Something Borrowed, Something New


I watch the door close to the small but pretty boutique room, my mother leaving to give me some time alone before I start a new life with my fiance. Well, I say fiance, but in less than two hours he will be my husband and I his wife, and our new journey will have really begun.

Turning my head from the door, I look into the mirror that is edged with pretty lights and see my perfectly set golden hair that curls and falls down to my shoulders and the makeup that had been expertly applied by one of my bridesmaids when the day had barely begun. The whole morning had been manic and now it was like I was in the calm of the eye of the storm before chaos reigned once more.

I take a deep breath and feel my breasts heave slightly against the corset of my wedding gown. At least for now I can breathe, with the silk ribbon laying open on my bare back which will do it’s best to hide the tattoo that my future husband has made clear he’s not a fan of. Too late to regret that now though.

Too late for anything.

This whole week had made my feet cold. Mum had said it was pre-wedding jitters, that everyone got it and everyone came out the otherside smiling. But as the week had progressed, as the rush to get everything just right continued, I couldn’t help but wonder whether all of this was a terrible idea all round. The only thing that had stopped me from calling it off was how happy it made Tom and how much money we’d lose if I pulled out now.

Knowing there was little to be done, I reach for my phone to call my maid of honour Frankie back to the hotel room, to give me a little company for my last few hours of singledom, when a knock comes at my door.

“Who is it?” I say, loud enough for whoever is at the door to hear.

“Jay. Are you decent?”

Jason, or Jay as he prefers to be called, is Tom’s older brother by a good ten years. He’s taller and broader shouldered than his younger sibling with a face that seemed to be perpetually amused by a joke only he knew. He was affable and personable, his humour full of gentle mockery (such as repeatedly telling Tom he was a mistake, something which might well have some truth to it considering the age gap between them).

“Yes, come in.” I tell him, and the door opens and he takes a step before stopping and looking genuinely shocked at me. It’s the first thing that’s made me smile all morning, and I hope that when the time comes for me to walk down the aisle that I get to see the same look from Tom.

“Wow Tinks, you look amazing.”

Him calling me my nickname from school, because I’d been short and blonde like a certain fairy, forces my eyes to roll and a groan to escape my lips. The slight pull of my lips though is enough to know I don’t mind as he closes the door behind him.

“Just thought I’d come by and check you’re doing alright, y’know? I know how these things go” he says, leaning back against the door with his arms crossed across the light blue waistcoat he’s wearing. There’s an easiness about Jay that immediately relaxes me, especially when he refers to his own wedding from before I met Tom. If he could get through it and have a successful marriage with kids, why can’t I?

“I’m okay. A little nervous, but that’s to be expected right?”

Jay nods and takes a further step into the room. “Yeah. I was petrified of Stace not turning up on the day, or… well, making a mistake fethiye escort y’know? But Tom and you, you’re great together. Ain’t nothing to be worried about kid.”

I nod at his advice and slowly exhale, hoping the nervous energy that is coursing through me would leave with the air from my lungs. I’m only disappointed, and my shoulders slump slightly as I silently pray to whatever deity deals with worried brides on the day of their nuptials to help me however she can.

I feel two large hands sit on my shoulders and I glance to the mirror to see Jay has moved to stand behind me. His blue eyes look into mine, and for the first time in all the years I’ve known him he looks somewhat serious.

“You’ll be fine.” he reiterates more firmly. “Now let’s get this dress done up shall we? Can’t get married with your back bar- woooah. Since when have you had a tatt?”

“Since forever.” I reply smartly.

“Yeah okay, forever.” Jay replies sarcastically, grabbing my arms to pull me up to my feet so he can get a better look.

“What is that, some kind of phoenix?”

“Nah,” I say, mimicking his lazy way of speaking. “It’s a blackbird. I had it done when I was 18 after a friend who’d passed away. It… it’s from a song.”

