Twins’ Summer of Discovery Ch. 02

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When I awoke, Donovan’s arms were still holding me. My stomach growled at me, and the fact that the sun was setting, indicated that it was evening instead of late afternoon. I looked at my watch and saw that 3 hours had passed. It was now suppertime. I giggled when my brother’s stomach began complaining as well.

He woke up immediately and looked at me with a mischievous grin.

“Looks like I’ve slept with my sister. Are you still hungry?” he winked at me.

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I AM! I think we better eat first though,” I returned wickedly, catching his double meaning.

Donovan got out of his bed and picked me up, standing me up on the floor. He was showing off his strength in a way that reminded me of a caveman. He then shocked me further by lifting and carrying me, stark naked, downstairs to the kitchen.

“Donovan Riordan McKensie, put me down NOW! Quit this caveman routine now! I’m getting QUITE tired of it!” I demanded, hitting his naked ass with my fist a couple of times.

“Dorean Riona McKensie, I told you to stop calling me that! Besides, I am the man in this relationship, and if I want to brag and strut, I am allowed to do that! I rather enjoy carrying your naked butt downstairs and you’re gonna get it for calling me that and hitting my ass with your fists!” he said, slapping my bottom with his hands and making it smart slightly.

“Okay, okay, but could you just stop the Neanderthal attitude and let me walk somewhere for a change! Besides that, why are you taking me downstairs buck naked, anyway? What if someone saw us this way?” I complained.

“First of all, I will put you down once we get to the kitchen. Secondly, I plan to keep you naked as much as I can in the future. After all, we won’t have to go anywhere tomorrow. Finally, the doors are locked, the curtains are closed, and the maid is not due back until tomorrow afternoon. That gives us plenty of privacy,” he retorted sternly.

When we finally made it to the kitchen, he set me down as he had promised. We went to the oven and found the casserole that the maid had prepared earlier this afternoon. She had just left before I stormed into the house today. She generally worked 4 hours a day, 5 days a week, unless needed for special occasions. Since our parents would be gone for at least a month, she would show up on Saturday afternoon to make dinner for the rest of the weekend, even though we told our parents that this was not necessary. We could cook for ourselves, but our parents were concerned about keeping us away from too much junk food in their absence.

“MMMM… This smells good! It looks like her tuna casserole. If you will get us plates and silverware, I will carry this to the table,” Donavon asked of me.

“I love her tuna casserole!” I replied going and getting the plates and silverware to set the table for us.

We ate dinner and talked about what we wanted to do during the summer. He had a grim look on his face after a while, though, and I wondered what was going through his mind. Finally, I asked him what was bothering him so much.

“Well, I don’t know what exactly you found out about Paul and Lisa. How did you find out, for that matter? Did she confess to you or did he? Why didn’t he touch you, by the way? Most cheating boyfriends will still sleep with their girlfriends. What happened between the two of you? Was it really just that he didn’t like your figure and temper? What’s the business about him using you to get into Lisa’s pants?” he asked, clearly upset at the completely sordid affair. It was understandable of him, since no brother likes to see his sister mistreated.

“Well, if you must know the nasty tale, here it is. We were all supposed to meet at the mall at noon to eat together. I got there earlier than I was expected and decided to walk around for a few minutes. I walked over to our favorite store to see if they had anything new. I wanted this really cool Goth t-shirt. I hoped that they had it in stock.

“I suddenly spotted Paul there with Lisa. I was about to approach them, but then I noticed that they were a little more intimate than what friends would be. It seemed that they were acting more like lovers, with his hand possessively around her waist. While I took all of this in, I then saw Paul lean in toward Lisa and kiss her on the lips, which was clearly the act of a cheater.

“Rather than give myself away and seem like the paranoid girlfriend spying on her beau, I decided to let them think that they were still getting away with it. I would confront them once they arrived at the food court. I had not yet decided how I was going to tackle the scene I had just witnessed at the store.

“I went to the food court ahead of schedule and bought myself a sticky bun and soda. I had lost my appetite, but I knew that I needed something in my system for the upcoming dispute, even if it was only a snack. I was definitely NOT going to keep my lunch plans with them. I picked out a table where I could spot them as they came kırşehir escort down the corridor.

