

Subject: Dane Cody all the arrangements had already been made. We had lunch at the hotel then Chamberlain called for the Rolls and we went looking at David’s properties. Since we were in the neighborhood we visited the Beverly Hills house first. Situated on a quiet side street behind ivy covered stone walls and iron gate the thirties style six bedroom, eight bath Tudor sat on a large well landscaped acre. A curved driveway led to the house and three car garage where we met the land management agent. She was sort of lemony faced, overly made up prissy bitch who let us all know that it was considered it a serious breech to bring children to such a meeting. That is until she found out that one of the “children” owned the place lock stock and barrel. She became somewhat fawning pretty fast. She led us through the large home, out the back onto the patio and pool side. Twenty minutes was all we needed and we were off to the Brentwood house. A more modern home, the four bedroom seven bath home was situated on a smaller plot of land and had shrubbery providing privacy as opposed to walls. The home also had a pool although it was smaller and didn’t have the outside dressing rooms and showers like the Beverly home did. We breezed through this home as well then headed to Burbank to meet the manager of art rental business. The business was pretty cool. Nothing more than a huge warehouse with some offices, it had row after row of art objects from paintings to sculptures, vases and other utilitarian objects. All of the classics were represented, often more than one copy of them, and there were enough David’s for a basketball team. It was quite interesting and the boys had quite a time roaming around and checking things out. We hung out there for almost an hour before leaving and driving by the few business rental properties just to see where they were before having the Rolls drop us off at the hotel, Chamberlain giving us instructions that he’d pick us up for dinner at seven. At seven the Rolls was out front and at seven forty five we were being at Lawrey’s, a top prime restaurant in the city. All they serve is prime rib and they wheel these big heated carts with huge roasts inside right up to your table and they just cut off whatever you want. The baked potatoes are the size of nerf footballs I swear and the salads are almost an acre of land worth of veggies. We were all gorging out and all of a sudden Shannon’s eye’s opened up like pie plates as a very familiar voice said excuse me to David. It was Robin Williams and he just wanted to say hello and ask David how he’d been since the last time they’d had dinner together. He commented on how David had grown into quite a young man then asked if he might speak to David privately. They stepped into the manager’s office then returned to the table a few minutes later where David introduced us all. We all made small talk, got a promise for tickets to the preview of his latest movie and then he left, David saying he call him when we returned to LA. Shannon and Dane were dying to know how David knew Robin, and what he wanted. David said he had met Robin a few years ago but what he wanted was a private issue end of story. Back at the hotel, we all stripped naked and lay about belching and farting and watching TV, too stuffed for any kind of amorous play. While taking a shower before bedtime David told me that Robin had a couple of the “boy” prints and didn’t want to ask David in front of all of us if in fact he was the model. When David admitted he was, Robin asked if David would mind autographing them for him sometime and David said he’d do it when we got back from Mexico. Robin gave David his private number and said to call and Robin would even bring the portraits to David. I was pretty impressed by that whole thing. And I told him so. The next morning it was breakfast in one of the hotel’s restaurants then off to Malibu. The house was on the beach, a walled property, four bedroom four bath with open beamed ceilings, small pool and hot tub with a barbecue pit. The entire front of the house was glass and decking and the property was set high enough off the beach to prevent passersby sticking their noses in your business. The current resident of the house was a famous jazz musician who was in town recording a new cd. His wife and children were quite gracious about having us visit. We didn’t stay long and were headed back to the city before lunch, which we had at a Chinese place called Chin Chin before heading to LAX and flying down to Mexico. We were in Mazatlan by two thirty and were met at the airport by Anthony’s regular driver and whisked out to the house, which was located in a quiet, older section on a small hillside outside of Mazatlan and above a white sandy beach. The property was high walled and gated, and done in that sparkling white stucco sort of material that one associates with Mexico or the Mediterranean. There was a small fountain in the center of the circular driveway and the tons of tropical foliage all but shielded the villa