

Subject: Little White Pills, chapter 28 Heya, if you liked what you read, please be sure to donate to the good folks at Nifty to help keep the lights on and your hands busy. Hey look: a link and everything! fty/donate.html Been a while since we’ve checked in with our frat boys; let’s see what they’re up to…. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 28: “Turning Point” “…So to summarize, after four weeks both subjects have responded better than we had expected. Based on Dr. Medvedev’s assessment both of their Kinsey scores have shifted roughly three points already, with Dr. McKinnon’s neurological models predicting a solid 4-5 point shift before the effect saturates. They are responding well to the conditioning, and we expect further progress on that front: as we breakdown their resistance to sexual situations we’ll begin to see more obvious behavioral changes, which we’ll review in our next update. We fully believe Project CUY is positioned to be a successful proof-of-concept for applications…elsewhere.” TJ advanced to the final slide with the Ollo logo on it and turned back to face the audience. “Are there any questions?” “Will you be targeting any specific behaviors during the next phase?” It was one of the senior government spooks–Halders, if that really was her name. “No. That’s outside our scope: we don’t have the resources, and in any case it’s not clear what these two might be able to offer that you would find useful. This is purely proof-of-concept right now. In any case, I believe recruiting and molding better-placed candidates is really more your area of expertise. We would of course be happy to help on a consulting basis if that happened.” TJ smiled pleasantly, leaving the “…for a fee” unspoken. “Well then what’s the point?” That was Sterling, another one of the spooks, and one of the more annoying ones. He’d been down on this project from day one, and seemed to enjoy needling TJ, and especially– “The *point* is that we’ll see a significant shift in their behavior, that wouldn’t have happened without our intervention.” TJ mentally groaned as Derrick jumped in, already hot under the collar over the jab at “his” project. “You’ve read the psych dossiers we prepared; subject B in particular would never rock the boat and stand up to his father in any major way. By the end of this experiment that’ll change.” Derrick didn’t try to hide his irritation. “We’ll see. Lotta promises, not a lotta data so far.” The dark-haired agent gave a sour half-grin, clearly aware he was getting under their psych director’s skin. Christ save me from two alpha jocks in the same room, TJ thought. Why don’t you two just fuck and get it over with? Out loud he said “It’s early days yet ladies and gentlemen. We know we have more to do before you’re satisfied, but I think we’ve shown today that we’re making good progress and are meeting our goals.” Sterling opened his mouth, but Halders jumped in. “Yes, thank you. This is a good start, even if we don’t have a practical demonstration yet. But I’m sure you won’t disappoint us.” The ash blonde woman shot her peer–subordinate?–a look, and he backed down. Thank God for sensible managers, TJ thought. “We’ll review again in a month, shall we?” “Yes, that’s the schedule,” TJ nodded. Time to herd their visitors out before more sparks flew. They had a lot of work to do yet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cal slept badly the night after Matt got him off, his brain refusing to turn off the loop of Matt’s hands wrapped around his cock, stroking him while the tall jock’s spunk ran down the crack of his ass. From time to time as he lay in bed half-awake he would dream it was Bryan instead. Sometimes he’d fight to push the stocky redhead away, and sometimes he’d cry out as though the delivery man had been the one to get him off. The combo of lack of sleep and nonstop weird sex dreams meant Monday turned out to be rougher than usual. The pre-quiz stim was more intense than before, and then the quiz video was a replay of him and Matt. It was weird watching himself get off, and it kind of freaked him out to see how into it he was. He knew he’d enjoyed it, obviously, but the way he’d leaned back into Matt and ground against him while they were dry humping (or not-so-dry humping, he remembered) showed just how much he’d really gotten into it. And not just him: now that he could see Matt’s face he realized his buddy had gotten off on it too. It wasn’t only the get-your-rocks-off part either: when Matt had just held him for a minute there while he was trying to hold it together, his friend had looked really…well Cal wasn’t sure what to call it, but it wasn’t a look anyone had given him before. Cal wasn’t quite sure how to process that sensation, but…it was nice. And then they’d really gotten going and by the time the video got to where he’d blown his load Cal’s dick was aching. He’d nailed the quiz, obviously, although the last questions had thrown him for a loop. “Do you want to do that again, boy?” “Yes sir.” What could Cal say? His dick made the answer obvious, and he knew better than to lie. “Would you like to do it to your friend?” “Yes sir,” Cal admitted. It wasn’t really gay if he were forced into it, right? And it’d felt so fucking good, and he kind of owed Matt anyway, so no homo, right? “When?” Oh Jesus–he could pick a time? His dick was hard enough to pound nails, and he realized he’d started grinding his hips in time to the butt plug’s pulsing. Just a little, but God–it was Monday and he already was desperate for relief. “Anytime sir. Now, maybe? Sir?” There was a distorted chuckle. “He makes you that horny, boy?” Cal took a breath, then plunged in. “Yes sir. And the butt plug sir.” Another chuckle. “A good honest answer. Keep it up and maybe you’ll get another reward.” “Thank you sir.” And with that the screen went blank and the toy powered down. That left him with a lot to think about before his class, and he was still turning it over in his head when he got to his Petroleum Engineering class. Matt was there ahead of him and when Cal walked up he moved his coat to make room next to him. Cal took it, grateful things were normal(ish) between them. Neither one said much before class began, but no one talked much on a Monday morning anyway. In fact, this was one of the few times Cal hadn’t been hung over, he realized. Fifteen minutes into the lecture things got dicey though. Cal felt a twinge in his ass, and within minutes he was gripping the edge of his chair. He looked over and saw Matt’s face turning red as he tried to squirm in his chair without being obvious. They shared a trapped look and then tried to ignore each other, but when Cal’s leg stretched out and brushed Matt’s his friend pushed back, and their calves stayed pressed together for the rest of the lecture. At least the room was dark and they were near the back, so you’d have to really look to notice anything weird. When the lecture ended the stimulation did too, and they both took deep breaths as the lights came on; neither one had typed any notes on their laptops. “Jesus,” Cal breathed. “No shit,” Matt said, his own voice rough. He started packing up his shit and getting his coat on before he stood up, and Cal followed suit. “Hey, you wanna get a beer or something later?” The question just popped out, but Cal had been thinking over the end of that morning’s session a lot. Matt continued to pack up, not meeting his gaze. “Thanks, but I’ve got that midterm for Chem E on Wednesday, and that case study for Econ due Thursday.” He sighed. “Fuckin’ school man.” “Yeah, well, cool. I’ve got midterms next week anyway. Suck.” Cal was relieved, actually. He could stay clear of Matt and whatever weird shit might go down, and not look like a dick for doing it. “But hey,” Matt added, “Thursday night? Early start to the weekend?” His face brightened. “Yeah, cool. Hit me up.” Cal gave him a fist bump and headed off to lunch, his head a mess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WEEK 4 THURSDAY Twice more Cal dreamed about messing around with another guy, leaving vague memories of naked makeout sessions and hardons; the second dream was with Matt he was pretty sure. And it wasn’t much better awake. His morning quiz sections didn’t repeat the video of him and Matt, but they left him even more horned up than ever, and that led to thinking about what the two of them had done, and that led to throwing a rod whether the butt plug was running or not. Thursday during lunch he’d been standing in line at Starbucks waiting to buy a sandwich, and realized he’d been staring at the guy’s ass in front of him. He was a tall well-built guy with broad shoulders and tight glutes that filled out his jeans really well, and Cal spent a good 30 seconds imagining how those mounds would feel under his grip before he got a hold of himself. Fuck, he was hard again. He shook his head to clear it, but when he sat down to eat the guy was only a couple tables over, and Cal couldn’t stop himself from sneaking a peak every couple of minutes. Fuck. He spent the rest of the day in the library studying–he was afraid that if he was home alone when the plug started going off (and it was, a lot) he wouldn’t be able to stop jacking it, no matter what punishment he got. And it might not even be the lightning bolt, he reminded himself. If he’d seen videos of Matt it was a sure thing that there were hours of him too, on top of the original one that had gotten him into this mess. He was trapped but good, and if part of him was still horrified there was another part that wanted more. If Sir would let him get it. He shook his head to suppress those thoughts–he had to get out of this situation before he went insane. Matt texted while he was wolfing down a burger at the food truck, and suggested they meet up at Dundees while happy hour was still going. Cal felt a flash of disappointment that they wouldn’t end up at one of their places, until he realized that would probably be worse than if he was by himself–a very uncomfortable realization. He cursed again: what the hell was wrong with him that he was hoping to bring a guy back to his condo to fool around with? He knew why: it’d feel so fucking good. But still. Fuck. He texted Matt back: sounds good. C u at 7. Matt was already there, sitting in a booth back by the john with two beers in front of him, and Cal slid in to join him. “Hey.” “Hey man.” They clinked glasses and drank, then shot the shit for a few minutes. “So,” Matt plunged in, “you hear anything more from that detective?” Cal gave him a pissed look. “No, fucking useless. I fired his ass.” He signaled the waitress for another round. “And my dad found out I’d taken money from my trust fund and started sniffing around.” “Shit! Does he know why?” Matt drained his beer. “Are you kidding? I’d be out on the street in a fucking heartbeat if he knew about this.” “I thought the condo was in your name?” “Well yeah, that came from the trust fund, but you know what I mean.” “Dude, your dad is a dick. I mean, I’m sorry to say it, but he is.” Matt’s look was defiant. He was right, but for some reason Cal felt he had to defend him, or at least his family honor or whatever. “Well it was pretty tough trying to raise me solo after Mom died. He was just trying to make me a winner.” That was dad’s go-to line all right. “And keep me out of trouble.” He gave a half-hearted grin to lighten the mood, but Matt wouldn’t let it go. “Well that’s bullshit. You can be a real asshole sometimes, but Jesus.” He shook his head. “I’ve done some pretty shitty stuff too, and no one should’ve used a belt on you like that.” His voice tightened. “Anyone who does that is shit.” Damnit, he never should’ve told Matt about that. What the hell had he been thinking? Just thinking about it pissed him off. “Yeah, well his lawyers bailed you out too, so don’t get all high and mighty about it.” Just shut up Matt, he wanted to say. “They bailed me out because I got your back in that fight outside Charlie’s!” “Well I didn’t ask you to!” Cal felt himself getting pissed off, but it felt good to cut loose. Like always. “Well what was I gonna do Cal? You yelled out that one of them fuckin’ felt you up and then his boyfriend took a swing at you. That was bullshit! You think I was gonna let them get away with that? Really?” Cal’s anger collapsed. Matt wasn’t the guy he was pissed at anyway. And… “He didn’t feel me up.” There, he’d said it. “What?” “I said, he didn’t feel me up. They were just hanging out, and when I walked by he said ‘nice ass,’ and it just pissed me the fuck off and I got in his face, and that’s when his boyfriend or whatever took a swing.” Matt shook his head. “Jesus Christ Cal, what the fuck is wrong with you? You were walking by the gay bar and you didn’t think some guy would check out your ass?” “I know, I know.” Cal leaned back; he couldn’t meet Matt’s gaze. “They just, I dunno, they set me off. They were just so…faggy,” he finished weakly. “What is your problem dude? Like, for real? I spent the night in jail, barely dodged getting charged for assault, and it was because you got your panties in a wad over some guy checking out your ass? That you tell the brothers to check out every time you do a set of squats?” Now it was Matt’s turn to look pissed. “Like you wouldn’t have done the same thing.” That was lame and Cal knew it, but he shouldn’t have to defend himself. “No I wouldn’t have Cal. I would not have suckered a brother into a fight just because some guy checked out my ass.” His voice was hard and clipped. He was right, and Cal knew it–and it made him angry again. “Well maybe that’s because you’re more into that gay shit than I am.” The moment it came out he knew it was a low blow. Matt’s look was furious. “You’ve got a lot of fucking nerve Brenner, because you are so full of shit and you know it. You–” He clamped his lips shut. “You know what? Fuck it, and fuck you.” He stood up and threw a twenty on the table. “See you Sunday, no doubt. I can’t wait,” he added sarcastically, grabbed his coat, and left. Shit, Cal thought. Shit, shit, shit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WEEK 4 FRIDAY Friday night came and Cal decided he needed to get out, so he headed over to the Sigma Nu house. There was a chance he’d run into Matt, which he didn’t know what to feel about, and he’d have to kiss Kevin’s ass to make up for last week’s whatever-he-did (if Matt hadn’t just made most of it up, which he might’ve, Cal suddenly realized). But he wanted some beer and he didn’t want to hang out in his place drinking alone like a loser, and he didn’t want to go to a bar by himself, and at least at the house there were a few guys he could hang with. They were kind of meatheads, even by a football frat’s standards, but they wouldn’t give him any shit like Matt did. So he cleaned up and headed over. Matt wasn’t around, but sure enough Cal hadn’t been there 15 minutes when Kevin came in, giving him the stink eye. So maybe Matt hadn’t been exaggerating, which meant…well, crap. He took a deep breath and walked over to the frat president who was chatting with some of the guys by the keg and ignoring him. “Um, hey. Got any beer left?” “Depends,” Kevin said, sipping on his fresh solo cup. “You gonna hold your liquor for once?” Cal felt his face flush despite himself. “Yeah. Um….” He took a deep breath and looked up, and then at Kevin. “Hey, I’m real sorry about last week. I was a douche.” Kevin’s face stayed stoney. “A real fuckin’ douche. I had a lot going on, but I’ll keep my shit together, promise.” “Mm.” Kevin’s large frame relaxed a hair, but he didn’t look too impressed. “Fine. But if you wanna go off the fucking deep end do it somewhere else. I’m sick of your bullshit Brenner, and I don’t care who your daddy was.” “Understood.” Cal ducked his head. “I’ll be cool man.” “Better hope so,” one of the other brothers around the keg said. “Your butt buddy isn’t around to tuck you into bed tonight.” Cal spun towards him; he didn’t even notice he’d crushed his cup until the suds started running down his forearm. “What did you just say?” “That’s right. No widdle Maddy to pwotect you fwom da mean DJ and kiss you goodnight.” He laughed. Cal was too angry to think of a good answer except to clock the guy, which he’d just promised not to do. He shook with anger while the other guys watched, obviously finding it funny how the other guy had gotten under his skin. “Okay, knock it off Sanders. That’s enough.” Kevin’s voice had a little bit of an edge that Cal knew meant he was serious. His eyes narrowed a bit, studying Cal carefully. Sanders looked like he might push it some more, but their president was popular for a reason: the guy was a natural leader. The junior backed off. “Sorry Kev.” Kevin shrugged, then grabbed a new solo cup. “Here Cal, have a beer. Try hanging out instead of stirring shit up for once, okay?” Cal nodded. “Yeah, will do.” He shot Sanders a dirty look, but took the beer from Kevin, who gave him another thoughtful look before handing it over. “Sorry again sir.” Oh shit, that’d just slipped out. He pivoted and headed away without a word, heart pounding. Maybe he could just go shoot some pool downstairs and keep his damn mouth shut for a while, he thought. