book and running her fingers over the cover, “Yeah, I remember.”

“I figured that if you had a nice version of one of the books you wanted to read, you’d feel more compelled to read it.”

“I can’t wait,” Lexi said, still beaming, eyes starting to get hot.

She remembered. And she actually cares. This isn’t just about sex for her. She actually…

Lexi bit her lip, swallowing.

“Thank you, Marie. This is really amazing.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

Still gazing at the book, Lexi took a deep breath.

How am I going to show her that I care about her like this, too?

A/N: What do you think of the presents? What do you think Lexi is going to do for Marie? Remember, if you dudes want to check out other stories, or just support me, check out my profile on here!

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