from view. Entering through the huge carved wood double doors lands you in the foyer and you could see straight through to the large open living room, which in turn offered a magnificent and unobstructed view of the ocean. The property was multileveled so you had to go out onto the patio in order to see the large swimming pool that was situated another ten feet or so lower than the main house. A large dining room and full chef’s kitchen were off to the right of the living room, and beyond that, the two car garage whose second floor housed maid’s quarters. To the left of the living room was a huge entertainment room with pool table, huge screen TV with theater style seating, a stand up video game, pin ball machine, and a ping pong table. There was also a Vegas slot machine that was rigged for blanks, a huge bowl of which rested on a table next to the machine. The room was set up so that people playing other games would not overly disturb anyone watching TV. Beyond the entertainment room you stepped down into a decent sized exercise room, with indoor sauna, that also opened onto the pool and the hot tub end at that. The bedrooms, four of them all with their own baths, were upstairs and were reached by a sweeping curved staircase in the foyer. All of the rooms were large open rooms the overlooked the pool and the ocean. The master suite was on it’s own level, had a small sitting area with it’s own entertainment system that was separate from the sleeping area with its’ California style king sized bed. The bathroom was huge, having a typical Anthony style shower room large enough for a platoon and a Jacuzzi style bathtub of similar dimensions. A modest sized partially covered patio provided access to the outside but was only accessible to the master suite although a stairway led from the patio down to the main level. The floors throughout the villa were marble or tile in soft blues, browns, and off white with area rugs of Mexican or Spanish design placed where needed. There were few straight lines in home, most walls and ceiling creases being rounded, doorways were all arched and most of the rooms sported high ceilings with rough rounded open beamed logs, all contributing to the Spanish villa look. The home was situated on a point of land so that no neighbors had any visual access onto the property, nor could neighbors’ homes or property be seen from ours. The front of the property dropped off steeply to the beach so there was no need for the high wall that surrounded the rest of it except for a short section in the upper right hand corner where a solid wood doorway opened onto a steep stairway leading down to the beach. This whole little section was designed so that uninvited guests that came up from the beach had no physical or visual access to the property, even though a high wrought iron gate at the bottom of the stairs would prevent access to all but the very determined. The pool area wasn’t just a plain square thing but angled to fit the house. The house side of the pool was tight against the rock wall that fronted the patio and main level of the property and it was through this lava rock wall that the pool was fed in a half dozen little waterfalls. It was set up so that lazy boys who didn’t want to walk down to the pool could just jump off the patio right into the water hopefully avoiding collision with other swimmers in the process. At one end of the pool was the diving board and slide, the other end housing the smaller soaking pool and hot tub area. Shannon pretty well summed up everybody’s thoughts as we stood at the edge of the patio looking down on the pool and out to sea. “What a Fucking awesome house.” And Shannon rarely curses. Our reverie was interrupted by a woman’s voice coming from inside Giresun Escort the living room. “Hello. Mr. David,” a Spanish accented voice called out in a singsong fashion. We went back in to find a short, middle aged woman and a beautiful teenage boy about fifteen or sixteen. “I’m David. What may I help you with?” She went on to introduce herself as Maria, the housekeeper who took care of the home and did all the cooking and cleaning when guests were in residence. She introduced the brown skinned young God as her son Juan who acted as general houseboy and sometimes gardener. While Maria would go home each night, returning in the mornings, Juan would stay in the maid’s quarters up stairs if we wished to have him close by during our stay. “Great idea,” I heard Dane mumble beside me and as I watched the beautiful boy, it was clear that he was interested in us, the younger boys especially. He tried to look without appearing he was looking as his mother went on to explain that Chamberlain had called to let her know we were coming, apologizing for our last minute arrival. Maria had other houses she worked for when no one was in residence here, which was why she wasn’t here to greet us when we arrived. Without further discussion, Maria asked Juan help us with our luggage while she went straight into the kitchen to prepare supper for us, saying