The Good Wife: Alicia’s Hunger

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Big Dicks

Alicia Florrick had an itch—a nagging burning itch deep inside her mature unsatisfied cunt. She knew exactly how to take care of that itch—with a hard thick cock.

Alicia needed cock. She needed it bad. It had been about a year since the headlines had come out—her husband Peter, the State’s Attorney, had been caught cheating on her. Not just cheating on her with anyone, with prostitutes. He’d also been charged with using his position of influence for corrupt means. He’d done jail time for that, but he’d been released when the evidence fell short and was now living in his own apartment—Alicia wasn’t ready to forgive and forget just yet.

She’d had to go back to work after many years of being a mother and the loyal wife of a rising politician. And what good had being loyal done her? It had only served to get her face in the headlines as the wife whose powerful husband loved to suck the toes of hookers.

So she’d gone back to practicing law, and her old college flame Will Gardner had graciously given her a job. She’d done well, and was looking forward to a raise as she approached the end of her first year. Her first year, she thought. It has also been that long since she’d kicked Peter out of her bed once the scandal hit the papers. She’d been without cock for that long, and she could feel the itchiness deep inside her, an itchiness that her vibrator could never scratch.

She took a big sip from her glass. The warm vapors filled her senses, the full-bodied red wine helping to relieve the stress of the day. She took another drink and pulled her robe about her mature body. She’d come home, late as usual, and had been greeted by her bitchy mother-in-law, Jackie. The old skank always made her feel inadequate, but Alicia needed her help right now as she struggled to make ends meet on her own. Alicia had thanked Jackie for preparing dinner for her two teenagers, Zach and Grace, and then was happy to see the front door close behind the old bag.

Alicia still felt guilty about what had happened the week before—the family was going to celebrate Zach’s 18th birthday together, but she’d been stuck in the office, arriving home just in time to say goodnight. She had hoped to make the day special for Zach, and vowed to make it up to him at some point.

So again today, she was left to eat alone, the kids going to their rooms to do their homework. As she ate, her first glass of red wine diminished quickly as it helped ease the pressures of another hectic day. She’d come to realize that every day at Lockhart/Gardner was like that. There was barely a chance to catch your breath and associates on the partner track were expected to bill as many hours as possible. She knew she was in competition with Cary Agos—the sharp young guy who’d come out of Harvard—but Alicia felt she’d been up to the challenge.

She thought back to the conversation she’d overheard earlier in the day. Cary and two other young male associates had been in the lunchroom talking. Alicia had stopped by the storage room next to it to retrieve some files. A door separated the two rooms and she noticed it was ajar, the muffled voices of the three young men drifting into the file room. She didn’t take any notice of it until she clearly recognized her name being spoken. She crept closer to the door and listened, her curiosity piqued.

“She’s a definite MILF, alright,” she heard one guy say.

“Have you seen those legs? And those high heels she wears? For a woman in her 40s, she’s absolutely gorgeous.” This came from the second guy. Alicia was listening intently now, having recognized the term ‘MILF’.

“Her legs are great.” She recognized Cary’s voice this time. “But so is everything else. And she’s just so sexy. That face, those exotic eyes, and what about those CSLs?”

This comment brought a series of agreements and comments of approval from the other two. “CSLs,” Alicia thought to herself, “What the heck was that?” All of a sudden, she heard the sound of the main lunchroom door being opened.

“Cary, can I see you in my office regarding the Chumhum deposition.” It was Will Gardner’s voice reaching her ears now.

“Sure, Will. I’ll be right there,” Cary replied, ending the conversation the three associates had been having about her.

She heard the chairs scraping against the floor as the young men left the room. She waited a couple of minutes and then made her way back to her desk. As she walked, she could feel the dampness in her panties, her mature body becoming aroused as she’d listened to the young men talking about her in such flattering terms. She had definitely heard the term MILF before and was thrilled to hear that they thought of her as one, but she had no idea what they meant by CSLs.

