Working Hard

Working with his wife was never really a thought that crossed his mind–not under normal conditions anyway. But these weren’t normal conditions. Rising gas prices, additional needs from the kids – it seemed everything was getting more expensive while salaries remained the same year after year. Getting ahead was always difficult, but it seemed it was nearly impossible to even keep up anymore.

“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” is what they say, right? Ken had even tried working two jobs, but exhaustion set in and he wound up being let go from the second job – a new experience for such a dedicated worker. By day, a successful software developer, by night a pizza delivery boy. Or so he was. At least the day job was going well.

And that very job led to the next open door. His boss’s executive assistant was moving out of state after graduating college. Though Melissa was an attractive 22 year old, Ken’s boss was a perfect gentleman around her and never seemed to fall prey to her sometimes “unprofessional” attire. There were plenty of other men in the office sad to see her leave.

But for Ken this brought a great opportunity. When the position officially opened for a new executive assistant, Ken discussed the possibility with his wife. Chloe’s parents were in town and were willing to watch the kids for next to nothing, so daycare wasn’t a huge problem. Chloe applied for the position, a perfect use of her Business Administration degree, and she was excited about the possibility of using her education to help the family through these tough times.

Ken’s boss had a great deal of respect for Ken as an employee, so Chloe easily won the job. Before starting her first day, however, Ken’s boss brought them both into the office and reiterated the company’s nepotism policy. Though this situation was not forbidden, it was certainly dangerous and everyone in the room realized that. Ken and Chloe both committed to keeping things strictly professional and with that, they both left for the weekend, prepared to come to work together on Monday as husband and wife, developer and executive assistant.

The arrangement worked surprisingly well for the first several months. Chloe had no trouble adjusting to the professional life, though a few of the blouses she wore brought an eyebrow-raise from some of Ken’s coworkers. As soon as Ken entered the room, however, everyone immediately returned to work. Everyone knew Ken and Chloe had a great relationship and there was no use even thinking of making a move at the new assistant. And if rumors were true, Ken was a black belt and very much into guns.

Ken and Chloe were able to keep things at a professional level while in the office. Occasionally they would wind up enjoying a lunch date without anyone else, but they tried to avoid any thoughts of nepotism by involving the rest of the team as much as possible.

One particular summer week in July brought a great deal of tension to the office. Three projects were all coming due and two of them were painfully behind. Ken and his team needed to put in some serious after-hours time to get the ship righted, and some tempers were wearing thin. Chloe stuck around to try to help wherever possible. She’d made several pizza runs, kept the soft drinks flowing (if Red Bull can be called a soft drink), and made sure necessary meetings were happening. The warm weather was taking its toll on everyone and the stressful projects weren’t helping.

All three projects were due that Friday. The entire team worked through the night Wednesday and by Thursday night, everything was ready to ship. The projects came back from testing clean, and Ken’s team was done. A small cheer from the team was all the celebration the team could muster up, being 11:30 at night after working almost 24 hours straight for the second time that week.

Ken’s boss caught word of the success and called to let Ken know that he could give his team Friday off. Ken would need to come in to wrap up the details Friday morning, but hopefully that wouldn’t take too much time. The team slowly exited the office, Ken and Chloe being the last out the door.

Chloe let out a big sigh as she unbuttoned the top button of her shirt. The A/C appraently shut off at 10:00 each night and it was getting a bit stuffy. “I don’t know how you pull this stuff together, Ken. I’m sure proud of you and your team.” She gathered her purse and joined her husband waiting at the door. Ken smiled a half smile as he held the door open in front of her. He chuckled a bit as she walked past, unable to resist watching her hips sway on the way out. Ken had always thought she had an amazing butt, and kids hadn’t ruined it at all.

“I don’t know about the other guys, but I get my inspiration staring at my boss’s assistant all day!” He grabbed her arm and pulled her back to give her a long kiss and the couple walked into the warm night hand in hand. If they hadn’t been so exhausted, he may have abandoned those nepotism rules for an hour and had some fun in bursa escort bayan the conference room.