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WEEK 5 SATURDAY It was kind of nice, he thought groggily, waking up Saturday without a hangover for once. The alarm didn’t hurt when it went off, his mouth didn’t taste like ass, his head felt okay…. He slid his right hand down to give his junk a nice wakeup tug. And tomorrow was Sunday, which meant…he realized he was grinning a little with excitement, and he frowned. What was wrong with him? And anyway Matt was pissed, so they probably wouldn’t have to [get to, a little voice said] do anything anyway. Which was for the best, he thought as he clipped the cock cage on and prepared for his morning routine. By the time he’d finished with his shower he decided he wasn’t waste anymore time thinking about that shit. He laid back on his bed and popped in the dildo just in time for the throbbing in his ass began. “Oh yeah,” he sighed. Never mind his “buddy” who was practically calling him a fag. He’d do fine with that toy doing that stuff up inside him. “Yeah, just like that….” It felt even better now than before, he realized, almost like it had been learning what he liked the last few weeks. “Mmmmm….” The video quiz had a three-way in it, which made it a bitch to remember all the details. And even better or worse, the butt plug had gone into overdrive, pulsing in time with the fucking on screen until his hole ached with spasming. By the time the quiz ended there was a silvery line of fluid leading from his red piss slit to the base of his smooth pale nut sac, and he was trembling slightly; his breathing was unsteady. Once the screen went blank Cal shook his head to clear it–and there was a knock on the door. Shit! Bryan! “Just a minute!” he shouted. He grabbed a pair of jeans and threw them on, zipping up the fly as he hurried to the door. “Hey man, got your package here.” Bryan held up the usual box. “Yeah, sure. Come on in.” Cal backed up, frigid air following Bryan in. Bryan closed the door behind him, then handed Cal the box. “Here ya go.” He eyed the tall jock up and down. “And I’m glad to see you too.” Cal looked down and realized his hardon was poking over the edge of his low-rise jeans, the flushed head clearly glistening. “You sure you don’t want a little help with that?” He pressed a finger low into Cal’s balls, then slid it up the jeans along the outline of his shaft. Cal’s dick flexed instinctively before he stepped back, blushing. “I’m good. Back in a minute.” His voice was strangled, and his head was a mess; he just needed to get this over with ASAP. It was enough to handle just keeping his shit together with Matt; he did not need a built, horned-up delivery guy hitting on him too. He turned and fled back to his bedroom, and started the ritual of putting on the cock cage so he could swap out butt plugs. There was a fresh bottle of lube in there too, thank God: he’d been running low and there was no way in a small town like this he was going to be caught buying some. Or putting it on his credit card for his dad’s lawyer to maybe ask about. It took a lot of cold water on his crotch before he could squeeze in. By the time he did he was feeling pissed and mulish. Bryan had interrupted the one time in the morning he could enjoy himself, even if it wasn’t nearly as much as he wanted. So screw wearing that tight-ass cage any longer; Bryan could wait a minute while he stuck the plug in; it only took a few seconds anyway. There, he thought, back on track. But he’d barely popped off the dick cage when the new plug started up. Shit–that hadn’t happened before! And feeling even better than usual; he was already too hard to get back in the cage. The only way out was to bull through it he realized, so he tossed the jeans back on and threw the old probe in the return shipping box; he’d have to get rid of the stocky redhead fast, before he lost his shit. At least he remembered to tuck his dick in so it wasn’t peeking out again. “Okay, here ya go.” He tossed the package at Bryan and headed to the door. Behind him he heard a thump. He looked back and froze: he’d been rushing so much to get Bryan out he’d forgotten to seal the box with the tape strip it had, and when he’d tossed it the butt plug in its clear plastic pouch came tumbling out. He stood there paralyzed as the courier picked it up, the faint smile on his face broadening as he turned his gaze on Cal. “Hey, nice one man. Where’d you find it?” Cal’s mouth was too dry to say a word. Not one. But Bryan wasn’t fazed. “Looks fancy–this what I’ve been dropping off?’ He gave Cal a look that was…just friendly. Cal managed to nod, which seemed to work. “Cool. I’ve got one too, for when I can’t get the real thing. ‘Course, mine’s shaped like a cock.” He gave Cal a wink, popped the bag back in the box and sealed it up like it was no big deal, and pulled his hat and gloves back on. He headed to Cal, who stood there frozen while Bryan moved close enough to kiss. “Lemme know if you wanna try a different shape,” he said in a low voice, and Cal jumped as Bryan’s gloved finger swiped across his piss slit: his dick had poked back out again. Cal shivered at the touch, then cracked open the door in a trance. He couldn’t stop looking into Bryan’s blue eyes even though the shorter man was already backing up to leave. “Later,” he said, but it came out as a croak. “Hope so,” Bryan’s eyebrows twitched up and his eyes sparkled as he said it. And then he was gone and Cal was leaning against the door, breathing heavily. Fuck, he thought, could his life get any more fucked up? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WEEK 5 SUNDAY It was just before midnight–he’d been at the house shooting some pool with the brothers and trying to mend fences–when he’d gotten the text: “Inspection at tall boy’s tomorrow.” He’d been half-expecting it but it still spoiled his mood. Not to mention his shot: he’d scratched and lost the game when his phone had buzzed in his pocket, and he’d taken shit for it. Usually he would’ve gotten back in the other guys’ faces, but he was too busy dealing with his reaction: stressed at what he’d have to go through this time, relief that the hammer had finally dropped (sort of), and excitement at seeing Matt again. And then he was kicking himself for the last one: what the fuck was wrong with him that he was looking forward to getting naked again with one of his buds? Matt was the one who was into this, not him; he wouldn’t be hard right now if that damn butt plug wasn’t up in there making him horny all the fucking time. Probably. In a foul mood he bailed on the brothers and headed home; he wanted at least a few hours of sleep before he had to get up. He was still feeling pissy when he woke up: Matt was going to be ticked at him still, and he was still pissed that Matt was pissed, and..ah fuck it. Plus, his arms and legs were itching like crazy where the hair was growing back, and the stubble (plus a couple ingrown hairs) was driving him nuts. By the time he was done with his prep he was too ticked off to want some fun time, so even though Matt didn’t live too close he decided to walk over there, and to hell with the tickling sensation in his ass, no matter what it was doing to his cock. The icy February air would help clear his head. By the time he got to Matt’s place and knocked on the door it was 7:55 and he’d calmed down a bit. He’d just power through this and– The door opened and there was Matt, bare-chested in a pair of sweats, and with a tent that said he was as hard as Cal was. Cal swallowed. “Hey.” “Hey.” Matt let him in, but didn’t seem especially eager to see him. Well, no big surprise there. “Well…inspection, huh?” God, he should be laid out on his bed right now enjoying the feeling in his ass, instead of standing there feeling like a twat. Screw it; he took off his coat. He had to be naked in a few minutes anyway, so no sense waiting for Matt’s okay. “Yeah.” Matt headed to his bedroom without saying anything else, but Cal was pretty sure he’d given Cal a quick once-over before he’d turned around. And Cal couldn’t help noticing Matt’s ass flexing under the sweatpants. He couldn’t resist a quick squeeze to his groin before following, shedding his hoodie and shirt as he went. His embarrassment and anger were fading as his dick grabbed his attention. He swallowed and walked after Matt into the bedroom. The dark-haired jock was already stepping out of his sweat pants, and his dick popped free the moment it cleared the waistband. Matt rubbed his groin almost absent-mindedly as he watched Cal undo his jeans. For his part Cal couldn’t keep his eyes off of Matt’s cropped pubes and junk as he undressed. He was feeling kind of guilty before for what he’d said in Dundee’s, but now that Matt was naked in front of him again he had to admit the truth: seeing Matt hard made him horny. He was no better than his friend. Maybe worse. He grabbed his dick and gave it a long stroke, partly because it felt good, and partly because… Matt’s eyes widened, just a little bit, when he did it, and he gave his own uncut shaft a tug. “Hey,” Call said, “uh…” God, he hated backing down! That was what losers did: they rolled over like bitches. But…but he kinda owed Matt. He took a deep breath and braced himself. Matt’s iMac screen lit up and they both jerked. “Shit!” they said in unison, and jumped into position. “Good boys,” Sir said. “Are you ready for your quiz today?” “Yes sir!’ they replied. Cal thought Matt might’ve been a little more energetic than usual. “Good, let’s go.” This video was a blowjob collection, and Cal struggled. He always did better when it was just a couple of guys he could remember the details on, not a group with only a few minutes each. By the end of the quiz Matt had crushed him, and he waited nervously to see what would happen. At least it would be with Matt, he thought. And he could finally get off. “Tall boy, you won. Your score could’ve been higher, but you did better than short boy.” “Thank you sir,” Matt replied, “I’ll try to do better next time sir.” But he still looked pleased with himself. “Acceptable. I’ll let you come first, but you can’t touch your cock, balls, or ass, same as last time, understood?” “Yes sir.” Matt nodded eagerly. “Short boy.” “Yes sir?” Here it comes, Cal thought. “You will get your friend off before you even think about coming. You can get off any way you like once he does, but only if you swallow his load. Every drop. Understood?” Cal stood there, stunned. Jacking each other off, that was one thing. But sucking dick!… As horny as he was, he wasn’t sure he could bring himself to to it. A jolt in his ass broke him out of his spell. “Yes sir, understood! Thank you for correcting me sir!” He was breathing heavily, still trying to process this. Matt looked almost as surprised as he felt. “Then get on it.” The voice was impatient. Cal turned to Matt, who’d dropped his hands to his sides and stood there, waiting. He looked uncomfortable–but he also looked horny, and his dick hadn’t softened a bit. Cal wanted to bolt, but then he remembered how Matt had been last week. Okay, he owed Matt, he told himself, he could do this. Probably. Standing in front of his taller friend, he reached down and wrapped a hand around his shaft. It pulsed warmly in his palm. He took a deep breath. “Okay….” He couldn’t bring himself to go right for Matt’s cock. He knew he should just get it over with, but the thought of getting down on his knees [like a fag, part of him shouted] was just something he wasn’t ready for yet. And Matt hadn’t gone for his dick right away either last week, so maybe he didn’t have to. He didn’t let go, but while he started slowly pumping Matt’s ‘skin up and down he took a deep breath and leaned in to kiss his shoulder. Okay, that wasn’t so bad. Matt smelled nice, like always, and it was just skin. Cal steeled himself and worked lower, slowly, until he’d made it across a lean pec. He realized that he could at least stall here for a bit [like that would help, the little voice said], and took one of the brown nipples into his mouth. He heard Matt suck in his breath as he worked the tip like he would with a chick, and that seemed to do it: Matt’s cock pulsed in his hand, and he heard him suck in his breath. Cal worked over to the other one, and when he bit down Matt let out a grunt and planted one of his big hands on Cal’s skull, pressing him in. Cal would’ve been happy to do this all day instead of what he was supposed to but it was awkward bending over like this, and finally he surrendered to the inevitable and worked his way lower, falling to his knees as he tongued Matt’s flat stomach. Both hands were on his head now, guiding him downward, and soon enough Cal could feel Matt’s wet head bumping against the underside of his chin. The butt plug began its movement again and Cal could feel his cock twitching in response. The buzz helped him unclench a little, and he moved his mouth lower until his lips were pressed into Matt’s cropped pubes. They smelled like Matt, and like cock, he thought; he couldn’t resist taking a deep breath. Now he caught the sweet swimming-pool scent of precum, and before he could stop and think he’d taken Matt’s head into his mouth. His buddy groaned as Cal’s lips slid over the spongy head, and when Cal wrapped his hand back around the shaft and pulled the ‘skin back to leave the head bare, Matt whimpered. The taste of fresh precum wasn’t as bad as Cal had thought it would be. Maybe not his favorite taste, but it was kind of Matt’s secret sauce (hah hah), and for his friend’s sake he let the warm shaft slide in a little farther. The but plug had never really stopped, either during the quiz or after, so when it kicked up a notch now Cal wasn’t totally surprised. But it still felt good, really good. So he wrapped his other hand around his own dick and started tugging as he began bobbing a little on Matt’s. The sensation of a fully-inflated dick and its distinct ridge sliding over his tongue took some getting used to–it wasn’t anything like when he’d stuck his fingers in his mouth. He swirled his tongue over the head, exploring the shape, and could taste a fresh trickle of precum as he passed over the ridge. He gave the shaft a squeeze and tug while he did it again, and felt Matt shiver under his touch. “Awwww…fuck, man,…” Matt groaned, “take it.” He put both hands on the back of Cal’s head and pulled in. Not hard, but Cal would have to struggle to break free. He tried not to picture what was happening: him on his knees, sucking some guy’s (Matt’s) cock while he jacked off. Just focus on getting through this, he told himself. You owe Matt, so help a brother out and don’t think about it. He bobbed deeper, and groaned around the dick he was eating as the butt plug started hitting his ass hard. Cal wasn’t sure how good he was, but it seemed to be enough for Matt. His buddy’s skull fucking picked up in intensity, and Cal could feel the head swelling and getting rock-hard. Plus it tasted different: richer and less sweet. He suddenly realized that pretty soon a guy was going to blow his load down Cal’s throat, and he’d have to swallow it. All of it. All at once what he was doing came back, and Cal started to panic. This might feel good this second, but he couldn’t be some fucking cocksucker–he couldn’t! But he’d done his job too well. “Jesus!” Matt grunted, “Take my load bitch!” His grip tightened on Cal’s skull like a vice, and under his foreskin his glans bulged. No, fuck this, no, Cal thought to himself, I’m nobody’s bitch!! He tried to pull off, but it was too late: Matt had started coming. The first jet blew in Cal’s mouth, warm and salty and sweet: it tasted like nothing else. The sensation threw Cal into a blind panic, and he pushed on Matt’s hips until he’d gotten the cock out. But Matt couldn’t stop his orgasm now, and now he was spurting on Cal’s cheek instead of down his throat. “Fuck! Matt!” Cal said. But Matt was beyond listening, Çeşme Escort at least for the next few seconds. When he realized Cal’s mouth wasn’t there he took matters into his own hand and started jacking himself off. Ropes of warm semen splattered over Cal’s face, neck, and chest, with a few drops ending up in his mouth. “Unnnngggh!” Suddenly Matt shrieked and doubled over. At first Cal thought he’d had some sort of crazy orgasm, but then his own ass lit up in fire and he knew they’d fucked up. Both of them curled up on the floor in agony, their hard-ons shriveling from the pain. It seemed like hours before it relented. “Pathetic.” Sir’s voice sounded furious, Cal thought. But also…like he was acting a little? No time to think anymore about that. He got to his knees as quickly as he could, Matt right behind him. “Sorry sir! Thank you for correcting us sir!’ he practically shouted. “Are you two fucking deficient?! What did I tell you to do?!” “I wasn’t supposed to touch myself, sir! I’m very sorry sir!” Matt jumped in to take the blame, and Cal felt a surge of gratitude. “And?!