
One of my favorite things about writing these stories is the feedback I get from the readers. I love when people tell me how excited they get reading my stories. Now I realize that the internet is the world of anonymous people, and you can never really be sure that… Read more“Jessica”

Ice Cream

I sprawled on the firm mattress of my bed on a hot summer day in July, sweat rolling down every nook and cranny of my body, wondering how I was going to keep myself entertained for the rest of the summer. I was bored with my town, bored with the… Read more“Ice Cream”

I Know Her

© 2013 Please do not reproduce this original work in any form without written permission from the author. * I wonder what she’s doing right now. It’s 8 p.m. on the East coast, so her conference is over and she’ll have eaten dinner by now—probably with Melissa. I know they… Read more“I Know Her”