





Life in The Village, through the eyes of a student at the remote school.
(This is a parallel story to “Schoolie”, but through different eyes.)
This chapter aligns, partially, with Chapter 17 of “Schoolie”.

This is an original work of pure fiction (just an expression of a fantasy)
by Robert A. Armstrong (a pseudonym)

The resemblance of the characters by action, name, location or description to any real person is purely coincidental.

If it is illegal, or offensive, for you to read stories involving interactions of a sexual nature between adults and youths, then what are you doing here?


From Chapter 11:

One good thing: with William wanking me off every afternoon and me sometimes doing it myself a second time in bed (without letting on to Karl that I, too, can spurt twice in the same day) I haven”t woken up with wet pyjamas lately!

And William volunteers the information, even without Karl or me asking, that he”s glad that his mother is gone, and that he”s very happy to be living with Marty and Mr Grant. I notice that he didn”t say `sleeping with Mr Grant”. Maybe he”s got over telling me that joke!

I”m aware that we”re getting close to the end of term � two weeks away. I know what that means. Ron will be back. Dad said so, because Mr Cameron has told him.

I”m really glad that his `mid-semester” break coincides with our school holidays!


Chapter 12 � End of Term

Mr Cameron has asked Dad whether Karl and I would like to stay out at `Whispering Gums” during the holidays to help Ron do `stuff” for the week that he will be staying.

Now that William”s house has burnt down, Karl has asked Dad whether it would be all right if William could come and stay too, so that he and Karl can work with Dad. I don”t care. Karl can spend time with William and I will spend more time with Ron.

Ron”s in for a surprise when I show him what I know how to do, now! I”d love to do it to him too. I think that he”ll certainly be more willing to `muck around” than Mr Grant has been. I can”t wait!

I”m confused. Is Mr Grant the answer to my Christmas Wish, and is Ron the answer to my Birthday Wish? Maybe I wasn”t specific enough that they were supposed to be the same person!


Saturday. The holidays are another day closer! William comes to our place and Mr Grant continues over to the school to do his usual preparation.

Dad”s in full-on `fix-up” mode. He has said that if we”re going to spend a week out at `Whispering Gums” over the coming holidays then he”d like to know that there is nothing left here to worry about.

Of course, Karl volunteers William to help him. Dad says that the pair of them can help in cutting and stacking a lot of firewood, which we will need with the cooler weather coming soon. And I can look after the bathroom and the outside toilet.

At least, with the cooler weather, the toilet doesn”t smell quite so bad. Plus, I don”t think that anybody has used it since it was cleaned last. If we have needed to, Karl and I have gone at school. Dad goes out at Whispering Gums.

I think, now, that if ever I needed to go, I will walk across to the school and go there. The toilets aren”t locked or anything. Neither is the school gate; not that that would be a problem!

Dad shows William how to use the chain saw. William says that Marty has one and that he has let him use it a couple of times while Marty was watching. It will be William”s job to cut it to the right size, and Karl”s job to stack it in a pile away from the house. That is so that snakes won”t use it for shelter and then bite us when we go to collect some. Dad says that he will do the fetching.

I think of the effort involved for Karl and, for once, I”m happy to use the brooms in the toilet. One for any cobwebs (inside and out) and one for the floor.

I”m even happy to clean the bathroom. Brushing, sweeping and cleaning the bath and hand basin. Dad reminds me that the bath is usually dirtier in the winter time because Karl and I seem to keep ourselves cleaner when the weather is hot by spending so much time swimming in the weir.

I also do a load of washing. Dad comments on how many towels there are in the washing basket. My only explanation is that we use more now that the weather is cooling down because they don”t dry out as fast as they used to, and we don”t like drying ourselves with damp (I don”t say `smelly”) ones. Karl and I always try to use the same one or two to clean up our spunk so that Dad won”t pick up one accidentally and smell it. We have two picked out as our `spunk towels” and we normally hide them at the bottom of the washing basket until we are ready for them again. The purple one, one day, and the pink one, the next day. Erzincan Escort Dad doesn”t like them because of their colours. They were Mum”s.


