I Want A Fat Babe

There they were. The Barbie Dolls. The bleached-blond, silicon-enhanced, daddy’s-credit-card-endowed, anorectic airheads, aka the Popular Girls, aka the Cheerleaders. They took their seats at a table in the cafeteria, chittering loudly about the upcoming prom. Dresses, corsages, limos, dates… Right on cue, a dark-voiced brawling by the entrance announced the… Read more“I Want A Fat Babe”

Nude on a Bearskin Rug

*Author’s Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. Disclaimers: This story has been edited by myself, using Microsoft spell-check. You have been forewarned. .-. -..- -..- .-. -..- .-. Joanne ‘Joee’ Domaingue entered her World Economics class and looked around…. Read more“Nude on a Bearskin Rug”