The Tournament

Our basketball team had made the State Championship. My best friend Geoffrey and I were heading down to Tech where the tournament was being held. We figured we’d get there and rent a cheap motel room. The night before we were leaving I got a call from Carla, an old girlfriend of mine. Her sister lived in a house just off campus, and was going to be out of town that weekend, we were welcome to crash there. I agreed and the next morning off we went. Geoffrey and I weren’t the only guest that weekend. Carla had also invited her best friend Sherrie, this guy Jason, who worshipped the ground Carla walked on, and Steve, the guy Carla had been after for a while.

Carla was a former cheerleader who had quit the squad in order to concentrate on field hockey. She had long brown hair, big beautiful hazel eyes, and 36 D’s to suck on all night. It wasn’t long after we got there that Sherrie announced she was leaving. A guy she knew went to Tech and had invited her out. So it was Carla and the four guys.

Her sister had left a present before she’d left, a refrigerator full of alcohol, and we indulged. Before long, I was on the couch drunk, Geoffrey was on the other side of the couch drunk, Jason was on a pillow on the floor drunk, and Steve was on the loveseat nursing beers. Carla was bouncing around the room trying to be host, but too drunk too really be a good one. At one point she had a beer in each hand, Geoffrey pointed out that she was two fisting, and wasn’t drunk. I argued that she was. Carla claimed she wasn’t until Jason grabbed her and kissed her. An eerie silence hit the room while they kissed. I for one was thinking to myself, “why didn’t I think of that?” Finally, they broke the kiss and Jason declared that she was definitely drunk.

That kiss resolved ankara escort the argument, but it must’ve struck a chord with Carla, because she had an idea. “Who wants to sleep with me tonight?” Obviously, none of us were idiots, so she went on, “I’ll make out with each of you, and the one who’s the best gets me for the night.” I figured the winner would obviously be Steve; after all she’d had a crush on him since she dated me, but at least I’d get a little that night, and probably material for when I needed some relief.

She went back over to Jason. They began to kiss again. Jason was all hands, groping and grabbing. She mostly played defense and after about 30 seconds she yelled “Next!” and went over to Steve. This time it was the exact opposite, she was all hands, and Steve played defense. She worked on him for a good five to ten minutes before giving up and moving on to Geoffrey. Carla and Geoffrey didn’t have much of a history at all; they were basically friends through me, so they both took it kind of slow. After about five minutes of the two of them kissing, and grabbing and rubbing, she moved over to me. We hadn’t dated in about a year, but we found our chemistry immediately. I had my left hand on her ass, and my right hand on her breast. Her left leg was wrapped around my waist, her right hand on my ass, and her left arm around my neck. We began to grind as we made out. I massaged her breasts and fell into another world, until she stood up and said, “End of round one. I’ve decided instead of hooking up with everyone once and deciding who wins, it’ll be an elimination tournament. Jason, you’re eliminated.” Jason protested, and then left the room.

So it was on to Steve, again Carla was all over Steve, but he mostly played defense. ankara escort bayan After a couple of minutes she got the hint and moved on to Geoffrey. This time they were a little more familiar with each other. Geoffrey didn’t take long to take off her blouse and her bra, revealing her beautiful breasts. Carla also was more adventurous, as she unzipped his pants and rubbed Geoffrey’s meat through his jeans. Eventually she slid over towards me. I wasted no time in opening up her fly and putting my hand down the back of her jeans to grab her ass. I had a breast in my mouth, her ass in my left hand, and her other breast in my right hand. Carla had opened my fly and had her hand inside my jeans, but over my boxers. She was stroking my cock through the thin fabric of my under shorts, when she yelled, “Steve you’re out!” I don’t know if Steve was even still in the room. I used my leg to pull her jeans down to her ankles. I only stopped sucking on her breast when she pulled my shirt off over my head. I had again slid into that state of euphoria when she yelled, “Next!”

She began to crawl down the couch towards Geoffrey. Her enormous breasts swaying as she moved. Geoffrey put his feet on either side of her hips, and pushed her panties down off of her. Accidentally, he also pushed her off the couch. She laughed and grabbed his jeans to pull herself up. Only instead, his jeans, and boxers came down, revealing a hard seven incher. Carla made her way back up to the couch and again crawled onto Geoffrey. From my vantage point on the other side of the couch I could see her moist pussy, swollen and ready. I could see his cock, hard and reaching up towards her. Suddenly I panicked. She was going to have sex with him. I was the ex. If it hadn’t been for escort ankara me, he wouldn’t be here. I should get Carla tonight. There was only one thing for me to do. As Carla lay down upon him and started to kiss and grope Geoffrey, I decided to rub the pre-cum off of my penis onto two fingers. Then I made my way over to Carla, and plunged them into her backdoor. She stiffened up, but must’ve thought I was Geoffrey, because she didn’t say anything, I quickly relaxed. I then crouched behind her, and thrust my eight inches into her backdoor. She shot up and yelped in surprise. Geoffrey, thinking quickly, retaliated by putting his prick into her pussy. She moaned when he entered, and collapsed on his chest.

For a second I was worried, wondering what had I done. But then Carla, put both of her hands on either side of Geoffrey’s head against the arm of the couch, and began to rock back and forth. We quickly picked up the rhythm, and the three of us were grinding for the better part of the night. We found that the events of the evening, plus the amount of lust between all of us meant that one person’s orgasm was the trigger for the other two. We fucked over and over all night. I don’t know if Jason and Steve ever knew what was going on, but that night I didn’t care. Truthfully, I didn’t even care that Geoffrey was less than a foot away from me. All I cared about was getting off. Which I think is what made it so special. Sex is at it’s best when it’s pure. If it’s pure love, it’s amazing. That night, it was pure lust, and it was unforgettable.

The next night was the game, and by halftime our team was blowing their opponents out. The three of us decided to head back early to get started on the victory party, but that night the same magic wasn’t there. We all got off, and we all enjoyed it, but there was an awkwardness that hadn’t been there the night before. Without saying it, we all knew that we weren’t going to capture the magic of the previous night, and no matter how much fun it would be to try, it would be better to move on.

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