

Subject: “A Trial Of Strength” – Part 410 by Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH – PART 410 By Rob Williams CHAPTER 410 � “NEW BOY FINN GETS TRIPLE TEAMED” IN THIS CHAPTER: Miguel’s new boy Finn attempts to find out where he belongs in the tribe. He faces the judgement of the senior boys, all of whom welcome him � except the boss’s boy Pablo who is hostile. Dejected and rejected Finn is embraced by the Miguel’s small family of Zack and Darius. The three rugged leathermen subject Finn to an erotic initiation where he is tag-teamed by them as the price of admission. _____________________________________________________________________ ************ In the previous chapter ************* Finn had been tainted by his life as a hustler, which left him suspicious of men and their motives. But when he met the ruggedly handsome Miguel he began to change as Miguel worked hard to mold him into his boy. Ass Miguel tried to build confidence and trust in the hesitant young man the biggest hurdle was sex. Finn had previously had sex with men only for money and insisted he was always a top man. But his overwhelming attraction to Miguel changed him and, in a final transformative act, Miguel at last entered his ass and Finn gave himself to his new master, body and soul. “Now you really are my boy, Finn. See, we had to settle all that first � settle us. We’re solid now and it’s the rock we’ll build on. Next we gotta work out your place in the tribe.” “That’s still a bit scary, sir. I mean, with the other boys and all.” “I know, I know, but you mustn’t be scared. You’re my boy and I’ll take care of you. Think about how far you’ve come already. Young Eddie’s your best pal and that means a lot. And at home you are becoming part of my little family with Zack and his boy Darius. Zack’s my lover and he will love and protect you as I do. As for Darius, he is actually the most senior of the boys, super secure in himself and the best pal anyone could have.” “But what about Pablo, sir?” “Ah, yes. Well Pablo’s been Randy’s boy ever since Randy rescued him from a gang of thugs. He tries to copy Randy in everything � real tough, quick to anger, free with his fists. As the boss’s boy he boasts of being the head boy, but the other senior boys � Darius, Jamie, Nate and the twins � just shrug that off as Pablo being Pablo.” Finn knew that, as a new boy, he would soon have to meet with the senior boys, but Miguel said, “You’ll do fine. Just remember, you’re my boy and we don’t take shit from anyone.” Finn wanted a job and asked if he could be the gardener at the tribe’s home. That was readily agreed to and that same afternoon he began work in the long-neglected garden. But his work was interrupted when he had to go to Pablo’s apartment for his meeting with the senior boys. Upstairs he faced the boys � Pablo in the middle flanked by Darius and Nate on one side, Jamie and the twins on the other. Darius said, “Like I told you before, bro, this is just a meet and greet � give you a chance to get to know us and for us to ask questions. Actually I don’t have any questions `cos hell, you’re living with us � Zack, Miguel and me.” The cheerful Aussie Nate said, “I just wanna say good on ya, mate, for taking the gardener’s job. Good to have another bloke around, so welcome aboard, dude.” Jamie said, “I echo that, and if you come by the office tomorrow, Finn, we’ll fill out the forms and put you on the payroll.” The twins, Kyle and Kevin, were already familiar with Finn, and Kevin said, “We know all we need to know and look forward to working with you, Finn. Miguel is a lucky man.” Which left only Pablo, and Finn realized that this whole process was for Pablo’s benefit. Pablo took a long, deep breath. “First of all, boy, I’d like to know why you wanted to join the tribe.” Finn shrugged. “Well I didn’t exactly � didn’t know it existed. Miguel met me, thought I might be the boy he was looking for … and it turned out he was right. We get along great. I’m his boy, Miguel’s part of the tribe, so I guess that makes me one too.” “So being part of the tribe is nothing special for you?” “I didn’t say that, dude. I’ve really liked all the guys I’ve met so far, and they seem to like me. They seem like a great bunch of guys.” Pablo looked pissed off, offended by Finn’s casual attitude. “You were a hustler, weren’t you? Why did you choose that life?” The guys shifted uneasily at the question, but Finn didn’t flinch. “Yeah, I hustled for a living, but dude, nobody chooses that life. I had some problems as a kid, which I will not go into, and ended up on the streets. Hustling put a roof over my head and food in my stomach, simple as that.” “But it’s not exactly the healthiest kind of life �the sexually transmitted diseases and all.” Finn bristled now. “Look, I’ve been over this with Miguel and Doctor Steve. I got tested regular and have the paper to prove it. The doc gave me another test and I’m in the clear, so I’m as healthy as you are. The only one I care about is Miguel and he loves me and we have great sex. But if you’re too scared to have sex with me, Pablo, that’s just fine with me.” “Sex with you?” Pablo said scathingly. “Boy, I got Randy as my old man and Tyler as my boy, so I sure as hell don’t need sex with an ex-hustler.” “OK, that’s it!” Finn jumped to his feet. “Just a meet and greet, I was told, but this feels more like an inquisition. I was told you guys didn’t look down on street guys like me `cos some of you came from the wrong side of the tracks yourselves and made your masters proud of you. That’s all I want to do � make Miguel proud of me. And Pablo, you ain’t gonna get in the way of that. Miguel rescued me just like Randy rescued you, so I don’t know what you’ve got against me, man, but I don’t have to sit here and listen to your bullshit. I’m outa here.” “You don’t leave until I …” Pablo shouted, but Finn was gone. The other guys turned on Pablo angrily, shocked by the turn the meeting had taken. Realizing Finn had got the better of him Pablo’s anger blazed and he rushed out of the room. Downstairs he saw Finn running toward the gate. “Stop,” he yelled, “Get your ass back here or …” He rushed forward and hurled himself at Finn, wrapping his arms round his waist in a football tackle that sent them crashing to the ground. Finn lay on his back expertly warding off Pablo’s blows. “I don’t wanna fight you, dude,” Finn panted. “I fought tougher guys than you, but I just wanna get the hell out of here.” “Fucking wimp,” Pablo yelled, kneeling across his chest. “Come on, fight, damn you.” Finn’s moves were defensive but Pablo was landing blows across his face when Darius came racing out of the house and tried to pull him off. At the height of the uproar the gate opened and Miguel looked down in horror. “What the fuck?” ********************* CHAPTER 410 *********************** Miguel reacted on instinct. All he knew was that his boy was getting attacked and he had to stop it. It took the combined strength of Darius and Miguel to pull Pablo off, his arms flailing, legs kicking