The Serum Pt. 04

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“Take a seat Susan.”

She perched herself on the side of the bed, a combination of concern and confusion on her face. I had guessed the day would come when I wouldn’t be able to keep my secret anymore, but I never would have predicted it would come so soon nor the manner in which it was happening. In a way I was glad it was Susan who would be the first to know. Tiptoeing around her and trying to ignore and supress my feelings was so draining, and it had lead to the overload in emotion that created the mess I was currently in. But that didn’t mean I wasn’t desperately trying to figure out how exactly to explain what had happened to me.

I sat myself next to her and took a deep breath.

“Susan, have you ever wished there was anything you could change about your body?”

It had been a mistake to lead with that question knowing the insecurities that had been drilled into her, and she was visibly uncomfortable at my question. Dammit Sian, try harder!

“Well a nip here, a tuck there maybe,” came her muted response. I wanted to hold her, to tell her she was perfect, but I needed to save this line of inquiry first.

“Well, what if, theoretically, you could? That you had the ability to change anything you wanted?”

“I’m confused Sian.”

“Where I work, we have been developing a serum that was designed to allow people to naturally regrow organs, damaged tissue or even limbs.” This was still classified information that I could be fired and even taken to court for by sharing it with anyone else, but my relationship with Susan was at stake and I didn’t care. “A few weeks ago I was working late, as I often do, and I ended up dropping some vials of the current batch of The Serum. They smashed, became airborne and I breathed them in.”

“So that’s why you disappeared for a week? You were being kept in isolation?”

I was pleasantly surprised by such an astute observation. I was underestimating Susan even now it seemed.

“Yes, I was a potential biohazard risk and the company kept me in quarantine for just under a week. All of their tests revealed nothing out of the ordinary, so I was sent home. Once I was home I started to stress out about what had happened. I had been told to meet the Director on the following Monday and, well.” I paused for a second. “You weren’t wrong when you said that I had never had this figure before. I was flat as a pancake in my chest, hips, butt, everything really. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I wished that my boobs were just a little bigger, something ridiculous about how if I wasn’t so flat I could get whatever I wanted was going through my mind. And then, there they were, bigger boobs.”

Susan looked even more confused than before. “So what you’re saying is, you wished for bigger boobs and now you have them?”

“Yes, well no, well sort of, I mean it doesn’t work like that.” I had always assumed it would be so easy to explain all of this, that I would have all of the answers, but then again I also assumed that everything my body was doing was an automatic physiological response, and I had been wrong about that too. “Let me explain. My body reacts to my wants and my desires. For example if I wanted to say, grow a cup size, I would only need to think about wanting it and my body would do it.”

“I’m sorry Sian, this is a lot to take in and I’m not certain I completely follow. So you can just think about wanting a body part to change and it will?”

“Maybe it would be best if I show you.” I was still nude apart from the towel Susan had wrapped around me and I unfurled the front to reveal my breasts. Susan instinctively looked away. “Please, Susan, I want you to see,” I desperately asked. Whether it was her curiosity or her obedient nature, Susan turned to look at my breasts. I would have been incredibly turned on, but now wasn’t the time. I needed to make a controlled and minor change that would likely need further explanation, so I didn’t have time to deal with a massive expansion right now.

I grew my breasts from the large B I had chosen as my standard figure now, to DD’s resembling Susan’s, just like I had done that first night I discovered my abilities. I watched as Susan’s eyes widened in shock as they slowly filled out, feeling them getting heavier as they did. I finally stopped once I reached my target size. “Ta daaa!” I said, a mix of awkwardness and nerves easily noticeable through my ill-fated attempt at humour.

Susan was silent, her jaw agape. There was a seemingly never-ending pause.

“Please say something,” I pleaded with her.

Finally Susan seemed to regain her composure, as if she had been entranced by my growing tits and my words had snapped her out of it. “So you have complete control over your body then?” she asked.

“Almost,” I replied, relieved that the conversation was moving forward. “There are some reactions that I can’t help.”

“What are those?”

“Well, if I become incredibly turned on for instance, my body kind of takes over and makes my boobs and my butt grow. That was what happened last night.”

“Why were you turned on?”

I had talked myself into a corner. Now not only did I have to tell Susan about my abilities but that I was attracted to her too! What was I going to do?

