

Subject: Operation Pied Piper – Part 74b IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READERS: Any references made to Schools, Castles and Aristocratic titled personages around England and Scotland are pure fiction. None of the story features about those places or named titles personages are true, none of what you are about to read actually happened. This story and all the characters are 100% fiction. I am grateful to Nifty for posting my stories. If you enjoyed my story or any others on this site then please show your appreciation and donate whatever you can afford. Every little helps. fty/donate.html No part of this story may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the owner. ———————————————————————- `Davy, I could do with a hand’ `Sorry Archie, you’re on your own, he tried to bite me last time’ Davy was laughing and heading back in to the Castle, he stopped and shouted back `Forts says it’s easier just to give in to him, bye’ I glanced down, Niki had eased his hand into my shirt, I felt his little fingers, wrapping themselves in my chest hair, he gave a little tug; `Ouch, that hurt’ Now was that for my benefit? ***************** Operation Pied Piper � part 74 b Athol continues the story The God’s were smiling on us, despite some ominous skies, the rain held off, its moodiness matching the majestic landscapes, I glanced at Forts. `You haven’t spoken in the last hour’ He nodded `Out here I feel so small and unimportant, its actually frightening, realising how small we are, how insignificant’ `You wait till we get to the bothy; I hope it is just us there, we can look out at the night sky, that’s when you feel really small, but don’t worry, I have brought something to keep us warm’ I tapped my saddle bag, Forts laughed `I brought one too, we will be lucky if we can see the stars’ We both chuckled, I looked at Forts again `Don’t you feel like breaking into song? When you see all this beauty’ `Me sing? Forts scoffed grinning `Yes, we both can, what songs do you know? `You start Dad and I will join in’ Now there was a challenge, `Okay what about this one,’ I took a deep breath and opened my lungs “I’ve just come down from the Isle of Skye, I’m no very big and I’m awfully shy, and all the lasses shout as I go bye, Donald where’s your trooser’s” Forts was cracking up, but joined in with the last line, we rode along, both of us singing at the tops of our voices. `Let’s stop at that drystone wall, I don’t think the bothy is much further on’ Forts was smiling away, he looked at me `Go on, another song Dad’ I didn’t even think about it, I was to wrapped up in the beauty of the place and had barely got the first lines out. `O Flower of Scotland, when will we see your like again? That fought and died for your we bit hill and glen’ I was thinking; I was sounding pretty good, Forts was just laughing, when the two little heads popped up from the other side of the drystone wall. `Afternoon your Lordship’ Christ, they recognised me, facing us were two drystone waller’s, caps in hand `Very nice singing your Lordship, we have been listening for some time now as you came over the hill’ I thought Forts was going to fall off Pegasus, he was laughing so hard and pointing at me, he let out a couple of Yodelling noises; pretty tuneless if you ask me, the two workmen began sniggering, that stopped when I looked back at them. `Can we get you a mug of Tea my Lord’ `Dad it might help your throat’ More laughing from Forts, the two men exchanged grins. As Forts had practically fallen off his horse anyway, I nodded and we both jumped down. I tried to sound all knowledgeable `Good looking wall, when did you start, my man’ Still gripping his cap, the older one said `The Factor, Mr Campbell, told us it needed doing Sir’ The younger of the two, put some more twigs on a small fire it burst into life, he ran over to a little stream and filled a small kettle, bringing it back and placing it on the fire. We sat down with them, awaiting the kettle. Forts reached into his saddle bag and pulled out a bottle of `the water of life’ which he wiggled at them. `Something to help warm the bones, gentlemen? Two battered tin mugs shot forward `Oh, that’s very kind of the young gentlemen’ The older guy said touching his forelock. I reached into my coat and brought out two of my monogramed shot glasses one for Forts the other for me; hit once again at the differences between us and them. As Forts liberally filled their mugs, they both bowed their heads, `That be very generous of the young gentlemen, thank you Sir’ I thought I had better formally introduce Forts. `Gentlemen, may I introduce my son Drageon MacDonald, heir to the Lairdship of MacDonald’ Both of the guys jumped to their feet, caps held at their chests. `A pleasure to meet you my Lord’ I was so proud of Forts, he waved for them to sit down and proffered the bottle of scotch for a second time, the mugs shot out again. We sat gassing or should I say talking for some time. Forts was such a natural with strangers, I always felt `slightly different’, I was never allowed to be this sociable with the locals, my father demanded and got, what