wildly. Miguel held him while Darius slapped Pablo’s face hard, and the shock jerked him back to some semblance of common sense. Miguel knelt beside Finn. “You OK, boy? Can you move? I gotta get you out of here.” Finn was shaken more than injured and groaned, “I’m OK, sir. No bones broken.” Miguel helped him up and supported him round the waist. “Come on, let’s get you across the street. Darius, take Pablo inside and keep him there.” He snarled at Pablo. “I’ll talk to you later, boy.” Outside the gate Finn was able to stand on his own and limp across the street to their house with Miguel. They were about to go in when Bob’s Mercedes drew up. Bob had been at the Grady House in a business meeting with Grady, the star of the popular Tarzan movies, and his lover Mario. Bob had given Eddie a lift back here to work and he now lowered the window. “What’s the matter, guys? What’s happened?” Pablo’s attacked Finn, that’s what,” Miguel responded angrily. Bob leapt from the car, followed by Eddie. “Is Finn hurt? Are you OK, kid?” “A few bruises, sir,” Finn grinned ruefully. “No bones broken.” Instantly Bob realized the seriousness of the situation. “Where is Pablo now?” “Darius took him up to his room.” “OK, I’ll go across and speak to them. Eddie, go inside with Miguel and Finn and stay with Finn. Miguel, when you’re ready come across and see me.” Bob hurried through the gate to the main house and Eddie helped support Finn into Zack and Miguel’s house. Eddie was concerned about his friend but at the same time was inwardly agog at the turn of events. Another drama, and Eddie was in the thick of it! In the bedroom Miguel poured a brandy for Finn who said pleadingly, “Sir, it wasn’t my fault, I swear it. When I met with the senior boys they were great, but when Pablo started to interrogate me I didn’t like the tone of his questions � about me being a hustler and all � so all I wanted was to get out of there. Please, sir, I’m telling the truth.” “I believe you, kid. I know you wouldn’t lie to me. My first concern is to make sure you’re not injured. Looks like he landed a few blows on your face � you’ll probably have a black eye.” “No sweat, sir.” Finn managed a weak grin. “I’ve had plenty of battle scars in my time.” “That’s my boy. If you’re sure your OK I’ve gotta get across there and get the other guys’ version of events. Though I know how those boys are. They are loyal to their own and probably won’t to rat out on their buddy.” “Oh, no problem there, sir,” Eddie said eagerly. “How do you mean, Eddie?” “Well, sir, those senior boy meetings are usually filmed. I helped Darius set up the equipment `cos Darius said there should be a record of the meetings for prosperity. He sometimes erases the disc if it’s boring stuff but this one sounds like a definite keeper.” “Jesus. Thanks for that Eddie. Will you stay and take good care of Finn for me? I’ll try and straighten things out over there.” ******************************* After Miguel left them alone Eddie, with his exaggerated sense of drama, fussed over Finn. “Dude, you should sit back and take it easy � take deep breaths. You might have delayed shock or � what do they call it? � that post dramatic shock thingy …” Finn couldn’t help smiling. “Eddie, I’m fine, really. I’ve been in plenty of fights in my life much worse than this. I’m just real depressed is all. Obviously I’m not gonna be accepted in the tribe after that. If Pablo blackballs me that’s it. I don’t care as long as I can stay with Miguel, but I don’t see how that can happen if he stays living here with Zack and Darius. I don’t wanna have to go back to hustling, Eddie.” “Hey, hey, dude … you’re galloping way ahead of yourself like a runaway horse. First of all, the Pablo thing. Personally, I myself guessed that something like this would happen. See Pablo thinks he has to be like Randy but he don’t have Randy’s experience. He’s got Randy’s anger, though, and it sounds like he lost his temper, that’s all.” “But you should have heard him, Eddie, bringing up the hustler thing and talking about sexual diseases. He obviously don’t like me, but why, Eddie?” “Oh that’s easy. First, your Miguel’s, boy, and he knows Miguel is a match for Randy any day of the week, which makes Pablo see you as a threat. Crazy, I know, but it’s that thing of him copying Randy in everything. “Then there’s Darius. Darius and Pablo have been lovers for years and now you come along and you’ll be living with him and Zack. Put two and two together dude and you’ll come up with a real mess. See, Zack is Miguel’s lover, Darius is Zack’s boy, so naturally you’ll be real close to Darius and maybe ease Pablo out.” “Stop it, Eddie, all this is crazy talk. All I want to be is Miguel’s boy.” “And …?” Eddie asked in a disappointed tone. “And your best friend of course, dude.” Eddie gave a smug grin. “And the other guys were real friendly too, Eddie, but all this kinda complication that’s come out of nowhere …” “Ah, it’ll all blow over, kid, always does. Let’s see now, I know about this stuff and where it’s going. The men will get together and confront Pablo. Randy will criticize him, kinda, but deep down he’ll admire Pablo for getting tough and physical. As usual, though, Bob will run the show, and of course Miguel will be there to protect you. So you got nothing to worry about, kid.” “But after that, what happens? I wish I had your confidence, Eddie.” ****************************** Eddie was right about one thing � across the street Bob was running the show. When Miguel joined him in the master suite Bob said, “Miguel, I’m so sorry about all of this. It’s probably a tempest in a teapot, but things like this can get totally out of control, with men and boys taking sides and shaking the tribe’s foundations. So I want the boys to get back to a normal routine as soon as possible. “The fact that Eddie told you the meeting is on film helps a lot, so we can avoid all that he-said-he-said kind of stuff. Let me call Darius.” He pulled out his cell phone. “Hey, Darius, I want you to do a couple of things for me. Eddie tells us you routinely film those meetings, right? Good, so we won’t need to interrogate the other boys and put them in the uncomfortable position of informing on their buddy. “I want you to tell Nate, Jamie and the twins to get back to their normal work routine. You and Pablo bring the video to my place. I’m here with Miguel and I’ve called Randy who’s on his way.” And so, twenty minutes later in the master suite Bob sat with Miguel and Randy, with a surly Pablo sitting behind them, while Darius cued up the video on the TV. It started from where Finn had come into the meeting, and they watched with satisfaction as the senior boys warmly welcomed him to the tribe. The mood changed when Pablo took over the questioning. It was clear that his manner was hostile right from the start, with his emphasis on Finn’s past as a hustler and implying that there were even health implications because of it. They watched Finn rise to defend himself with a short speech and then leave quickly. Pablo shouted Erzincan