Back at her desk, she quickly pulled up a search engine and typed in the three letters. All she got were listings for various soccer leagues and similar entries. None of that made any sense. She then remembered a website Kalinda had told her about, one that dealt with common everyday bedava bahis slang terms that people used—Urban Dictionary. She called up the site and once again typed, C—S—L, and then she punched enter. And up came her answer:

“CSL—cock sucking lips”

Alicia shuddered as she read, her pussy-lips twitching as she pictured those young men looking at her and what they were thinking. She tried to keep a professional look on her face, but inside, she was glowing, happy to think vibrant young men like that found her attractive, and apparently for more than just her sexy legs. They’d all agreed on Cary’s opinion of her cock sucking lips. She pulled a compact and a tube of lipstick out of her purse and applied a nice fresh coat, pursing her lips in the mirror as she dismally thought about how long it had been since she’d had those pouty red lips wrapped around a thick hard cock.

And now she was home, alone once more. With her mother-in-law gone, she took a long leisurely shower, attempting to wash away the cares of the day. She pulled on an emerald green satin chemise, the slip-like garment ending high on her shapely thighs. The sexy little garment was trimmed at the neckline and hem with a thin strip of delicate white lace. She pulled on a matching pair of panties before donning her big terrycloth bathrobe. She liked to sleep in lingerie like that, but she didn’t want her kids to see her.

She heated up the meal Jackie had prepared for her, the kids and their grandmother having eaten much earlier. As she re-filled her wine glass after eating, she thought of her kids, Zach and Grace. She worried about them constantly. The scandal had been difficult enough for her, but she always wondered how the two of them made it through each passing day. They’d had to give up their house for an apartment, change schools—and that was nothing compared to the finger-pointing and talking behind their back that she was sure they endured. They were good kids, she thought as she picked up her glass and made her way to Grace’s room.

Her daughter’s bedroom door was open a crack, the room in darkness. Alicia quietly opened the door a few more inches and peered in. She saw Grace asleep on her bed, her childhood teddy bears still keeping her company. Alicia watched her daughter for a few seconds, her pretty face innocently serene as she slept. Alicia closed the door, and headed down the hall to check in on Zach. As expected, she found his door closed, but she noticed light seeping out from beneath the gap at the bottom.

“Zach?” she called out quietly as she tapped at his door.

“Uh…just a second, Mom,” he called back, his voice sounding a little panicky.

Alicia waited, taking another sip of her wine.

“Okay, come on in.”

Alicia entered her son’s room and was surprised to see him sitting up in bed with his t-shirt on, the covers pulled up to his waist. She’d expected him to be in his customary spot, sitting in front of his computer.

“Zach, are you feeling okay?” she asked as she walked across the room towards him.

“Yes,” he replied. “I just decided to go to bed a little earlier than usual and do some reading.” Alicia couldn’t help noticing her son’s eyes had looked down at her legs as she walked across the room, his young eyes taking in one of her best features.

“Are you sure you’re okay, honey,” she asked as she sat on the edge of his bed. “You look a little flushed.” She put her hand on his forehead before he had a chance to realize what she was doing.

“I’m fine, Mom,” her replied, pulling back from her hand.

“Are you sure? You feel like you might have a bit of a fever?”

“Really Mom, I’m okay.”

“Alright…alright,” she said as sat back on his bed and looked at her curly-haired son, her heart going out to him. She took another sip of her wine before turning to set her glass on the desk near the foot of his bed. When she turned back, she saw Zach’s eyes staring at her thighs, her robe having come open as she’d turned and stretched to set down her glass. She felt a wicked thrill go through her as her son looked between her legs. She wasn’t sure why, but she found it tremendously arousing to see him looking at her like that. Maybe it had something to do with hearing what those young men had said about her earlier in the day. Whatever it was, she felt a little pulse deep in her cunt and knew her oily juices were starting to flow. Inspired by the illicit lewdness of what she was feeling, she purposely left her robe where it was, parted slightly to reveal her sexy chemise beneath. She let her legs part slightly, giving her son a good view of her smooth creamy inner thighs. She carried on talking, as if she’d never noticed that her robe had come partially undone. “Zach, I need to know how you feel about what’s happened. Are you mad at your dad and me?”

“Wha…uh,” he stammered as he reluctantly lifted his eyes from the inviting view of her warm mature thighs. “Uh…no, I’m not mad at either of you. I…I just casino siteleri don’t understand Dad.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t understand how he could have gone with those…those women?”