that she had taken the liberty of purchasing some fresh things. “The kitchen is well stocked with non perishables so I will put soda and water in the refrigerator right now,” she said as she headed off. Juan had picked up most of our bags, which were all lightweight overnight type things and asked which rooms they were suppose to go in. “I’ll show you,” Dane said, adding, “I’m Dane.” then going on to introduce the rest of us which earned a huge dazzling white toothed smile from the Mexican boy. Dane led the way followed by Juan and the rest of us. Dane asked Shannon which room he wanted and when he indicated which one, Dane looked at Juan and said, “Shannon and I will sleep in here, and David and Cody will be in the master bedroom” pointing out which bags went to which room. Juan didn’t really bat an eyelash at the revelation that he was in the midst of a bunch of American queers but I thought I detected a twinkle in his eyes and a very slight upturn of his perfect lipped mouth. Dane informed us all that he was going to change into swim trunks and everyone else voiced the same desire. In our room, Juan put the bags down and opened the doors to the patio, allowing the ocean breeze to flow through the room. I watched his slim tight ass sway gently under the white cotton pants as he went about his business, noting that he appeared to be wearing jockey type briefs, judging by the outline. That done he turned, undoubtedly aware of my gaze and said, “If there is nothing else sir, I’ll help my mother in the kitchen.” His voice was soft, his English very good but accented in a pleasant way. “Juan,” David said, “Please call us by our first names, we’re pretty informal here, okay.” He smiled, bowed his head slightly and said, “As you wish si..David” “Well well,” David said after the boy left, “I think we may have a player there” and he came to me, wrapping me in his arms and kissing me fully on the lips. I agreed with him wholeheartedly then added, “Leave it to Dane. He’ll confirm it one way or the other, believe me.” We stripped off our clothed, climbed into board shorts and headed back downstairs to enjoy the pool and sun. Maria informed us when dinner was all but finished stating that she would be leaving and Juan would take care of us and handle the clean up. We traipsed back upstairs and ate at the kitchen bar then returned to the pools edge. There was still three hours of daylight and no one wanted to waste it being inside. We were laying on chaise lounges when Juan came back downstairs and asked if we needed anything. “Not really,” David told him. “Why don’t you join us Juan and enjoy the rest of the day, consider yourself off duty.” “Thank you David,” he answered with a dazzling smile, “but I don’t have swim wear with me.” Dane’s ears perked up and I knew that a door had been flung open for him; I’d watched Dane operate before. Dane stood up. “Well, that shouldn’t be a problem Juan, we’re not that different in size,” he said, gazing slowly up and down the dark skinned beauty’s lean body. “I’m sure you would fit into a pair of my board shorts. On the other hand, why wear anything,” and at that he undid the waist of his shorts and dropped them to the patio and stood fully naked, two feet in front of the Mexican boy, his pride and joy in repose but beautiful none the less. Shannon was on his feet in the blink of an eye. “Yeah,” he said with a laugh and dropped his shorts as well, his equally soft but very nice long boy cock hanging quietly, although he had to rub it for emphasis before turning and diving into the pool and adding, “Aahhhh much better” when he surfaced. “Well Juan, you’re still more than welcome to join us,” David said as he stood and unceremoniously tugged his shorts off as well. At this point the young Mexican boy could only stare openly, as most people did when seeing David naked for the first time, his mouth practically hanging open. By this time I was on my feet as well and was soon naked. The boy smiled hugely as he pulled off his shirt then tugged off his pants, dropping them in a chair. His jockey briefs appeared fairly well filled out from his package and we all but stared as he pulled those off and tossed them after his other clothes before standing straight up and giving us our first view of his young body. And a nice one it was. Juan was well defined, just like Dane and Shannon, his chest nicely developed and his darker areola’s and nipples blending in nicely with his color. He had a well defined six-pac as well, narrow hips and well defined lower belly that slid gracefully into pubic bone and coming together in a V at his Mexican boyhood. His pubic hair was a neat, well-defined thick nest of pitch black hair at the base of a beautiful uncut cock that looked like Dane’s six plus inches only it was dark. He had nice sized balls hanging underneath, and from where I stood they appeared smooth and hairless. He penis looked as though it were thickening and the head starting to peek out of his foreskin, the boy apparently turned on by the display before him