Escort for him to stop, then launched himself through the door after him. The tape ended there and Bob said, “It seems that Pablo ran after Finn, grappled with him and punched him while Finn tried to defend himself. To his credit Darius tried to pull Pablo off, and fortunately Miguel arrived at that moment or the situation could have been a lot worse. Er, Darius, I don’t think we need to keep you here unless you have anything to add.” “No, sir. I don’t think so.” “Well, thank you for the part you played in all this, Darius. You did well. Now I would like you to go find Tyler and take him up to Pablo’s room. The boy must be feeling scared and confused about what is going on with the man he idolizes. I know you’ll be kind and consoling to him, so stay with him until Pablo gets back.” With a quick glance at Pablo, Darius left the room and a silence followed, broken by Randy who said to Pablo, “You shouldn’t a’ lost your cool like that, boy … but tell me how you brought him down. Did you sack him with that flying tackle I taught you?” “Randy, please!” Bob said angrily. “That is not helpful. Pablo, now that we have seen the video of the meeting this is your chance to speak.” Pablo stood with a surly look. “What do you want me to say?” “Well, your questions to Finn seemed very aggressive, focusing in on his past like that. Do you have something against Finn?” “I was just doing my job … keeping all the boys safe. I mean, an ex-hustler, you never know, you don’t want him bringing in diseases when he starts having sex with the guys.” Bob spoke quietly with the other two men but Randy had little to add. He didn’t want to criticize Pablo directly as deep down he was loyal and sympathetic to his boy, whose toughness and temper he had inherited from Randy himself. As for Miguel, in deference to Bob he did not want to fan the flames but said simply. “Pablo, you’ve seen a lot of new boys join the tribe, many of them insecure and nervous. Finn too comes from a troubled background and was starting to adjust, but your line of questioning to Finn and your subsequent attack have set him back and brought back his old fear of being an outsider. I believe you owe him an apology.” Bob sighed. “Pablo, your aim to protect the boys, if that’s really what is was, is a sound one, but your questions and certainly your physical attack were totally out of line. You seem to forget that it is the master’s job to examine and approve of his boy and Miguel had already done that. Your temper was unworthy of you as a senior boy and there will be a lot of fence mending to be done because of your recklessness. So as a first step I think you should apologize to Miguel. Bob’s response was so measured and restrained that Pablo recognized his authority as a leader of the tribe and as Randy’s lover. So he stood up, took a deep breath and looked Miguel square in the eye. “Sir, I’m sorry for the way I treated your boy. Finn did not deserve that. I apologize.” “Thank you, Pablo,” Bob said. “Now it will be up to you senior boys to work things out and see if any punishment is called for. You all have your own ways of doing that. Pablo, go back to Tyler now and reassure him that he is still loved. Taking him to bed might be good for both of you.” “Thank you, sir.” With a last glance at Randy, seeing that glint in his eye that they both recognized as a sign of father/son solidarity, Pablo left the room. Miguel sighed deeply. “So where do we go from here, guys?” “I think some distance would be good for a short while,” Bob said, “as we don’t want this to flare up again while emotions are still running high. I don’t think Finn should work in the garden for a week or so, so we’ll find a way to keep him at arm’s length. Miguel, I’m sure he’s waiting for you right now so go do your thing with him. And I have a feeling that Randy will be wanting a word or two with me.” “Damn straight” Randy growled. ************************************* Bob switched off the TV with a sigh. “And now, Randy, I suppose you’re gonna punish me for taking the lead in all this, upstaging you and criticizing your boy. So what’s it to be � tie me down to the bed and give my ass a caveman pounding? Or make me crawl and then take your cock doggy style?” Randy stood up. “Get on the bed, asshole.” Wearily Bob lay on his back on the bed and stared up at the rugged construction boss in his usual dirt-stained work pants, boots and sweaty tank top. He was a fearsome sight with his long black hair, dark gypsy features and heavily stubbled square jaw. Most electrifying were the steel blue eyes staring down like lasers. Many men had trembled at the sight, but Bob was resigned to the inevitable retribution. Whenever Randy felt his dominance threatened he reasserted it, proving that he was the master by driving his huge cock into the man’s ass. Not that Bob objected. It was that ultra-masculine dominance that had first drawn Bob to him and he loved those moments where Randy, angry from a tough day on the construction site, came roaring home and vented his rage on him. Which is what he expected now. So he was amazed, as Randy glared down at him, to see his swarthy features soften and suddenly break into a gleaming smile. “You really don’t know, do you, buddy? You really don’t know how much I love you. The only man I could love that much is a real leader, a dominant, super-masculine guy who everyone looks up to as the boss. Plus, the guy would have to be drop-dead gorgeous � sensational body and beautiful face. “That describes you, stud. When you do that thing of taking charge like you did just now I get a huge boner in my pants. You are so fucking … smart, so dominant but kind at the same time. Damn, you know me, buddy, I could never do that. When a guy behaves like Pablo did I’d slug him to teach him a lesson. Except I could never do that to Pablo. I love the kid and I admire him, we’re cut from the same cloth. Hell, the way he tackled that kid, just like I taught him … But we, er, won’t go into that again. “Look, buddy, when I do my caveman thing and fuck you, you always think it’s revenge. Truth is, when I see you ruling the roost, a handsome stud alpha male, you turn me on so much I just gotta fuck you. I’m real stoked right now, but I ain’t gonna fuck you this time. I wanna treat you as the boss you really are � and if that means me getting on my knees instead of you, so be it.” Randy knelt on the bed between Bob’s legs. But instead of pushing his legs up prior to fucking his ass, he leaned down, unzipped Bob’s jeans and pulled out his long hard cock. “I love you, man, you know that � your beauty, your strength and your mind. Let me show you.” He leaned forward and licked the head of Bob’s cock, pushing his tongue against the hole to taste the pre-cum oozing from it. Then he licked the hard, sensitive corona at the base of the head, making Bob moan in ecstasy. He pulled back a little and his ice-blue eyes pierced Bob’s. “Now I’m gonna make you cum, dude … eventually.” He opened his mouth and took the full length of Bob’s cock deep down his