Moonlit River

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Standing by the open window, holding the white lace curtain to one side, she watched him walk across the road and head across the clearing to the river. She had been watching him for a couple of months now, and every evening was the same. Rod would wait until the sun was low in the horizon and then walk to the river bank with his sketch pad and little faded yellow satchel full of pencils, rubbers, half used paint tubes and brushes. If it was raining he would still walk down there with a big dark rain coat wrapped around his tall lanky frame. What he did when it rained down there she had no idea.

Sara thought back to when she first met Rod about 2 years ago. One of her colleagues at the library where she worked had pointed him out and told her that Rod was an artist, quite famous actually. She had stared at his tall lean frame, encased in old faded denim jeans and a green polo shirt. He had sandy shoulder length hair that had a slightly unkept air about it. Almost as if, she mused, he had more important things to do with his time than actually comb his hair. He had been wandering around the visual art section seemingly oblivious to everything but the books he was reverently holding in his hands. Finally after selecting a few choice books and using the internet for an hour, he had brought his selection to the counter. Stunning blue green eyes looked deep into hers as she stared at him. Rod had smiled at her and asked if she was a local. After assuring him that she was, she was soon entrenched in a conversation about houses for sale in secluded areas near the river. Since she herself lived at the end of a dirt road surrounded by native bush and opposite a very secluded bend in the river, she immediately sensed a kindred spirit in him. Sara had found herself telling him about the house half a kilometer from hers and 10 kms out of town that was for sale. The house had been on the market for sometime and would be perfect for an artist she thought. Eagerly she wrote down the name of the real estate agent and gave him directions to the house. A month later she had a new and very sexy, all be it private, neighbor.

“I wonder what his hands would feel like.” She mused, watching his tall frame disappear into the trees.

Such strong hands, she thought with a shiver of longing, hands that where made to stroke a woman’s body with exquisite tenderness. She gave herself a mental shake and replaced the curtain and walked back to the couch. Curling her legs underneath her she plopped herself down into the soft brown cushions and grabbed her book. She tried for about a half an hour to concentrate on the book she was reading. In the end she put it down in disgust and stood up and began to close the blinds and turn more lights on.

“This is ridiculous! She exclaimed out loud. “I am 35 years old and I am lusting after Rod like a school girl!”

Sasha her cat obviously agreed with her as she began to rub and butt her head against her jean clad leg. Absent mindedly she bent and picked up the small grey cat and snuggled her in her arms. Sasha began to purr almost immediately.

“You couldn’t care less that you mum is almost dying of sexual frustration could you?”

Her only answer was the cats throbbing loud purr, as she snuggled deeper into her arms.

She and Rod had become friends, most in part due to his daily internet visits to the library and also being her only neighbor for miles. Sometimes he would drop in to see her and they would talk for hours about art, books and life in general. Most times she would have a glass of bubbly and he would have his usual bottomless cup of coffee. They got along really well. He never once showed any interest in her other than that of a good friend. It frustrated the hell of her. She tried everything to attract his attention. Sitting close to him, brushing his arm with her arms as she pointed out something in a book they would be looking at. Not once did he ever react to her attentions. She wore low cut tops that seemed to barely contain her breasts. She tried to wriggle her hips as she walked in front of him.

Sara sighed, this was getting her nowhere.

“Except extremely horny.” She sniggered out loud.

She decided to go to bed early and try to read the books that she needed to review for the library, not that she would sleep anyway.

The next day found her irritable and tired. She had slept fitfully, erotic dreams filled with Rod kissing and sucking at her breasts saw to that!

She did not want to go to work today. She wanted to march down to Rods place, bang on his door and throw herself at him in a frenzy of lust and passion.

A giggle escaped her as she imagined what he would do if she actually did that.

Probably keel over in shock she thought, shaking her head in disgust.

The day went by fast for Sara as she re-stacked the shelves with books that had been entered in the libraries computer as returned. She loved her job and enjoyed stacking the books bursa escort back where they belonged, it gave her a chance to see the books and read the back of them to see if she would like any of them. After lunch the object of her desire strolled through the door of the library, gave her a friendly wave and went to the computer room.

