The Wedding of Jane and Tony


Jane and I had settled back into our normal life after our vacation in Europe. It was nice to be home since we had spent the bulk of the summer travelling. As you may recall, I proposed to Jane while we were in Sweden, so the bulk of Jane’s time was taken up with wedding headaches. We told Jane’s mother, Bettina, to try and keep it as simple as possible and she was doing a great job of doing so. We had reached out to our friends to invite them to stay with us during the week following the wedding and prior to the start of school in September.

The bulk of the wedding details had been completed by Bettina so all we had to coordinate now, was the week of 11 people all living under our roof. All of our friends were known to be sexually adventurous except for my old roommate Pavel and his sister Sofia. I was anticipating that the week would become one giant orgy, especially if Jane had anything to say about it. I decided that I should call Pavel and Sofia and forewarn them about what might happen. It turned out that they were already in Chicago because Sofia had some freshman orientation programs to attend. I invited them to our house for dinner so that I could broach the sex subject with them face to face.

That evening I told Jane and Barb that they should get dressed in order not to shock our guests. Pavel and Sofia showed up dressed comfortably for the late summer heat as did Jane and Barb. As they entered, Jane and I greeted them with hugs and then introduced them both to Barb. We all sat in the living room and talked about what we had been up to since we saw them last and asked Sofia about orientation. They both said that they were looking forward to our wedding and staying with us for the week.

With the week-long party subject having been mentioned, I decided that it was now the time to let them know what to expect. “Pavel…Sofia…there’s something that we need to tell you about. Jane and I are, well, we have an active sex life that revolves around a lot of different people. All of the people staying with us next week have been sexually active with us, save you two. We don’t want to put you into a situation that you would be uncomfortable with, so we thought that it would be prudent to warn you about what to expect. As a rule, we rarely wear clothing while we are home, and that includes Barb, unless we have guests over, like tonight. I know you have grown up in a religious household so we will understand if you both want to forgo next week.”

Pavel and Sofia looked at us and then at each other and then Sofia said, “Wow, that’s interesting! So, when you say that you are ‘sexually active with your friend’s what do you mean exactly?”

Jane answered, “We have had sex sharing one and two women, I have had sex with another man with Tony present, I have had sex with both Tony and the other man at the same time, I have had sex with a woman, Tony has had sex with the other man’s girlfriend and has had sex with both the other man and his girlfriend at the same time. I know that Tony loves me absolutely and I love him absolutely so we have no fear that either will stray and we have no jealousy. We love our friends very much and will do anything we can to help them. We, also, would never force you to do anything that you don’t want to.”

Sofia pondered for a moment and then said, “Could we stay here with you and not partake in the sex or nudity?”

Jane laughed and said, “You would be most welcome in our house no matter what, because you are our friends. We just didn’t want you to be surprised by a lot of naked people and the chance of encountering people in the throes of passion.”

“So, why are you clothed now?”

I responded, “It’s a courtesy we extend to those who may be upset. Generally, it applies to our neighbor Pearl and Jane’s parents. If you weren’t here we would all be naked!”

Sofia smiled and said, “I don’t have a problem if you want to be naked!”

Pavel looked at his sister and said, “Really? I thought you would freak out!”

“Nah, I’m not too sure about all of the sex but nudity doesn’t bother me. How about you, Pavel? What do you think?”

“Well, I don’t know. On the one hand, I don’t mind if people run around naked, though I’m pretty sure I would embarrass myself with a lot of naked women running around! On the other hand, I’m not too sure about the sex part either.”

Jane said, “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Tony is usually running around with a stiffy!”

“I can’t help it with these two beautiful women running around naked!”

Barb blushed and then said, “You can do whatever you like around here. Jane and Tony are not judgmental in the least. They are the kindest people I have ever met.” Then Barb stood and let her dress fall down to her feet, standing naked before us all.

Jane followed suit and then said. “I just really hate wearing clothes! We should eat before long.”

Jane and Barb headed for the kitchen while Pavel and Sofia watched them leave. Sofia stood up and began peeling ankara rus escort her clothes off after a few moments. She didn’t seem embarrassed in the least and for good reason since she had a marvelous body. She was small and slim with tiny breasts but they suited her. She also had a full bush of pubic hair, something I had never seen before. She smiled and then followed Jane and Barb into the kitchen.