throat. As in all things sexual Randy was in a class by himself. It was as if he had no gag reflex, there was no choking as he swallowed Bob’s cock. He held it in deep for long seconds, then slowly pulled back, ran pursed lips over the corona again, then went down again with his mouth wide open and breathed hot air all round it. An electrifying sensation radiated from Bob’s cock throughout his body as Randy teased, thrilled and frustrated him, bringing him to the brink of orgasm time and again. But more than anything it was the sight of Randy that drove Bob wild. He propped himself on his elbows and looked down at the construction boss bent down on his knees, the long shaft driving into the mouth of the stubbled gypsy face, his long black hair swinging around it as it rose and fell. Bob saw the muscles flex in his arms and broad shoulders under the greasy tank top. Randy knew just what he was doing and, even though this was an act of worship, there was no doubt that Randy was in charge as he always was when he had sex, no matter on top or bottom. After feasting on Bob’s cock for a long while he looked up and smiled. “Now I wanna drink my lover’s juice, so I’m gonna make you cum, bro.” He lowered his mouth over the cock again, but this time used it as a piston driving in faster and faster until Bob yelled, “Fuck, I love you, man. I’m gonna cum … I’m gonna shoot in your mouth. Son of a bitch, swallow it, man … yeaahh!” Bob felt the throat muscles clench round his cock as it erupted deep inside his lover who gulped down every last drop. Randy pulled up at last, launched himself forward and kissed Bob voraciously, sharing back and forth the bitter-sweet taste of his fresh juice” When Randy pulled back at last Bob panted, “You gonna cum too, Randy?” “Oh, yeah. I made love to your cock, now I’m gonna make love to that gorgeous face.” He got up on his knees astride Bob’s chest and pulled his dick out of his pants. “Look at me, dude. You know what I mean.” Their eyes met with an intensity that launched them into that private world where they saw themselves reflected in each other to infinity. “Man, you are one sexy motherfucker,” Randy growled. “A face as beautiful as that, only one thing a man can do to it. Here it comes, buddy.” Randy stroked his cock a few times, his muscles tensed, his eyes flashed and cum spurted from his cock and splashed over his lover’s face. He stared down at Bob in awe. “Man, that face with my cum all over it … awesome … most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” He bent down and licked his face, then wiped it dry with his hand. “Thank you, man � thank you for treating my boy so gently when he deserved much more.” “Well,” Bob said, “we’ll leave it to the senior boys to pass their judgment on Pablo. And we’ll leave Miguel to reassure his boy Finn, with the help of Zack and Darius. That little family is tough. They’ll find a way of showing Finn he belongs, despite the treatment he got over here.” There was a knock on the door and the twins opened it. “Oh, sorry, sirs,” Kyle said. “We didn’t mean to interrupt. We’ll come back.” “Get your cute asses in here,” Randy chuckled. “Ain’t nothing you haven’t seen before.” “OK, sir,” Kevin smiled. “We were just wondering what you want us to do for dinner, after everything that’s happened.” “I want it all to be as normal as possible,” Bob said. “It’s a warm night so dinner for everyone outdoors as usual. I’ll make sure Pablo and Tyler are there too, for Tyler’s sake if nothing else. Only thing is, I’m sure Zack and Miguel will have dinner over at their place with Darius and Finn. So could you take something over there, a casserole or something that they could warm up?” Kyle said, “We already thought of that, sir. Chicken pie � in the oven as we speak. Er, sir, we’d like to thank you for keeping this so low key so it doesn’t get out of hand. We wish there was some way we could show our appreciation for the way you handled it.” “Don’t worry, kids,” Randy grinned. “I already took care of that.” *********************************** When Tyler was reunited with Pablo in his room Darius left them alone as Bob had suggested. As he passed the kitchen the twins flagged him down and brought out a tray for him, containing a big pie dish, appetizers and dessert. “Bob assumes you four will be having dinner over there, dude,” Kevin said. “All you have to do with this is warm it up. So bon app�tit � and give our love to Finn. Tell him we’re rooting for him.” Darius hurried back across the street to Zack’s house, where Zack had just come in from work and was sitting with Miguel and Finn. After giving moral support to Finn, Eddie had gone back home to have dinner with Hassan at Steve’s house (and tell his breathless tale, of course). “Dinner, guys!” Darius announced, putting the tray on the table and the pie in the oven. Finn was looking none the worse for wear but had a dejected expression. He was telling Zack and Miguel what he had told Eddie � “Obviously I’m not gonna be accepted in the tribe after that. If Pablo blackballs me that’s it.” And like Eddie, the men reassured him that that was an over-reaction, that he was still, and always would be, a member of this little family of four. “Finn,” Miguel said, “you’re my boy, and nothing’s gonna change that. I told you, that’s the rock we’re gonna build on.” Darius, practical as ever, knew what was needed right now. “Hey Finn, could you help me set the table and bring drinks for the guys. What do you think, sir? Martinis all round? Sure feels like a martini day to me. Come on dude, I’ll show you how to make them just as the guys like them. Very dry for Miguel � just wave the vermouth over it � and a dirty martini for Zack � what else?” he grinned. They went to the kitchen and Miguel said, “That boy of yours is terrific, Zack. Always upbeat and knows just how to cheer up his buddy, making him feel like he’s already one of the family.” “Which he is, bro, whatever Lord Pablo says. Ah, that’ll all blow over, you’ll see.” “I hope so, Zack. But the dust has to settle and Bob thinks Finn should stay away from the house for a while to avoid embarrassment for him and make sure things don’t flare up again.” “A sound idea, dude, but I’m not sure how you’re gonna swing that.” The martinis arrived � “just what the doctor ordered,” Zack said � and they had a little buzz going by the time the boys served dinner. The conversation managed to steer clear of thin ice and Finn mostly listened while Zack and Darius regaled him with past dramas of the tribe. “Don’t think that today’s little dust up was unusual, Finn,” Darius said. “It was small potatoes compared with the early days where all these alpha males were circling each other warily in a pissing contest to mark their territory. Still flares up occasionally to this day. Hell, only a few weeks ago Zack and Randy were at each other’s throats …” “A bit too much information, kiddo,” Zack interrupted with a grin. “You don’t want Finn to think Erzincan Escort Bayan he’s landed in the middle of a Martial Arts contest … no