…” Cal realized that if he didn’t say something Matt was going to get hammered. “It was my fault sir! You…you told me to swallow,” Cal gulped: this was not something he wanted to say out loud. Ever. But… “You told me to swallow all of his load, and I didn’t.” He looked over at his friend. “It was all my fault sir. I dropped the ball.” Matt shot him a look of gratitude, and Cal warmed. “Please don’t punish him sir, it was me.” “So? What are you doing to make up for your pathetic failure?” “I–” Cal realized there was only one way out. “I’ll fix it.” He turned to his right and put his hands on Matt’s shoulders, then pushed until Matt finally took the freakin’ hint and lay back on the bed, legs hanging over the edge. Taking a deep breath, Cal knelt down and began licking. First the abs, where Matt had shot when his cock slipped free from Cal’s mouth. Then lower, into his bush. Cal tried not to think about what he was doing, or what he was swallowing, but there was not denying it. “Better,” the voice said, and Cal felt the butt plug’s pleasure mode kick in. The buzz ramped up when he started tonguing Matt’s nuts clean, and he gave a little sigh that Matt matched. His cock was still floppy but it was starting to swell up again, so Cal guessed they were both getting rewarded. There wasn’t much spunk down low, so the only thing left to get was at the source: Matt’s cock was still coated with goo, more of it leaking from around his foreskin as he continued boning back up. Cal took a deep breath and plunged in, swirling his tongue along the shaft and pulling the skin back to get under his helmet ridge. Matt was almost completely hard by the time he was done, and breathing deeply; when Cal pulled off he realized he was in the same state. “Okay,” he said. A corrective jolt in his ass made him jerk upright. “Not yet boy.” “Sorry sir, thank you for correcting me sir! I thought…oh. Yes sir.” He’d finally notice the goo coating Matt’s right hand: way more than in his crotch. He shifted position and took Matt’s wrist, then started his cleanup while Matt watched quietly. He couldn’t look Matt in the eye while he was doing this, it was just too…something about sucking on Matt’s fingers was even more personal than swinging from his dick. Maybe it was remembering how Matt did it himself when he was really horny, but Cal finally just closed his eyes as he licked between Matt’s fingers, working his way over the hand. His thumb was last, and when he took it in his mouth Matt kind of gripped his chin and moved it around a little, like he was fucking Cal’s mouth with it. Cal shivered and slid one palm along his dick; he was pretty sure he hadn’t earned the right to come, but he couldn’t help playing with himself a little bit. Finally he was done. He let Matt’s digit slide out and opened his eyes to see the dark-haired jock eyeing him intently. Cal blushed and let go of the hand, then eyed Matt’s body carefully. “I think I’m done here sir.” “You’re done with him. Now go home and when you get there you can clean up the rest for me.” “At my place sir?!” Cal couldn’t believe it. He had spooge all over his face and throat, and it was a good 15-minute walk through town. In daylight. Where anyone could see him. He felt his dick withering in terror. There was a sharp shock in his ass that made him jump. “Are you talking back to me boy? Because if you want to start acting like a little boy I’ll have you looking like one again. Now hurry up: your friend will pay for it if you take too long.” “Yes sir! Sorry sir, thank you for correcting me sir!” The humiliation of losing all his hair again? No way. Cal jumped up. “Leaving now sir!” He began tossing on his clothes. Thank God he’d worn the hoodie, he thought. He could pull it up and it would hide his face pretty well. Hopefully. “Tall boy, on your feet and in position. I’m not done with you yet either.” Matt shared a look with Cal before he hopped upright as he was told. Whatever buzz he’d gotten from Cal’s cleanup was gone: he was going limp again. Neither one said another word as Cal tossed on his coat and ran for the door. By the time he got back to his place he was panting and sweating, but luckily no one had paid any attention to someone running along the street with a hoodie up. He’d only seen two people he knew: a couple of the Sigma Nu guys were coming out of Brueger’s with carry-out, but Cal had ducked down a side street before they’d noticed him, then gone a few blocks out of his way to make sure he wouldn’t bump into them. When he got in the door he tore off his clothes and assumed the position in front of his laptop. Matt’s spunk was cold on his face and throat, and he just wanted to get it off. His laptop screen came to life and he straightened up. “You’re slow boy. I’ve had to punish your friend for your laziness.” Cal winced. “Sorry sir! It was my fault. Please don’t punish him anymore sir. You–you should take it out on me. Sir.” He cringed in anticipation, but Matt was already mad at him he was sure; this was the least he could do. “Unngg!” There it was. Far from the worst he’d ever experienced, but it still hurt pretty bad. “Thank you for correcting me sir,” he got out through gritted teeth. Fuck that hurt! “Clean up.” “Yes sir.” Cal didn’t dare do anything but obey. He began wiping the streaks he could feel off his face and licking his fingers clean. Warm it’d been tolerable: at least there’d been some distraction from Matt getting off (and he’d been hard too, he remembered), but cold this was just gross. It didn’t taste any different, but it was just nasty somehow. And there was nothing coming from the butt plug to distract him either. He tried not to think about it as he finished cleaning himself up. At least if he did a good job Matt would probably be off the hook. “I think I’m done sir,” he said finally. “Acceptable.” Cal breathed a sigh of relief. “You’ll have a quiz tomorrow morning boy.” “Yes sir.” Cal was puzzled. He’d had one every day, so what was the deal? “This will be a written test, based on this file.” A folder icon appeared on the screen. “Read it, and be prepared. Inspection at the usual time.” “Yes sir.” Cal really wanted to take a shower, but his curiosity wouldn’t wait. Nervously he clicked open the folder. It was a bunch of Facebook comments, with the names and photos blacked out. But they were all from a private group called…oh. Lousy Lays. It looked like the campus women had a forum where they swapped notes on who was shitty in bed. And…fuck, it looked like he was in a lot of them. Not always by name, but there were enough details that he could figure it out. “Kept talking about how great his body was…” “I blew him for 20 minutes and he wouldn’t even go down on me…” “Got off in less than a minute, then left…” It went on and on, sometimes in great detail. One thread was a whole debate about whether all Sigma Nu brothers were lousy lays who “couldn’t find a clit with a map and a flashlight;” apparently Kevin and a few others tipped the verdict to “you can find a few good ones if you know where to look.” Also, Kevin was hung like a horse apparently, which wasn’t something Cal’s ego needed right then. As if getting slammed for being a lousy lay wasn’t enough of a donkey punch to his self-esteem. He was nowhere near done reading, but this was more than enough for now: he was naked and getting cold, and wanted to clean up before he had to read anymore of this shit. As he stood up, fuming, one last comment caught his eye, and he froze. “…and then he didn’t even warn me. Just grunted ‘take it bitch’ and came on my face before I could do anything. I just cleaned up and left. DON’T EVER HOOK UP WITH THIS GUY!!! He’s a piece of shit!!!” Cal remembered that night–barely. It was at a party off campus and he’d started messing around with some girl and taken her back into a bedroom for a quickie. He’d been super horny from all their messing around, and he’d gotten her to go down on him, and that was that. The details were kind of blurry, but yeah…she’d been pretty upset when she’d ducked into the bathroom to clean up, and when she got out she wouldn’t even talk to him. Just bailed from the party. He’d blown it off and gone back to the keg without a second thought, but now…shit. He had a pretty good idea how she felt, and it wasn’t happy. Shit. Could she be the one who’d set him up?! he suddenly realized. And then he realized there was a long list of women he’d pissed off big time. Plus that wrestler and his buddies. Shit, and the fags–the gay guys he’d picked a fight with outside Charlie’s. His stomach sank as he realized just how many people had a good reason to really have it in for him. And who could he turn to? Not his dad, that was for sure. And he’d never really fit in at Sigma Nu: they tolerated him, and some of them were okay, but they really weren’t tight. That left…Matt. Shit, he thought, I have exactly one friend. Whose ass was probably still recovering from their punishment. A wave of remorse and loneliness crashed over him. His dad had always pushed him to compete, to be better than anyone else, but “be a winner!” didn’t do shit for him now. He needed a team, and he didn’t have one. Feeling utterly miserable he headed to his bathroom to clean up before starting his new study assignment. Between his midterms coming up, a paper, and a couple of problem sets he managed to keep busy the rest of the day, but when he came back from the library later that night he couldn’t put off the morning quiz prep any longer. It was a depressing read–there were some chicks out there who seriously hated him. He’d never really thought much about that before, just get hard, get on, get off, get out. But now he was forced to memorize all the shitty details of his hookups instead of just using them for spank bank material. Did he really spend that much time talking about how built he was? He knew he showed off to the brothers some, but that was just guy talk about getting jacked. And everyone bragged about their dick size a little–no one expected 8″ to really be 8″, right? And hitting a tanning salon wasn’t douchey, was it? But okay, yeah, maybe he could’ve made sure some of them had gotten off, instead of just skipping out once he was done. And he could’ve done oral more. But it had NOT been “not even 3 minutes” that one time, he was sure of it! He couldn’t swear to the whiskey dick episodes though–he had plenty of nights that were pretty blurry or worse. There had been some chicks he’d woken up to who’d seemed pretty cranky though, so maybe. Probably not. But maybe. He kept reading, feeling more and more off-balance. It ended up being a long day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WEEK 5 (MON-THURS) The Monday quiz had been painful in more than one way. He’d gotten prepped like usual, his arms and legs finally itching a little less, but there’d been no pre-quiz fun time. He’d laid there until 8:00, hoping for something, his dick more than a little stiff in anticipation, but nada. And then the quiz was miserable. Still nothing fun in his ass–but that plug sure worked fine when he got a question wrong. And there were so many questions–way more than usual. Reading the Facebook posts had been bad enough, but having to repeat them back, or count up how many times he’d done some shitty thing, or to who–by the time the screen had gone blank he felt about two inches tall. Not even 8″, he thought with a grim laugh. The rest of the day he hadn’t gotten a single tingle. He’d been so used to being turned on all the time, if not actually leaking in his jeans, that lack of stimulation had thrown him for a loop. It should’ve made his life a lot easier, since he had tests to study for, but now instead of looping on the morning video, or Matt, it was the quiz questions coming back to haunt him. Could he really be that big an asshole? He’d always thought he was just being tough, not being a pussy. But the person who’d taught him all that was his dad, and when he stood back for a second and thought about he had to admit: maybe Matt was right. Maybe this wasn’t normal father/son head-butting stuff. He suddenly wished Matt was around so he could get a second opinion or something, but his tall frame was nowhere to be found in lecture that morning. Probably avoiding me, Cal thought. Which was probably for the best, right? It was going to be way awkward when they did bump into each other again. Thinking over that situation just added to his confusion, and his clock read 2 a.m. before he finally dropped off to sleep. At least the next morning’s fun time resumed like usual. Cal had almost forgotten what it was like to just roll over and rub one out, but even if he didn’t actually come this morning routine was still pretty hot, he had to admit. And now that he was on…what? Day 9? with no relief it left him hornier than ever. So when the video of the day came up he was already leaking like a faucet. This one was two guys doing oral–it was another one with a couple instead of just two strangers. Both guys were really built of course, but it was the almost slow-motion sucking they were doing that really got Cal’s engine racing. It was a shorter clean-shaven black guy with a diamond earring and a taller Hispanic dude with a bunch of tats and a goatee. The black guy took a good 15 minutes just working his mouth down the other guy’s body, licking and sucking and kissing the whole way, and then he didn’t even swallow his cock right away: he tongued around and under the sack, then ran the tip up the length of the shaft. With their eyes locked he stuck the tip of his tongue into the other guy’s piss slit and cleaned out the precum that’d built up; the Hispanic guy groaned and spread his legs wider. The black dude might’ve been the one sucking, but there was no question he was in charge, holding the other guy’s hands tight while he blew him real slow, then lifting off after a few minutes to climb up on top for another makeout session, before heading back south. When he took his partner’s shaft in his mouth again he did it slowly, smiling up at the other guy while he slid the whole thing into his mouth, then closing his lips around the base and pulling up just as slowly. Cal made a low rumble in his throat as he watched: for some reason this was turning him on more than usual, and it wasn’t just the rubbing deep inside him. After a few minutes the two switched places and the Hispanic guy began tonguing the other one all over before he zeroed in on his balls, and then finally the dripping shaft. When he took it in his mouth the stocky black guy smiled and his eyes slid shut in pleasure as he began slowly pumping his hips. “Fuck yeah,” Cal muttered to himself. “Suck it.” His own dick was a gooey throbbing mess, his freakout at giving Matt head a distant concern. Instead his memories of Sunday morning made the video all the more real: the taste of Matt’s leaking cock, the fresh smell of his body, the sounds he’d made all came back to him as the black guy squirmed on the bed. His bucking increased as the lighter-skinned guy started slowly pumping the shaft with a twisting motion, until with a huge spasm he started to come. The money shot was a close-up of his load launching into the other guy’s waiting mouth, and then the guy giving the blow job closed his lips again to swallow it all. The plug in Cal’s ass ramped up briefly as he came, and Cal bit his lip and grunted in pleasure as he watched, almost imagining himself there. It faded as the black guy’s orgasm died down, but not