Alicia wondered where he was going with this and decided to see what he was thinking. She thought that deep down, a teenager like Zach would have been somewhat envious of his father for getting to bed attractive young hookers. “What do you mean? You’ve seen pictures of those women your father was with. Don’t you think they’re good looking?”

“They’re not nearly as gorgeous as you, Mom!” he burst out, then shrunk back, like a boy that had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

“Oh Zach, that’s so nice of you to say.” She shifted her rear end slightly on his bed, drawing one leg up slightly so her son had a clear view right up to her panty-covered cockpit. “I’m sure you’re just saying that because I’m your mother.” She rolled her head as if she had a stiff neck, but as she did, she subtly let the top of her robe open up more, her pert breasts coming into view. She knew they weren’t big, but at a full 34B, they were still nicely shaped, and topped by large bullet-like nipples. When she stopped rolling her neck, she looked once more at her son, whose eyes were now feasting on her shapely tits, the stiff nipples poking noticeably through the thin satin fabric. Realizing she was now looking at him, Zach drew on his dwindling willpower and lifted his eyes to hers.

“No, it’s not just because you’re my mother. You are so much more beautiful than any of those women—I just don’t understand how Dad would ever want to be away from you.”

“Well, some men get to a certain age where a mature woman doesn’t excite them like it used to. They need the attention of someone younger.”

“I think Dad’s crazy,” Zach said, his eyes looking over his mother’s enticing mature body. “I’d never do that if I was in his position.”

“So, do you find older woman attractive, Zach?”

“Well, I…I guess,” he replied, his face turning red as his eyes dropped to his lap.

“There’s no need to be embarrassed. A lot of young men have a thing for older women. I think it’s kind of sweet actually,” she paused as she put her hand under Zach’s chin and lifted his face until he was looking right at her. She gave him a sultry look, her eyes hooded seductively as she tilted her head slightly to one side. “I think it’s kind of sexy too.”

“You do,” he said excitedly, sitting slightly forward. His movement caused the covers to move slightly on each side of him. Alicia eyes immediately spotted the corner of what looked like a magazine that had been stuck under the covers beside him.

“So what are you reading?” she asked, reaching forward and pulling out the magazine.

“MOM! NO!” Zach shouted as he grabbed for the magazine.

“Now Zach, I’m your mother,” Alicia replied, pushing his arms away. “You know after what happened we agreed there should be no secrets between anyone in this family, right?”

“Yes, I know,” he agreed, dropping his head in shame.

“So let’s see what you were trying to hide there.” She turned the magazine over until she was looking at the glossy cover. A beautiful busty blonde woman in a black merry widow and thigh high nylons stared back at her. Alicia couldn’t help but notice that the woman was about the same age as she was. Her eyes then went up to the top of the page as she read the title—MILF WORLD. She looked again at the cover, the mature model’s pretty face turned towards the camera in an inviting ‘come-hither’ look. Her pussy twitched as she thought about her teenage son looking at a magazine like this.

“So I guess you do like older woman after all,” Alicia said as she started to flip through the pages, her eyes looking at pictures of one gorgeous mature woman after another.

“Mom, please,” Zach said as he furtively reached for the magazine.

“Zach, you know that after all the things that have happened in the last year, we decided that we were always going to be honest with each other.” She paused and looked at her son lovingly. “I want you to know I’m not angry with you. I understand a little something about teenage boys.” Her lips turned up in a sexy little smile as she watched him relax somewhat. He’d be shocked if he knew how many loads of teenage cum she’d jacked off and sucked out in her lifetime.

“Thanks for saying that, Mom, but could I have my magazine back now?” He was almost pleading with her now.

“What’s the corner of this page turned down for?” Alicia asked as she flipped to a page that looked like it had been marked for reference.

“NO MOM!” Zach cried out as her tried to pull the magazine from his mother’s grasp. She turned away from him as she opened the page in question.

“Oh my,” she whispered under her breath as she saw a couple pictures of herself looking back at her. The page was titled “POLITICAL MILFS” and the two pictures of her took up the whole bahis siteleri page. In one she was wearing a strapless red evening gown, her thimble-sized nipples thrusting prominently through the dress. It was a full-length shot and had been taken from the side as she’d been walking. The teasing split at the side of the dress showed the full length of one lean toned leg from her upper thigh down to a pair of red strappy high heels. She remembered when she’d worn this outfit—it had been the last function she’d attended with Peter before the scandal hit the papers. She remembered how chilly it had been in the convention center that night, and the photographer who’d taken the picture had obviously noted how stiff her nipples had become.