“I had finished my snack by the time that Paul and Lisa arrived in the food court. They walked over to my table, spotted the trash from my food, and asked if I had been waiting for a while. I looked at my watch and said yes for about 30 minutes. I was window shopping, saw something that disturbed me, and came here for a snack. I didn’t feel like shopping anymore.

“At this point, Paul sat down by my side and wanted to put his arm around me, which I shook off. They asked what had upset me. I said that it was something that I witnessed in Spencer’s. When I said that, I saw them exchange a quick, worried glance at each other. I decided that I could not stand it any more and asked them how long they had been FUCKING each other!

“They tried to ask what I was talking about. I told them to cut the crap, as I saw them kissing. I said that it was not a friendly kiss on the cheek, but one of 2 lovers! They knew that the gig was up and confessed. I, as it turned out, was not Paul’s type. He said that I was a loud mouth and too fat! The only reason that he went out with me in the first place was to try to get with Lisa. Knowing that she was my best friend, he figured he had a better chance to wear her down.

“Lisa said, ‘I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it I just fell in love with him! I didn’t want to tell you, because I knew that you would be angry and I did not want to hurt you’.

“I angrily replied, ‘So you figured that you would just FUCK my boyfriend behind my back? How long has this been going on?’

“It turned out that they had been seeing each other for a year now. They did not want to tell me, because they were afraid of my probable reaction. Lisa didn’t want to lose my friendship. They figured that Paul and I would ‘grow apart’ after school was over, which would leave the way open for Lisa to date him publicly with my blessing.

“They also figured that I would get horny and tired of Paul not fucking me, which might prompt me to dump him for another guy. I would take the blame for the break-up instead of him.

“That last bit really pissed me off. I grabbed what was left of my soda and ice, calmly dumping into his lap.

“I said, ‘I’m too hot for you to handle? Don’t like my temper? Take this! Maybe that will cool things down for you!’

“I threw the near-empty cup at Lisa, saying ‘you wanted to save our friendship? Well, you should thought of that before you SCREWED my boyfriend, you slutty bitch! You should have told me how you honestly felt about him, instead of sneaking around! I would have been mad, but I would have understood more.

“‘As for you, Paul, I will NEVER get why you used me and pretended to like me more than you did! You’re a fucking coward for doing things that way! I will NEVER forgive either one of you for this! You wasted 2 years of my life that I could have spent with someone who REALLY cared for me! You’d better hope Donovan doesn’t come after your sorry asses!’ I answered.”

“Well, their hopes are gonna be dashed, because I’m really about to tear Paul and Lisa each a new asshole! I will arrange for both of them to pay BIG TIME for hurting my baby sister! And, before you say that you’re not my ‘baby sister’, let me point out that I still feel protective of you, whatever our age difference.

“If we’re finished, maybe we should go ahead and put the dishes in the dishwasher and stick the rest of the casserole in the icebox. I’ve got another hunger that needs to be satisfied,” he gave her a knowing grin.

“Ok, that sounds like fun, but what are you planning on doing to them for their deception? I don’t want to get into any trouble either!” I asked him nervously.

“Don’t worry, Sis. You won’t get in trouble for what I have in mind. In fact, the two of those assholes will want to keep everything QUITE secret, for their own sakes. They’ll be far too embarrassed to say anything to anybody about our revenge. I doubt my buddies will say a word about it, either,” Donovan reassured me with a wicked look in his eye.

“What do you mean by ‘my buddies won’t say anything’?” I inquired with some concern.

“They’re gonna help their teammate and his little sister get revenge on those who wronged her,” he explained vaguely.

“You’re involving the whole football team!” I said eyes wide with shock.

“But, of course! We jocks stick together, especially against a preppy shithead whom they suspect of fucking their girlfriends. Lisa is just a cheerleading tease, who fucks around on all of her boyfriends and flashes everyone else. I wonder if Paul knows what a slut he is dating! She also plays up the image of the perfect Catholic schoolgirl. Some of us, however, know her better than that,” Donovan informed me bluntly.