“Susan, you and I have been friends for a long time now. I’ve never been kütahya seks hikayeleri good with any kind of relationships, particularly not with friends and such. Since I’ve gained these abilities, it’s taught me so much about myself, how I see myself, what I truly feel.” I took a deep breath. Before I could continue, Susan cut me off.

“Are you saying it was me, Sian? You grew spontaneously because you were turned on by me?”

“Pretty much, yeah.”

There was another awkward pause.

“I’m sorry Susan, I know this is a lot to digest, it’s just you were laid naked next to me and I’d been thinking about you and your amazing body all evening, and then you rolled over and I saw your incredible boobs and you brushed your arm against me and I just lost control!”

“You were so turned on by me that just my touch did that?”

“Well it was on my boobs specifically but yes!”

“So like this?”

Without warning, Susan’s hands were on my boobs.

“Exactly like, oh god,” I gasped as I felt the tingling sensation in my chest, except it wasn’t a tingle anymore, it was more like a full-blown electric shock!

My tits started to rapidly engorge, like my body had turned itself up to 100 at Susan’s touch. In seconds my boobs had almost completely enveloped her hands and were starting to physically push her back. I had never grown this quickly before, the sheer mass in front of me getting heavier and heavier, feeling fuller and fuller. In fact, feeling as heavy and as full as last night when I…

Before I could finish my thought, milk shot out of my erect nipples and I let out an orgasmic moan. I sat panting, my eyes rolled back into my head as wave after wave of intense pleasure flowed from tits and through the rest of my body, as I could feel more and more jets of milk streaming out of my swollen, mountainous boobs. Finally the feeling started to subside and my vision cleared.

Susan was almost gasping for air, and I could see why. She was drenched head to toe in my milk, as was most of the side of the bed she was sat on, it running down her forehead and over her lips. The blouse she was wearing had become semi-transparent and had I not both been spent from the exertion of such a fast expansion and slightly concerned for her, it would have been enough to set me off again.

To my surprise, it was Susan who broke the silence.

“So that’s where all the milk came from then.”

* * * * *

Susan was in the shower, getting the last of my milk out of her hair. I was terrified. It had been one thing to show Susan what I could do, but another thing entirely to just lose control like that and give in to my desire for her. What must she think of me? That I’m some lust-driven nymphomaniac? That I’m a freak? For the first time since I had discovered my abilities, I felt my confidence plummet. I truly loved Susan, but why was I even assuming she felt the same? She had always been naturally friendly with me, it was her nature, not an act put on to try and please others. Perhaps the biggest tragedy for me was that it was my abilities that had led me to realise my feelings for her, and now it was my abilities that would push her away. For what felt like the first time, I started to cry. I hated myself, I hated what I was now. I transformed myself back to the girl I had been, flat, unremarkable and alone, sat naked and ashamed on my bed.


I looked up through puffy red eyes as my vision slowly focused. Susan was stood before me in a towel. I quickly tried to wipe my tears away. “Sorry,” I said. “I’m so, so sorry Susan, I…”

“It’s ok Sian, it’s ok,” she said, taking a seat next to me. She was looking me over like she was trying to decide what to say. I squirmed a little in embarrassment. “Where have all your curves gone?” she suddenly asked.

“They weren’t me, so I got rid of them.”

“Are you sure they weren’t you hun?”

I looked up at her through blurry eyes. She’d called me ‘hun’. “What do you mean?”

“In the past two weeks I have seen you bloom into a happy, confident, and beautiful woman, and you didn’t do it with massive, over the top changes. You made small changes that made you more comfortable in your own skin. Doesn’t that mean that that’s the real you?”

I tried to process what she was saying. I knew that she was right, there was enough logic there for my brain to accept, but also enough care and consideration that my heart was filling up. I didn’t know what this was, whether she was merely extending an olive branch or something more, but either way I was incredibly grateful. “I suppose you’re right,” I said, but with not much more than a whisper.

“I’d like to see the real you now, please?”

I looked back her way and have a small nod. I focused on returning to my previous figure, and within seconds I had gently filled out into what I suppose I would call my ‘real’ shape now.

“Much better, hello again Sian,” she said with a smile.

I couldn’t help but smile back.

As she went to stand, I stopped her.

“Susan, you’ve been such a dear friend to me. I understand if all of this makes you uncomfortable. If you still want to stay here, absolutely you can, as long as it doesn’t make you uncomfortable. I’ll sleep on the sofa until I can order another bed…”

“That’s not necessary Sian…” Susan began.