and the fact that we were all staring openly at him. “Nice body Juan,” David commented admiringly. “Nothing to be ashamed of there.” The boy seemed to blush a little, said thank you and dove into the pool and surfacing close to Shannon. “Oh boy do I like Mexican food” Dane said then dove into the water. David and I watched as the younger boys swam and played, taking turns climbing out of the pool and using the diving board or the slide. Once, Juan stood on the board preparing to do a back flip so I we all got a nice shot of his ass which was slender and appeared to be fairly firm. Watching naked boys dive is quite interesting and I commented as much to David who quipped that watching naked boys doing anything was interesting. I readily agreed. The naked boys in question finally got out on the far side of the pool and walked around to our side, soft young cocks swaying as they walked. God I loved teenage boys, my teenage boys in particular. They were so well formed but more importantly they were nice boys, sweet and good-natured as can be and that made all the difference to me. They lay side by side on the chaise lounges and dried in the remainder of the days’ sun. I didn’t know exactly what Dane had in mind but I knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that he would be the one to instigate a sexual encounter with Juan. I didn’t have to wait very long. I had my head turned to the left and was sort of just gazing at Juan’s cock as it lay lazily across his hip. All of the chaise lounges had the backs in the upright position, so Dane, who had been laying next to me, got up and stepped over Juan’s body to get next to Shannon who was on the outside. Juan’s eyes were open and apparently Shannon’s weren’t because Dane put a finger to his lips, indicating that Juan not make a sound. Dan straddled Shannon, his cock all but in the boy’s face, and moved in close so that the drooping head of his cock was right at the unsuspecting Shannon’s lips. Dane thrust his hips forward just enough so that his cock head gently touched the lips in front of it. I couldn’t really see Shannon’s eyes from where I was at but they must have popped open because Dane’s cock head suddenly disappeared inside Shannon’s mouth and on hand went straight out to Dane’s delicious ass while the other cupped his balls. Dane was hard in an instant and slowly drew his boy cock out Giresun Escort Bayan and back into Shannon’s mouth. Juan’s head was turned and he watched the show, his hand gently stroking his own cock as it stretched out to it’s full six plus inch length, the head fully outside the foreskin. Dane performed a few more strokes then looked at Juan who was hard as stone and all but panting from the scene he was watching. Dane climbed off of Shannon and moved to Juan straddling him in the same manner, his swollen cock head at the dark skinned boy’s lips. Juan let go of his cock and took hold of Dane’s cock and slipped his mouth over it, swallowing three inches of white meat in the process. Shannon got up and moved between Juan’s legs and began licking on the boy’s fat ball sac while stroking the thick brown cock above it. I nudged David who turned as well and we both watched the show, letting the boys have their fun and knowing that we would all have a shot at our newest playmate in due time. Juan had taken hold of Dane’s hips and was guiding him in fucking his boy cock into Juan’s mouth. Shannon meanwhile and moved along side the lounge chair and was avidly sucking on the Mexican’s sausage, taking most of it his mouth before releasing it a bit and sucking on the head. I decided what the hell and went over and took over on the boy’s balls and David joined the group by sucking on Shannon’s cock for awhile, then standing and kissing Dane who manage to hold onto the lounge chair with one hand and stroke David’s massive dick with the other hand. I would have to guess the Juan was not in the habit of having so much attention or maybe it had been awhile since he’d been hot and sexy with someone, if ever, but whatever the reason he quit sucking on Dane and began moaning. “Oh oh I cumming, my cock going to go off like a gun oh, Santa Maria,” and he groaned loudly. Shannon had backed his head away from the head just as it erupted, a geyser of foamy cum pouring out of the head as Shannon stroked the pulsing member. The first shot hit Dane on the ass, the rest of them, all six, landed between Dane’s legs on Juan’s chest and belly, the off white cream standing out on the brown skin. I reached up and slipped my fingers through the Mexican sperm and moved my hand between Dane’s legs and lubbing his asshole the driving a finger inside of him. Dane stopped what he was doing with David, slid downward in the chair until his face was even with Juan and his ass was sticking out in the air. I straddled the chair as he had and put my cock to his asshole and pushed in until the head slipped past the ring of muscle causing Dane to moan loudly. I waited a moment the pushed into him until my pubes were against his skin