Returning his wave she went back to cataloguing all the new books that had arrived. All of them needed to be entered into the system, given a number and a bar code. The computer would then print out white sticky labels for her to stick on the spine of the books. Next was the tedious task of covering them.

Five o’clock came around fast; she looked around startled as the other staff members began closing the big glass and wood doors. She hadn’t even noticed Rod’s departure.

Heaving a big sigh, she saved her work, exited the program and logged off. She then packed her bag as the computer shut down. Saying a friendly goodbye to her fellow librarians she walked through the admin office and exited through the staff door straight into the car park.

Heat assailed her straight away. She knew it had been a hot day but was surprised by the sticky heat. Being inside in air conditioned comfort had its advantages she thought as she walked to her car.

30 mins later she was standing in her bedroom removing her sticky clothes and replacing them with a white crop top and blue sarong. Sasha mewled and wove around her legs demanding attention. Sara happily obliged and picked her up marveling at the soft warm silky fur of the cat. Walking toward the kitchen she put Sasha on the counter top and got out the cat food from the fridge and fed her hungry cat. Glancing outside she realized how close it was to dusk. A whisper of an idea flittered through her mind. She gasped at her own boldness and pondered the thought. If she went down to the river bank and had a nude sunset swim, Rod might see her there and she might be able to seduce him. Excitement clenched at her stomach and her face flushed with her own daring.

Could she — what if he didn’t- what if he wasn’t interested? Dread curled in her stomach.

“DAMN IT!” she exclaimed, slamming her hand on to the counter top, sending Sasha out of the room, hair all fluffed up at the sudden loud noise.

Sara grabbed a blanket and was off out the front door and heading across the road before she could allow herself to change her mind.

Sunset stained the sky a brilliant pink as it filtered through the tall red gums by the river. Galahs screeched their way over head making their way to the trees they settled in at night time. She loved this time of day, the birds all screeching and flapping and whirling over head as their searched for a place to roost. The air smelt rich and fresh, tinged with the warm earth and spicy gum scents. The muddy wet smell of the river tickled her nose as she picked her way over fallen sticks and leaves. Dead brown grass and some leaves crunched under her thongs as she made her way to the bank. Looking around her she was relieved to find that she was the only one there. So far Rod had not arrived. Laying her blanket out on the hard packed dirt bank, she slowly peeled her white top off her body, revealing small round breasts. Her nipples tightened at the feeling of the air, caressing her unrestrained breasts. Looking around nervously she glanced about making sure that she was still alone. Her heart picked up its pace in her chest as her bravery started to fade with the setting sun.

She turned her thoughts to Rod and desire began to build in her. The soft warm, river scented breeze softly ruffled her hair and she turned to glance at the water. It slipped past the bank in a silken sigh, splashes of colour sparkling off the surface in places. Mostly it was a dark colour sliding by the banks in a slow lazy sigh. The occasional splash signaled a fish jumping to catch the little insects zipping over the water.

She glanced at the small pool that formed in the bend of the river. Years ago before she had moved to the area a huge red gum had fallen into the water causing the river to flow out and around, creating a natural pool without the current. Years of use had worn a smooth hard bank down to the water. An old rope hung from a branch of another tree that grew out over the pools edge.

The water looked so inviting; she had swum in the pool so many times.

She undid the tie at her waist and let the sarong fall to the ground at her feet. She then shimmied her white lace panties down her hips and thighs, allowing them to drop. Stepping out of them she carefully walked to the waters edge. It was beginning to get darker now. A full moon was rising above the trees casting a strong yellow light.

She gasped as she stepped into the cold water of the pool. Deciding to get it over with she dove head long into the water. Shock waves of cold zapped her as she dove down into the water. Racing to the surface she gulped escort bursa a breath of air and pushed her wet hair from her face. Treading water she turned and faced the bank. The sun had fully set and there was a faint tinge of light through the trees. Yellow moonlight lit the water and the shiny leaves of the gums. She glanced towards her towel and bundle of clothes. Standing by them was Rod, yellow satchel in hand. Hot sweet desire burned her body driving the water chill from her limbs.