matter how close to the truth that is.” This light banter and raucous laughter took them through to coffee and after-dinner drinks when there was a sudden knock on the door. Finn stiffened uneasily and Miguel rested his hand on his arm while Darius opened the door. “Buonasera signori, e scusa, I apologize for arriving unannounced and I see I am interrupting your dinner.” Finn’s jaw dropped at the sight of this good-looking man with the Italian accent, dark hair and chiseled Mediterranean looks. Unlike most of the guys, who wore the usual uniform of jeans and T-shirts, he was smart-casually dressed in beige linen pants, striped slider sandals and a loose white dress shirt open halfway down his chest. “Mario, you’re a surprise, and gorgeous as ever,” Zack said. Miguel smiled, “When we heard the knock you were the last person we expected, but it’s great to see you again, it’s been too long. Mario, let me introduce my boy Finn. Finn this is our good friend Mario. Mario stood back surveying Finn with a warm smile. “Ah si, molto bello. The rumors said you were a handsome boy, Finn, but the reality is even better than the rumors.” He shook Finn’s hand. “Nothing but the best for Miguel, I see, which is just as it should be.” “Hello, sir. Are you the Mario everyone talks about who planned the garden at the guys’ house?” “Ah, yes I am, amico, but I’m afraid I betrayed the garden I loved. You see, I found another love and deserted the first, which became a sad wilderness. However, I hear that the poor sad garden will soon have another lover � yourself.” “Well, sir, I do love gardens and was going to make a start on that one until …” “Yes, yes,” Mario interrupted quickly, “I am familiar with that unhappy event � you see, Finn, in this tribe everyone knows everything about everyone in the speed of light. But we do not need to dwell on unpleasant things, it’s a time to celebrate your arrival in this family.” “And for that you need a drink,” Miguel laughed. “What’ll it be?” “Hmm, do you have Campari?” “Coming right up,” Darius said. “Soda?” “No grazie, amico, straight Campari. I take my drinks pure and simple � like my men.” “Speaking of which, how is Grady?” Zack chuckled. (He always thought of Mario as Tarzan’s mate as he and the handsome actor had been devoted lovers for a long time.) “Handsome, fun and sexy as ever. He is even now charming a group of executives at the house, a group who bore me to death, so I have escaped for a short while before I return to rescue him. I’ll make some excuse like the house being on fire or something.” “So we are your safe house, eh?” Miguel laughed. “But I hope you don’t have to resort to torching yours when you get back.” “I will try to stay away from the matches, amico,” Mario smiled and sipped his Campari. “But it was not just an escape that brought me here, mi amici, nor the undeniable pleasure of your company. I came for a word with you, Finn. I have heard so much about you on the tribe’s grapevine that I feel I know you well already, which makes me bold enough to offer a suggestion.” They hung on his words as he took another sip of his drink. “I have been speaking on the phone with Bob, who told me you had been hired as the new gardener. However, it is such a big job that Bob wondered if I could come by and help you, Finn, and pass on some of my gardening and landscaping knowledge.” “I would really need that, sir, if you could. See, I’m fairly new to gardening.” “Bene. I would be delighted to, amico. Unfortunately I will be tied up at the Grady House for the next week or so as I have started on a landscaping project there to transform a neglected section of the garden. I was on the verge of hiring someone to help me when I got Bob’s call and suddenly … how you say … the light bulb went on? But it would be asking a big favor of you Finn, so please feel free to say no.” Mario chose his words carefully. “I was wondering, Finn, if you would consent to be my assistant for a week at the Grady House. That would help me enormously and give you an opportunity to learn about gardening and landscaping, which you could later apply in your own garden.” Mario frowned. “The only thing is, the hours would be long, so here is the presumptuous part of my plan. I would be delighted to invite you and Mario as guests of the Grady House for a week. “We have many guestrooms as Miguel knows. Our charming boy Brian would tend to your needs and we have a gourmet chef, Danny. You know him, of course, Miguel, and he always welcomes tips from a major hotel chef such as yourself. Also, Finn, your best friend Eddie comes and goes all the time, and you know Brandon too who visits Brian often. So there � that is my proposal.” Mario’s words were couched in his careful English with his lilting Italian accent and European charm, but everyone at the table, except Finn, knew exactly what he was doing. Mario had heard the whole story on the grapevine and had spoken to Bob. He knew the need to distance Finn from the house for a while and had come up with this solution. It had the added attraction of providing gardening help for Mario and of teaching Finn the skills he would be needing. Plus it would be a mini-vacation for the two of them. Killing at least four birds with one stone, Miguel thought with a smile. “Mario, that is a very generous offer, but what would Grady think about it?” “Oh he is thrilled with the idea,” Mario said merrily. “We discussed it before those dreadful executives arrived and he is very eager to have you two stay with us. Povero bambino, he spends so much time cooped up in that big house without the chance of meeting new people, and he loves to have fun, so you would both be … come si dice? … a breath of fresh air.” Miguel looked at Finn whose eyes were shining. It was the answer to the problem of how to steer clear of the other boys for a while as everyone knew. “So what do you think, buddy?” “Yes please, sir.” “Mario, that is so kind, and you and Grady are wonderful friends � so we accept.” “Molto bene, that is settled. We shall expect you any time tomorrow before lunch. If you come early enough you can drop into the kitchen, Miguel, and talk gourmet talk with Danny.” He drained his glass of Campari and stood up. “And now I have to rescue my poor Grady from the executive clutches.” Miguel chuckled, “And hold off on the arson, Mario. When Finn and I arrive tomorrow we want to find a house, not scorched earth and a pile of ashes.” Mario ruffled Finn’s hair. “For you, Finn, I will stay away from the matches. We will have so much fun together. Ciao, signori. A domani.” “Wow,” Finn said when Mario had left. Miguel grinned. “Beautiful, isn’t he? And wait till you see their house.” *********************************** No one had told Finn Grady’s true identity as the big-screen Tarzan. His private life was a closely guarded secret to shield him from the media and paparazzi, and his house was behind heavy security. The tribe was utterly discreet and Mario, as Grady’s watchdog, was careful of any newcomer. It was a safe bet that he had discussed