then slipped out of him about half way before going back inside. Dane began moaning, then he started kissing Juan’s perfect lips, the Mexican boy responding back in kind. I held onto Dane’s hips and began fucking him soundly, driving into him until I bottomed out and pulling out until I could see the ridge of the head of my cock then slamming back home again. I was so intent on what I was doing that I hadn’t noticed that David and Shannon had moved to a lounge chair and David had taken the same position as Dane, Shannon behind the hot young lad and just inserting his long cock into him as I turned my head. I continued to fuck Dane as I watched, enthralled, as Shannon’s cock buried itself inside my lover’s ass and began doing to him what I was doing to Dane. Goddamn I loved fucking boys and watching them fuck. It was so totally hot and knowing that it was my lover being fucked and I was fucking a boy whom I loved made it all that much more intense. Dane was moaning very loudly and I saw Juan’s hand moving about underneath and figured, as it turned out later, that he was jacking Dane while I drove into him. it didn’t take long and I was there. The whole process accelerated for me when Dane started moaning that he was cumming. I love cumming together with Dane or David and it doesn’t always happen that way but this time it did and I blasted sperm deep inside of him as I felt his asshole constrict with the spasms of his own orgasm. The feelings finally died away for both of us and I finally pulled out of him, allowing Dane to get up off the lounge and turn to kiss me long and hard, a tongue duel taking place inside our mouths. Juan got up off the chair and went over to where David and Shannon were fucking away and using the hand that Dane has just cum all over, he gripped onto David’s big fat cock and held on while Shannon’s fucking cause David to fuck into Juan’s hand. That did it. David started cumming almost immediately and just as he was finishing an epic sperming onto the chair and Juan’s arm, Shannon screamed out in his own orgasm, his head thrown back as he held tightly to David’s hips and ground his waist against David’s ass as if trying to force even more cock inside the tight warm hole. Juan extracted himself and stood. “Oh my friends, that was very much, how you say, awesome. Thank you so much for letting me join you in your play.” I pulled him to me and kissed his firmly on the lips and as soon as I broke away Dane’s lips replace mine. Once he finished both David and Shannon, who had uncoupled, came over and gave the cute young thing very warm and welcoming kisses. “It was our pleasure Juan,” David told him. “We enjoy having other’s join us in our fun and since you are such a cute and loving boy, well, I guess you will have to spend more time having fun with us, except when your mother is here of course.” “I would be honored to join you whenever you invite me David. I assume you knew Mr. Anthony?” David quietly explained his relationship to Anthony and Juan was immediately more subdued. “He spoke of you David. I used to stay here for days as his helper and he spoke of a boy back home whom he loved as a son. I never understood exactly why you never came down here with him, although in his last year he only came down one time.” David explained that he had lived away from Anthony and didn’t even know that this house existed until this week. “Well, he was a good man. He has taken good care of my mother and me and never asked for anything in return but loyalty. I wandered around the house performing my duties totally naked, by choice, and he never touched me. Oh, I should tell you. There were a small group of boys who came when Anthony was here. They too would go naked and often they would be sexy in front of him. He never touched them either. They loved him, they loved coming over and playing, entertaining him and just hanging out. He fed them, and often gave them money before they left, not that money was the reason for them coming, he just liked to do it. None of them have much so he liked being able to help them out that way. I say all this because they will know that someone is at the house and will come over to see Anthony. They don’t know that he’s gone you see. What shall I tell them, what would you like to do about them?” “Well, why don’t you tell me a little about them first Juan,” David coaxed. “Well, there are five boys, the oldest just younger than me and the youngest about eleven. That’s Rico. Sometimes when Mr. Bill is here Rico stays with him. The other boys come over of course but Rico sleeps with Mr. Bill. Eduardo used to sleep with Mr. Bill but as he got older he didn’t any more.” The conversation was getting a little personal and I looked to Dane. He nodded and smiled which told me that he wasn’t concerned about his grandfather’s proclivity for prepubescent boys. Besides, it wasn’t like none of us had sex with a prepubescent boy, remember Lucio and Ikaika. “How do you think they will respond to us Juan, will they want to stay and play. We’re always ready