completely. The two didn’t stop there, but lay next to each other making out for a couple of minutes, hands sliding over each other’s hard bodies. Cal thought back to how Matt had felt under his hands the first time he’d gotten him off, and knew that the two guys in the video were feeling the same sensations. “Your turn,” the black guy grinned, and rolling on top he began kissing lower. His tongue lingered in his partner’s belly button for a few seconds while he pumped the shaft next to his face, and then he took the wet head into his mouth; both of them grunted in pleasure, and Cal did too. The stimulation in his ass was almost more than he could take, or maybe he was just extra sensitive today, but as the black guy started bobbing his head in earnest Cal found himself trembling he was so horny. He clenched his hands and tried to distract himself, but couldn’t stop watching. The Hispanic guy was uncut, like Matt, and each time his partner ran his tongue around the head or licked along the shaft, the memories of how his friend felt and tasted came back: the fresh musk of his nuts, the salty sweetness of his precum, the warm firm texture of Matt gliding over his tongue. “Shit,” he muttered to himself, and licked his lips. He could feel the warm glow building in his ass again, spreading up into the pit of his stomach, and his legs were starting to tremble. The guy getting blown put his hands on his partner’s head and groaned as he pulled him all the way down his shaft. His hips were rocking steadily now and he was breathing hard. “I’m gonna come,” he said, and groaned even louder as the other guy managed a grin around his mouthful of cock. The black guy paused long enough to get a good coating of spit on one finger, and then slid it up his buddy’s chute as his lips took the shaft all the way back in. The merciless warmth was spreading out through Cal’s body as he watched; every time he squirmed the movement in his balls and cock added to it until his nipples were throbbing too. Cal watched the guy’s smooth balls pull up, and then the Hispanic guy was gasping as he bucked and came. It must’ve been a while since he’d gotten off, because the guy sucking his dick couldn’t keep up with him. On some level Cal knew this was gross, but he was having trouble focusing on that thought when what he really wanted to do was come, and come hard. His arms, his legs: it felt like a warm wave was washing over every part of his body, and he was helpless to stop it. “Suck it,” he groaned, “swallow it all…” The black guy was trying to, but there was too much: a line of cum was running out the corner of his mouth, clearly visible against his dark skin. It was overwhelming: any thought of being punished was washed away as the wave of pleasure crested and Cal was swept away. It wasn’t like any orgasm he’d had before: there was no sharp burst of pleasure in his dick, but a long slow sensation the swept through his entire body. From far away he could hear himself gasping “yeeeeeeeeessss…” but it was a distant impression: he was riding the wave from the root of his cock up his spine all the way to the crown of his head. It faded away after a while, and Cal came back to himself. He could feel a warm river of cum running down his shaft and his balls, but there were no stripes on the floor–he’d just leaked a full load out somehow. And there was no 10,000 volt surprise in his ass, so somehow it hadn’t crossed the forbidden line like a real orgasm. It wasn’t fading away as fast either: he still felt good all over, pleasure echoing through him as the black guy let the tan cock slide wetly out of his mouth. Cal whimpered a little as he watched the two guys post up next to each other for a lazy makeout session that started getting Cal horny all over again. God, what is wrong with me?! he thought. Because he couldn’t deny it anymore: watching those guys blow each other had been an experience like nothing he’d ever had. For the last few weeks he’d told himself it was just the butt plug (and he still wondered about what was in that lube), but even without the dildo he would’ve gotten hard watching that video, and if he ever had the chance he’d jerk off to it again and again. “Christ,” he muttered, “I’m a fuckin’ fag.” He shook his head, but only out of habit: it was true. He should’ve felt worse, like he had when he’d first woken up in that hotel room, but somehow he actually felt better, which was weird as hell, but he didn’t really care. He could never tell his dad, that was for sure, but at least…suddenly he wanted to call Matt. To share this whole freaky fucked-up situation with the one guy who would actually get it. He grabbed his phone to call, but then he remembered where they stood after he’d basically screwed his friend over Sunday, and he hesitated. And then the thought popped up: what if Matt wasn’t into this shit, like, at all? Just trapped like Cal, but ready to bail the second he had a chance? They had enough dirt on each other that Matt would never spill to the other guys, but that didn’t mean he actually wanted to do this shit a second longer than he had to. Fuck. Cal tossed the phone back on the bed, his good mood deflating faster than his dick, and then he got ready for class. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . He’d spent the rest of Tuesday thinking hard about the Matt situation, and hadn’t really figured anything out. But by the time he got up and ready for the Wednesday quiz he knew he’d have to do something. It scared the crap out of him, but he also felt better somehow. Weird–but getting off dead center was better than staying trapped like he had been for so long. And then just after his inspection was done he found his hand going up, and before he even thought about what he was doing his mouth opened up. “Sir?” “What is it boy?” “Could–” he swallowed, “could I please see the video from yesterday again? Sir?” There was a pause. Fuck, Cal thought, what was I thinking?! He braced for a lightning bolt up the shitter. “You liked that boy?” “Yes sir.” He nodded. Maybe he wasn’t screwed?… “Why?” The question hung there. “It…uh…” Oh shit, was he really going to say this? “It was hot sir.” Did the voice know what’d happened yesterday? Like, how much he’d really gotten off on it? There was a noise that might have been a chuckle. “Got you extra hard, did it boy?” “…Yes sir.” Now it was really real. “Hm. Not that one. But–” another pause, “You can watch this one. But don’t forget who owns your dick boy.” There was an edge there that made Cal nervous again. “Yes sir, thank you sir.” Cal nodded vigorously. The movie that came up was called “The Art of Erotic Massage,” and it lasted 45 minutes. By the time it was over Cal was regretting his choice to speak up: his cock and balls ached, and the precum they’d dribbled out wasn’t nearly enough to release the tension. Sweat had run down his sides to match the drips trickling off his ball sack, and even the slightest pulse from the dildo made him tremble and whimper. When the quiz was finally over and the screen went blank he sank to his knees, wrung out like he’d just done a leg workout from hell. His whole body was on fire, and when he rubbed a hand across his chest his cock surged in response. He snatched his hand away, suddenly worried even that was going to be enough to make him come, but it was “only” another white glob pouring out. Before he could think about it he wiped it up with his finger, shivering as his fingertip grazed his swollen head, and licked it clean. He knew he should be grossed out, but he was so fucking horny he didn’t care–and it didn’t taste all that bad really, he thought as he stood up. He was going to need a cold shower before he headed to class–and he was going to have to hurry to make it on time. He hopped in the shower as soon as it got warm–but not before he had another taste of the juice coating his balls. It really was fine, once you got used to it. He was a couple of minutes late to the lecture, but luckily he could come in from the back so no one noticed. He could see Matt down front, but his tall frame stayed pointing front the whole lecture and Cal was suddenly not so sure he wanted Matt to see him. Hell, if he weren’t so desperate to drain his blue balls he probably wouldn’t even be thinking about getting it on with Matt or Bryan or any other guy. But then the dildo started softly humming and tingling and that’s exactly what he was thinking about; he could barely concentrate through the lecture thanks to all the scenarios his imagination was playing out with one or the other of them. Or both–he swallowed hard as he suddenly thought about getting naked with the two of them, and he could feel an extra bit of precum leaking out. “Fuck,” he muttered under his breath. If he didn’t end this dry spell soon he was going to explode, no matter what happened afterwards. Even having those videos get out was starting to seem like less of a bad idea if it would let him get off. Then he thought about what would happen if his father saw them, and his dick wilted. Yeah, he could hold our a while longer. And it suddenly sounded like he’d have to: the prof was announcing the dread Senior Project was going to start up, and they’d need to get teams together to start working on their joint papers. Cal sighed. Fucking school. When the lecture was over he grabbed his stuff and got up, but found his feet taking him to the front door, past where Matt was slowly putting his laptop in his bag. He was getting up to go just as Cal came up to him; there was no way of dodging it. “Hey,” Cal said. At least Matt didn’t look instantly pissed. “Hey.” Matt shrugged on his jacket. “So, uh, how’s it going?” He glanced around, but no one was paying any attention to them. Obviously. “You, uh, okay after, y’know, Sunday?” Cal felt the tension he didn’t know he’d had drain from him: Matt didn’t seem ticked off at all. Worried, if anything. Cool…. He shrugged. “Eh, been worse.” He swallowed. “So…how about you?” Matt raised his eyebrows and one side of his mouth, returning the wry shrug. “Coulda been worse. I mighta gotten your job.” “Nah man, you had it worse. I just fucked up.” The other students were still filing past them, but no one seemed to notice their intense conversation: everyone was thinking about lunch. “No way, it’s not your fault. I don’t know if I could’ve…you know. It was kind of a lot to handle.” Suddenly Cal had to laugh. Maybe Matt hadn’t meant it that way, but… “Yeah, you kinda left me with a lot to handle there dude.” Matt shook his head, but he was laughing a bit too. “Yeah, I guess I did. My bad.” Cal gave a good-natured shrug, relieved they were cool. “It wasn’t that bad, really. Just weird. You know.” Matt nodded; his face said he understood more than what Cal said out loud. “I know. Bet it’ll be my turn to find out soon enough.” The look on his face was thoughtful though, not disgusted. Huh, Cal thought. “So hey, you wanna get some lunch?” The lecture hall was nearly empty now as they filed out. “Yeah, I’m starving.” “Want some cream gravy?” Matt was grinning as he said it. “Fuck you, that’s not even funny,” Cal shot back and shoved him. But not that hard, and he was grinning too. “It kinda is,” Matt shot back, and they argued back and forth, laughing, as they headed to lunch. They had a project to plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In a good mood for once, Cal spent the afternoon powering through his upcoming assignments, then hit the gym for an arms and chest workout. He could’ve done shoulders, but hitting the pecs and triceps made him look good and buff, and he was sure Matt would appreciate the effort. At that thought his pecs weren’t the only thing getting swole, and he hurried through the workout before he popped a full-on woody there in the gym, cursing at his lack of control. It wasn’t like anything would happen tonight anyway, he thought. Matt was just coming over so they could pick their research topic, and he’d said he’d probably invite Hannah and Rog from class too: they were kinda friendly with Matt and he said they were smart, so they’d be great to have on the team. So, just the four of them hanging out. No big deal. But he should probably make an effort to make a good impression, Cal thought as he showered and shaved. On the chance that Matt had found the two people on campus who didn’t think he was a complete douche. Maybe a little cologne too…no that would be stupid–welp, too late now. He’d just put on a nice shirt and then…he’d met some of the guys for dinner at…what was a nice restaurant? Yeah, that 1816 Cafe place, that was nice enough to dress up for. That was a good excuse if anyone asked. He was still polishing his backstory when someone knocked on the door and he jumped up. Shit, had he put some more beers in the fridge? Matt liked Corona…too late now. He pasted on a smile and opened the door to welcome his new study partners in. But it was just Matt there in his blue parka and skully, toting his backpack. “Hey, wassup?” Cal backed up to let him in. “So are Rog and Hannah on their way?” He kept his voice casual. No big deal. “Umm…sorry, didn’t you get my text?” Matt looked slightly embarrassed as he pulled off his hat and jacket, but maybe not 100% sincere, Cal thought. “No, don’t think so. What was it?” “Shit, sorry. I coulda sworn I sent it. They can’t make it until tomorrow. But they’re in, so we’re cool. We’ll meet at Hannah’s place tomorrow at 7:00 when she’s off work. Her place is kinda in the middle for everyone.” Matt kicked off his shoes before he tracked any late-season snow in with him. “Oh. Okay. Well, cool.” Cal was excited, but confused. “So you wanna start planning or something?” “Yeah, I thought we could compare some notes and get some ideas before we meet so we don’t look like total tools. And then–” Matt reached into his pack– “we could celebrate Hump Day.” He pulled out a bottle of Crown and held it out. “Aw hell yeah,” Cal said. Things were definitely looking up. “Lemme get a coupla beers and we can knock this planning shit out.” “Nice.” Matt sat down at the dining room table and set up his laptop, leaving the bottle on the coffee table for later. The next half hour or so was pretty much business, but as it went on Cal found himself getting more and more distracted. Matt was sitting right next to him, and they kept brushing against each other as they pointed something out on their laptops, or shifted in their seats; Cal could feel the heat from his body. And Matt smelled good, like he’d just showered…and he’d put on some cologne too, Cal realized. And shaved. Had he…gotten dressed up for this too?