I watch Jay nod in the mirror and then slowly stand up, strong hands finding the silk ribbons and slowly tightening the bodice of my dress. “I like it. Always think a tatt should mean something, y’know?”

“Should tell your brother that then,” I tell him. “He’s never been keen.”

“Yeah well he ain’t right about everything, regardless of what he thinks.”

As his hands move to tie the ribbon, I feel the brush of his fingers against my back. It’s just glances of skin on skin but enough for me to shiver slightly. If Jay notices then he doesn’t say anything, instead humming to himself as he deftly tightens my bodice until the ribbon is almost to the top.

He spots me watching him in the mirror and he flashes me that confident, slightly cocky smile again. Before he finishes I turn around and give him a quick hug. There’s a moment of hesitation from him before his hand presses against my back and holds me close to him.

“Thanks” I murmur against his shirt.

“Don’t mention it kiddo. We’ve all been here.” he says back, and I feel him kiss my forehead lightly.

It’s a totally innocent press of his lips to my skin, but it ignites something within me that I was oblivious to the existence of. A fire in my belly, a rush of blood between my legs that gives me goosebumps all over my arms.

I pull back and look at him, and see that same confused feeling in his eyes that’s in mine. It’s like we’re seeing each other for the first time, not as brother and sister in law, but as a handsome, strong man and a cute, younger woman.

When we kiss that first time, I can only help but wonder how and why we haven’t done it before.

Jay pulls me into his body and my arms wrap around his broad shoulders, our mouths parting and our tongues swirling around one another noisily. I feel him pushing me back, and I quickly step back with him until I feel the pressure of the wall behind me.

His mouth dips quickly to my jaw and neck, my head tilting up to expose more of it to him as his hands pull the straps of my wedding dress off my shoulders and down my arms until the front of my bodice falls below my now exposed breasts.

It doesn’t even strike me how wrong any of this is when he leans down to take a nipple into his mouth, sucking hard until I let out a sharp gasp of shock when he starts to flick it repeatedly with his tongue. My hands run through his short hair, feeling any part of him I can lay my hands on, and Jay lifts his mouth back to to mine, our kisses hungry.

Just kissing, just 2nd base, isn’t enough for me. The anxiety is gone from earlier, but it’s been replaced with a lust that I know can only be quenched one way. Without asking I pull down his zipper, and in response Jay starts to bunch up my dress until my lacy white panties, chosen especially to arouse his brother, are revealed to him.

“Yes, yes” I mutter under my breath as I pull his cock free, and Jay roughly pulls aside my panties and quickly sheathes himself into me.

With a quick jolt to lift me from the floor, he starts to fuck me. Jay isn’t slow or gentle like his brother tends to be, he’s powerful and every hard thrust into my pussy feels like it means something. He’s strong enough to hold me up with one arm, so his free hand moves to my breast which he kneads hard until I gasp free from the intense kiss which had been muffling the moans I’d been making.

“Fuck you’re hot,” he growls. “Even hotter than when I’ve thought about you when I’ve jacked off.”

There’s something incredibly hot about the idea of him wanking to the thought of me, and it awakens more depraved thoughts in my mind. “Yeah?” I gasp, trying to keep quiet while nipping at his bottom lip. “You been thinking about fucking me?”

“Fuck yeah.” is Jay’s response, pulling us from the wall and moving us so he can perch me on a small, oval table. Between us we push off the brushes and makeup paraphernalia that had been sitting on it, and soon I am laying down with my stockinged legs wrapped around my fiance’s brother’s waist as he starts to slam his cock into me.

The table creaks beneath me but I don’t notice. I do notice how his big hands grip to my waist as he pulls me onto his cock, and I notice how the muscles on his neck stick out as he bares his teeth with every hard thrust, how he grunts like an animal as he takes me. The fact that someone could walk in at any moment and ruin so many lives is the furthest thing from my mind.

All I can feel is Jay literally fucking my wedding anxiety out of me.