“No I have to Susan, I care too deeply for you to be able to control my emotions and my body when I’m around you, I mean you saw what happened when you touched me just then, you make my senses light up like a thousand stars all shining in the same place at the same time, and I can’t control the euphoria it causes me!”

“Then don’t,” she replied. She took my hand, but I quickly snatched it away.

“Susan I can’t!”

“But you want to,” she said, retaking my hand. Her fingers were warm and soft, and felt like they belonged entwined with my hand. “If your growth is linked to your wants and desires, you will never be able to control yourself unless you embrace them.”

“I can’t embrace my feelings about you unless you feel the same way Susan, it wouldn’t be fair on either of us.”

“You’re assuming I don’t, hun.”

“Yes but… excuse me what?”

“You’re a scientist Sian, think critically.”

I thought back over the last 2 weeks. What was it she wanted me to notice? What hadn’t I seen? She’d come to ask me about bikinis despite me having next to no bust to speak of, or at least so far as she knew at the time. She specifically turned the conversation to talking about her breasts and not knowing what would suit them, leading to me asking to see them. She had acquiesced to this request surprisingly quickly. When she had returned from her holiday, she hadn’t wanted to talk about the bikini, perhaps she thought I would be upset? She had pressed herself hard into me as she wept over Carl, almost like an embrace. She had let herself be talked into living with me. She had said yes incredibly quickly when I invited her to touch my boobs. She had joked that ‘people might think we were lovers,’ before agreeing to sleep naked next to me. Most important of all though, and the detail that had escaped me despite being the most obvious one of all: she was still here.

“So, you?” I started to ask, at a loss for words.

“Things have been bad between me and Carl for a while Sian, but I’m guessing that’s no surprise to you. You were the only other significant relationship in my life and once you had come back from the isolation unit, you just seemed, I don’t know, different. I know you were actually different, ironically, but from what I could see, my friend who I had valued and come to care for for so long was quickly becoming a strong, confident and beautiful woman, who knew herself and lived for it. I guess I’ve been testing the waters a little, enjoying living in the fantasy that one day there might not be a Carl to worry about. I never thought it would actually come true.”

I was dumbfounded. All this time I thought I had been pulling strings, manufacturing situations to be closer to Susan, but she’d been a step ahead of me all the way, leaving signs anyone else might have seen from a mile away.

“Admittedly,” she continued, “I didn’t think that things would end with Carl the way they would, it was still quite a shock.”

“I have a confession Susan.”


“I’m the reason Carl left.”

I told her the whole story, how I had convinced her to take a bath to get her out of the way, how I had marched over to her house to confront Carl, and what happened to me when I did.

“Did you hurt him at all?” she asked.

“Mostly his pride, and maybe his grip on reality a little.”

“Ok,” she said. “While we’re on the subject of confessions though Sian, I knew that something had happened between you and Carl. Not the whole giantess thing I think you called it, but I saw you coming back from my house with a certain look in your eyes. I at least knew you must have said something to him, but I had no idea the profound effect it would have. But, you did what you thought was right, and I understand that you did it for me.”

Telling Susan about Carl had been something I had been dreading. I knew that she loved him, or had at least loved him at some point, and I was afraid she may have thought I had deliberately scared him away to have her to myself. It calmed my soul to know that she was at least at peace with what I had done.

“So, what happens now?” I asked, both excited and scared at the prospect of what the answer could be.

“For now, I think we get used to focusing on being ‘us’,” she replied.

* * * * *

A month had passed since Susan had found out about my abilities and we were making progress on controlling my spontaneous growths. We had moved from holding hands, to lying close to one another to kissing, and bit by bit I was slowly gaining more and more control over my body’s reaction. The first time we had kissed, I had grown 4 cup sizes in seconds, pushing Susan a little way back and prompting her to observe that there was ‘something between us’ with a giggle. Now at night and with less concentration required than before, we could lay in bed in each other’s arms, kissing, embracing, loving one another. I had never been so happy.

Things had also been progressing well at work. We were approximately a week away from being able to fully resynthesise The Serum in the form it had been in when I inadvertently took it, and I was looking forward to being able to test and further understand it and myself. For now though, I was basking in the glow of the woman I loved, and work could not have been further from my mind.


“Yes hun?”