Chloe chuckled a bit as well, but was happy at the idea of having her husband back after the last couple weeks. “Tell you what. Since you have to come in tomorrow morning, maybe I’ll join you to make sure you get coffee and something to… eat.” The way “eat” rolled slowly off her tongue excited Ken, but he was too tired to really think about it that night.

The next morning came way too quickly. When the alarm finally quit screaming, the clock read 5:31. Ken rolled over to find Chloe already out of bed. He heard the hair dryer in the bathroom and rolled his eyes. Why had he married a morning person? Ken rolled out of bed, grabbed his clothes and headed for the shower. He gave Chloe a good morning kiss on his way into the bathroom; she was already on her way to get the kids going before her parents arrived.

By the time Ken and Chloe reached the office, it was already 8:30. Under normal circumstances, this would have been unusually late. Today there certainly was no problem. Ken’s boss had left him an email explaining that he’d be out all day on a golf outing, and congratulated him again on getting all three projects out on time. “So, Chloe, I guess it’s just you and me here today!”

His wife replied from her desk across the room, “A couple could do worse, eh?” She grabbed a cup of fresh coffee and brought one to Ken as well. Since it was just the two of them, she figured she could afford a little PDA and sat down on his lap as she set down the coffees. “So, my handsome hubby, what would you like to do with our afternoon?” Before he could respond, Chloe leaned in to give him a passionate kiss, then pulled only an inch away from his face as she waited for an answer.

“How about a nice lunch on a patio somewhere and then we go hide out in the lake house? Grab some swimsuits and escape the heat with a late afternoon swim. Maybe we could invite your parents and the kids up for dinner to say, ‘Thank you.’ They’ve been pretty incredible these weeks.”

“That sounds absolutely brilliant. And yes, they’ve been wonderful.” Wonderful for the afternoon, anyway. But Chloe was hoping for a little more today. She hadn’t been able to get this close to her husband for a couple weeks, and she was dying for some attention. She kissed him softly one more time and whispered, “I’ll let you get back to work so we can get out of this place.”

“Sounds good. I’ll give your parents a quick call so they don’t make other plans.” Chloe hopped up and headed back to her desk while Ken headed outside. The cell phone reception was terrible inside the building. Chloe had been waiting for such an opportunity as this. She quickly removed her bra and panties, leaving just a skirt and white blouse. She placed both articles of clothing in Ken’s drawer. He hadn’t gotten all of his supplies out yet, so she was pretty sure he’d see them there. She also wrote a quick note on a post-it note and laid it on top of her neatly folded unmentionables: “Didn’t really need these for this meeting. See me in the conference room. Love, me.”

When Ken returned, Chloe was sitting at her computer replying to emails. “Your parents are all set. They’ll see us up there at 5:30.” Chloe nodded acknowledgement, seemingly deep into an email. After a couple minutes, she got back up from her desk and headed toward the conference room.

“I’ll be tidying things up in here. You need anything on the whiteboards?”

“Nope, we should be all set with that stuff. We’ve got pictures if nothing else. Thanks!”

After answering a few emails himself, Ken reached into his drawer to pull out his mouse and tablet and was quite surprised to find a bra, panties, and a post-it note instead. He read the note and chuckled lightly, wondering what on earth his wife was planning. The conference room was more like a war room – located in the middle of the building, it had no windows, a single heavy door, and white boards covering all four walls. It was a dream come true for a development team – a quiet place to work without interruption, plenty of space to draw out and change ideas, and hidden away from everything else going on around the office.

Ken came in to find all the overhead lights off, and only a small lamp in the corner provided any light whatsoever. Apparently his wife had found a small desk lamp and decided to keep it around the office for occasions such as this. But the light was not the main attraction. Sitting on one of the long tables in the middle of the room was Chloe. Legs folded, leaning backwards on her outstretched arms. Her blouse was completely unbuttoned but still draped over her torso, exposing just her stomach for the time being. Ken felt himself instantly harden and his heart rate soared as he took in the scene around him.

He still held his wife’s underwear in his hand and managed to whisper softly, “I see now why you don’t need these.” He tossed them onto a chair sitting next gorukle escort to the door and slowly made his way in to the table on which Chloe was reclining.