Finn’s discretion with Bob. But the handsome Italian’s unexpected visit had lightened the mood a lot. Not only was Mario himself, in his words, `a breath of fresh air’, he had offered a solution for putting space between Finn and the tribe’s house until the dust had settled and tempers cooled. However, Miguel sensed that Finn was still feeling somewhat insecure after his callous rejection by Pablo. Darius sensed it too and determined to convince Finn that at least he was a rock solid member of this little family. By now they were feeling quite a brandy buzz and Zack stretched contentedly. “Hmm, feels good, don’t it, all of us together? Let the guys across the street have their little ego trips and temper tantrums as they go through the motions of a new-boy initiation. We’re beyond all that.” “Oh yeah?” Darius grunted. “What d’you mean, boy? Something on your mind?” “Well, sir, seems to me we used to have initiations too. We’re leathermen, right? They don’t let just anyone join, you know.” There were conspiratorial grins all round, except for Finn who wasn’t sure what was going on, though he suspected it had to do with him and that made his cock stir in his pants. “Hm, you may be right, Darius,” Miguel said. “We’ve all been through the ritual … all except one of us. But I did give Finn some leather pants and he looks real hot in them.” “Yeah, but it takes more than leather pants to make a leatherman,” Zack said. “We’ve all seen those guys who just stand and model but who’d run a mile from any real action. So what do you think, Miguel? He’s your boy.” Miguel leaned over and kissed Finn long and hard on the lips. “Remember that first night you were here and you watched me tie Zack up and fuck him in the ass? You told me later you wondered what that felt like. Well that was the kind of ritual Darius was talking about. We’ve all been through it. Hell,” he chuckled, “I remember at Mike’s place in Palm Springs when Pablo did the same to me, tied me to a tree and pounded my ass. Young Tyler was watching, hidden in a tree, and he got so excited he fell out of it. That was some entrance to the tribe!” Miguel looked down and saw the growing bulge in Finn’s pants. “Does that mean you’re ready for your turn, kiddo?” “Yes, sir. I wanna prove myself to you guys that I really belong.” “I love you, boy.” Miguel kissed him again. “OK, Darius, take the new recruit downstairs and get him ready. Pick up his leather pants from our bedroom. The two boys went to the bedroom for the pants, then Finn followed Darius through the small, low door that lead downstairs to the basement. The room was in darkness but Finn gasped as Darius faded up the spotlights. “A fully equipped playroom,” said Darius proudly � all the paraphernalia any self-respecting leatherman could want, and all reflected in the mirrors round the room. Man, if these walls could talk. They’ve seen some real heavy-duty action here. “Oh, don’t worry, dude, nothing like that’s gonna happen to you. That’s for tough sons-of-bitches like Zack and Randy, and believe me they’ve rock `n’ rolled here plenty. But you’re Miguel’s boy and he would never let anyone hurt you or do anything you don’t want. Which brings me to an important question. I know you finally got fucked by Miguel several times, and it probably hurt the first few times, but did you really get off on it? “Dude, I loved it. I fucking loved it. I can’t get enough of it.” “Outstanding.” Darius flashed a smile. “But tell me that again an hour from now. OK, put on the pants and boots and I’ll get you ready. Stand under this pull-up bar in the middle of the room facing the mirror. Finn did as ordered, Darius went to work and in a few minutes Finn was gazing at the erotic sight in the mirror. It was just as he had seen Zack that first day. He was shirtless in leather pants and boots, his arms stretched upward in a V, his wrists buckled in leather restraints attached to ropes that hung down from the bar. Darius saw an instant of panic in Finn’s eyes and kissed him. “There’s nothing to be afraid of, dude. First of all, Miguel loves you and only wants to give you pleasure. He would never let Zack or me hurt you. “Second of all, I’ll tell you a secret. Long ago Randy taught everyone how to tie an escape knot. He insists on it, and that’s what I used on you. See these little loose ends here? You have enough slack in the ropes that you could bring your hands together, pull on the loose end and bingo, you’re free. “Now I’m gonna leave you alone for a while so you get used to the sight of that bound young leather boy, stripped to the waist, in the mirror. If you decide you don’t want this, and we find you free when we come down here, that’s perfectly fine. But hey, getting tag-teamed by three hot guys could be fun. And judging by the way you’re looking at yourself right now, I’d guess you want it real bad. Am I right?” “Dead right, dude. Now get the hell out of here and leave me to enjoy the view.” ********************************** Finn had never seen himself like this before, and it was the first time he was ever turned on by his own reflection. He remembered Eddie telling him about the fireman Jason who got off looking at his gorgeous body in the mirror, and Finn could understand it now as he stared at the bare-chested leather-boy, bound helplessly, waiting for his initiation. Oh, he had staged erotic fantasies before when he was a hustler, but that was for guys he didn’t like and never trusted. And that was for money. He was always the top man then doing a tacky `you’ve-been-a-naughty-boy’ routine for men groveling before him. But now he was the boy in bondage and he was doing this for Miguel, a man he had come to worship. But it was much more than that. Since he met Miguel, new impulses and desires had stirred in him. Miguel was a handsome, muscular alpha male, which in itself excited him. But earlier, when Miguel made him lie on his back on the ground and had tied his arms round a tree, he felt for the first time the sexual thrill of being at the mercy of another man. And now, poised to join the family of Zack, Darius and Miguel, all of them into leather, he knew beyond a doubt it was what he wanted more than anything. It was where he belonged. He stared into the mirror and learned the trick of narrowing his eyes so he saw not himself but a handsome young stranger, tied up shirtless in leather pants, captured by a group of leathermen and awaiting his fate. “Sexy mother-fucker,” he growled. “They’re gonna work you over good.” When he heard heavy footsteps on the stairs he tensed with a mix of excited anticipation (his own) and fear (the boy’s in the mirror). Raucous voices and laughter came from men who sounded like they had been drinking, and he gasped when the door opened and they came in. The rugged black leather master was wearing tight leather pants, boots and a sleeveless black Escort Erzincan denim shirt that hung open over his hard-muscled chest. The younger black guy was wearing leather chaps over blue jeans and a studded black leather harness crossed over