Spillan-in Again

Dear Reader, this story is entered in our brilliant sexy writer, Chloe Tzang’s ‘“Hammered: an Ode to Mickey Spillane” Author Challenge.’ What a privilege to participate! Although there are no prizes, please give the story a fair vote of 4 or 5 so others can enjoy it as well. New… Read more“Spillan-in Again”

Coupe Glace

Chantal strutted onto the patio, glided down the stone steps, threw her lady-bundle onto the sun lounger, and faced the camera. The sun lit up her burnt sienna hair, accentuating her crème caramel extensions. She raised her arms and clawed at her shocking mane. A stray kiss-curl brushed her lips…. Read more“Coupe Glace”

First Touch

We pulled up to the deBoers’ house half an hour before eight. We were supposed to be there at seven, but my mom had this thing about being “fashionably late.” Dad parked on the street, and we all got out of the car, and headed up the block to the… Read more“First Touch”