Chloe slowly leaned forward and Ken could see that she held in her hand the remote to the video unit in the room. The unit was used for recording seminars and training sessions in the conference room and simply saved the videos to a server in the back room. Chloe pointed the remote at the camera and pushed the record button before tossing the remote to the same chair that held her underwear.

“You know what’ll happen if someone lays their hands on this video, don’t you?” Ken’s question came half from excitement and half from the horror that his coworkers might find a video of this little escapade.

“Yep, sure do. But you know who manages that server. We’ll have a copy before we leave today and that video will never have existed. I’ve always dreamed of this, and I can’t think of a better opportunity. Now get over here and remind me exactly who I married.”

And with that, Chloe leaned back onto her arms and tipped her head back, closing her eyes and smiling. She rolled her shoulders back a bit further this time, though, causing her blouse to slowly fall down her arms landing on the table below. Her perky breasts pointed up into the air, nipples erect and begging to be touched. Noticing that her husband still wasn’t completely sold on the idea, Chloe slowly rolled over on the table, lying on her stomach. Her bare breasts lowered slowly onto the table top while she slowly began grinding her clit against the table. “You’re not going to make me film this all by myself are you?” she whispered, winking slowly at her husband before closing her eyes and returning her attention to her aroused body.

Ken certainly couldn’t leave his wife to have all the fun. Sex at the office was always a fantasy of his, but he’d never thought about actually recording it. But the fact that Chloe was willing to try something so daring was an unbelievable turn-on. But even that paled by comparison to watching his wife, half-naked in the office conference room, grinding herself toward an orgasm without him. Now that was a turn-on.

Ken walked slowly across the conference room. When he reached his wife, he reached down slowly and brushed Chloe’s hair away from her neck. The subtle smell of her cologne filled his nostrils and a smile came across his face. There were some things the camera wouldn’t be able to capture. Ken ran his finger tips slowly up and down Chloe’s back and then across the backs of her arms. He leaned forward, holding her arms against the table and Chloe stopped grinding and let out a long soft moan. “I knew you couldn’t resist this, you big stud.”

Ken unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt and quickly made his way down the front buttons. Twisting the shirt into a whip, Ken snapped Chloe in the butt with the collar, bringing out a sharp, surprised yelp from his wife. Chloe quickly flipped over onto her back, grabbed Ken with her legs and pulled him tightly against the edge of the table.

Ken grinned and responded, “Well, well, my love. It looks like I’m stuck here now. Might as well have some fun, huh?”

Ken untucked his undershirt and slowly pulled it up his body and over his head. Chloe did love her husband’s body… his six-pack, his strong pecs, but most of all, those arms. In the worst of times, those arms held her strong. In the best of times, he could hold her powerless in bed while those strong hands tickled her until she had to beg him to stop.

Ken stood over top of his gorgeous wife and a grin came over his face. Chloe lightened the grip with her legs, bringing one leg around in front of her husband. She ran her toes very slowly from his right shoulder down across his pecs, across those washboard abs, until she finally pushed her foot against his very hard cock. She couldn’t wait to get it out of those pants!

Catching her off-guard, Ken grabbed both of Chloe’s legs just above her knees and quickly pulled her across the table until her crotch met the front of Ken’s pants. Chloe again wrapped her legs around his body and sat up on her elbows. The looks in both their eyes moved very quickly from amusement and fun to raw passion and intensity. Ken reached down and grabbed the back of Chloe’s neck firmly, pulling her face up to his. His other arm reached around to hold his wife up, chest to chest, as she firmly planted a kiss on his lips.

Ken pulled Chloe even tighter against him, enjoying the touch of her breasts squeezing against his chest. Chloe’s kisses became even more serious as she bit his bottom lip and tugged at it with her teeth. Ken ran his hand from her neck up to the back of her head and pulled her hair firmly but gently away from him. Holding her body firmly against his with one arm, Chloe’s neck became fully exposed to his passionate kisses. Chloe was afraid he was going to leave hickeys but there was nothing she could do about it. Her fingers bursa merkez escort bayan dug into his back and she felt herself getting incredibly wet. The whole situation was throwing her over the edge and they’d only just begun.