… Cal found his heart pounding as he considered what that meant; his dick was hard in an instant. Matt didn’t seem to have noticed, but suddenly all Cal could think about was what it had felt like to take Matt into his mouth for the first time. Awww shit, he thought. “Huh?” Matt looked up at him. “What?” “I thought you said something.” “No, I uh…no. Nothing.” Cal felt his face heat up, and he scrambled to recover. “Hey, I think this is good for now. We should totally do the Texas lateral drilling study like you said. How ’bout we call it and open up that bottle?” Their knees bumped as Cal turned towards him, and Cal’s mouth was suddenly bone dry. “I could use a shot.” Matt’s face was red too for some reason. “Yeah, me too. That’s enough for one day.” He closed his laptop. He jumped up and headed for the couch, but not before Cal caught a glimpse of a bulge in the front of his jeans. He forced himself not to stare–maybe he was just imagining it–but he could feel himself starting to leak. Thank God that fucking dildo wasn’t doing anything: if it did Cal was pretty sure he’d shoot. And then get punished for it. “I’ll get some shot glasses.” Cal stood up, feeling a little weak in the knees, and headed to the kitchen while Matt turned on the TV and started scrolling through the channels. By the time he got back Matt had found “Thor: The Dark World” on HBO. “Good one.” He laid out the shot glasses and sat down awkwardly, unsure how close he wanted to sit to Matt. His hands were shaking slightly as he poured. “Yeah, Chris Hemsworth is a bad ass.” Matt’s socked foot touched Cal’s as he leaned forward to pick up a shot glass. Maybe by accident, maybe not. Probably accident. “Yeah,” Cal croaked, and downed his shot. What the fuck was wrong with him? He felt light-headed as his brain ping-ponged between wanting to run away and wanting something to happen; he decided another Çeşme Escort Bayan shot was what he needed. And anyway Matt had just tossed his back too and was holding out his glass. Cal reached over to pour, and now their knees were touching. His hands were definitely shaking now from the adrenaline, and when he filled his shot glass some of it slopped on his thigh. “Shit.” “I’ll get it.” Matt tossed back his shot and Cal did the same before any more got on him. Matt leaned set down the glass, then forward and stretched out his sweatshirt’s hem to blot up the booze. He was looking down, but so close Cal could smell his shampoo. “Aw fuck it,” Cal said, and when Matt looked up Cal leaned in and planted one full on his mouth. Matt didn’t even pretend to resist: his mouth opened for Cal’s tongue and his hand went to the back of his head, pulling them together. Cal dropped his empty shot glass and his hand matched Matt’s grip, his fingers running through Matt’s thick black hair. His mouth tasted like whiskey as Cal’s tongue probed deep, and then Matt’s was wrestling its way into his mouth. They were both panting as they went back and forth, grunts and whimpers coming from one and then the other. Cal slid one hand down Matt’s back, loving the feel of lean muscle flexing underneath the sweater, and then Matt was untucking his shirt and sliding a hand up under it to rub his bare skin. Cal made an “mmmph” of approval and leaned in and Matt followed his lead, leaning back as Cal followed him until he was lying on top. Cal’s hard-on was raging, and he could feel Matt’s bulge along the length of his thigh as the taller man worked his legs apart until Cal was in between them. “Oh Jesus yes,” Cal whispered, and began grinding his crotch into Matt’s. He closed his eyes and worked his mouth along Matt’s jaw until he was licking his ear. “Fuck you feel good,” he said. A small part of him told him to shut the fuck up, but his body was on fire and he ignored it. “You too…” Matt was nearly panting as he ground up into Cal, and then he slid one hand down under the waist of Cal’s jeans to grip his ass. He was taller than Cal, and it didn’t take much work before his fingers were sliding lower into Cal’s crack. Both of them were humping hard now, nearly fucking through their clothes, when Matt’s finger got close enough to Cal’s hungry hole to hit the base of his butt plug. “Shit!” he panted. He pulled his hands out from under Cal’s clothes, and suddenly he was pushing him up and off. “Whah?…” It took a moment for Cal to even realize that something had changed. “Cal, get off!” Matt had stopped moving except to press Cal away harder. “Off!” he sounded almost panicked as he shoved. “Da fuck Matt?” Cal’s frustration was turning to anger when he realized what Matt was getting at, how close they had come to seriously fucking up. “Oh shit!” He bolted up. He could feel his cock softening already at the thought of another round of punishment for coming without permission. “Yehnngggh…” Matt’s eyes were squeezed shut. Slowly his body relaxed, and after a few seconds he opened them again; he was still breathing hard. “Damn straight ‘Oh Shit.’ I thought I was gonna nut for sure.” He looked down at his crotch then gave it a cautious rub, hips flexing slightly from the touch. “Halfway did.” “Shit, sorry man. I guess…I just got carried away.” Cal was still trying to adjust to the worst cock blocking he’d ever experienced. His nads were never going to forgive him. “Yeah, me too.” Matt cocked an eyebrow. “What was up with that man? I thought you hated all that ‘faggy shit'”–he air quoted–“but you just about jumped my bones. I mean, you were seriously ready to smash.” Cal shrugged. “I dunno. It’s not like you weren’t.” Shit, Matt had basically been teasing him all night, really. “Yeah, but I mean you’ve always hated on gay guys and now…you were all over me man.” “Well you didn’t try to stop me too hard.” Cal was starting to get pissed. His balls ached, he was frustrated as hell, and now Matt wanted to give him shit about it. “You never liked fags either, but you seemed pretty into it.” Matt sat up a bit, chewing on his lower lip. “Well…yeah I was I guess. I never really thought about it before…you know, lately, but I didn’t, like, hate on gays like you.” “So why are you going along with this bullshit anyway? I mean, if you’re all so good with the homos then whadda you care if,” Cal swallowed, “if there’s some sex tape of you out there?” “You mean the shit we did?” “No dumbass, I mean before. You know, the first time.” Cal couldn’t meet Matt’s gaze any longer. He didn’t feel nearly so grossed out by the things he’d done (hadn’t he just tried to do the same things right now almost?), but he still didn’t like thinking about it. “Oh.” Now it was Matt’s turn to look away. “No, I didn’t have a sex tape, y’know, at first.” Suddenly a horrific idea crossed Cal’s mind. It was bullshit, it had to be bullshit, but he couldn’t stop thinking it. He pulled away and stood up. “Why did you do it then Matt?” he asked. His voice was rough and low. “If you didn’t give a shit about some sex tape, why’d you ever do any of this? Sir?” He couldn’t help it–that last bit just slipped out. “Sir? The fuck, Cal?” Matt just looked confused. “I’m not him, Jesus! How fucked up do you think I am? Just because I don’t pick fights with guys outside a gay club doesn’t mean I was trying to hook up with you. Jesus!!” He sat up and swung his legs onto the floor. “I gotta go.” His voice was pissed, but defensive. Cal crossed his arms. “So why Matt? Tell me why.” He could feel his face flushing, and that adrenaline was back but not in a good way this time. “Tell me this wasn’t just some setup to get in my pants.” “Jesus! You really think I’ve got a secret lab where I cooked all this shit up? No way. I wasn’t into any of this before, believe me. It’s–aw fuck.” Matt rubbed his hands over his face. “It’s not that man, I swear. Just let it go okay Cal? I didn’t set you up or anything. But I don’t wanna talk about it.” “All right.” Something in Matt’s face said he was telling the truth, and suddenly Cal felt kind of like a dick. “Sorry bro.” He took a deep breath and then let it out. “This whole thing’s just messing with my head, you know?” He gave a weak chuckle. “Guess I’m just to horned up to think straight.” He let his arms fall to his side. “Ha ha. Good one.” Cal rolled his eyes. “Jesus dude. You know what I meant.” “I know I know, chill.” Matt seemed to be getting his humor back now that they’d changed subjects. “But c’mon: you did shove your tongue down my throat a couple minutes ago.” “Yeah, well you too!” But Cal’s tension was fading. It’d been crazy to think Matt was setting him up, and now that he realized it he was relaxing a bit, even if it did make him wonder what’d gotten Matt into this with him. Matt stood up and Cal was suddenly aware that they were in each other’s space again. “You were.” That sounded really feeble. Matt’s grin widened; he knew he had Cal on the defensive. “But you started it bro. Admit it:” he poked a finger into Cal’s chest, “you can’t wait to get into my pants.” “Shut up Matt!” Cal rolled his eyes. “You know it’s just ‘coz my balls are all backed up.” No way was he going to admit anything else to Matt. His friend stepped a little closer, and Cal was forced to look up a bit to meet his eyes. He could smell Matt’s cologne again, and a faint clean scent of fresh sweat, and…fuck, he was getting hard again. Matt knew what he was doing, the bastard, and his grin got a cocky twist. “All backed up thinking about me. Admit it bro.” He stepped closer and Cal could feel the heat from his body as he leaned in. “You can’t wait to get into my pants.” His eyes were hungry now and Cal felt his dick turn to stone at that look. Cal closed his eyes, then opened them. “Yeah,” he nodded, “yeah.” There, now Matt knew his secret. Knew he was into dick. Knew he was a fag. He could feel his face turn bright red, his pulse pounding in his ears. But Matt just kept smiling, blue eyes bright. “Awesome. Me too man.” He put one hand on the back of Cal’s neck, while the other one went to his crotch. When he squeezed, Cal sucked in his breath. “I dunno why, and I never would’ve thought it in a million years, but me too.” He took a deep breath and backed off. “Fuck, I gotta go. I’m gonna seriously get in trouble if I hang out here.” He backed away and reluctantly let his hands drop. “Yeah,” Cal croaked, “guess you’d better.” On a whim he gave Matt a good feel. Yep, hard as a rock too. “Shit,” he breathed, “nice.” “Mmm.” Matt flexed his dick once as Cal squeezed, then pulled away. “Okay, okay, seriously dude, you’ve gotta stop that.” His face looked as flushed as Cal’s felt. He took a deep breath and started collecting his stuff. “Guess I’ll see you tomorrow at Hannah’s.” “Oh right, that. Yeah, sure, sounds good.” Matt put on his coat and hat. “Okay, well, see you tomorrow.” He stood there a little awkwardly. “Ummm…” he looked up for a second, then rushed out the next words. “Glad you’re cool with this–with us–you know, Sundays. And stuff,” he finished lamely. “Me too,” Cal said enthusiastically. At least he didn’t have to be ashamed with Matt. This evening had been weird in a lot of ways, but he also felt better than he had in a long time. “Good, good,” Matt nodded. “I was just, well I was kinda wrapping my head around it, but since I’ve known you you haven’t exactly been cool with two guys…I figured you were pretty pissed Sunday because you had to do all that shit.” “Well,” it was Cal’s turn to look down. Monday’s quiz was fresh in his mind; maybe it was time to turn over a new leaf. “I think…maybe I’ve kind of been an asshole. Like, a lot. And I’m…” he took a deep breath. Man, this apology shit sucked. “I’m sorry you got your ass reamed Sunday because I fucked up. I shoulda just gone through with it.” He couldn’t look at Matt just then. “It’s fine. Hell, I don’t know if I would’ve been able to.” “Well I should’ve. And anyway, I wanted to.” There, he said it. “I just freaked out.” “You wanted to?” Matt didn’t sound pissed, and Cal looked back up. Huh, he actually looked pretty happy. Cal swallowed. “Yeah. I was freaking out, but then I realized…yeah, probably.” Matt nodded slowly. “Awesome. Coz…I’ve kinda been thinking about it too. A lot. I wouldn’t mind losing the quiz on Sunday.” Holy shit, Matt was into it too! Not just forced into it, but _into it, into it! Cal wasn’t just a freak, they both were getting off on this. “Well, how about I make it up to you first?” He was feeling hornier than ever now, knowing Matt was looking forward to their next meetup. “That’d be fine.” Matt nodded. “Really fine.” He sucked in his breath. “Okay, I gotta stop talking about this. I’ve really gotta go.” He looked Cal up and down, then puffed out a breath. “Damn dude. Sunday’s a long way off.” He shook his head and turned to go. “Okay, see ya then.” “Tomorrow dude, tomorrow first.” Matt was walking out the door. “Oh right.” “Doesn’t count though.” Matt turned around and shot him a grin as he closed the door. Cal gave a mental fist pump, then poured himself a celebration shot. His dick ached, he was being blackmailed by some mystery asshat who was fucking with his head, and he’d turned into a goddamn cocksucker. But he still felt like celebrating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The rest of the week left him a mess. He was happy to have Hannah and Roger on board for the project–they seemed to know their shit–but the whole night he and Matt had been trying not to eye each other. Rog had seemed oblivious, but he caught Hannah giving them a look once or twice that said maybe they weren’t exactly under her radar. He should’ve been freaking out, but his dick had taken firm control (hah fucking hah) and what Hannah thought or didn’t think wasn’t what was on his mind. What was on his mind was cock–it was like the flood gates had opened, and just thinking about it would get him hard whether the butt plug was firing or not now. The video for the Friday morning quiz was a How To on giving blow jobs, and he got a 100% on the quiz. He felt a warm glow when the voice told him how well he’d done, but Sir only promised he’d get a reward “later.” He was more focused on remembering what he’d learned though, and on the way to class he found himself studying guys’ bulges and thinking about what they were packing, and how he could take them. He shook his head to clear it, but then his mind would go right back there and he’d have to pull his sweatshirt lower. The Petroleum Engineering lecture was torture. He’d gotten there a little early, and of course Matt sat next to him. That led to their feet touching, and then their calves, and then both their butt plugs had started humming away and neither one of them took notes for the last 30 minutes. He saw Matt discretely rubbing himself a bit, but Cal didn’t dare go near his crotch even as a wet spot grew in his waistband: as much as he needed to rub one out (and for a second or two he wondered if he could do it without anyone noticing), the thought of rolling around on the lecture floor in agony while he was punished was enough to hold him back. Barely. The ass teasing ramped down a little before the lecture ended, and he took a deep breath of relief. No way could he stand up right away, but he could probably get back to normal before someone wondered why he was still sitting there. He hoped his face wasn’t as red as Matt’s though. Shit, it probably was: it felt warm enough. When the lights came up he shared a look with Matt–no need to ask what was on his buddy’s mind. “So, what’re you doing tonight?” Matt was trying to keep it casual. “Um, dunno. Thought I’d go over to the house, see what was up. I think they were gonna get a keg.” “Mm.” Matt bit his lip as he put his laptop in his bag. “I think I’ll go out for a coupla beers with a buddy. Maybe, uh, not get too close to the house tonight if you know what I mean. What with the drinking and all–don’t wanna do anything crazy.” He gave Cal a meaningful look, then shot a glance down. “Yeah…” Cal snuck a peek at Matt’s own bulge. “…Probably the smart move. Don’t wanna get in trouble….” But I wish we could! his face said. “Yeah.” Matt looked resigned. “Well, say hi to the guys. I gotta run, but I’ll see you Sunday.” “Absolutely man. Can’t wait.” Cal wasn’t sure he could wait, but he’d have to manage it somehow. Maybe the gym and a cold shower would help. Maybe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WEEK 6 SATURDAY It took Cal a good 15 minutes before his beeping alarm registered and he rolled up to sit at the edge of the bed; he should _not have bought that last round of Jaeger. But the guys had sure been happy to ride on his tab for a change. 