was grovelling respect. Forts was making friends, the tea had long been forgotten about, I glanced at my watch as the sun began to set. `We are going to have to be getting on Gentlemen, the bothy is just over that next hill isn’t it? They were both on their feet again, caps in hands `Yes, your Lordships, no more than twenty minutes, but your welcome to come back to our croft, it’s not much but you would be very welcome’ Forts stepped forward. `Gentlemen, another time and I will take you up on your kind offer, but tonight, I want to see his Lairdship rough it for once’ Forts started laughing, the two guys exchanged glances unsure if they could laugh too, I smiled and they both began grinning and nodding. We said our good byes and got back on the horses, soon arriving at the bothy. While I took our bags inside and got the fire started and the sausages and potatoes frying that Mr Duncan had supplied, Forts bedded down and fed the horses in the small barn; Good old Archie had made sure there would be hay and food for them. Forts came into the bothy, straw sticking out of his hair, he smiled that Forts smile everyone loved him for. `Something smells nice’ He pulled up a chair and I prodded the sausage and potatoes again. `Yes, I will have to speak to Mr Duncan, karabağlar escort if he thinks this is the limit of my culinary skills’ We both laughed as I plated up, Forts found two large tumblers and waggled the Whisky bottle at me again, I nodded and he filled them both. `Are we eating alfresco? Forts looked at me blankly `God son, doesn’t that fancy school of yours teach you anything, “shall we eat outside? Forts nodded `It’s the head master, he is hopeless’ He ran for the door me in hot pursuit, we brushed the leaves off the little outside table and sat down to eat; the first stars of the night beginning to twinkle far above us. We finished eating and grabbed a couple of blankets to wrap round us, we snuggled up, glasses in hand, bottle next to us. I pulled Forts to me `I don’t think I know anyone else named after a star constellation, do you know which one it is? Forts nodded and pointed up into the now black clear sky, `Right, you know the plough; Ursa Major, find that, then Ursa Minor, and the Pole Star, Draco’s tail lies between them, follow the tail to the head, or use the handle of the Plough, draw a line at right angles to the last star and that leads to Draco’s head, four stars in a trapezoid shape; that’s an off square rectangle to you’ I laughed `Hey that schools not bad after all’ Drageon chuckled `Can you see it? He pointed into the sky, I nodded and holding my glass to the distant blinking lights, I said `Thank you, Draco, watch over my son, give him a long life, bring him happiness and contentment always, no one deserves it more than him’ We both drained our glasses. Fort’s snuggled closer. `Dad’ `Go on son’ `I am getting worried, that I won’t be able to be the person you want me to be’ Now this was deep. `What sort of person do you think I want you to be? `Well, more like you, but, …but I have more in common with those guys we met today’ `I thought you dealt with them brilliantly,… Oh, you’re worrying about our different upbringings? Forts nodded and snuggled closer to me under the blanket `Fort’s all I want you to be, is yourself, I envy your, how do I say it “common touch”, I never had that, if I did, it was beaten out of me, by my Dad and my schooling’ Forts shuddered. `Mrs Griffiths used to beat me and not feed me for days, I would be begging the other kids for parts of their pack lunches, not when I got older, I was harder then’ `Forts, you may have been harder, but not indifferent to the plight of others. When I first started at Harrow boys’ school, you were already the Head boy and head Prefect, the first boy ever to hold both titles at the same time. You weren’t just given them, you stood out as a leader of men, maybe having to cope as a child and fend for yourself, gave you a self-reliance many others don’t have’. `She never knew I was the head boy or lead Prefect, I used to take the badges off, I didn’t want her to be any part of my life’ We sat in each other’s arms for ages, our minds lost in the stars above us, each with his own thoughts. I heard a little snore; Forts had fallen asleep. `Come on, time for bed’ ** Archie continues the story I had headed back into the staffroom, Niki had tried to get me to go into the Linen cupboard, but I wasn’t having that. I sat down, by the window, ignoring him, each time he tried to feel under my kilt, I told him `NO’ firmly, the same when he went for one of my nipples, I said no and ignored what he was doing. He peered at me, his eyes watching me constantly, I could swear I could hear the cogs in his brain, trying to process my reaction. We both turned to the door as it opened. `Hello Callum’ `Hello, I am not disturbing anything am I? `Most certainly not, grab a drink, get me one and come and sit down’ Nikita’s little face lit up when he saw Callum; he relaxed his grip on me, even taking his fingers out of my shirt, he shuffled himself round so that he was facing Callum, any moment, I knew he was going