his chest. The Hispanic musclehunk was in leather pants and vest that exposed the slabs of his pecs and the ridges of his washboard abs. The men fell silent as they faced him from across the room, examining him as if he were a boy for sale. He had, in fact, been just that when Miguel first met him, tied up much the same as he was now. But then he had been scared and resentful � now he was charged with excitement. “So this is him, this is your boy,” Zack said. “Let’s take a look.” He walked over to him and ran his hands over Finn’s chest. “Yeah, good-looking young buck, I can see why you picked him, bro. Let’s see here.” He walked behind him, ran his hands down his back then cupped them round his ass. “Oh, yeah, nice solid cheeks. Man, my dick’s gonna feel right at home in there.” He faced him again and pierced him with his cool gray eyes set in his chiseled ebony features. “So, my buddy tells me you wanna join our family, that so, boy?” “Yeah,” Finn snarled. “Ah, defiance. I like that in a boy, but we can soon take care of that. Let’s try that again.” He squeezed Finn’s nipples in his finger tips and twisted them hard. “You wanna be part of our family, boy?” “Aaah! Yes, sir … very much, sir … please …” “That’s better. You boys learn your manners real fast. Now we’re gonna take you for a test drive. OK, guys, let’s get down to business. We all know the drill. The kid is gonna get tag-teamed by three leathermen, so who goes first? You got the cards, kid?” “Yes, sir.” Darius produced a pack of cards, shuffled them like a pro and fanned them out face down on a bench. “High card wins, low card goes last,” he said. Finn realized the leathermen were cutting cards to choose the order they fucked their captive. He felt an odd blend of humiliation and exhilaration watching his fate being decided like this � a prize in a card game. After a dramatic pause (playing the drama to the hilt) Darius drew a card. “Hm … nine.” Zack went next. “Jack,” he grinned. “Tough to beat, bro” Miguel looked at the men, then shot a grin at Finn. He licked his fingers, drew a card and his face fell. “Three, dammit. OK, let me set him up.” He went to Finn and pulled from his pocket the leather collar he had presented to Finn earlier and buckled it round his neck. With a reassuring smile he said quietly, “You sure you want this kiddo?” “Very much, sir. You’ll be here all the time, won’t you?” “Every step of the way, kid, don’t worry.” He kissed him, then went back to the others. “OK, Darius, do your thing. Then you’re up first, Zack.” Darius stepped forward and winked at Finn. “You look so fucking hot, dude,” he said softly, fingering the collar. “This suits you. And you know what? Our men are lovers so that makes us like brothers. I’m gonna like that. Always wanted a younger brother. Always assuming you pass the test, bro,” and he winked again. He unbuckled the belt at Finn’s waist, unzipped his pants, then went behind him and pulled the pants down to his thighs, exposing his bare ass. “OK, stand clear boy,” Zack said, “let a man take over. What d’ya think guys, lube? No lube?” “Lube,” Miguel said decisively. “Plenty of it. I only fucked him a few times, he’s still a rookie.” Zack stood in front of Finn, shrugged off his shirt and flexed his perfect torso. He ripped open his pants and pulled out his huge black cock. Finn gasped and Zack grinned, “Yeah, pretty big, eh? About the same size as your master’s, so if you can take his you can take mine. He reached down to a tub of lube on a bench, scooped up a wad and slowly greased up his long shaft. “Guess I’m the first guy to take your ass, boy, except for your master. I like that.” Zack went behind Finn and pressed the head of his cock between the mounds of his ass. “You sure you want this, boy? Tell me. I like to hear a boy ask for my club in his ass.” “I want it, sir. Fuck me, sir. Please fuck my ass, sir.” “OK, kid, you got it.” Finn stared at himself in the mirror, at the rugged black musclehunk behind him and gasped as he felt his shaft enter him and drive deep inside him. “Aaah,” he moaned, but it was more a sigh than a shout. Miguel had primed him well and he loved the feel of the rod inside him, with only the slightest edge of pain. He watched himself pulling at the ropes binding him, his own cock standing out rigid as Zack ploughed his ass. “Man, your ass is hot, kid. Your master’s a lucky man. My dick can pound a man’s hole like a pile driver, but I know you ass is precious to Miguel and I don’t wanna have to fight that stud off me. So I’m gonna take it nice and easy until I make you bust your load.” Finn cast a glance over at Miguel who was looking at him proudly and nodded encouragement. Finn grinned at him and in that moment they both knew everything would work out fine. Zack reached round and teased Finn’s nipples while he drove into his ass, and the ecstatic look in the boy’s eyes made him fuck faster. “Hey Darius, grab that pre-cum dripping from his dick. Don’t wanna let that go to waste.” Eagerly Darius knelt at Finn’s feet and licked the gossamer threads hanging from the tip of his cock. Then he looked up at Finn and grinned, “Hey, might as well go for broke, eh bro?” He opened wide and wrapped his lips round his cock. Finn looked at the mirror, mesmerized by the sight of the black leather master behind him fucking his ass and his boy on his knees sucking his cock. “Sir,” he gasped. `That feels so … I don’t think I can hold back, sir. You’re gonna make me … please, sir, can I cum, sir? Please … please, sir …” “You better, kid, `cos I’m about to unload in your ass and my boy wants to drink your jizz.” Finn’s body writhed, tugging at the ropes above him. “Thank you, sir … oh fuck … I’m gonna cum … I’m gonna cum … fuck … fuck … aaagh!” He felt Zack’s cock drive in deep and blast hot jizz in his ass while his own cock erupted in Darius’s mouth. His head started to spin … he saw Zack, and Darius, and his master Miguel before everything went momentarily dark. Seconds later he opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was Miguel’s smiling face. Dimly he felt Zack’s huge cock pull out of him as Miguel said, “You OK, kid?” “Yes, sir. I feel great.” He looked down at Darius grinning up at him with cum oozing from his mouth and running down his chin as he said, “Thanks, dude. Tastes delicious. I could sure get used to that � little brother.” ****************************** A few minutes later Zack was sprawled in a chair relaxing, still stroking his cock slowly and watching. Darius had slapped Zack’s hand and taken over as the next man on the tag team, and he now faced Finn. “You may recall, bro, that I drew a nine card, so that makes me next. However, you don’t have to do this because …” He stepped back, opened his jeans under the chaps and pulled them down slowly for dramatic effect. But the drama was really in what he was unveiling, inch by inch by inch. When it sprang free, all ten inches, Finn inhaled sharply and looked over at Miguel. Miguel came to face him and said, “You don’t have to take that, kiddo. A lot of