He was here, standing there, watching her. It was now or never. She glided to the bank and hauled herself out of the water. Moon lit silver water ran off her making her look like some ancient water elf. Rod placed his satchel on the ground and walked towards her.

“Nice night for it. ” He croaked, his voice husky and low as he looked at her with a hot searching look.

“Mmm it was so hot and I just needed to cool down, you want to join me?”

“Sara, I am not sure.” He groaned. “You look so good I could just eat you.”

He stopped inches from her, so close she could feel the heat from his body. The smell of his skin, the feel of his breath.

Sara felt an electric jolt of heat go straight to her inner most core. Her body tightened with it, melted with it actually ran with it.

A soft groan escaped his mouth as he reached out a shaky finger to capture a single drop of water suspended on one of her hard nipples. Gently catching it on the tip of his finger he lifted his hand and watched the drop glide down to his palm to drip from his wrist.

Sara stood still wanting to touch him but now the moment had arrived she did not know what to do. Her breath was coming in pants as her lust became almost painful.

Leaning forward she placed her lips against his and with a hand on his shoulder drew him towards her. Without hesitation he wrapped his arms around her body and held her close as their lips met. She flicked her tongue across his causing him to grind his hips against her belly. The sensation of denim and steel buttons felt so good. She could feel his hot arousal pushing through his jeans. She rubbed her belly against him, causing him to groan.

Pulling away from her, he took his t-shirt off and threw it on her pile of clothes. Looking deep into her eyes that gleamed in the bright moonlight, he unbuttoned his jeans and slid them off. He began to step out of his Calvin’s freeing his hard erection to her wondering eyes. He was larger than she expected, his penis was jumping every now and then and pre-cum glistened on the tip. All exciting evidence of his desire for her. He stepped closer and pulled her hard against his body. The heat of the night had evaporated most of the water from her body and the soft warm breeze was doing the rest. The feel of his hard body up against hers felt so good, so right. She placed her hands on his hips and ran them over his back and down over his backside, marveling at the feel of his muscles. She arched her back as he gently ran a finger over her side and down her flanks. Shivering with passion she started to rain soft wet kisses on his neck and shoulders, her hands sweeping over his body, trying to memorize every hard plan and muscle. His hands where hard and calloused and felt so good on her soft skin. He ran his hands over her breasts and with the palm of his hands rubbed her hard nipples. Lowering his head to her breast he drew a nipple into his mouth and gently sucked it, flicking the tip with his tongue.

Sara moaned out loud and pulled his head closer, whilst rubbing her soft belly against his hard erection.

Rod drew away and led her by the hand to her blanket spread out on the bank. Gently lowering her down he began to suck and tease her breasts and nipples. Straddling either side of her hips he lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her with such passion that she cried out begging him to take her there and then. Writhing under him feeling the weight of his testicles against her legs was pure torture. His hot penis glided over her belly and her shaven mound as she wriggled beneath him. Pushing her down against the blanket he began to kiss her with maddeningly slow hot kisses across her belly. His breath was feathered out on her skin and the scents and sounds of the night mingled with his pure male smell. She ran her hands over his shoulders and down his arms as he began kissing her inner thighs, nuzzling her lips apart. She opened her thighs wide to him. He took the time to look at her. Moon light glinted of the moisture gathered in her soft swollen folds. Her shaven sex looked so smooth and slick. Balancing on one arm he careful ran a finger between the folds of her skin and found the hard little nub of flesh. She jumped and cried out with pleasure. She was so wet and so hot. He ran his finger in small circles over her sensitive core causing her to buck and arch beneath his touch. He removed his finger and lent down to taste her.