Pavel looked at me with a bit of panic in his eyes and said, “I don’t know. When Barb and Jane stripped, I got rock hard! It’s really embarrassing. I’m a little weirded out about my sister seeing me like that.”

I replied, “I can imagine it would be a bit strange to have an erection around your sister. But, as far as Jane and Barb are concerned you have nothing to be ashamed about. They are two of the most beautiful women I have ever seen and they have the same effect on me. If you want to you can keep your clothes on. Nobody will hold it against you one way or the other.”

“Okay, thanks. Did you really have sex with Jane and another guy?”

“Yeah, Jane had wanted to have a double penetration for quite a while. It took me some time to come to grips with that. Jane is very demonstrative and experimental when it comes to sex while I wasn’t. She began sharing me with other women this spring and I saw that she wasn’t jealous in any way but loved watching me have sex with others. I, finally, grew up enough to see what she was experiencing and to learn that sex is just a miniscule part of being in love. Jane will probably offer to help you with your erection and if I was you I would take her up on it! I better go out and help in the kitchen.”

I stood and stripped out of my shorts and t-shirt and wandered into the kitchen to assist with dinner leaving Pavel to ponder his situation. The three women were all talking and it took me a while to figure out that they were discussing Sofia’s pubic hair. When Jane saw me she asked, “Tony, what do you think of Sofia’s pubic hair? Should she keep it or cut it?”

“She should do what she wants with it!”

Sofia smiled and said, “Thank you Tony! I’m going to shave it! I like how you two look!”

Jane replied, “Okay! Do you want help? We can go upstairs right now and take care of it for you.”

Sofia said she would like that and up they went. I turned my attention to dinner. Since it was so warm we decided to have cold fried chicken and pasta salad for dinner. I set the table and then brought the food out and had everything ready. I called out to Jane that dinner was ready. Pavel walked into the dining room naked having decided to join the rest of us in our nakedness. He had waited until his erection had subsided before stripping. The man was hung like a horse!

“The women are going to like you!” I said. “Wait until Jane catches sight of you!”

Pavel blushed as he stood there. Then all of the women returned from upstairs with Sofia in tow. She had gone for the clean sweep as her vagina was completely bald. Jane asked me what I thought and I replied, “She looks good enough to eat!” Sofia blushed and smiled.

“That’s what I said!” Jane replied. “Let’s all sit and have dinner.” She then noticed Pavel and said, “I’m glad you decided to join us.” When she noticed his size, Jane smiled and said “You have nothing to be embarrassed about!”

Pavel blushed again and began getting hard as Jane paid attention to him. Both Jane and Barb’s eyes lit up as they watched his cock grow. Jane walked up to him, smiled and asked, “Would you like some help with that?” Pavel blushed even more as Jane kneeled down, grabbed Pavel’s cock and began sucking him down. The rest of us stood and watched as Jane began working her magic on Pavel’s erection. Barb kneeled down beside Jane and began fingering herself as she watched.

I got hard too as I watched. I knew what Pavel was experiencing because I had had my cock wrapped by those luscious lips many times. I was distracted when Sofia walked up to me, took my penis in hand and then kissed me. When she broke the kiss, Sofia asked, “May I suck you?”

I looked at Sofia and asked, “Are you sure this is what you want to do? I don’t want you to feel like you have to.”

Sofia smiled, kneeled down and took me into her mouth. I moaned as she took me deeper and deeper until she couldn’t get me any further. She was looking into my eyes the whole time with and impish look. After a few moments, I pulled her up to her feet and lead her to the living room, where I laid down on my back on the sofa and said, “Sit on my face while you do that because you do look good enough to eat!” Sofia straddled my face and lowered her freshly shaved pussy onto my mouth. She smelled like Jane’s shower gel and was as smooth as a baby’s bottom. She was pretty wet already as my tongue licked between her lips. Sofia let out a low moan and ground herself down on my face.

Sofia’s attention to my cock was wonderful. She kept her lips tightly wrapped around my shaft ankara türbanlı escort with her tongue licking all around me as she bobbed her head up and down. She was, gently, fondling my balls as well. I reached underneath her torso to pinch her nipples and when I grabbed hold she let loose with another deep moan.