guys before you have said no to that. Darius won’t be offended.” “But I want to, sir,” Finn said, with that old defiance returning to his eyes. “I really want to but, can you stay right here, sir?” “Of course I will. OK, Darius, do your thing, but take it slow uh?” “I always do, sir. Have to. Zack and Pablo are the only guys where I don’t have to hold back � I just go for the gold.” Although Finn was already well lubed Darius put more on his cock before pressing it between his cheeks. “Look at me, Finn,” Miguel said. “Look into my eyes.” Finn felt the head enter him followed by the long shaft that Darius eased in slowly, inch by inch, then paused when he heard Finn groan. Miguel put his hands round his face and kissed him while Darius continued. After long seconds Miguel at last pulled back and smiled at his boy while Darius said, “Way to go, kiddo, it’s all the way in. You are outstanding, bro, you get my vote. Now I’ll fuck you slowly until you cum. You can cum again, can’t you?” Finn winced but Miguel said, “Don’t worry, Darius, I’ll make him cum � the way you did.” Miguel dropped to his knees, grinned up at him and then took his semi-hard dick in his mouth. Finn was shocked. His master, the rugged top man who fucked his ass was on his knees sucking his cock. Men had sucked his dick before but never a man like this, a gorgeous alpha male, the man he worshipped. But the shock wore off, replaced by a thrilling sensation that spread from his cock and his ass through his whole body. Darius’s monster pole, about to erupt in his ass, was creating feelings in his ass he could never have imagined, while he looked down at his own cock disappearing into his master’s. He was impaled on Darius’s monster pole … he was fucking Miguel’s face … it was unbelievable … he was shaking, he was flying … he was cumming … “Aaagh!” ********************************** The sound of slow handclapping came from Zack. “Man, that kid of yours is something else, Miguel. Now you get your turn, and you gotta do the impossible � make your boy cum again.” Miguel took off his leather vest and stood in front of Finn, stripped to the waist in black leather pants. It was how Finn had seen him that first day when he had fucked Zack, bound and stretched just as Finn was now. He was always awestruck by the sight of his master like this, with his swarthy Hispanic looks, muscular torso and tight pants hugging his slim hips. “Let’s show them, eh kiddo? Let’s show them that I chose the best boy in the world, a boy who will be a great addition to our family.” Miguel unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock that had been straining to cum while he watched his boy get butt-fucked twice. He went behind him and looked over his shoulder at his mirror reflection. “We’re there, kiddo, we made it. You’re gonna join our family, `cos that’s where you belong.” While he spoke Miguel slid his cock into the boy’s ass, lubed with the cum of two men. “I’m inside you again, boy, `cos that’s where I belong. We’ll live together and love together and make love all the time. And sometimes I’ll tie you up like this and you’ll beg me to fuck you.” Fucking him slowly, Miguel’s voice became hypnotic whispering in Finn’s ear drawing pictures of their future. “While you wait for me to come home you’ll get naked and stroke your cock thinking about what I’m gonna do to you. You want to cum but you hold back, even though your balls are fit to burst. And then the door opens and there I am, towering over you. You watch while I take off my jacket, then the shirt and pants and you almost lose your load when you look up at me buck naked. You’re desperate to cum, but I forbid it while I tie you down to the bed. “I kneel on the bed, stroke your beautiful body and tease your nipples, driving you wild with animal lust. And then at last you feel my cock entering your ass. It pushes in deeper and deeper, you feel it press against the back of your ass and enter that warm secret place … and you can’t hold back. You stare into my eyes as you feel your master’s juice flooding your ass. Your body jolts, your ass is on fire and …” “Aaagh!” Finn’s scream was real as his cock reared up and spurted a stream of semen on the floor, while his master’s cock erupted in his ass. Miguel kissed the back of his neck and whispered, “I love you Finn. We did it.” “How’s that, guys?” he shouted in triumph. “My boy came for a third time � and without touching himself. If that don’t qualify for entry to the family, nothing does.” “Damn straight,” Zack said. “Un-fucking-believable, bro,” Darius laughed. They jumped to their feet, ran forward and hugged the exhausted boy. Miguel untied Finn who collapsed in his arms, sobbing with relief and joy. Zack flashed his gleaming smile. “Welcome to the family, Finn. You’re one of us, boy.” *********************************** An hour later, after more celebration, Miguel and Finn were lying in bed holding each other and talking about what came next. “It’s great that we’re getting away tomorrow for a week, kiddo, up at the Grady House. It’s a perfect time for you to learn the gardening and landscaping skills Mario can teach you. He’s a great guy and, and I know you’ll work hard for him. Plus we’ll have fun up there with Mario, Brian, Danny and Grady himself. “Sir, every time I ask any of the boys about Grady they kind of clam up. Like they don’t wanna talk about him.” His mind drifted. “I was wondering if I’ve ever met a guy called Grady but I don’t think so. Unusual name. Only time I ever heard of it is that guy who plays Tarzan in the movie, though it’s probably not his real name. They always change them, don’t they?” Miguel smiled to himself and asked casually, “You ever see that movie?” Finn hesitated, then grinned at him. “Three times, sir. I went by myself and, tell you the truth, each time I jerked off in the theater, especially that bit where the soldiers capture him and tie him up. That guy is way hot, sir.” “Yeah, he is. OK, sleep now. I think we’re gonna have a whole lot of fun tomorrow, kiddo. Maybe a few surprises too.” Finn closed his eyes and snuggled up to Miguel. Now that he felt he truly belonged in this tight-knit little family he finally understood that Pablo’s hostility to him really had been what Darius had told him � `small potatoes’. ******************************************* TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength” � Chapter 411 Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter got you off, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at rw6789@aol. ALSO, I invite you to visit my own Web-site gth. You can read the whole story, with extras including pictures and biographies of all the characters. AND DON’T FORGET � IF YOU ENJOY THESE STORIES, PLEASE DONATE to the Nifty site. Nifty needs your donations to provide these thousands of wonderful stories. So please, back-arrow to the NIFTY home page and click on “DONATE” at the top. Please give what you can – the other authors and I thank you. … Rob

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