to make a move, I waited, as Callum sat down, Nikita seized his chance, I caught him by the arm and held on to him, his head spun towards me. `NO, NO, you will sit on your own here’ Niki began struggling as I placed him on the chair on his own, his eyes glaring at me and pleading with Callum. `Callum tell him, NO’ `Niki NO’ The look of shock on Niki’s face was amazing to see, he looked between us both and then put his head down. I looked over at Callum, he was doing an “ahh” face, I shook my head and mouthed “He has to learn, he is turning into a nightmare”, Callum nodded, Niki looked at us both again and then, climbed down off the chair and headed for the door. `Where are you going? I asked slowly and loudly, Niki looked back at me. `I go see Davy’ `Okay, but you be good, yes? His little face nodded and he left the room. I glanced at Callum `Well, I hope that works long-term’ `Oh, it can’t be easy for him, he needs someone who can speak fluent Russian with him’ `Athol has someone in mind, I think we are going to be the first private school to offer Russian as a language course, he is just waiting to hear back from the person’ ** Davy continues the story Forts and Athol were due home today, I was sat by the window, hoping to be the first to see them. I glanced round at Niki, he was sat quietly looking at the Russian English dictionary, occasionally saying words out loud, first in Russian and then in English, checking his pronunciation with me. Archie had told me he had, had words with Niki, I don’t know what they were, but they seemed to be working, I hoped when Niki saw Forts again, he would remain calm like he was now. I had nearly finished the lesson notes, I looked forward to showing them to Athol, then all we had to do was wait for McPhee’s pubes to grow back on his balls and we would be ready to go. We both looked round as there was knock on the door `Come in’ `Archie, it’s you, you don’t need to knock, come in’ I felt Niki moving, he went and stood by the wall, his eyes firmly on Archie. `I see he still doesn’t like me’ `Oh, he is fine, I think you are the first person to actually speak to him harshly, we should all have when it first started, it is much nicer to have him around like this’ Archie sat down, I looked round at Niki `Niki come and show Archie, the words you have been learning today’ Niki shook his head, his eyes never leaving Archie. I nodded to Archie, mouthing “you ask him”, Archie raised an eyebrow and took bayındır escort a deep breath. `Niki, come and show me what English words you have learnt today? Niki shook his head again, then Archie surprised me and Niki, judging by the response as Archie said please in Russian. Niki smiled and came over, he stood next to Archie, who put his arm round him as he opened the dictionary and began saying words out loud, he smiled up at Archie and pointed to the Russian equivalent and said `Now you, in Russian’ Archie, gave it a good go, with Niki only slightly correcting him a couple of times. Niki looked all pleased with himself and the tenseness vanished from the room. Archie looked at me `I hope he is this calm when Forts returns.’ `Me too’ The lunch gong began to sound, I closed my books `Hungry? Both Archie and Niki nodded. `Come on then’ Sausage, egg and chips, a feast, we sat at the table, as Mr Duncan brought out sliced buttered bread. He touched my shoulder `Davy, no sign of Athol and Forts yet? I shook my head `Damn, I made this because it’s a favourite of them both’ He turned away. `Hey, you all started without us’ It was Forts, with Athol close behind him, both looked a bit unkept, I think is the nice way to say it. I leapt up and grabbed Forts, hugging him. `You look like a scarecrow’ He laughed out loud `And I love you too’ There was a little tug at his sleeve, he glanced down `Hello little fella, how are you? He bent down as Niki raised his arms; Niki hurriedly threw a glance at Archie. Forts bent down, but this time Niki just kissed Forts on the lips and let go of him, Forts stood up and looked at me, “what’s happened?” he mouthed. `I will tell you later’ Mr Duncan reappeared, two plates held high, `Gentlemen, lunch is served’ Athol and Forts sat down, I leaned over to Forts `How did it go? He smiled and kissed my cheek `Better than I could have imagined, but I want to talk to you too’ `Oh, that sounds ominous’ `Don’t be daft, maybe I will save it until we have practised again for your sex education lessons’. I knew I was blushing as he kissed me and Athol nudged me. Forts gobbled down his food, he leant over to me `Are you ready? Archie guffawed, `Brace yourself Davy’ Now I was definitely blushing, we both stood up, Niki stood up too, Forts whispered in his ear, Niki nodded and hugged him before sitting down again. We left the room to a fair bit of ribbing. I closed our bedroom door and he took me in his arms hugging me close and pushing his mouth to mine, his tongue sliding in between my lips, we kissed for ages. `I have missed you so much’ He gasped, nibbling my ear. `I have missed you too’ He smelt his armpit `I stink, I had better have a bath first’ I took hold of his arm `Maybe together afterwards’ He grinned sniffing his pits again `Really? `Really’ He grabbed my face and stuffed it into his armpit, cackling like a mad thing, he didn’t need to force me, a just breathed deeply and began undoing his shirt and trousers. `Are you really sure? I haven’t bathed or showered for two days’ I pushed his shirt off his shoulders, fully revealing his hairy chest and armpits, I pushed his arm up and buried my face again in the soft hair of his pits, instantly submerged in his funk; a mixture of fresh and not so fresh sweat, with just a hint of horse, I didn’t move, just breathed deeply. `You okay? I haven’t killed you have I?’ I began to lick, his fur and skin, my tastebuds, firing off one by one as his scent and essence engulfed me, driving me on to lick harder searching for more of his core. I licked up from his pit, nibbling up his neck to his ear, hissing. `I fucking love you’ I heard his trousers fall to the floor the belt making that instantly recognisable sound, I slid my hand down, meeting his hard fucking eight inches straining up from his groin, I gave a little chuckle as my fingers encircled its fat veiny shaft. He whispered in my ear `Commando just for you’ I kissed him, my teeth gripping his bottom lip as I slid down his front; it pulled from my mouth, I licked his neck, there it was again fresh sweat; down lower into his dense fur, my face and lip’s being coated in his smell. My tongue licking his salt laden skin; I loved salt. I licked and pulled on each nipple in turn, he moaned pulling my mouth on to each in turn. My kilt had long since joined his clothes on the floor, his fat eight inches was now duelling with my own slightly thinner six, our bellend’s smearing each other’s shafts and cockheads with our precum. I licked down to his belly button, dropping to my knees. Bang, as I grew level with his groin, his scent crashed into me full on, knocking my breath from me, I groaned `Wooah’ I felt his hands on my head, trying to lift me `Let me have a shower, it can’t be pleasant’ I broke my head momentarily from its exploration `Forts, shut up’ I began manoeuvring him backwards to our bed, my nose and tongue deep under his fur and ball sac skin, I could hear myself groaning, I sounded like an animal, the side of the bed caught him in the back of his legs and he was forced to sit, my head still in his groin. I licked at his big hairy balls, he gripped them tightly, just below his shaft, causing them to bulge in their tightened sac. He hissed from above me `Lick them’ With his other hand on the back of my head forcing me on to this big meat package, I licked the stretched taut skin; my tongue feeling the two large meat eggs, just below the surface, my knees buckling as I submitted to him; he eased his grip, allowing me to ease one of his balls into my mouth, I rolled it around, my tongue removing two days of sweat and “Forts essence” , I let it fall from my mouth, then pursued the other one sucking it into my mouth too, subjecting it to the same deep clean, my mind was doing somersaults, my whole body was electrified, by his taste and smell, a hungry animal, I stuffed both balls into my mouth, sneering up at him, my prise in my mouth, his hands grinding my face into his pubes; If I died now, I would die happy. I watched him slide a finger down the crease between his balls and his thigh, he slowly brought it to my nose, holding it under my nostrils, forcing me to absorb it, my tongue, pushed out is balls and began to suck on is finger, he eased his balls away from his thigh, another intense hit of heat and smell, rolled over me, my nose led the way followed by my tongue, I licked from behind narlıdere escort his balls up to his pubes, I felt a slapping on my cheek. `Hey don’t forget him, he is feeling left out’ I grinned up at his swollen flared cock head, there was precum connecting me to his cock lips with gossamer threads of glistening silk, I opened my mouth and he slid his bellend in. I sucked and licked his cock lips, but was unable to keep pace with the dribbling precum, I felt his hands grip my cheeks again. `Up you come, its my turn to pleasure you too’ I tried to resist `But I am not finished yet’ `Up you cum, we can soixante neuf’ I smiled and clambered up along him, smearing my own leaking cock head over his lips, his mouth opened and swallowed me in, I slowly turned round and lowered myself down to his waiting, swaying throbbing cock. I could feel his tongue working on my shaft and cockhead, my precum dribbling out of me, his hands gripped my balls, they were licked and sucked into his mouth, my knees buckled again, he now had my entire weight on his chest, it didn’t seem to bother him, as the waves of pleasure over took me, I pushed myself back, feeling his tongue, moving to my taint and then up; I gasped as he flicked it over my pouting hole, he gently kissed all round my hole, then little licks, he was driving me crazy, I tried to manoeuvre my arse to where his tongue would meet my hole, he was toying with me, I had a couple of more goes, before I ran my teeth over his bellend, I heard his laugh and the words `Okay, I surrender’ His tongue licked broadly across my hole, before burying itself, pushing as deep into me as my sphincter would allow, a finger joining his dancing tongue. I felt his cock bob in my hand as he sent a pulse to it, it hit my nose, I chuckled, I had been ignoring it, lost in my own pleasure, I took the bellend back into my mouth and pushed for his balls, his groin and thighs raising to meet me. I ground my arse against his tongue and now two fingers, I felt him tap my arse `I have to fuck you, please Davy, please, I want you’ I lifted my leg over him and felt him haul himself up off the bed, he manoeuvred him self up behind me, I was facing away my hands now gripping on to the edge of the bed, his cock pushed at my hole, I felt myself swaying dangerously over the side of the bed, as his cock entered me, I gripped the bedding tighter, steeling myself against his initial entry, his hands moved to my hips and gripped them and pulled me back on to his shaft, inch by widening inch, I groaned and my head lolled about, lost in indescribable joy. His pubes ground against me, he gave a few quick thrusts of his hips, I again swayed dangerously, my white knuckles, showing the tightness of my grip, Forts leaned along my back his tongue nibbled my ear. `Can I turn you round, I want to see your face’ I nodded and felt him, still gripping my hips waddle backwards, keeping himself deep inside me, then, trying not to lose the moment, we tried to get me on to my back, legs up down and pointing in all directions we very nearly made it, but he pulled from me. `Fuck it’ I got myself on my back and hooked my hands under my knees pulling my legs back and open for him, he tapped his wet bellend against me and then eased forward, my arse engulfing his eight thick inches once more, I looked up to meet his emerald green eyes looking down at me, filled with love. He gripped my legs and began a slow deep rhythm, grinding his balls against my taint with each full stroke, I eased my legs round his waist, allowing him to drop forward. I strained my neck up, wanting to kiss him, he mouthed “I love you”, I was getting desperate `Well fucking kiss me then’ He laughed and our lips met and our tongues resumed their never-ending battle for supremacy. His long slow steady thrusts soon had me reaching the point of no return, that and the fact my cock was laying between our two stomachs, getting the full benefit of each stroke. `Davy, I can’t keep this up much longer, sorry’ `Then go for it stud’ I managed to gasp as he switched up a gear, my cock throbbed even more, my arse began to tingle, my boynut adding to the excitement. Faster and then faster still his hips hammered into me, he began to gasp `I can’t hold it sorry’ His hips slammed home as his buttocks went taut, I felt his cock swell and in time with mine begin to spew his load deep inside me, mine blasting into the hairs on his chest and against my treasure trail, we lay panting, him on top of me for ages, our mouths and tongues, seemingly able to keep going. Eventually, he eased himself up off me his cockhead pulling from me with a wet slurp, followed by my arse making a none to lady like farting sound as the stored-up wind found little resistance from my battered sphincter. Forts burst out laughing `More tea vicar? I just looked at him… `Get in the bath you, you stink’ ** The warm water engulfed us both, I sat between Forts broad thighs, his arms holding me tightly round my neck and chest, we sat in silence, I sensed Forts wanted to say something, his arms tensed a bit. `Davy, something has been bothering me…I have lied to you, something others will have spotted’ I felt that awful flip in the pit of my stomach, I gripped his hands, not sure what was coming. `Remember, we made a pinkie promise to each other ages ago, I said my little sister and I used to do it. Davy, I never had a sister; I watched another boy and girl do it when I was living with that awful woman, I’m so sorry, I lied, I just so wanted to be like the other kids, I so wanted not to be alone, I wanted you to know, before you found out by yourself’ I felt his chest heave behind me as he began to sob, I turned my head to him. `Hey, it’s okay, stop it, as long as you don’t break the pinkie promise, that’s what’s important’ I squeezed his hands tighter and snuggled back into him, feeling him tighten his grip round me. **************** Guy’s Thank you for taking the time to let me know you’re enjoying this story. There’s nothing more rewarding than hearing from you with suggestions or even just that you’re enjoying the story, please email me to let me know. Other Nifty stories by this writer: `NightCam Fun’ � Gay/Encounters `Exploring my brother’ � Gay/Incest `Joshs Adventures series’ – Gay/Adult Youth `An Army life for me’ – Gay/Adult Youth/Military `Grandmas Bedroom’ � Bisexual/Incest `Dominic Online’ � Gay/Adult Youth `Vampyre’ � Gay/Adult Youth `Operation Pied Piper’ � Gay/Adult Youth `Scream if you want to go faster’ – Bisexual/Adult Youth `Red and Nick’ � Bisexual/Military `The Extraordinary Christmas Party’ � Bisexual/Incest

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