Sofia was so light I could pick her up and move her as I pleased, so I pulled her back a little way so I could focus on her clitoris. It was a weird sensation to suck on a clit without a piercing as I had grown accustom to Jane, Astrid and Barb’s adornments. With my attention now on Sofia’s clit she began writhing and grinding herself on my mouth. Within a few minutes she had her first orgasm. She lifted her face from my cock long enough to say, “OH FUCK, THAT IS GOOD!” She then dove back down onto my cock and redoubled her effort. I then pushed a finger into her sopping vagina and then two as I pushed them in and out. Sofia let loose with another orgasm groaning loudly with pleasure. Her work was beginning to get to me and before long my climax hit me with a vengeance.

“OH YES, I’M CUMMING!” I cried out as my penis began pulsing with waves of my seminal fluid shooting into Sofia’s mouth. She swallowed as much as she could as she climaxed for a third time. As our pleasure eased, Sofia lifted herself off me, turned around and then laid on top of me again. She kissed me deeply for a moment and then lifted her upper body up, smiled and said, “I can’t wait for next week!” I had to chuckle while thinking to myself that there was now another female to appease. I wondered how sheikhs managed their harems!

Sofia and I got up and wandered back into dining room where Jane, Barb and Pavel were all laying on the floor. Jane looked up at me and said, “I think Pavel is onboard, how about Sofia?”

Sofia laughed and said, “You bet I am!”

Pavel and Sofia, after dinner, said they should get back to their temporary housing. We told them they were welcome to stay and, after a few minutes of deliberation, Pavel said he would go fetch their belongings and be right back. He returned after an hour or so with their bags in tow asking where he should put them. I told him to leave them where they were until we decided where everyone was sleeping. We then went upstairs to our bedroom to join the others.

As Pavel and I sat on the bed I said, “Astrid and Axel’s flight arrives tomorrow at 6:35pm. Jane and I will pick them up but, probably, won’t get back until after 8:00pm. We’re going to have to decide on who sleeps where over the next week or so. Any ideas?”

Jane said, “Well, Barb can stay in here with us. Since Astrid and Axel will be living here they should get the guest room. We can’t have Pavel and his sister in the same room, so Pavel, you can stay in the basement room and Sofia can crowd in with us. We have some inflatable mattresses for when the rest of the folks join us next week. Is that agreeable with everyone?” Everyone nodded.

Barb took Pavel down to the basement and Sofia went to the guest bathroom to shower. Jane and I sat together alone for the first time in a while. Jane asked, “So was Sofia as edible as you thought?”

I laughed and said, “More so! How was Pavel?”

“I’m not sure. Once he got going he lost his embarrassment alright. In an effort to get he and Barb together, I told her she should fuck him. I’ve noticed she will do anything I say and always looks to me for what to do. I, kind of, think she may be a submissive!”


“Yeah! It’s just little things I’ve noticed lately. Do you think we should talk to her about it? I don’t want to embarrass her or anything. If she is, our relationship could become very long term unless she discovers another dominating person to be with. I just love her too much to hurt her.”

Moments later Barb returned and got on the bed next to Jane. She told us she got Pavel settled into the basement. Jane and I looked at each other for a moment and then Jane blurted out, “Barb, are you a submissive?” Barb looked panic stricken for a moment then she looked down and nodded. “Were you going to say anything to us about it?” She shook her head as tears began to roll down her cheeks. Jane pulled her into a hug and said, “It’s alright. You know we love you and we would never hurt you. You can stay with us for as long as you want because we will never abandon you. Okay?”

Barb said, “I didn’t really know I was a submissive until I came here. I just love it when you tell me what to do, especially sexually. I was afraid that the fact that I was submissive might scare you and then you would make me leave. I love you both so much and I was scared. Will you forgive me?”

Jane pushed Barb away from her a bit, lifted her chin so that Barb would look into her eyes, smiled and said, “Barb, there is nothing to forgive. I love you as much as I love Tony and he feels the same way about you. As far as we are concerned you are our family. So, what we need bahçelievler escort to know is what you need from us. Neither of us have been in this situation before but I have read about it a little.”