Ken lowered his wife back onto the table. Chloe’s eyes were shut again and her hands quickly found her stomach. She moved them slowly to her breasts and began moaning softly as she squeezed them, rolling her nipples between her thumbs and fingers. Ken reached down, running his palm slowly up the inside of her thigh. When his fingers reached her uncovered labia inside her skirt, a smirk came across his face. “You didn’t want to waste any time at all did you?” Ken grabbed the side of Chloe’s skirt with both hands and with a quick motion, ripped it in two from top to bottom. Chloe’s eyes opened wide as she looked down in amazement at what her husband had just done to her. Propped up on her elbows, she laid there now completely naked in front of Ken, the shock still written across her face.

“Smile for the camera, my love,” Ken said somewhat sarcastically. He reached back down and quickly undid his belt, unzipped his pants and dropped his pants and boxers to the floor. The thrill of being naked together with his naked wife in the conference room at his employer’s office made for all he could handle without hitting orgasm right there and then.

Ken climbed up on the table with his knees and pushed his wife back down to her back. He began kissing her neck again – she’d always had the most incredible neck, tall, slender, and so erotic. Then he moved down to her arms, kissing every square inch he could find. His hands were moving firmly up and down her stomach until they finally rested on her firm breasts. He massaged them vigorously and his palms rubbing across her nipples was almost enough to push her to orgasm. Chloe reached around Ken’s body again, pulling him toward her but he resisted. His face met her breasts and kissing turned into licking. Ken pulled one nipple into his mouth, flicking the tip with his tongue. Chloe’s moans were getting louder and louder, but neither of them cared at this point. Ken’s hard cock had already begun rubbing up and down against Chloe’s clit – he’d lowered himself enough to see to that.

Ken moved back onto the floor, once again standing over Chloe. He pulled her legs back toward the edge until her butt was just barely resting on the table. Ken’s left hand moved up Chloe’s thigh until the bottom of his palm rested on her clit; he pushed firmly against it, bringing another long, loud moan from his wife. Her hands had already found their way back to her breasts and picked up where Ken’s had left off.

Ken kneeled slowly until his face was right in front of his wife’s freshly-shaven lips. He ran his tongue slowly up the outside of her lips and finally settled his mouth around her clit. He began flicking her clit with his tongue while he sucked hard against her labia. He could taste and feel her wetness. Chloe’s breathing was getting quicker and she moaned violently now with each exhale. Her hands now moved to the back of Ken’s head as she pulled his face against her throbbing clit. With each flick of Ken’s tongue, Chloe’s moans had turned to shouts. Her back arched against the table and her body began to quiver. She was so close to the orgasm she could barely stand it.

Suddenly Ken pulled away. For a moment, Chloe just laid there on the table catching her breath. She wasn’t sure what Ken had in mind but she wanted that orgasm so badly. Ken climbed back on top of the table, his hardened penis slowly rubbing against her leg, then against her labia. She felt it continue up her stomach and between her breasts. Ken continued inching his knees forward until they reached Chloe’s shoulders. He held her arms against her body; her eyes were still closed as she regained her breath. Without a word, Ken lowered the head of his penis slowly to Chloe’s lips.

It had been a while since Chloe had tasted her husband’s precum. How she had missed that taste. Or, perhaps she’d simply missed being this incredibly aroused. Her entire vagina was begging for the job to be complete and she could still feel her clit throbbing. But that was all beside the point now. She clamped her lips down around Ken’s penis as he slowly began thrusting it in and out. She could feel his sack rub against her chin as he pushed deeper and deeper into her mouth. Chloe’s tongue began playing with the delicate skin on the underside of Ken’s member and she squeezed his head against the top of her mouth. Now it was Ken’s turn to begin moaning.

The insides of Ken’s thighs were brushing back and forth against the sides of Chloe’s breasts. Her nipples were tickled by Ken’s leg hair and she was having trouble focusing on anything with so much arousing contact. Without thinking, she reached her right hand down to push two fingers up inside her vagina, and her left index finger began circling her clit.

Ken’s thrusts were getting harder and faster. Chloe could feel his head against the front of her throat and she was thankful her husband knew exactly how far he could go in. She didn’t know if he was planning to unload in her mouth or draw this whole ordeal out even further. She wanted to taste him. She wanted to push her own body to orgasm.

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