The second picture was a shot from the waist up. She was wearing a tight white t-shirt with the words “Chicago Tourism” emblazoned on the front. She remembered when she’d worn that as well. It had been taken at a charity softball game shortly before the other picture had been taken. It had started out as a gorgeous sunny Saturday, only to see some unexpected dark clouds blow in over Lake Michigan. They’d been caught in a quick downpour, the participants laughing as they raced across the field to take refuge beneath one of the park’s covered pavilions as the unexpected rain came down in a hurry. She wondered if it was the same photographer who’d taken this shot too, as once again, with her white t-shirt having gotten soaking wet in the quick deluge, you could clearly see the outline of a lacy white bra beneath, and her long hard nipples projecting stiffly beneath that.

“Zach, why is this page marked like this?” she asked, pointing to the turned over corner. He looked at her blankly, his eyes wide with guilt. She felt her pussy-juice start to flow as she looked at her young son, knowing exactly why he’d marked that page. “We just talked about honesty and no secrets again, right?”

“Y…yes,” he mumbled.

“Now I want you to answer me honestly, Zach—why is this page marked like this?” Alicia held the page with the pictures of herself up towards him, so there could be absolutely no mistake about which page she was referring to.

“I…I like to look at it,” he confessed, dropping his eyes to his lap. She could see how embarrassed he was, and her heart went out to him.

“Zach, it’s alright,” she said in a calm soothing voice as she reached down and touched his knee through his covers.

“Are you sure, Mom? You’re not mad at me?”

“No, I’m not mad at you at all. A woman my age loves to know that young men still find her attractive.”

“Mom, I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen!” he blurted out.

“Oh Zach, you’re so sweet,” Alicia said, happy to see the relieved look on her son’s face. “It’s kind of warm in here. Is it okay if I take my robe off? It won’t embarrass you to see your old mom in her sleeping clothes, will it?”

“No, go ahead,” he replied hurriedly.

She set the magazine down, leaving it open to the page with her pictures. Standing beside his bed, she slowly undid the sash of the robe as his eyes peered at her intently. She pulled the front open and sensually rolled her shoulders as she peeled off the robe before letting it fall seductively to the floor. She smiled as Zach swallowed anxiously, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as his hungry young eyes looked her up and down. She stretched, extending her arms up which caused the sexy slip-like chemise to rise high on her toned thighs, the lacy hem stopping just below her panty-covered pussy.

“That feels better.” She sat back down on the bed and picked up the magazine again, nonchalantly bringing one leg up with her foot kind of beneath her while her knee pointed to the wall on the other side of him. Pretending to be interested in the magazine, she extended her other leg out towards the floor, giving her son a clear view up between her legs. She noticed Zach gulp again, his eyes drawn magnetically to the inviting V of her spread thighs.

“You look like you’re getting hot too,” Alicia said as she looked at her son’s flushed face, his skin now glistening with a fine sheen of perspiration. ‘I bet his heart’s beating like a jack-rabbit’, she thought to herself as his eyes never left the creamy whiteness of her inner thighs. “Why don’t you take your t-shirt off?” He did as she suggested, and Alicia smiled to herself as he tossed the t-shirt aside, his young body coming into view. He still had some filling out to do, but she knew that would come as he grew older.

“So Zach, when you’re looking at these pictures of me, what do you do?”

“Well, I uh…I guess I look at them and think about how pretty you are.”

“So you don’t do anything else?” Alicia punctuated her words by extending her leg further out on the floor, increasing the gap between her smooth ivory thighs. She could feel her pussy getting wetter as she toyed with her son. She could already smell her flowing juices, and wondered if he could too. “Remember Zach, no secrets.”

He dropped his eyes back to his lap, afraid to look her in the eye as he confessed. “Well I…I…”

“Do you play with yourself?” Alicia interrupted, her words helping to alleviate the squirming guilt her son was feeling.

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