Dad talks to William and Karl every now and then to make sure that they are safe and that the chain is still taut and that the wood is being stacked properly. One time he refills the chainsaw with petrol and checks the oil level.

At lunch time, Dad tells us that he is really pleased with the work that the three of us have done and suggests, after we have devoured the hamburgers which he is going to make for us, that we should go for a walk and relax.

We do. Upstream, past the weir. We walk as far as the bridge that crosses the river, then walk down the other side of the river. I”ve only ever done this once before. With Dad and Karl. Ages ago.

When we are sure that we can”t see anyone, or can”t be seen from anywhere, we stop to `relax”. That is accomplished by removing our pants and jacking each other off. Karl does me. I do William and he does Karl. We could have done each other all at the same time, like we sometimes do after school. But it”s more fun, this time, just concentrating on one thing at a time. I love wanking William”s `Big”! LOL. Good practice for Ron! And for Mr Grant!

Today is a once-only day. Then we walk back.

Dad asks where we went and what we did. We tell him half of it. The walking half.

Dad has been busy checking out the water tank and `servicing” the pump. He has also dug a trench from where the water empties from the bath and kitchen sink in the direction of the river. He says that if the ground is kept damp then we might be able to grow some vegetables along the trench.

At the moment the water empties into some sort of a pit that he dug years ago. It is usually damp and we don”t walk across it. It”s the spot where weeds like to grow the most. Sometimes, if the water comes to the surface, then we see some of the birds come down to have a swim (more like a muddy bath, after a lot of them have had a go).

Dad invites William to stay for a game of Monopoly and dinner, but he says that he needs to go home with Mr Grant. He thanks Dad for letting him cut the wood, and he skips off back to the school. Shortly after that we see Mr Grant drive off. At least, I think it”s Mr Grant in the driver”s seat. It”s hard to tell these days, even from this relatively short distance.

The afternoon is spent `tidying up” inside. Wiping. Sweeping. Changing bed sheets. Another load of washing. We should have done that first. Next time!

We pause the Monopoly game for steak, eggs and vegetables.

And again, at bed time, we leave it set up so that we can continue tomorrow.

We have finished Treasure Island and are a couple of weeks into Moby Dick, the White Whale. We asked Dad what `Moby” meant but he didn”t know. We didn”t ask about `Dick”. LOL. Dad said that he would ask the librarian in Cunnamulla the next time he is there.

Whatever. I like to think of `Moby” as `Big”. The rest is obvious and could apply equally to William or Mr Grant. Or even Ron. I have suddenly thought of a great nickname for Ron!


A week goes by. I”m sleeping well. And waking dry. It”s becoming harder to wake up Karl.

Today is the last Saturday of term, and then we”ll be heading out to `Whispering Gums” for some work and… You know what! `Moby Dick”! `Moby” for short. Also known as `Ron”.

After breakfast, Dad takes us to Big Town. We”ve discovered that we need a bigger jumper, and a bigger jacket, and bigger underpants. Growing! This could be our last opportunity for a few weeks.

We go to the menswear emporium, and who do you think we see waiting for the barber? William. I ask him what he”s doing here. He gives me a stupid look for my stupid question. Then he turns both palms upwards and his eyes too. He”s either praying to God above or he”s indicating something about his shaggy hair. Ummm…

We start with the underpants. They”re easy. Next size up from what we wear now.

I overhear William say to the barber, “Exactly like my brother last week, please. Do you remember him?”

The barber replies, “Of course. I don”t get too many brothers in here that look identical.” Then he motions in our direction. “Apart from those two, the Andersen twins. They”re next after you.” Dad didn”t tell Karl and me that we were here for haircuts as well. But I smile. I”ve never heard anyone refer to us as `the Andersen twins” before.

Hang on! What? Now he”s passing himself off as Mr Grant”s brother? Well… Looks like him. Dresses like him. Drives his car. Has a body like him. Feels like him. LOL.

William notices that I”m eavesdropping while Karl is somewhere else.

