Indecent Instructor


I looked around the classroom at all the young bodies. The girls in the class were all held in rapture by what Mr. Scott Springs was saying. They always were. He was a very good-looking man, standing at about six feet tall with dirty blonde hair, and green eyes, with little flecks of blue. He had a very welcoming smile, and always had just a bit of stubble. I am not usually a fan of stubble, but on him it worked. He also wore glasses, which are a weakness of mine. He wore button up shirts with vests, and his sleeves were always rolled up just a bit, so his tattoo was on display. I’m not sure what the symbol meant, but I know I often fantasized about licking it.

If I had to guess his age, I would say twenty-seven, maybe twenty-eight. Definitely not quite thirty. And so, I felt foolish, lost in fantasies about what it would be like to have him grab me and push me down on his desk. I was what you call a non-traditional student. I was thirty-eight at that time. A divorced mom with two sons. Too old to be looking at my history teacher like that. After my divorce, I decided to go back to school like I always wanted to. Getting married right after high school and having my first son when I wasn’t even twenty yet was not the plan I had for my life. Ah, young love. It took some time, but me and ex finally figured out we were better off as friends, and co-parents.

I hadn’t dated anyone since my divorce. I hadn’t slept with anybody else either. That’s not to say I’m a prude. My ex and I definitely explored our sexual fantasies when we were a couple. But he was the only person I had ever slept with. Is that why this young man was turning me on so much? I wasn’t even sure what he was saying anymore. I should probably tune back in, but I was too lost in my fantasy. After he pushed me down on the desk, he unbuttoned my dress, kissing and licking all the exposed skin. Then, he reached for my breasts, groping all over until he decided to focus on just my protruding nipples. First, it was just his fingers, twisting, pulling. Soon after though, his mouth joined through the fabric of my bra. He hadn’t even exposed any of my private skin, and already I was panting, eager for what would happen next.

Tapping on my desk brought me out of my daze. The guy got up and started grabbing his things. Class was over. Damn it, I lost about fifteen minutes of the lecture. We were discussing WWII. Scott (as he insisted we call him) was a bit obsessed with WWII. In an eight-week course, he decided to dedicate two weeks to it. “Thanks for waking me up there.”

“No problem, but you really should pay attention. You know we’re going to have a test about all this in a few days, right.” He smiled at me without showing any teeth, and then shaking his head, he left the classroom.

I was left alone with just Scott. I hoped he hadn’t noticed me getting lost in my own thoughts.

“I don’t know what you were thinking about, but I guess it was more interesting to you than the atomic bombs. I saw you smiling. You have a nice smile.”

I stammered out a thanks before I very quickly left the classroom.

When I got home, I decided to treat myself to a long hot soak in my hot tub. Standing nude in front of the full-length mirror in my bedroom, I looked at my reflection. I was 5’4″, with chest length dark brown, wavy hair. My eyes were hazel- light brown with green flecks. I lifted up my breasts. They were large and heavy- 36DD. I saw my stretch marks, or tiger stripes as I like to refer to them ever since I saw that on the Internet. Because I was a god damn tiger, who earned her stripes. My belly was not flat, I had a bit of chub. My body just never quite bounced back after my second time giving birth. My boobs were not as perky as they once were either, between two births, breastfeeding, and age. I thought I still looked decent, but I could in no way compete with those young girls at school. Oh, well. It’s not like Scott paid me any mind anyway. For God’s sake, the man was just there to do his job! It was bad enough those young girls clearly lusted after him. He didn’t need it from someone so much older than him! I put on my bathing suit, walked to my kitchen to grab a glass of wine, and then made my way out to the back patio where I sunk into the hot tub, after turning on the jets. My sons were with my ex this week, so I had the whole place to myself.

As I relaxed, I felt my mind begin to drift. This time I imagined Scott in the hot tub with me. He kissed my neck, and then undid my bathing suit top, removing it and tossing it the ground. His big hands seized my aching tits. Aching for only him. I stood up, and he removed my bottoms. I felt a huge thrill being naked in front of him while he was still clothed. He lifted me up and carried me to my bedroom where he placed me in the middle of the bed. I opened up for his gaze. My pussy was throbbing under his glare. Finally, he removed his trunks, and I saw what was underneath. Just as he was climbing into the bed with me, I tipped my wine glass over, which took me out of my fantasy. Antalya Escort “Damn it.”