to accept new people into the group. I assume they know how to keep quiet about things?” Juan chuckled and said, “David, with your cock you couldn’t keep them away,” he said with a smile, “and the rest of you have such nice bodies too, they will want to stay. They’re all gay boys, just like us, even Rico and yes David, they know not to talk about what they do here, although it’s not all that unusual for boys to do that stuff just for the money. There is a lot of poor families here.” “Well, I guess we’ll just have to play it by ear,” I said, and David nodded his head. I added, “I for one am sticky” and dove into the pool and heard four other splashed while I was under water, turned and saw the approach of everyone else before surfacing. We swam and played for half an hour before climbing out, drying off and retreating to the kitchen to find snacks. Juan was insistent that we sit down and let him do his job. David pointed out that he was off duty and part of the group right then. Juan countered Escort Giresun and asked David if he knew where anything was in the kitchen, let alone snack food. David acquiesced and the rest of us followed suit, sitting at the breakfast bar while Juan went about preparing a huge platter of nachos complete with cooked hamburger, a supply of which was in the freezer, chopped tomatoes, onions, beans, sour cream and guacamole, and tons of Chipotle and cheddar cheese’s. As we ate, we all agreed when Juan decided to take on a kitchen duty, we would allow him to. The next few hours were spent at various pursuits in the game room, Juan leading the pack in pool. By ten o’clock David and I were ready for bed and said goodnight to the boys before heading up stairs to fall into a sound sleep. Dane Speaks: I figured that David and Cody would probably head up stairs earlier than the rest of us were ready. They both knew that the three of us boys would be getting sexy and being sexy, maybe for hours. We were playing pool and I was sort of getting turned on watching Juan’s cock bounce as he moved around the table. He was such a cute boy and I wanted to be sexy with him so the next time he bent down to shoot I was behind him. He usually took a while to line up his shot so as he was bent over I put my hand on his lower back, sort of reassuring him. He looked over his shoulder and smiled at me then turned back to the table. With my hand still on his back I dropped to my knees and licked at his crack, which stopped him dead in his tracks. Shannon was watching us as Juan stopped what he was doing and just stood there, not moving. I licked up and down the dark crevice a few times then put my hands to his firm brown orbs and pulled them apart, opening him like a coconut husk and rammed my tongue inside. I hit his tight bud of muscle first try and heard him moan which spurred me onward, licking at his hole, trying to drive my tongue inside his body. I felt movement and stopped long enough to see Shannon getting in front of Juan underneath the edge of the pool table. I went back to rimming the cute Mexican boy while Shannon I assumed was sucking on his chorizo sausage. I didn’t see it but I knew Shannon and if it were me down there it’s what I would be doing. After a few minutes I stopped and said I’d be right back and ran upstairs to grab a bottle of lube and a hand towel. I ran back downstairs to see that they hadn’t moved, and Shannon was indeed sucking away on Juan’s delicious cock. I returned to my spot only I went down farther and encouraged Juan to spread em a little further then got my head situated between his legs and began licking at his fat smooth balls. The underneath is so so sensitive and he wiggled and moaned at all the feelings that must have been pouring through his body. I had the lube close to me and while I worked, I poured some on a finger then managed to slip it up into Juan’s asshole. He jumped slightly at the intrusion but then began making even more noise. “OOOohhhhhh yes, yes,” he moaned as one hand reached behind and pulled a cheek open to give me even more access to his tight hole. Clearly he had been down this road before. I suckled his balls while I finger fucked him, and Shannon kept his hard cock busy and we took him quickly up the ladder of hotness. After a few minutes he asked for me, as I figured he would. “Put it in me Dane, stuff your hard cock inside of me please, don’t wait any more, I am ready now” he moaned. I stood up, lubed my cock with one hand, keeping my finger inside Juan, keeping him hot. I positioned myself behind him and slowly slipped my finger out and immediately pushed the head of my cock inside of him. He winced and yelped just a bit so I quit moving until he told me to go ahead, which was only about thirty seconds later. I held onto his slim brown hips and slowly shoved inward until my pubes touched his skin. Shannon knew when I was all the way inside of Juan, after all he was down there. He commented on how hot it was seeing the penetration from so close up. He kneaded both sets of balls as I slowly moved out and