She felt his hot breath against the wetness bursa escort bayan of her opening. Then his tongue gently slid between her soft inner lips and flicked the centre of her pleasure. She wrapped her legs around his waist and thrust her hands in his hair as he pleasured her with his mouth and tongue. She could feel the pleasure building with every swirl of his tongue. He gently began to draw her swollen nub in his mouth and suck. Pleasure screamed through her body and she felt herself shatter into a climax. Mewling and shuddering she felt wave after wave of mind blowing pleasure course through her. Unconsciously she gripped his head between her knees.

Panting she collapsed back onto the blanket. Rod gently kissed her belly and he moved up to her breasts and neck. She opened her eyes and looked into his. His face was inches from hers.

“I have wanted you for so long.” She whispered “I didn’t think you wanted me.” Tears came to her eyes and trickled down her the sides of her face.

Gently he kissed them away and with a voice still hoarse with lust replied “Sara I have wanted you so badly but didn’t want to ruin our friendship, you drove me mad woman. Wriggling that butt of yours when you walked in front of me and brushing against me every chance you had.”

“You knew?

“I would have to be blind not to.” He whispered.

Elation and the fresh stirring of desire spread through her. Placing a hand on his chest she carefully pushed him away. Sitting up she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and gently twisted sideways and pushed him on his back.

“Mine turn now!”

She looked at the length of his body stretched out in front of her. The contours of his body were revealed in shadow and light as the moonlight washed over them both. Gently she began to kiss his mouth, tasting herself on his lips. She trailed soft kisses across his throat and chest, nipping his small hard nipples with her teeth.

“Ouch!” he yelped as he tried to sit up.

She pushed him back down, and licked first at one nipple then the other. Blowing her hot breath across the wetness she created. She heard his moans and sighs and kept trailing kisses every lower. Allowing her hair to drag over his body she used her mouth and hands to kiss and touch his chest and stomach. Stopping just short of the base of his penis. She gently traced a finger through his course wiry pubic hair, once again stopping short of actually touching his erection. He began to involuntarily thrust his hips with need as she kept on kissing and touching him all around his hard penis, without actually touching it. Her hair glided over it and caused him to groan louder. Licking her lips she placed her mouth over the tip of his hard hot length and gently flicked her tongue around the head.

“Sara!” he cried. “Don’t stop that feels so good!”

She slid his length into her hot wet mouth, taking in as much as she could. She could feel the corners of her mouth stretching to accommodate him. Slowly she began to move up and down sucking as she did. Straddling his legs and using one hand next to his hip to steady herself, she ran a finger lightly over his testicles whilst sucking him as hard as she could. She moaned as she sucked him causing vibrations to go from the tip of his penis right through to his testicles. Grabbing her by the hair he began to move his hips thrusting in and out of her willing mouth. Sara gladly moved her mouth in time with his thrusts. Reveling in the taste of him the smell of him, the feel of him in her mouth. She was so horny. Moaning her need and running her fingers over his testicles she kept sucking and running her tongue over his penis. She felt his testicles draw up and could feel him begin to throb. She released him from her mouth and moved to kneel over him. She placed her knees either side of his hips. Reaching down to grasp his throbbing penis she guided it to her wet opening. Rubbing him against her she teased them both. He groaned and thrust his hips up at her. Sara lowered herself onto him and felt him slid deep within her. Never had she felt so full. Sitting up she began to rub and play with her breasts whilst slowly moving up and down, loving the feel of his large penis inside of her. His eyes glazed with lust as he watched her riding him and touching her breasts. Grabbing her hips in his large hands he began to drive into her almost lifting her up and pulling her down. Sara squealed as she felt the hot hardness of him thrust in and out of her. She began to ride his thrusts faster and faster as the pleasure began to build again. Moaning and writhing in ecstasy she placed her hands either side of his chest and gave in to her orgasm.

He could feel the walls of her sex tighten and spasm around him. Her soft moans and mewls took him over the edge and he thrust himself hard inside her as he spurted his seed deep with in her hot depths. Small involuntary thrusts had him bucking his hips.

She collapsed on top of him feeling his hard chest beneath her soft breasts. They both lay there panting and recovering from their love making. She could feel his penis shrinking with in her. Gently she lifted her hips allowing him to slide out of her, and moved to lay down beside him.

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