I got out of the hot tub and made my way inside after cleaning up my mess. After taking a quick shower, I got down to doing some homework. Sometimes, I wondered just what I was doing going back to school at this age. I thought of it as a place for younger people. But I was determined to do something in my life beyond being a stay-at-home mom. I loved my children dearly, but it was time for me to do something that was just for me. I didn’t yet know what career path I wanted, but I was figuring it out. It was actually kind of fun taking different types of classes-like history. I had never been interested in history before, but Scott had a way of making it thought-provoking. Today was Tuesday. I looked forward to seeing him again on Thursday. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-4 have become my favorite block of time.

After an hour or two of studying, I realized I was hungry. There was nothing that appealed to me in the kitchen, so I threw on some jeans and tank top and headed out to go get some Mexican food. As I was waiting for someone to come seat me, I heard my name being called.

“Come, sit with me. I just ordered my drink.”

Without a conscience thought, I followed that voice. “Hi. Mr. Springs.”

“I thought I told you to call me Scott?”

“Yes, sorry. Hi Scott.”

“Sit, join me.” So, I sat. “Why did you run out on me like that earlier?”

“I didn’t run.”

He laughed. “So be it. But you sure did shuffle out of there quickly.”

“Maybe I just wanted to get a jump start on my homework.”

“Right, I saw how much you were paying attention to the lecture. Do I dare ask what had you so lost in thought?”

Did I imagine it, or was he looking down my tank top?

“Ah, I was just wondering what that symbol meant?” That didn’t even sound right to my ears. But still, I pointed to his tattoo, really committing to the fib.

“That’s a protection symbol. But something tells me that’s not the only thing you were thinking about.” Damn it, why wouldn’t he just let it go?

“Maybe I was thinking about…” Just then the waitress came and asked me what I was drinking. “Just water, please.” I noticed Scott had a margarita. “Drinking a school night, huh?”

“Sure am. Care to join me?”

“No thank you. I’ll stick with water. Now, what looks good?”

“You do,” I heard him mumble under his breath. Or did I? The music was fairly loud, and he said it so softly, I couldn’t quite tell.

“I’m going to have fajitas,” he said.

“I will have the combo with two tacos, and an enchilada.”

“Hungry, huh?”

“I haven’t eaten since lunch. Tuesday’s, I eat lunch around 11, between classes.”

“How are you liking the class so far?” He pulled his chair closer to mine, and I felt his knee brush against mine. At that moment, he put his arm around my chair, and brought his face in closer to mine, “It’s pretty loud in here,” he said waving his finger around, encompassing the whole restaurant. Around that time, the waitress came back to take our order. When she walked away, Scott placed his napkin on his lap, brushing his hand against my thigh on the way back up.

Was that accidental?

We continued talking about class until the waitress came back with our food.

“Watch out sir, hot plate.” The steam from the fajitas fogged up his glasses. When he used his napkin to clean off the steam, his hand brushed my thigh again. I was throbbing the whole time we were eating. I could barely concentrate on what he was saying, when he was right there in kissing distance. I kept imagining giving in to what I wanted and feeling his full lips on mine. Who knew war could be so hot?

“Separate or together?”

“Separ–” I started to say.

“Togeth–” he said at the same time. “Really, I invited you to eat with me. I got it.”

“Alright, if you insist.”

“I do. It’s not every night I get to dine with such a lovely companion.” We stood up and made our way towards the door. He pulled me in for a brief hug and then we parted ways.

I could still smell his cologne on me when I got home. I was so charged up from the fantasies, and the little touches, and then his smell. I went straight to my bedroom and stripped off all my clothes. I went into my drawer and pulled out my favorite toy, a vibrator with a tongue for clit stimulation. The tongue was also pierced. Laying down on my bed, I quickly realized there was absolutely no need for lube tonight. I was so wet my thighs were drenched. I spread my legs, and stuck the shaft part inside me, then I put the tongue part on high and laid it on my clit. While my right hand was controlling the toy, my left hand was busy pinching and pulling on my nipples. I imagined it was his hands on me, his cock penetrating me, his tongue not so gently teasing my protruding clit. It didn’t take long for me to gush all over. But, I didn’t stop at one. I couldn’t. I was more turned on than I had been in a very fucking long Antalya Escort Bayan time. I kept my toy right where it was until I passed out from all the orgasms.