Barb smiled and said, “Thank you for understanding. I just want to be with you both and try to make you both happy because that makes me happy. You may punish me when you find it necessary and I will do anything you ask of me. I think I might like some pain during sex too. I liked the pain when I got my piercings as I thought about both of you.”

Jane looked at me and cocked an eyebrow, “Well, neither Tony nor I are used to this kind of thing. Can we just continue living the way we have? We don’t want you calling us ‘master’ or anything like that. We can throw in some pain for you because I like it too, sometimes. Feel free to talk to us about anything and any expectations you come up with.”

At about this time Sofia reentered the bedroom and hopped up on the bed. She looked at all of us and asked, “Am I interrupting something? If so I can leave.”

Barb smiled at her and said, “It has just come to light that I’m a submissive and we were just trying to come to terms with that.”

Sofia looked at us and said, “Whoa, I’ve never run into this before. I’ll go sleep on the couch.”

Jane said, “You are fine right here. Nothing really changes. So, Sofia, while we’re talking, do you have any fantasies you would like to explore? This would be a good time to explore them!”

Sofia looked around nervously and said, “I can’t think of anything.”

Jane then smiled and said, “You’ve never been curious about kissing another woman? Licking another woman’s pussy? Having your pussy licked by a woman? Getting your ass fucked? Getting your ass and pussy fucked at the same time? You can do anything you like here. We will help you with anything you would like. So, still can’t think of anything?”

Sofia looked around and then said, “Well, honestly, I would like to do all of those things! My parents were very strict so I have never done anything. When I sucked Tony today that was the first time I had any sexual encounter at all. I loved it when I had an orgasm that wasn’t self-induced. I love being naked and I want to experience everything!”

Jane said, “Okay! You are eighteen, right?” Sofia said she was. Jane then continued, “Why don’t you lie back while Barb and I introduce you to love with other women! Barb, why don’t you straddle Sofia’s face while I eat her virgin pussy!”

Both women did as Jane told them while Jane crawled between Sofia’s legs. It never ceased to amaze me, the power that Jane held over people when it came to sex. I was as guilty as the next person when it came to following Jane. She’s the ultimate seductress and I’m fairly certain she could seduce anyone. It was only a matter of time before she had me fucking Sofia and I knew it and couldn’t wait, only because I knew it would please Jane. Perhaps I’m a submissive too!

When my head returned to the here and now I saw that Sofia must have a talented tongue and was a fast learner because she had Barb writhing on her face. Jane had Sofia writhing as well. I decided I should take some initiative, so I crawled behind Jane and sank my dick into her wet, hot pussy. Jane moaned loudly with the introduction of my cock but didn’t miss a beat while eating Sofia. Pretty soon all three women were climaxing while I continued to plow away into Jane’s vagina. The sight of three beautiful women in the throes of passion ignited my own lust and before long I orgasmed as well.

Jane asked Sofia how she liked her first experience with women and she replied, “It was nice, though a tongue is a tongue. I did like eating Barb!”

Jane laughed heartily and said, “Yep, a tongue is a tongue! We need to get you a penis! Perhaps tomorrow!”

After a while the four of us fell asleep…

The next morning, I was making coffee when Pavel came up from the basement. I asked, “Did you sleep well? The basement isn’t too damp, is it?”

Pavel replied, “I slept great! It’s nice and cool down there. I had to pull a blanket over myself as I got cold. So, what’s on the agenda for today?”

I replied, “I had a large patio laid a couple of weeks ago and the other day I set posts around it. Today, I’m going to finish up the enclosure so Jane can sunbathe in the nude without upsetting the neighbors. Do you want to help?”

Pavel said he would love to help so I showed him my plans. He said they looked good but offered a couple of good suggestions for improvement. After breakfast, we got dressed and set to work. Apparently, Pavel had worked for several summers with a carpenter and was pretty handy with tools. We had the job finished much faster than I had expected and it looked really good. He and I brought the lounge chairs and other patio furniture out from the garage and then I called for Jane to see her finished patio.

“Wow! It looks great! I can’t wait to work on my tan! Thanks, Pavel for helping!” Jane gave Pavel a big hug and kiss which caused him to blush. She walked around the enclosure checking to make sure that none of the neighbor’s windows could see inside. Convinced that she would remain unseen she hugged and kissed me as well. She pinched her nose with her fingers then said, “You need a shower!”

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