“Why haven’t you told me this before? You just NOW bring this stuff up. It makes me wonder if you’re just inventing stuff because you’re pissed at them!” I inquired. niğde escort

“Like you would ever believe a bunch of jocks such as me and my friends! Half of the stuff we talk about is locker room gossip anyway. Notice that I said ‘suspect’ when referring to Paul’s womanizing ways? Lisa HAS been shamelessly flirting with the jocks! She’s even come on to me, but I turned her down flat! I didn’t say anything to you about her because she was your best friend, so you wouldn’t believe me anyway. After what you’ve told me about what they’ve done, I suspect that most of the rumors were true,” Donovan replied.

“Well, if I didn’t know better already, I would be pissed at you for saying such things. I guess you DO have a point about my not believing your claims. Anyway, you still haven’t told me what kind of revenge you have in mind for them,” I responded.

“That’s for me to know and you to find out later. Now that we’ve got everything straightened back up in here, let’s head back up to the bedroom. I plan on introducing you to some more fun,” he slyly hinted to me.

Donovan had just closed the refrigerator door, so his back was still turned to me. I noticed that the island in the middle of the kitchen gave me a distinct advantage in getting a head start back to the bedroom. THIS time, I planned to actually make it up the stairs on my own, instead of being carried like a Neanderthal’s bride.

“Alright, but I’m still planning on getting myself up to the bedroom WITHOUT being carried there, Mr. Caveman!” I snorted, sticking out my tongue at him once again.

I darted out of the kitchen, headed for the staircase, and then flew up the steps. I was about halfway to my goal when I heard my big, macho brother catching up with me. I doubled my speed to escape him, but he just laughed at me, knowing that I had no chance of outrunning a quarterback.

Donovan caught up with me at I reached the top of the stairwell and turned toward MY bedroom. He picked me up in his arms as if I were a baby and headed for HIS room.

“You should know better than to try that, little sister! I’ve outrun other athletes, so I doubt you’d be fast enough to get away from me! You’re gonna pay for sticking your tongue out and running from me again. I see a pattern of misconduct here from you! Quit squirming! I’m not putting you down, at least not until we make it to my bed!” he lectured me with mock anger, ruining it when he laughed.

“Why do you insist on carrying me? I am capable of doing it myself,” I insisted, returning his mock anger at him, but holding a straight face.

“Simple, because I can!” he retorted, grinning at me.

I stuck my tongue out at him yet again upon hearing that. I continued trying to squirm out of his arms, but to no avail. He just tightened his hold on me. He brought me into his bedroom and unceremoniously dropped me onto his bed. Since we were still undressed, I noticed that his cock was stiff again.

“What has made you hard all of the sudden, Donovan?” I mischievously asked him.

“You’ll see very soon, my dear sister! Or rather, you’ll feel it! Now, don’t you move a bit,” he ordered me as he went to the nightstand and took a bottle from the top drawer.

“What is that? And what are you planning to do to me?” I asked him.

“THAT would be lube, as in lubricant, which you’ll DEFINITELY need this time around, Sis! I’m gonna use it to take your OTHER cherry!” he announced with an evil glimmer in his eyes.

“You are NOT taking my ASS! It’s an ‘exit only’, Mister! I told you before that I will NOT do anal!” I said as I proceeded to cross my arms over my breasts, making my point non-verbally.

“You seem to forget who is bigger here! If I want your ass, I’ll take your ass! In addition, it’s no longer an ‘exit only’ hole! I don’t know where you heard that phrase, but it’s time to UNLEARN it! Furthermore, DO NOT cross your arms with that attitude at me! I think it’s time to assume full control of the relationship here! You like my protection, but with it comes my authority! How about you showing me proper respect and sucking my cock?” he commanded me.

“Ewww…..I will not suck THAT THING! It hasn’t been properly cleaned since we last fucked,” I objected.

“You will TOO! Anyway, for someone trying to be a proper lady suddenly, you have done some strange stuff, like committing INCEST and saying words like ‘fuck’ and ‘ass’! Not to mention that long litany of nasty names that you called Paul and Lisa when you first came home today. Words like ‘asshole’ and ‘slut’ seemed to pour out of your mouth, as well as some that I don’t know you had heard! Also, you’ve even enjoyed being spanked, which is a bit kinky for an ‘innocent schoolgirl’! So, quit that ‘eww’ business and suck!” he reminded me.

I couldn’t resist laughing, as Donovan was right. I had done some “naughty” things today. I found myself sucking his cock, just as he had demanded of me. I had to admit that the taste of our dried, combined ordu escort juices on him was quite a turn-on.