7:00. Good, he still had time to prep for the inspection and the quiz. It took a lot less time now that he didn’t have to shave his arms and legs; a quick scratch confirmed that his balls needed a touchup though. He debated asking Sir if he could stop shaving his chest as a reward for his quiz score, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to anymore: he kinda liked Matt’s smooth chest, and maybe Matt felt the same way. He shook his head: he needed to get going. He could think about that later, after his quiz and after he did the usual Saturday dildo swap. Which reminded him of who’d be doing the delivery. Shit, thinking about the stocky redhead was making him hard already, and he hadn’t gotten the cock cage on yet. He padded into the kitchen to grab a couple of ice cubes–over the last few days he’d passed the point where a splash of cold water was enough to soften him up. And that was just general horniness; the memory of Bryan’s finger sliding over his jeans was… “Fuck,” he grunted, and slid the ice over his cock and balls until he was numb and soft, then dashed back to the bathroom to cage up so he could shit, shower, and shave. But thoughts of having a hot delivery guy in his living room in an hour or two, who wanted to get in his pants even, kept coming back, and the cage quickly became uncomfortable. Bryan seemed to be packing underneath those khaki work pants, and Cal kept imagining what it would be like to stick his face in there and chew on it for a while. Then open up the fly and see just what was in there…all the “How To” tips from Friday’s video came back, and he couldn’t help replaying them as he showered and shaved. He knew he was playing with fire, but when he checked his taint for stubble he couldn’t resist slipping a fingertip into his hole for a few seconds, imagining it was Bryan’s; it was enough to make him weak in the knees. “Shit, hold it together man” he panted to himself. He rammed the dildo back in (no trouble taking that thing anymore) and popped the cage off with a sigh of relief. He didn’t dare lie down to play with it in his hole like he usually did before inspection: his shaft was already smeared with pre-cum where he’d leaked in the cage, and he knew he was close to popping. “No playing with yourself today boy?” Cal jumped at the sudden voice from his laptop. Shit, he’d had his mind on tomorrow. He couldn’t help flexing his cock a little. Shit, would that look like a “fuck you” do whoever was on the other end of the video?! “No sir,” he played it extra-meek, just to be sure. “Huh. You seemed to like it a lot the last few weeks.” The voice sharpened. “You’re not getting tired of your magic butt plug are you?” “No sir! No! It’s just…too much of a good thing, you know? I can’t take too much more.” “Mmm. You ready for your quiz boy?” “Yes sir.” “Good. Gonna check your thinking skills today.” What did _that mean? Cal thought. The video started with two shirtless guys making out. Both of them were buff and smooth, and might’ve been military based on their haircuts; they looked really into it. Cal licked his lips in anticipation, trying to store every detail. He was barely aware that he was grinding his ass a little as he watched: it just felt good to do it while he watched their hands slide over each other. Suddenly the picture froze. “What would you do next, boy?” “Whah–uh, sorry sir. I don’t understand, sir.” Cal was completely confused: he’d always just waited until the end for the quiz to start, and it was always some detail like whether the guy was cut, or something like that. “The shorter one. Imagine you were him. What would you do next?” The voice sounded irritated, which was never good. “I’d…um, I’d kiss his neck, sir?” How was he supposed to know what these guys were going to do? Although actually this one looked vaguely familiar–maybe he’d seen it a few weeks ago? He wracked his brains, furiously thinking. “Good answer.” The movie resumed, and sure enough the shorter jock did just that, tonguing the taller guys ear and then moving his lips down the side of his neck to the traps until his partner’s eyes slid shut. The picture froze again. “Now?” “I’d…grab his ass. Sir.” Cal wasn’t sure if that’s what would happen next, but it seemed like a good guess. He shivered as he remembered Matt’s hands under his jeans the other night, working down his crack. “I’d slide my hands under his jeans, and, and feel him up. Sir.” “Good answer boy. I think you’re a natural at this.” The movie resumed, and that’s just what happened. The stimulation in Cal’s ass bumped up a notch, and he made a soft little noise. He couldn’t help clenching his ring for a second to make it a little more intense. The guy getting felt up had started making some noises of his own. “Thank you sir,” Cal said automatically. Most of his attention was focused on his laptop screen. The shorter guy’s hands were down the other guy’s pants to his wrists, and Cal would bet 50 bucks he was playing with the other guy’s hole. His own ached thinking about it. Thirty seconds later things had heated up. Both guys had handfuls of ass now, and were grinding against each other as they swapped spit. Cal was breathing heavily along with them, and his dick bounced as he ground his hips in time with the video until it froze again. “Now what boy?” “He should work on the other guy’s nips for a bit.” Yeah, that’s what he would do. “While he fishes his cock out. Sir.” “Good idea boy. Let’s see what they do.” And that was what they did–except the shorter guy only fished out his buddy’s cock. His own was peeking out from the waistband of his low-rise jeans, but he left it there while his mouth moved down to the left nipple. The taller guy arched his back and pulled his hands out from the jeans to mash his partner’s head into his pec. “Suck it,” he grunted. “Fuck yeah suck it,” Cal whispered. “Now the other one…yeah, just like that.” It almost felt like he was there he was so into it. He could just smell the precum leaking off his dick, and imagined it was coming from the guys in the video. “Go lower dude,” he growled, “get on your knees and lick that thing….do it….aw fuck yeah, take that shaft in your mouth.” Jesus, he wanted to drop from his inspection posture so bad, even if all he could do was rub his hands over himself! He could practically taste the guy’s cock himself, and he was making the same noises Matt made when Cal had tried blowing him before. “Shit…take the whole thing man…suck it…” Cal bit his lip: the guy was taking his time tonguing his partner’s balls before he got to the main course, and it made Cal impatient. “C’mon, suck his dick!” he muttered. A mild jolt in his ass brought him back to reality, at least partway. “You’re getting ahead of yourself boy.” The screen froze with the shorter guys tongue tip running up his buddy’s ball sack. “Yes sir, sorry sir. Thank you for correcting me sir.” Cal felt like he was talking through syrup: it was an effort to tear his attention from the screen. He’d said it, he wanted some cock, fine. He was fucked. Couldn’t he at least get some now? “What did you learn yesterday boy? Don’t tell me you forgot your perfect quiz.” “I…uh…” God, it was so hard to think! “Wait to suck his cock until last, and he’s ready for it?’ That was the idea anyway. “Until he’s leaking, sir?” “And do you see him leaking?” “Umm…not really sir. Just a little.” “So what should your man do?” “Ah, keep licking his balls, and, uh, maybe his taint. Get him worked up some more.” “Better. Why?” Why? Oh fuck, what did that mean? Cal froze, trying to think of an answer that wouldn’t leave him curled up in a ball on the floor; his dick started wilting. And then the other videos came back to him. Along with the memory of his own shitty performance reviews. “Because it’s better when he gets his partner off the best he can. Sir.” “Hmmm….maybe you’re not a total waste of oxygen. Why?” Cal’s momentary relief vanished with the next Why. “Uhhhhh…” he stalled. His dick was definitely not liking this interrogation. “Because….” He thought about Matt, about what he’d be thinking if he were going down on Matt in that video. Or maybe Bryan. Anyway. And then all the random bullshit of the last few weeks came together and he thought maybe he got it. “Because it’s not about him, he’s a piece of shit, he doesn’t matter. Unless he makes his friend feel good. That’s how he matters. Sir.” “Good job boy!” The voice actually sounded pleased for the first time ever. “Looks like you might have learned something after all.” “Thank you sir.” Cal should be furious, pissed at this fucking blackmailer patting him on the head like this–but instead he felt pleased. Had anyone ever told him he’d done a good job? Like really? Was that fucked up that they hadn’t, he wondered? “So what should he do then boy?” “He should tongue his balls until there’s a good drop of precum on his dick, maybe lick under ’em for a few minutes, then run his tongue up the shaft and clean up the juice with the tip of his tongue. Then grab his buddy’s ass tight, and pull his dick into his mouth as far as it’ll go. Then blow him until he comes. Sir.” The video started up again, and sure enough the taller guy’s balls were getting a good tongue bath. “Sounds like you’ve been thinking about this a lot boy.” “Uh, yes sir. Some.” A mild jolt. “Yes, a lot sir. Thank you for correcting me sir.” He watched the hard shaft disappear into the warm mouth, and could almost imagine he was there. The pleasure in his ass was radiating in slow waves like it had the other day, and he suddenly wondered if he was going to have another one of those almost-orgasms. Before he could worry about it there was a knock at the door and the video froze; so did Cal. What?… he was having trouble bringing himself back to reality. “Better answer the door boy.” Cal shook himself to break the spell. “Yes sir.” He looked around for something to put on, and grabbed a pair of jeans that were lying on the chair. A quick sniff said they were clean enough, and he hopped into them commando style. There was another knock on the door, louder this time. “Just a second!” he shouted, buttoning up the fly. “Boy.” Cal froze. Shit, now what? “Yes sir?” “Your reward, for your quiz.” “Yes sir?” Cal should’ve been excited, but he was horned up out of his mind and in a hurry to answer the door, which was probably Bryan, which thinking about kept his dick at full hard, and so he wasn’t really paying close attention. “When you swap out ass plugs this morning you don’t have to use the cage. Try anything funny, or come without permission though, and you will be punished severely. Understood?” “Yes sir. Thank you sir.” That seemed like a kind of lame reward–Cal knew he wasn’t going to get his rocks off early, but he’d kinda hoped he could stop shaving his chest at least–but there was another loud knock on the door so he just blazed out of the bedroom. “Yo! Coming!” he bellowed. It was a typically shitty early March day, 35 degrees and blowing rain, and Bryan looked soaked when Cal opened the door: the entryway hadn’t given him a lot of protection. His hair was wet, turning it dark red where it stuck out from the company-issued ball cap, and his jeans looked like they weren’t too dry either. At least he had a rain jacket. “Sorry, was getting dressed. Come on in.” Cal backed up to let Bryan’s broad frame in. “No worries. Worth the wait.” The redhead gave a knowing look as he blatantly eyed Cal’s crotch. His woody hadn’t gone away at all, and the glistening head was clearly peaking out over the low-cut waist band again. “Hope I didn’t interrupt anything.” His eyebrows twitched up. Cal shrugged; busted, sorta. “Just watchin’ some vids. You know.” “Looks like they were pretty good ones. Maybe I should watch some of those.” Bryan gave Cal The Look, and he felt his breath catch a little. “Uh yeah.” Cal cleared his throat. “Maybe, uh sometime.” Oh shit, had he basically just told Bryan they’d watch porn together? Suddenly he was studying the deliveryman’s body, trying to figure out just what was under that rain gear. He looked…solid. Like he worked out a lot. Cal’s imagination started playing some different scenarios before he finally got a grip on himself. “Um…my package?” “Yeah, your package.” Bryan stepped in and cupped Cal’s crotch, and Cal felt his knees go weak. He wondered if Bryan could see the fresh precum he could feel leaking out. Shit, he was going to come if this went on any longer; he pulled back. “The–ahem–the box.” Damnit, why was his throat so fucking dry? Bryan gave him a curious look, probably wondering what his malfunction was, but didn’t move in to grab him again. He raised the box in his right hand. “Your new toy of the week?” He raised his eyebrows, then held it out. Cal shrugged and took it; what could he say? “I’ll be right back.” He bolted into the bedroom and tore open the box, then kicked off his jeans and flopped on the bed. Suddenly his reward seemed a lot better: his dick was a rigid red pole suspended over his belly, and there was no way it was going to fit back in that cage anytime soon. He grabbed the new lube off the bedside table (a darker orange color, he’d noticed), lay back with his eyes closed, and got ready to make the switch. “Mind if I watch?” Bryan’s voice wasn’t loud, but Cal practically levitated when he spoke. He looked over to see the courier with a hungry look on his face and, Cal realized, his dick in his hand. His very hard, very thick, cut dick. It didn’t look any longer than Cal’s, but it was so fat–Jesus. Cal couldn’t look away, and when Bryan started slowly stroking it he felt himself nod. “Sorry man, but I just had to go for it.” Bryan moved a little closer, still tugging. His lightly-freckled face was turning pink. “I’ve been jerking it every week after I do this delivery run for you. I just had to see for myself this time.” He stopped at the edge of the bed. “Don’t worry, I’ll be cool. Just let me watch while you do your thing.” He licked his lips. “Just go for it.” Awww shit, Cal thought. This is like doing it with Matt…. Bryan looked different: short and stocky to Matt’s tall and lean. Trimmed beard to Matt’s smooth face. But having another hard and horny guy next to him while he played with himself…he prayed he wouldn’t do anything that would get him punished, but he couldn’t stop right now if he wanted to. So he just nodded and lay back on the pillow, then spread his legs. He felt like one of the slutty sorority chicks he’d banged over the years–but it was also really hot. He could see Bryan out of the corner of his eye, and the redhead was definitely getting into the show. When Cal slid the butt plug out Bryan muttered “nice” under his breath and gave himself a good squeeze. Cal grabbed the fresh butt plug and smeared a thick glob of the dark orange lube all over it, his hands shaking in excitement hard enough to send the tube’s cap flying somewhere; he barely noticed. He spread his legs a little wider and tilted his hips up: from long practice he’d learned the plug went in easier this way. He had no trouble finding the soft center of his hole, and when the bulbous head started sliding in he let out a satisfied moan while his eyes fluttered and his back arched. He could hear Bryan fapping next to him, and when he turned his head back the redhead was stroking himself vigorously. They locked eyes and Cal started pumping the plug in and out; he whimpered and started pumping his hips. “Oh Jesus,” Bryan said in a strangled voice, “fuck yeah, baby.” He was stroking faster now, and his fat head had turned a deep red, glistening with precum. Cal watched it for a few seconds while he continued fucking himself, and then gave in. Sliding the plug all the way in, he let go and rolled over so he could bury his face in Bryan’s groin. Not to his cock, not yet, but Bryan’s balls had popped out of his boxers and so Cal dove on those and popped them in his mouth as best he could. Bryan wasn’t smooth like Matt, but he must’ve done some manscaping because the fur on his sack was cropped short. They tasted musky and meaty, and Cal tongued them for all he was worth while his nose filled with the scent of Bryan’s crotch–spicer than Matt, almost like fresh pencil shavings. “Mmmmm…” he couldn’t say anything with a mouthful of testicles, but he did the best he could to show he was into this. Part of him still couldn’t believe he had a mouthful of some guy’s nuts, but the rest of him was too turned on to care. “Awww God,” Bryan panted, and put a hand on the back of Cal’s head to pull him in close. He let go of his dick to give Cal free access as he started thrusting his hips. “Do it babe, suck my balls. I fuckin’ love that shit. Lick ’em good…mmmmyeah….” Cal was more than happy to obey: he was horny as fuck, and if he couldn’t get off himself he could at least help Bryan get his nut. For just a second, when his lips made first contact with the tip, he paused. But freaking out over having a dick in his mouth seemed like something from a long time ago; it might’ve been less than a week, but a lot had happened since then. And so he opened his mouth to let the head slide in, warm and hard and tasting like precum, and this time he didn’t hesitate to wrap his lips around it and start tonguing the piss slit. Bryan made a little “ah!” of pleasure as his dick twitched, and Cal could taste a fresh trickle of juice. The flavor really wasn’t bad at all he thought, once you stopped worrying about what it was. He sucked harder and started bobbing up and down a little, and got rewarded with more of the stuff along with a happy grunt from the delivery man. Every now and then he accidentally got his teeth in there a little by accident, but Bryan didn’t give him shit about it or cuff him on the head like Cal had done a couple of times when it’d happened to him. Leaning on one elbow, Cal wrapped his left hand around the rest of Bryan’s shaft and started squeezing it in time with his sucking, determined to do better. The dick was warm and hard like Matt’s had been, but the extra girth was pretty obvious–he wasn’t sure how much lower he’d be able to go (this time, part of him thought). He slid his tongue around it as he started bobbing up and down a little, exploring its shape: fatter than Matt’s for sure, but also with Escort Çeşme a little bit of a bend to one side, and just past the head it thickened back out a bit. It had a little more texture too, he thought: he could feel the veins under his tongue, and a few wiry hairs lower down. He pulled