The next morning, I desperately felt the need for a shower. After a through scrub from head to toe, I felt ready to face the day. On Monday’s and Wednesday’s, I only had one class. Tuesday’s and Thursday’s were my busy days. So, I dragged myself to Political Science class. I can’t tell you what the subject was that day. My mind was in its own little world. I felt the urge, oh so badly, to go home and get naked again.

Lost in my own thoughts while walking back to my car, I didn’t realize there was somebody in my path until I bumped right into them. “Well, hello again, Melanie.”

“Hi Scott. Sorry, didn’t see you there.”

“Yeah, you seemed to be lost in thought, again.” He had no idea. I hoped. “Were you off to lunch?”

“I was actually leaving. Only one class today.”

“Ah, I see. Well, I was heading to my office to have some lunch. Care to join me?”

“I don’t think that would be appropriate.”

“Why not? Students come to my office all the time. It’s called office hours.”

“Well, I didn’t bring any lunch. I’m usually on my way home by now.”

“Don’t worry about that. I’ll buy you something from the dining hall. What do you say?”

A chance to be up close and personal again with Scott? What do I say? “Ummm….. OK.” Inside I was jumping up and down in excitement. He put his hand into the small of my back and started guiding me back towards the center of campus. At the dining hall, I just got a chicken wrap and a bottle of water. And then we made our way to his office. It was in the old part of campus, so we had a bit of a walk. He grabbed my arm to guide me around a massive tree root that was coming out of the ground.

“Watch it there. The trees have taken over.” And that was all the conversation that was had until we made it to the old elevator. “You really are a pretty woman,” he said to me after the door shut.

“Umm…thank you.””

“I’ve seen the way you look at me in class.” Oh shit, was I in some kind of trouble?

“I, ah…”

“And I like it.” Was it getting hot in this old drafty elevator? Seconds later, the door opened, and he guided me to his office. “Would you mind, I’d like to try something.” And then he grabbed my wrap and water and placed them on his desk. Next, he caressed my cheeks, and brought his lips closer to mine. I had about three seconds to decide. His lips were coming closer. I closed my eyes, and that last little bit of distance. His lips were just as soft and full as I imagined. He coaxed my lips apart and I felt his tongue gaining entrance. Our tongues danced against each other for several seconds, minutes, a lifetime?

When I finally came up for air, I was panting. “I’ve wanted to do that since your first day in my class.”

“Me? But all the pretty, young–“

“That’s just it. I’m not into kids. I like women.”

“But I’m–“

“A beautiful, intelligent, kind, women?”

“How do you know I’m kind?”

“I’ve seen you around campus. I’ve seen you eat lunch in the grass and feed the squirrels. I know you volunteer at the crisis center. I know. I’m sorry if this is too much for you. I just couldn’t hold back any longer. Last night was torture to me, having you so close without kissing you.”

“Oh.” I didn’t know what else to say so I grabbed my bottle of water and chugged.

He chuckled. “Thirsty, huh?”

“You have the effect on me.” He went around to the other side of his desk and sat down. He pulled out his reusable lunch bag and started drinking his bottle of iced tea.

“So do you.” Then I laughed. I sat down, with his desk between us and started eating my wrap. “So, now what,” he asked me.

“I have no idea. I don’t want to get you in trouble–“

“Don’t worry about that. You’re worth the risk. Besides, I’ll only be your teacher another few weeks. If you like, we can put this on pause until then.”

I didn’t want to put anything on pause. I let him know that by walking over to his side of the desk and climbing into his lap. And just like that, we were kissing again. Except this time, there was no hesitation. He kissed my lips, our tongues once again tangoing. He made his way down to kissing my neck. Then, his hand made its way under my tank top. I moaned just from that small touch. He hadn’t even touched my bare skin-yet. Until he did. When he took my nipple and pinched it between his two fingers, I just about creamed my panties.

“I don’t want to stop, but I have another class soon. What are you doing tonight?”

“You. Here’s my address. I’ll see you tonight.” I scribbled my address down, gave him one last quick kiss, and then ran out of there like my pants were on fire. And they kind of were.

After leaving school, I went to the store to pick up a few things. I made sure I had condoms and lube. Water and some snacks. A bottle of wine. Then, I went home and took another Escort Antalya shower, put my hair up, and applied a bit of make-up. I wasn’t sure what to wear. Should I open the door in lingerie? A pair of jeans? Shorts? A skirt?

