
Admire My name isn’t too important. I am 24 years old. 5 foot 9 and 150 pounds with a slim and fit build. Not much body hair naturally. My pubic area I keep trimmed tight but not completely shaved bare. I have short blond hair and blue eyes. My personality… Read more“Admire”

The Barback

“Did you need anything else?” I asked. For the last 10 days, the bar had been running nearly around the clock as bikers streamed into the small town of Sturgis by the tens of thousands. The estimated numbers of those who had come to the rally were north of 800,000… Read more“The Barback”

Another City

Another city, another business trip, and yet again another hotel bar. Sitting at the bar, picking at my overdone cheeseburger and soggy fries, sipping my beer as I watch the game on the TV with little interest, my eye is caught by a handsome man entering and sitting alone in… Read more“Another City”

High Tide

So…. I fucked a celebrity that I met on Craig’s list. Not much of a beginning, especially when the entire time I talked to him before we finally met, I was trying to convince myself not to meet him. Who does that anyway? Certainly not someone like me! I consider… Read more“High Tide”