He reaches out and grabs one of my large breasts again which jolt heavily when he pounds into me. It’s far too rough for me to take any real arousal from it, but there’s something intoxicating about watching him hungrily grab at my chest that makes me feel incredibly sexy.

“Like my tits?” I gasp in my continued battle to not cry out and announce to the entire hotel that I’m being so bad.

“Fuck Tink, I’ve always thought you had great tits. Never… fuck.”

Jay grabs them again, pushing them together as he pushes deeper into me and my hips lift instinctively at the sensation of having his large cock buried deep inside of my cunt. “I just wish we had more time,” he murmurs.

I glance aside to look at the clock and see there’s 30 minutes until I’m due to walk down the aisle. Pursing my lips, I look back to him with a wicked look.

“I’m the bride. It’s my prerogative to be late if I want. Why don’t you bolt the door, and I’ll go and make sure that I don’t ruin my dress by taking it off.

His grin is all the answer I need. “Tom know what a bad girl you are?” he asks, pulling away so I can see his thick, hard cock properly for the first time. “Get in that bedroom. I’m going to fuck you senseless.”

I watch him stride to the door and I quickly step out of my dress and take a moment to wonder what I’m doing as I enter the bedroom, why I’m running late and risking being caught just so I can be fucked by Tom’s brother.

Those thoughts quickly disappear when I hear the door to the bedroom shut and I turn to see Jay letting his shirt fall to the floor just as he pulls me into another embrace and pushes us onto the plump bed. My hands run over his strong form, across the inked skin that goes from his pecs and down his arms.

Again he pulls aside my panties and he continues his assault on my tight pussy, slamming himself into me and grunting loudly in my ear each time he’s flush inside of me. With two rooms between the outside world and our carnal need, I feel more comfortable moaning out as he fucks me relentlessly on the bed I’m to share with Tom on our first night of marriage.

Even worse, sharing my body with someone else.

Conscious of not getting my hair a mess, I ask him to roll us so I’m on top and Jay dutifully obliges. I straddle his waist and ride him as hard as he’d been fucking me, groaning as my hands plant against his torso and I bounce up and down on his thick shaft.

“You like fucking me?” I cry as I put a large hand to one of my bouncing breasts while the other hand moves into my panties to work my clit. “You like fucking my tight body?”

“Fuck yeah, fuck yeah” he growls over and over, clearly as intoxicated with what he’s seeing as I am with what I’m feeling. My moaning, my gasping, grows to a crescendo and suddenly I’m cumming over his cock and clinging to his strong body as my orgasm crashes over me, groaning his name into his chest as my manicured nails scratch down his shoulders.

Before I can say or do anything else, I’m on my back again and Jay is pumping furiously into me and then growling his own release, grabbing my breasts as I feel ropes and ropes of my brother in law’s cum shoot into my tight pussy he’s used so well.

Jay collapses on top of me and for a minute we just breathe heavily together until he gets off of me and pulls his slick cock from my pussy. I watch him get from the bed and look at me. There’s another pause, and then he smiles.

“You’re pretty fucking hot, you know that right?”

I smile back him, still slightly breathless and just a little bit dishevelled, because his smile is genuine and infectious.

Of course I’m late when I arrive to the room where I’m getting married because I couldn’t get married with most of Jay’s cum still in me. Tom is just relieved I turned up, and I’m just thankful the anxiety is gone. The rest of the day goes smoothly – we both say the right things at the right time, enjoy the meal we’d paid for and had a drink and dance at the end of the night. And, when the time comes, he leads me back to our honeymoon suite and we have awkward, drunk sex on top of the sheets his brother had fucked me on earlier.

The time with Jay is a pleasant memory until six weeks later when I am sat on the toilet in my new home, holding a small piece of plastic which has just shown me a small blue line. I bite my lower lip and wonder whether the child will look like Tom or his brother.

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