back a little bit to pay more attention to the head, probing the bit under the piss slit with his tongue’s tip, and Bryan made a muffled grunt of pleasure. Cal made one of his own as more juice leaked out; the taste didn’t bother him at all now–hearing Bryan start to pant was turning him on, in fact. As he slobbered and sucked he could feel the lube kicking in: flexing his glutes felt better each time he did it, and if that meant it looked like he was fucking, who cared? It felt so damn good. And Bryan tasted so damn good too; that was all part of it. Hard, leaking cock in his mouth and warm buzzing glow in his ass…. “Shiiiht…I’m close bud.” Bryan was panting hard, and Cal could feel each vein and bump on the shaft in his mouth pulsing as the deliveryman’s dick swelled and somehow got even harder. He knew that if he stopped the sensations in his ass would too though, and he didn’t want that. So he just doubled down on his suction and squirmed even more. Even the accidental friction of his bedspread was almost unbearable, but he didn’t care: he was pretty sure he could keep from tipping over the edge, and giving head while his ass felt like this was just so damn hot. He snuck his left hand up and gave Bryan’s nuts a gentle squeeze, hoping for some more juice. The move got him more than he bargained for: Bryan let out a loud “Ungghh!” and rammed his thick shaft deep into Cal’s throat until his pubes were tickling the senior’s nose. Before Cal could even think about gagging though he’d pulled back out–but now the first jets of cum were filling his throat instead. With a wailed “ahfuck!” the stocky redhead unleashed a geyser into Cal’s throat. He moaned around the dick in his mouth as the butt plug’s stimulation ramped up, pulsing in time to Bryan’s thrusts, and sucked even harder. He could feel the warm jets hitting the roof of his mouth as the rigid head slid over his tongue, but as fast as he tried to swallow some of the salty goo still leaked out. The taste was weird, and he wasn’t sure he really liked it. But he did like how good his ass felt while he was sucking it down, and he ground his hips as he finished the blowjob, working the probe inside him for that extra bit of pleasure. God yeah, just like that, he thought, but in the haze of sensations overwhelming him he wasn’t sure if he meant the butt plug or the cock erupting in his mouth–it was all one mindfucking rush. “Aaahuuh!! Ahhuh!!” Bryan almost sounded like he was in pain as he convulsed and his hips thrust into Cal’s mouth. Somehow he had enough self control not to just grab Cal by the ears and start face fucking him hard (like Cal would have, probably), but his slimy dick was still pushing pretty deep as he kept coming and coming, and Cal struggled not to choke under the onslaught even while he increased his efforts to suck more jizz out. After what seemed like forever (How much did this guy have stored up? Cal wondered), Bryan came to his senses. His hips went from spasming to a more relaxed rocking, and he even started to pull back out. But Cal was still deep into the sensations coming from his ass and not ready to let it end yet; he shifted his grip to the redhead’s lightly-furred nutsack (still pulled up tight) and gave it a gentle tug to hold him in place while he worked on swallowing what was in his mouth and cleaning up the slop on Bryan’s cock. Finally Bryan gave a shiver that said he’d gotten to that hypersensitive post-orgasm stage, and Cal let him slide out. As he’d figured, once his mouth was empty the probe went dormant (well, mostly), and Cal realized the state he was in: face flushed, lips slightly sore, and a mix of drool and cum running down his chin and throat. Shit, he laughed to himself as he wiped his chin with the back of one hand, if those guys from the bar saw me now…. Or his dad–and suddenly it wasn’t quite as funny. But he was still hard as a rock. He wasn’t the only one who’d noticed. “Damn dude, that was hot,” Bryan sighed, “how about you now, huh?” He leaned over and wrapped a hand around Cal’s shaft and gave it a tug; his grip was warm and muscular, and Cal thought if the butt plug had still been firing away he would’ve shot his load right then and there. “Unhh!!” He scooted his hips back and pulled Bryan’s hand off. “I…uh, no thanks.” It was hard to think with the sensation of precum trickling up his shaft; a second later a big cloudy drop appeared at the tip, quickly sliding off to join the others before it. “I’ll get it later.” “You sure man?” Bryan made an effort to grab him again, but Cal held him off until the ginger gave him a confused look. “Really, it’s no problem–I owe you. Believe me, I’d be happy to do it.” The look on his face said he’d enjoy it as much as Cal had. “No, I’ll just–no thanks,” Cal finished lamely. Shit, he must seem like a serious freak. Who the hell would turn down a blowjob from a guy like this? He could feel his willpower crumbling. “I think maybe you’d just better go.” That came out a little harsher than he’d meant, and he could see Bryan pull back a little, but what could he say, really? Not the truth, that was for sure. “That was great, you know, I mean really, but…I think I’m probably just going to do my own thing.” “Can I watch?” Bryan raised his eyebrows hopefully. “Uh…maybe another time.” Cal slid off the bed, trying not to get too close to the delivery man and the massive piece of meat still hanging out of his fly, and grabbed his jeans off the floor. He felt like a complete idiot trying to slide them on over his hard-on. It was wilting a little with embarrassment, but still made an obvious bulge as he buttoned up his fly. “But, uh, thanks. That was great.” Some weird autopilot part of his brain took over as he said it, and he stuck out his hand like he was wrapping up an interview or something. Bryan gave him a weird look, but shook it; they both ignored the glaze of cum and spit on the back. “Okaaay…well, you’re welcome, I guess?” Bryan broke the grip and shifted his feet for a second. “Guess I’d better go then.” He tucked himself back in and zipped up his fly and turned to walk out with Cal trailing behind him. He put his hand on the front door to let himself out, then suddenly turned around with a smirk on his face and leaned in close. Putting one hand on Cal’s neck he pulled his mouth close enough for his beard to tickle Cal’s ear. “But I will make it up to you one of these days. Soon,” he said in a low voice, and ran the tip of his tongue along Cal’s ear. Cal shivered, and literally felt himself go weak in the knees. Bryan broke contact and pulled back, his smirk widening into a knowing grin. “See ya.” With that he opened the door and headed out. Cal looked down at the wet spot that was already starting to stain his jeans. Oh Jesus, he thought, what have I started? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WEEK 6 SUNDAY It was still dark when Cal’s alarm went off the next morning. He’d barely been able to keep his dick under control after his experience with Bryan, and he hadn’t dared go anywhere near Matt because he didn’t trust himself. So he’d hit the gym hard and then used the excuse of two massive problem sets, midterm studies, and prep work for their team project to dodge his friend. That meant steering clear of the frat house too, just to be safe, and since sitting around his condo just made him think of Bryan (his bedroom still had a whiff of cum), that meant he’d actually hit the books in the library until they kicked him out at 11:00. Matt had texted him around then, asking where he was and telling him come to the house for beers, but Cal knew there was no way he’d be able to control himself once he got a couple in him. So he’d bailed for the night, but promised to come over in plenty of time for their inspection the next morning. Matt’s last text was “Sweet dreams loser. [eggplant] [raindrops]” and it hit Cal that because of those two guys and their dicks he’d just spent the saddest, lamest Saturday night of his entire college experience. Sure, he’d gotten caught up on his work, but it was still just pathetic. If he didn’t do…something…soon, he was going to have a fucking meltdown. No lap dance he’d ever gotten had left him hanging this bad, not even close. So now he’d done all his morning prep work and was standing at Matt’s front door as the sky was lightening; yesterday’s “warm” snap had blown through, and they were back to clear winter weather again. No one else was up yet, which was fine by him: he really didn’t want to explain why he was up and knocking on Matt’s door first thing on a cold Sunday morning. Matt opened it almost instantly; he must’ve been waiting for him. He was wearing a tight school tee shirt that showed off his chest and flat stomach, and some baggy grey sweats that did nothing to hide his half-hardon pushing out the front. Cal felt himself stiffening at the sight, and then the butt plug started up a low pulsing: he was rock-hard and flushed in an instant. “Hey,” he croaked–his throat was dry all of a sudden, and he could feel his heart pounding. “Hey, c’mon in. Hurry up man, it’s freezing!” Matt hopped around the carpet on his bare feet while he tugged Cal in. Cal closed the door and tugged off his wool skully and gloves. “Yeah, it’s cold as balls out there. Like, 12 degrees or something.” He shrugged out of his down jacket. “Well my balls are plenty warm,” Matt said, staring right at him. “Yeah?” Cal took a step closer and looked up. Matt’s expression said he was as ready to roll as Cal. Maybe a little nervous too, but they were in this fucked-up situation together. “Mmhmm.” He nodded and inched closer; Cal could just feel the heat coming off his body. Cal didn’t say anything, just slid his right hand inside the sweats, past the pulsing shaft firming up and the bristle of cropped pubes, and then lower until he cupped Matt’s smooth balls. He gave them a gentle squeeze and felt Matt stiffen. Cal nodded a little. “Yeah, they’re nice and warm all right.” He rolled them around a little. “Feels like they’re pretty full too.” He gave them a slow tug, his forearm brushing along Matt’s shaft as he did; it was already wet on the tip. God, he thought, I am really doing this. Matt took a shaky breath. “Uh huh,” he said in a strangled voice. “Lemme check yours out too.” He backed away and tugged on Cal’s waist band to pull him into the bedroom. They both had their shirts off before they got there, and Cal was kicking off his sneakers as Matt shucked off his sweats. Cal admired his friend’s pale ass while he popped the buttons on his jeans and hopped out of them, then shucked his boxer briefs. Matt watched him as he did, saying nothing, but his right hand was slowly rubbing his bush and balls. When Cal’s dick popped free he muttered “nice.” “You too,” Cal said, and stepped closer. A quick glance at the clock by Matt’s bed said they had 20 minutes before inspection, which was way too long but also not long enough. Hold it together! he thought. For a second they shared a look of hesitation–even after everything they’d been through the last couple of months, Cal wasn’t 100% sure about this. But then Matt’s fingers were tickling his balls and his doubts vanished: it felt waaaay to good to say no. He cupped Matt’s smooth nuts again, afraid to touch his dick in case it was as sensitive as his was, and took a deep breath. “Oh man,” he rasped. “Yeah,” Matt said, and grabbed him behind the neck to pull them close. His forehead rested on Cal’s broad shoulder while his free hand duplicated Cal’s tugging on his nuts. “Shit,” he gasped, and gave Cal a long pull. “Shit,” Cal repeated, and tugged gently on Matt. As he did the plug in his ass jumped up its stimulation and he sucked in his breath. “Ahhunnh,” he whimpered. He could feel his cock flexing, and he rested his own forehead against Matt’s chest for support. Matt’s grip on his neck tightened at the same time. “You too?” he asked in a strained voice. “Oh yeah,” Cal grunted. Another twinge that went from deep in his guts, through his balls in Matt’s warm grip, and right up to the tip of his cock; he could feel it tingle as a glob of precum broke free, and he heard Matt suck in his breath at the same time. “Ahuuuh.” As turned on as he was, suddenly the whole thing seemed funny too, and he gave a strained chuckle. “Shit,” he croaked, “if someone told me last semester that I’d let another guy tickle my nuts….” Matt started chuckling too. “…hopin’ he’d jack me off…” “…wishin’ he’d stroke my dick…” “…pissed he couldn’t or else…” They both started laughing at that point, even while they gripped each other tight. The stress relief wasn’t as good as coming, but it still helped, and within a minute they were howling and leaning against each other, even while they made half-hearted attempts to grab each other’s hard-ons. Finally they wound down. “Oh shit,” Cal said, “I needed that.” He was still leaning against Matt’s tall frame, but now his restless hands had settled for running over Matt’s rib cage instead of grabbing the obvious prize. The warm glow was still pulsing in his ass, but now it’d spread through his whole body, and as much as he wanted to bury his face in Matt’s groin there was something just as pleasurable about touching him everywhere else. It was a sensation he’d never had before, and it took him by surprise. “I blew the delivery guy yesterday,” he said. Shit, where had that come from? “What?” His friend sounded distracted. Matt’s free hand was running over his side and down to his ass, then back up his back, making it hard to think. “You heard me.” Cal couldn’t exactly take it back, but suddenly he didn’t want to say it again either. “Yeah, but…really?” Matt lifted his forehead from Cal’s shoulder and moved his lips to his ear. “That’s…” he paused, then took in a breath, “fuck, I’m so hot I can’t even think straight. What happened?” Suddenly he was squeezing Cal tighter, his right hand moving more aggressively over the shorter man’s body while his left continued to squeeze Cal’s bull neck. “Uhhh…I was, uh, swapping out the butt plug, you know, the usual Saturday thing, and he…uh, walked in.” It was getting hard to think with Matt’s hand sliding all over him, especially with the way he’d started rubbing harder suddenly. “Then what?” Matt’s breath was warm in Cal’s ear, and Cal suddenly realized his friend wasn’t pissed: he was turned on. “Unhhhh…” Cal let go of Matt’s neck so he could run both hands over the taller man’s frame. God! He was tall, but there was a lot of muscle on that frame. Not the same as Bryan at all, but still…. “He started jerkin’ it right there next to me and asked if he could watch while I put the new one in.” “Uh huh?…” Matt’s grip on his neck tightened and his free hand was rubbing him more aggressively; Cal could see him hunching his hips a little. And his cock was leaking big time–even more than Cal’s was. “So?…” “Dude, you know: that fuckin’ plug man. It just feels so…you know. …What was I gonna say? So I let him watch. While I put the new one in.” “Uh huh?…” Matt was breathing hard in his ear now, the warm breath making Cal squirm. “Dude. He was jackin’ it when he walked in, and I was on a roll, and…I dunno. I just went for it.” Cal knew he should’ve felt ashamed, admitting he’d sucked another guy off, but Matt just gripped his neck hard and pulled his mouth to his ear. The feel of warm lips mashed against it sent shivers down Cal’s back. “So then you sucked him?” Matt breathed. “Yeah. Yeah.” Cal slid his hands down Matt’s back, across the ridges of his lats until he came to that ass. “I sucked his cock until he came in my mouth.” He couldn’t resist anymore: he grabbed Matt’s ass and pulled them close, while turning his head until their mouths met. Their tongues shot past each other as they angled their heads, hungry for more contact. Cal pulled their torsos together, no longer thinking about consequences, and now their cocks were rubbing against each other as they made out furiously. “I wanna do that to you,” he gasped, and then Matt pulled their faces together again and everything was just a blast of sensation without thought. …Until they both yelped in pain as the plastic plugs lit up with electricity; it was 8:01. “Shit!” they shouted in unison, and jumped into position in front of Matt’s computer. “Sorry we were late sir!” Matt babbled. “Thank you for correcting us sir!” Cal followed up with. They kept up the groveling for a little longer before another jolt interrupted them, sending Cal hopping up on his toes. Damn–it’d been a while and he’d forgotten how much that fucking thing _hurt when Sir cranked up the juice. And that wasn’t nearly as high as it could go, he knew. “That’s enough you two, now shut it.” “Yes sir!’ “Yes sir, sorry sir!” “All right. Time for your quiz. I was going to give you a reward for your good behavior the last couple of weeks, but since it seems like you can keep your hands off each other long enough for a simple fucking instruction that’s not going to happen.” Cal swallowed nervously. Uh oh. “Instead, today’s quiz will be a contest. The winner can get off any way he wants. The loser won’t get off at all. Got it?” “Yes sir.” “Yes sir, got it.” They shared a gloomy look. Cal could already feel his balls aching at the thought of going another week without relief, and Matt didn’t look any happier. “Go to it then.” The video started up and Cal focused his attention on the screen. He felt bad they couldn’t both get some relief, but he’d be damned if he was going to lose this thing. It was another one of those couples movies: candles and New Age music, all that crap, and a lot of oral. Just watching it brought back vivid memories from yesterday, and Cal was rock hard as he watched. Neither one of the guys was as thick as Bryan–neither one was a redhead either–but they had great bodies and cocks. One of them was uncircumcised too, like Matt, and when his buddy pulled back the foreskin and started swirling his tongue around the head it brought back everything that’d happened last week. Cal could practically taste Matt in his mouth the memory was so vivid, and it sounded like Matt was remembering it too. At least, he was breathing heavily, and when Cal snuck a quick peek he could see Matt’s hood was pulled back almost all the way and shiny with juice. He swallowed at the sight, then got back to watching the movie. The quiz was over faster than he would’ve thought–it was best of 11, and Matt only got three right; his heart just didn’t seem to be in it like other times. Cal breathed a sigh of relief–finally! “Good job man,” Matt said, “gratz.” “Thanks. Guess I was just a little more torqued up this time.” “Yeah, guess so. Well, go ahead and do your thing.” Matt gestured to Cal’s groin, then made a little jerking-off motion. “Yeah, sure.” Cal wrapped his hand around his shaft, but hesitated. He really, really wanted this, but… Matt wet his lips. “Mind if I watch?” “No–I mean, sure, go ahead.” God, Matt looked so hot with that horny expression on his face! He shouldn’t think of him that way, but after all they’d done it was almost natural. “Sir?” Don’t do it you fucking moron! Part of him screamed, but he shut it down. “What is it boy? Are you going to take your reward or not?” The voice sounded impatient. “I…could I suck Matt off instead, sir?” AAARGH! He thought. But he had to. “I owe him Sir. For last week.” “If you want.” The voice sounded indifferent. “But if you come you’ll both be punished severely.” “Yes sir, I won’t.” Just don’t fire that thing up in my ass too hard, he thought, or I’ll blow no matter what. He turned to stand in front of Matt, back to the computer screen. “Let’s do it.” Matt put one hand on his pec in a half-hearted move to stop him. “Dude, you don’t…” Cal could see he was trying to take the high road, but it was a struggle. “Shut up you pussy,” Cal said and pushed him back onto the mattress. Off balance, Matt sat down and flopped back, leaning on his elbows as his legs dangled over the side of the bed. His hard-on stood up straight between them, red and glistening. Cal knelt. He was really going to do this. But he knew what to expect now. And also…he’d always thought about being horny in terms of how his dick felt, and that was still true, but now it was also kinda hot (or more than kinda) seeing Matt torqued up like that. He flashed back to the noises Bryan had made yesterday and thought about how hot that’d ended up being, and thought: yeah, I want Matt to sound like that too. Fuck yeah, he thought. “What?” Matt asked. Oh, that’d been out loud. “Lay back dude.” Cal slid his arms under Matt’s lanky thighs and leaned forward, lifting them up. As he did he turned his head to one side and started tonguing the smooth flesh on his thigh. Matt sighed at the contact and wriggled his ass closer to the edge of the bed and Cal’s mouth, while lifting his legs up. Cal scooted forward and leaned in further, his mouth moving closer and closer to Matt’s crotch. He could smell the warm meaty scent of his balls and the yeasty aroma of precum, and he gave a little grunt of pleasure as his tongue traced the crease between Matt’s thigh and his smooth sack. His friend flopped back with a sigh, and let his heels rest on Cal’s broad shoulders; when Cal’s mouth engulfed his balls he let out a long moan and began rubbing his hands over his torso. Cal didn’t really have much to compare to, but it seemed like Matt’s nuts felt swollen and full in his mouth as he slowly tongued them. Like the other day, the warm glow from the butt plug had ramped up and was spreading through his body; for a second he wondered if he was going to end up with another one of those full-body orgasms. He slid his hands up Matt’s torso as his mouth travelled over to his other thigh, and even that felt good. Matt must’ve liked it too, because he was rocking and hunching underneath him, and when Cal got back on his nuts again he gripped his hands tight on Cal’s and let out a long moan. “Oh Jesus Cal! Ahhhh…that feels so good! Shit, this is better….ahhhh…so good, yeah, just like that….ohhhhhh….” Cal felt a surge of pride–eating pussy was something he did when he had to, and he’d never had someone get off like this from him giving head. But Matt was loving it, and–Cal had to admit it–hearing his buddy talk like this was hotter than he’d thought it could be. The video he’d seen of Matt had been hot for sure, and doing Bryan had been really good, but now with Matt in person, knowing it was his mouth and hands doing this to him…fuck. Cal couldn’t hold back the little whimpers anymore–he was too thirsty to stop himself. He paused for a second and looked up. Matt lifted his head, red-faced, and shot him a look of lust that went right to Cal’s cock. “This is fucking awesome dude,” he said hoarsely. “Yeah,” Cal nodded, “How ’bout this?” Eyes still locked on Matt’s, he traced his tongue up the warm shaft in front of him until he found the swollen tip, then closed his lips around the head so he could lick the juice off. The dildo pulsed and squirmed hard enough to make him moan, but not as loudly as Matt, whose hands clamped onto Cal’s skull as his body spasmed. “AAH! Gnnnggghfuhhh! Cal! Gonna! UNHH!” Matt’s hips pushed his leaking head deep into Cal’s mouth, coating his tongue with juice, and Cal took it all. He started bobbing his head, frantically trying to keep his teeth out of the way as Matt lost control. This time he was ready for it, and when he felt the first salty jets hit the roof of his mouth he rode the wave, ramping up the suction and swallowing every drop. The taste was still weird, but now that he was sort of getting used to it he didn’t freaking out too much. And his effort was rewarded: the dildo ramped up its stimulation another notch, and Cal moaned as he clenched his ass around the pleasure radiating from his hole. Plus all the body contact felt really good: sliding his hands up Matt’s muscular sides to his ribs, feeling the sides of his head brushing Matt’s thighs, the pressure of heels on his shoulders as Matt bucked, and (he had to admit it) the feel of Matt’s hard cock sliding over his lips and tongue. He shivered as Matt made one last convulsion and a final jet of spunk coated his tongue, then moaned around it as the butt plug gave a pulse that came within a hair of making him blow too. For a few seconds his world collapsed to the stim on his prostate and the taste and feel of wet cock in his mouth; when the joy buzzer shut down he was trembling like he’d just done his third set of squats. Matt was still hard and Cal continued to suck on him, not wanting the warm glow to fade completely. Finally his friend shivered and gave a little grunt–he’d gotten to that point where he was hypersensitive. Cal pulled off, surprising himself at how reluctant he was to let Matt go. He’d gone into this determined to just get it over with, but now that he’d actually done it he recognized what he’d half-ignored yesterday with Bryan: getting another guy off like this was kinda hot. Better than just watching a video for sure. He had a lot to think about later…but for now he settled for tonguing up the mix of drool and jizz that had leaked onto Matt’s balls. It didn’t take long to swab the smooth flesh, but he kept at it a little longer, enjoying Matt’s taste and scent; the tall jock didn’t seem to mind. His neck started to cramp after a couple minutes and he reluctantly stopped, sitting back on his heels. Matt propped himself up on his elbows and looked at him; his face was still flushed and (Cal noticed with a bit of pride) slightly stunned-looking. Cal couldn’t keep a bit of a satisfied smile off his face, and Matt smiled back. “Dude. That was amazing.” “Yeah?” “Yeah.” “…Cool.” Cal wasn’t quite ready to say “me too,” but it looked like Matt read his expression right. Matt lifted his legs off Cal’s shoulders and scooted his tall frame up the bed. “You can flop up here man, before your legs cramp. I mean, if you want.” His eyes followed Cal as he stood up, clearly taking a good look at his friend’s swollen cock. Cal was still rock hard, and flexed a bit to make the shaft bounce, enjoying the attention. Matt’s mouth twitched in a crooked grin; they both knew he was showing off, and that Matt liked it. Cal shrugged. “Sure, why not?” Maybe he’d even get a chance to get off as a reward for his good deed. But when he glanced at Matt’s computer screen it was black. Guess not. “Move over.” Matt scooted to one side to make room for Cal’s broader frame. They lay there for a minute, bodies barely touching. Cal suddenly felt awkward–usually by now he’d be getting dressed and hitting the door, or dropping hints that the chick he’d just done needed to get her ass home. He shifted uncomfortably. Maybe he should just leave…. Suddenly Matt rolled over to face him, and the extra body contact sent almost a shock through Cal’s hypersensitive nerves, making his dick twitch. Man am I leaking, he thought briefly. “That was really amazing man,” Matt repeated, “I totally owe you.” Their eyes met and held. Matt hesitated for a second, then lightly put one hand on Cal’s midsection. “Thanks,” he said in a low voice. The touch sent another twinge of pleasure through Cal that had nothing to do with the stim his ass was used to–in fact, the plug had been quiet since he’d pulled his head out of Matt’s crotch. It just…felt nice. “Sure,” he said. He was struggling to come up with something else to say, but then Matt’s thumb lightly traced an arc along his rib cage, and he just leaned into it a bit instead. Matt must’ve taken that as a signal, because the next thing Cal knew his face was leaning closer and Cal’s hand was lifting to cup one side and guide him in, and then their lips met and the waves of pleasure were coming from everywhere their bodies touched. Cal opened his mouth a little and this time it was Matt whose tongue pushed in; Cal gave a little sigh and let it happen. Their chests slid together as they French kissed, but luckily Matt wasn’t trying to climb on top of him completely; Cal knew that if they started dry humping it’d become wet humping in just a few seconds. Matt was actually a pretty good kisser, he realized with some surprise. If he looked past the fact that he was sucking face with a guy it was really pretty hot. And after sucking Matt off he could hardly get uptight about a little tongue wrestling, right? Hell, he’d been the one to start things the other night. “Heh.” Matt pulled back for a break, a lopsided grin on his face. “What?” “Nothing…just–you taste like dick is all.” Matt started to laugh, then froze when he saw the look on Cal’s face. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Suddenly Cal was very, very aware that he’d just blown a guy, and all the warm fuzzies vanished in a flash; he could feel his heart pounding suddenly. “Nothing–shit! It’s okay dude, Jesus, I didn’t mean anything. It was just funny, that’s all.” “Why was it funny?” From out of nowhere Cal could feel his rage building. After all of this, now Matt was going to start giving him shit? Matt?! “It wasn’t–I dunno, I guess I’m just a little freaked out too, or…you know what, never mind. Here.” And before Cal realized what was happening Matt had bent down and taken Cal’s cock in his mouth. Not all the way–he started to gag–but most of it. He bobbed up and down a few times, his tongue swirling over the head and shaft and licking up the precum Cal had leaked out, until the sensations made it from his dick to Cal’s brain. “Fuck!! Ah! Matt, cut it out dude! I’m gonna–” He tangled his fingers in Matt’s hair and pulled him off. A little harder than he’d meant to, but “Fuck, how much of that do you think I can take?! I’m on the fuckin’ edge dude!!” Matt gave him a cocky grin, and suddenly he was back on top of Cal and shoving his tongue back in his mouth. He was more aggressive this time, and Cal found himself getting into it even more, his lust wiping away his flash of temper. He was breathing hard when Matt pulled away again. “There, now we’re even.” Matt’s face was smiling but his eyes were watchful, looking to see where Cal landed. “Okay,” Cal let out a deep breath, “you got me.” Suddenly he felt kinda bad about getting all pissy. “Sorry.” “It’s cool.” Matt paused for several seconds, and Cal could see his wheels turning before he met his gaze again. “I could, y’know, return the favor whenever. If you wanted.” “Yeah?” The image of Matt face-down in his crotch rose up in Cal’s mind, and he felt his hard-on twitch. “You wouldn’t mind?” Matt shook his head a little and Cal felt a quiver of anticipation. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon…. “That’d be,” he swallowed, “cool.” Oh shit, he thought. It took all his willpower not to grab his dick and start spanking it right then and there. God this situation was fucked up–but he couldn’t pull away either. Matt settled down next to him, their bodies touching. “Did…you like it?” He avoided Cal’s gaze as he spoke. “…Yeah.” Confessing to a computer screen was tough; this was tougher. But he could trust Matt, and they were in this together, right? “I…could probably get into it too. I guess.” Wait–was Matt saying what Cal thought he was saying? He’d said a few things in those videos, and when they were messing around together, but this was different: they didn’t have the butt plugs driving them crazy, and no one was ordering them around. “That’d be cool.” Cal swallowed. Doing it was one thing, but talking about it…he wasn’t sure about that. Kind of a pussy move. Right? “Cool.” There was a long pause while they both lay there, not quite meeting each other’s eyes. Finally Matt sat up. “Whelp, I should clean up. I got some shit to do.” Cal felt a mix of regret and relief. His dick wanted him to stay, and maybe more than his dick, but his brain was starting to go into freakout mode now that the whole situation was sinking in. Not as bad as last week, but still…he needed to get out of here and clear his head. “Yeah, me too man, I should go.” He stood up and started putting on his clothes. Matt slid his sweats back on and followed him into the living room as Cal grabbed the rest of them. When he finally got everything back on he stood there awkwardly for a second, not sure what to say. “Okay, so…we still meeting at Hannah’s tomorrow night?” “Yeah, 7:00. Get that fracking section done up, or I’ll kick your ass.” Matt seemed as relieved as him they could talk about something normal. “You do your part, buddy, don’t worry about me.” Cal made a mock growl and raised one fist. Matt raised his hands and mock-cringed. “Okay, okay, don’t hit me sir!” They both laughed for a second, and then there was another one of those pauses. Out of nowhere Matt suddenly leaned in and gave him a bear hug; Cal had just started to return it when Matt slapped him on the back a couple of times, turning it into a bro hug, and then stepped back. “Okay, later.” Cal shook his head, a little confused but not unhappy. As he turned to go Matt muttered “Dick breath.” Cal didn’t even look back, just shot him the finger on the way out. But as he closed the door he was smiling a little.

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