back in, doing the eternal dance. All of a sudden Shannon said to stop so I did, and since I was all the way inside of Juan’s ass I just sort of ground it around in circles a little bit. Juan was moaning softly as Shannon moved around in front of him then crawled up on the pool table and lay down, right next to the cushion. His arm dangled over the side of the table and grabbed onto Juan’s cock with a lubed up hand while Juan had full access to Shannon’s long hard cock. I resumed sliding my cock in and out of Juan’s ass, picking up speed as I got hot from the whole scene. I loved doing three ways and when we tried something new, like this, well I got hot as hell pretty fast. Shannon held onto Juan’s fat brown cock while Juan sucked on Shannon’s cock for all it was worth and pretty soon the room was filled with “oh fuck-s”, “Oh god-s”, oh shit’s, and the list goes on. Juan was saying some stuff in Spanish that I didn’t understand but hey, sex is pretty cross-cultural. I knew what he was feeling so I knew what he was saying. I was at the edge but Juan beat me. “I’m cumming Dane, ram your cock in me, I’m cumming, ohhhhhhhhhhh” and I felt his asshole constrict on my cock as he squirted his cum out onto god knows where or what. It seemed as though it was going to take forever for me to cum so I asked Shannon if he wanted some of me. “Oh man yeah Dane,” he said. I slipped out of Juan and Shannon simply turned sideways with his ass on the cushion putting him at just the right height, wouldn’t ya know. He reached between his legs and slathered lube and Juan’s cum into his asshole for me and I stepped quickly up to the plate. I held one leg up out of the way, Juan held the other one and Shannon gripped the side of the table so that I wouldn’t fuck him farther onto it. I put my cock head to his open hole and put the head in. his face registered pain so I waited until he was ready for me to go in and when he gave the word, I slowly slipped my fat cock up into him until once more, my pubes touched skin, this time lily white. I placed my hands on the underside of his thighs to hold his legs back and began to drive into him, the familiar territory of my closest friend after Cody. Juan came over and began kissing my lips as I fucked Shannon then he stopped, grabbed the lube and slathered it all over Shannon’s long teen boy cock and came back to kissing me but gripping onto the slippery dick. My fucking forced Shannon’s cock in and out of Juan’s hand. It didn’t take a real long time before both of us were at the edge, breathing heavily and moaning out a litany of sex words as we reached a conclusion almost together. Like Juan before him, Shannon came before I did, screaming out as Juan kept his hand off of the swollen and sensitive head of Shannon’s cock. His sperm blasted out of his slim body reaching all the way to his neck in thick ropey strands. His sperming caused his asshole to constrict on my cock and it took me over the edge and I shot jet after jet of my teenage cum up into his bowels. The feelings finally died away, I disengaged from Shannon with a plop, a string of cum stretching from my cock to his asshole for almost three feet before it finally broke. Shannon managed to get off the pool table and the three of us huggled together, kissing and cooing each other. Juan was definitely part of the family now. We took turns in the small shower in the weight room then went out to sit in the hot tub for a half hour before diving into the pool to cool off then heading upstairs to bed. It had been a long day for Shannon and I so neither of us had much desire to play anymore. We hugged together in he big bed with Juan in the middle so the cute boy wouldn’t feel left out. We fell asleep that way and didn’t wake until almost nine the next morning, that is Shannon and I didn’t. Laughter and yelling from the pool woke us and it was then that we discovered that Juan was already up. I got out of bed and wandered over to the glass doors and walked out onto my balcony and looked over. There were a bunch of boys running, jumping, diving, and generally having fun. David and Cody were right along with them seeming to have the time of their lives. I figured those must be the boys that Juan had mentioned and at that moment there was a knock at my door and Juan came in, dressed for work and pushing a service tray with orange juice, scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. “Time to get up master Dane,” he said with a smile as he set the wheels and brought over two chairs for Shannon and me. “The boys got here about an half hour ago and David kept them quiet until just now. He said it was time for lazy boys to get up.” Shannon piled out of bed, his long cock bobbing in front of him as he headed for the bathroom first and foremost. Juan left saying that he’d see us down stairs in a little while. Shannon and I finished breakfast, showered and threw on board shorts and headed downstairs for another day in the sun, and perhaps the flesh.

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