“I want to ask you something a little personal if that’s ok?”

“Of course, fire away.”

“Have you ever had sex before?”

The truth was I hadn’t. I was familiar with my own body and what I liked, and that had always been enough for me. Even if there had been interest from anyone to sleep with me, I don’t think I’d have cared enough to want it. Until now in any case.

“No I haven’t. I take it you have though?”

“Yeah, I mean I was married. Not that that really means much. Carl was always a sprint to the finish kind of guy. Fun for the brief moment it lasted, but not so great otherwise. Over time we made love less and less, I would try and put on a show for him but he wouldn’t be interested, or he’d just tell me to get dressed again.”

I had been waiting for her to start opening up about her relationship with Carl a bit more. She was a little more relaxed now, but she still struggled with us being nude in front of each other. She was often all for the idea, in fact her flirting and dirty talk was even stronger and more frequent than my own and I knew she liked the look of me naked, but it was like she was fighting some sort of inner war between her desire to take me in and her compulsion to look away. Equally so, her instinct seemed to be to cover herself up as much as possible. I had walked in on her in the bath and she had scrambled to cover her perfect breasts with her arms.

“Is that why you get nervous and cover yourself so much?”

“It probably has something to do with it,” she sighed. “I guess when you get told to put your body away for so long it rubs off on you somewhat.”

“Listen to me Susan. Your body is incredible. Any fool stupid enough to ask you to cover yourself up doesn’t deserve to see you anyway. And I will keep telling you this every minute of every hour of every day until you see yourself as the perfect woman you are.”

She looked up at me with a smile and then nestled back onto my boob. I had swelled myself up to be a comfier cushion, and it seemed to be having the desired effect.

“One thing that I have been wondering though,” I continued, “with how you feel about us being naked together, why did you decide to grab my boobs like that when I was telling you about how my growth works?”

“You aren’t the only one who sometimes can’t control herself when she’s turned on you know.”

I laughed. “Point taken, although I’m just shocked that you didn’t freak out when the milk started spraying out of me.”

“I must admit I was a little surprised myself,” Susan said before giggling slightly.

“What is it?” I inquired.

“I don’t think you ever stopped to ask yourself whether I’d been in the shower longer than you expected, did you?”

I hadn’t as it happened. Why would she be in the shower longer? A grin spread across my face as the penny dropped. “Oh really?”

“Uhmm,” she purred back, slightly biting her lower lip and drawing closer to me.

“Did me soaking you with my milk turn you on?”


“Uhmm,” she said nodding.


“And did you cum in my shower?”



Our lips finally locked as we kissed passionately. All I could think of was letting go, my body was screaming for it, but I fought to gain control. I think I knew that this was it. We were going to make love tonight. I had thought about it long and hard. I wanted Susan to experience every sensation she had ever missed out on, a lofty goal that I realised may be beyond me and my own capabilities now, but I would do my damnedest.

We kissed for what felt like an eternity, neither of us wanting to break our embrace. Finally, it was Susan who broke away first. She threw her legs over to her side of the bed and stood before, allowing me to see all of her. She was wearing a purple satin nightdress, the dark colour contrasting her pale, smooth skin.

“I want you to see me Sian,” she said. This was huge for her. Her passion and desire was overcoming her compulsion to cover up, and I laid and watched as she put on a show.

She began to slowly swing her hips from side to side, her body moving to a silent rhythm. As she moved her hips, the fabric of the nightdress seemed to be caressing her curves, occasionally riding up and exposing the higher part of her thigh before falling again like some form of unintentional burlesque performance. She ran her fingers upwards through her hair as her whole body began to join her hips in one fluid movement, before running her hands back down her body over her braless breasts, no doubt brushing her nipples as she did, following the curve of her waist as it joined her hips. With a larger swing of her hips she turned to face away from me, the nightdress acting as a stage curtain for the thicc ass cheeks hidden beneath it. Still swaying from side to side, she began to squat lower and lower to the floor, her ass expanding to it’s full size and peaking out from beneath the nightdress, revealing she wasn’t wearing any underwear. She straightened her legs as she brought her body slowly upwards, leaving her ass high in the air for me to enjoy, the loose material of the silk hem running up her back and exposing more of her incredible buns. Once she was upright, another swing of her hips turned her back to facing me. I could see in her eyes she was lost in her performance, just as I was lost in her amazing body.

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