Finding my current position less than comfortable, I got on all fours and continued sucking my brother’s dick. I tried to take him deeper with each suck, although as he got further down my throat, I began to gag.

The combination of seeing and feeling his cock being deep-throated turned him on even more. He grabbed my head and thrust his prick all the way into my throat. He kept it there for a while, allowing me to get used to having it lodged there. Once the gag reflex was gone, I began taking it in and out of my throat without his guidance. This freed his hands.

Donovan then started swatting my ass with his bare hands, saying that I was a naughty little schoolgirl for using such dirty language and sucking my own brother’s cock. This particularly turned me on.

“Spank me harder, Donovan Riordan! Yes, I’m a very bad girl! I need to be spanked for it!” I insisted, before returning to my cock-sucking duties.

“Dorean Riona, you fucking know better than that! You’ll really get it hard up the ass for that one! Moreover, I seem to recall that you stuck your tongue out at me and ran away from me a few times earlier. You get extra swats for that!” he warned me.

Donovan pulled his cock out of my throat before he could cum there and ordered me to turn around. I made the mistake of doing a 360 instead of a 180 turn. He made a point of grabbing me, positioning me in the right place, and giving twice as many swats as I would have gotten otherwise. My bottom was very red by the time he finished. I would NOT be able to sit down comfortably for the rest of the night.

“Ouch! I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I won’t do it again!” I pleaded for mercy.

“Which part? The tongue, the running, the naughty language, the fake innocence, or the 360 bit?” he inquired sarcastically.

“Uh…But I was just having fun!” I mistakenly replied, which resulted in more swats being applied to my already sore butt.

Speaking of applying things, Donovan now decided to add some lube to my brown puckered hole. It was cold, so I had some goose bumps for a minute or two. He then inserted his middle finger into my ass. I tried again to squirm away from him for a second, but then thought better of it and accepted the finger in my bottom.

I began to moan as he slid his index finger alongside the other one. He then started fucking me with both digits. After a few minutes of this, he inserted a third one into my butt. This was starting to turn me on, more than I wanted to admit to him. He sensed differently and brought in his pinky, further stretching my sphincter muscles. He was getting me ready to accept his cock.

“Mother of God, this feels great! Stop teasing me and fuck my ass already!” I demanded.

“Now, now, don’t take that tone with me! You’ll get this cock soon enough!” he replied as he added his thumb to my already full ass.

I was now stretched wide open, as far as I could possibly be by his hand. At this point, he removed it and simply thrust his cock into my butt. This was not a gradual introduction to anal sex. This was my brother forcefully taking my anal cherry after stretching my ass with his hand. He was eager to sodomize me brutally and I was just as eager to BE sodomized forcefully by him.

I was beginning to enjoy this new, domineering side of Donovan. I had taken it for granted that he was a typical high school boy. There was clearly more to him than I had expected. I realized that, not only did I LOVE my brother, but I was IN LOVE with him as well. I wanted to carry his baby, even if the Church and my parents did not accept it.

I wanted to live with him for the rest of our lives. Luckily, I lived in Massachusetts, a state that had no actual law against brother-sister incest, only parent-child incest was illegal. Unfortunately, it was still taboo and we would NOT be allowed to actually wed.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say that you are growing to love it in the ass! Speaking of love, I’d be lying if I denied that I have more than just a crush on you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want to be the father of your children. I want to be your husband in every sense of the word. That doesn’t mean that we have to be exclusive, especially in light of my plan for revenge,” he declared.

“Fuck, Donovan, I thought anal was supposed to hurt! It feels incredible! Shit, yes, I’m starting to love it!” I told him while I started to play with my clit.

“That won’t be necessary for much longer. I have other plans for your pussy, Sis,” he referred to my masturbation.

“Oh, Donovan, I need to cum soon! What kind of plans are you talking about, Bro?” I grunted.

“You’ll find out soon enough, Dorean. Patience! It won’t be much longer until I cum!” he informed me.

He thrust a few more times into my ass. I felt the heat of his cock in me as he fucked me harder. I had NEVER felt so full before! This was mind-blowing! I would definitely agree to this more often. I could feel his cock growing bigger inside me. I could have sworn he was larger than the 8 ½ he claimed to be. I would like to measure him one day when he got to this point.

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