I settled on a black dress, one that unbuttoned all the way down the front. I put on a matching red and black strapless bra and panties. Since I was at home, and I didn’t much like wearing shoes, I left my feet bare. I painted my toenails red, and I was good to go.

He arrived about twenty minutes after that. I had to hold myself back from running to the door. “Well, don’t you look nice.”

“Thank you, Scott. Please come in.”

“I intend to.” I chuckled at his joke. I gave him a tour of my house, and when he saw the hot tub, he said “we’ll have to make sure to spend some time in there, later. I hope you don’t mind, I didn’t bring a suit.” And then he grabbed me and pulled me to him. The kiss sent electricity from my toes to my head. And most especially to the center of me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my bedroom. Then, he slowly unbuttoned every button of my dress, kissing every bit of skin that he exposed. When I was left in just my bra and panties, he turned me around and put my hands above my head, on the door, and then kissed from the back of my neck, down my spine. He stopped to unhook and remove my bra. And just kept kissing down my spine. When he reached my panties, he turned me back around, and removed them.

And then I was left gloriously nude, while he was fully dressed. His shoes were even still on. I was so turned on, I believe he could see my wetness from where he was standing. “Get on your bed and open your legs for me.” I did as he commanded. When I was in position, he came and sat down next to me, removing his shoes and socks, He then took off his vest, and shirt. His upper body was magnificent. Slim, yet toned. He had one more tattoo on his left pec. Another symbol. I made a mental note to ask him about it later.

But there was no time for talking at that moment. He crawled into my bed, grabbed my knees and pushed them back, giving him full access. He began by kissing my inner thighs, slowly, oh so slowly making his way towards the center, one thigh at a time. He would stop right before the labia. When I was shaking, waiting for his tongue to make contact with my clit, he still wouldn’t. He started licking up and down the lips, closer still to where I was aching for him to be. And finally, when I didn’t think I could stand another minute of this exquisite torture, his tongue made contact. While at the same moment, two fingers entered me in a come-hither motion. I was in Heaven. After all the buildup, I saturated his stubble, quickly. Embarrassingly quickly. But he didn’t seem to mind. He just shared the juices by crawling up my body, and kissing me again. I loved tasting myself on his lips. “It feels like you enjoyed that.”

I just nodded, and reached for a bottle of water I had ready on my nightstand. “Ready for more?” Again, I nodded. He reached over and grabbed a condom that was also laid out on my nightstand, waiting. I reached for his jeans and removed his belt. He grabbed the belt out of my hands and placed it next to him. I stood up, and removed his jeans, and boxer-briefs. Then, he gently pushed me back down on the bed. “Hold your legs open again.” He sheathed himself, and in one quick thrust entered me. I was gloriously filled. His cock was a bit shorter, yet quite a bit girthier than my ex. The contrast was amazing. And my body started reacting immediately. I could feel my pussy walls contract around him. And then, he started moving. It was nothing like my ex, who loved to take his time. He’s definitely a make love type of person. Not Scott. That first thrust was straight fucking. And I couldn’t get enough of it. He grabbed my hips and thrust so fast, so deep. I scratched his body everywhere I could reach. His arms. His back. His thighs. His chest. He earned every single one of those scratch marks. When I wasn’t scratching, I was throwing all of my pillows off the bed or banging my hands up against the headboard. And he just kept thrusting the whole time. I had never orgasmed like this before. It was like one continuous orgasm. When I started to taper off some, I would build right back up.

Little did I know, it was about to get even better. He pulled out and told me to get on my hands and knees. Of course, I obeyed. When he started thrusting from that position, I felt a rush. Through my whole body. Everything, from my toes to my head was a rush of heat. It rolled through me, like a mild electric shock. In waves. Over and over again. That feeling only intensified when he grabbed his belt and swatted my ass with it. I don’t know how he knew I would enjoy that, but I fucking loved it. He tossed the belt aside after a few moments and none so gently pinched my nipples between his two fingers. It was so intense; I wasn’t sure how much more I could take. But it felt so damn good, I didn’t ever want him to stop.

“Melanie!” After a minute or so, I felt him lay his body down on my back. A few minutes after that, he pulled out of me, pulled off the condom, tied it up and walked over to my trash can throwing it away. He came back to the bed and handed me the bottle of water I was drinking earlier. I downed it.

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