Referring to `the Andersen twins”, he says to the Erzincan Escort Bayan barber, “I hear that the girls in town think they”re both pretty cute,” just loud enough to ensure that I can hear him. Strike 1! Never mind about birthday bumps! I imagine counting ball scrunches!

“And I heard one of the girls say that they have cute arses, too!” Strike 2!

The barber chuckles.

“And rumour has it that neither of them can ride a horse!” Strike 3!

In my case, the last bit is probably true, but Karl will be really pissed off when I tell him. I catch up to him trying on jumpers. I join him, while whispering to him what I”ve heard William say.

“What?” Karl rasps through his teeth. “Next week, I”m gonna feed him to that assassin, Ron, to drown! I”ll even help to hide his body.”

We finish selecting jumpers and winter jackets. Similar colours but different patterns. Dad also tells us to find a pair of boots each, suitable for working. He pays, leads us to the barber”s area and tells us to sit and wait. Good timing. The barber has just about finished William. We both grab a magazine and start flipping pages.

Dad says to the barber that he can do our hair any way that we would like it. He tells us that he”s popping over to the General Store for some groceries to last us just for this week. Mrs Cameron said not to bring any food with him when we go to stay because she already has plenty to last way beyond Ron”s stay. And ours. Growing appetites?

Now, William looks just like Mr Grant again. Neat and tidy. He gets out of the chair and pays the barber who looks at Karl and says, “Next.”

“So, I can”t ride a horse, eh?” Karl hisses at William as they pass and pounding his right fist into his left palm. William smirks. So do I. I know that William was joking the whole time and making it all up as he went, just to stir me. However, I wouldn”t expect Karl to be too gentle with William”s balls, to start with, the next time we”re all alone.

William whispers to Karl, “Cute arse, though,” and chuckles all the way out of the door.

If looks could kill…

Karl and I have identical cuts, shorter on one side and longer on the other, like a photo that Karl has just seen in one of the magazines; really neat! We decide to leave it longer on the side of `the eyebrow”, so that people who can only tell us apart by that are in for a shock. I think that our hair naturally falls to that side anyway. Mum used to like it longer. She used to say that it was one of the things that made us look handsome. Dad”s in for a shock too!

I miss Mum. But, if she was around, we wouldn”t have the freedom with William that we now enjoy after school every day.


At home, Karl and I are excited about spending time at `Whispering Gums”, and the possibilities fill our conversation.

Dad has suggested that Karl and William can work with him, because they are both so interested in horses, all of which need new shoes, and he can teach William and Karl to do it. That will be their major chore for the whole week.

Well, I”m interested in horses too, but William is a great rider. (I saw him once when we were invited to Jake”s for a birthday party. Mr O”Brien, Jake”s dad, was amazing too.) And, I know that Karl is much better on a horse than I am, so it makes sense for those two to help Dad with that work. And I wouldn”t be surprised if the three of them spend some time riding as well.

However, that means that Ron and I will be able to work together. Alone. Yeah!

Dad has said that last time we only checked about a quarter of all the fences on the property. There are many more around `Whispering Gums” that haven”t been inspected for over a year and that some nights it would make more sense to stay in one of the huts instead of travelling long distances back to the house. That would save time in the morning and afternoon. Some parts of the property (it”s huge) are more than an hour”s drive from the house. That”s like halfway back to The Village. And the property extends north, south and east. The road is the boundary on the western side.

And Mrs Cameron will see to it that we have enough food. Dad told us that she said, `We don”t want our young men being hungry when they are doing such good work, do we?”

I like her.

Dad has figured out a work plan for Ron and me so that, according to where we should be, on a couple of nights, we can come back to the main house and all eat together.

I have my plans for Ron and me as well!

We get home from Big Town and I look to see if Mr Grant”s car is at the school. It isn”t. I know that he often comes up on Saturday to do some work for the next week, but it”s possible that he could already have been and gone.

Sunday. Nothing much Escort Erzincan to do. Cards. Dad reads his weekend paper that he bought in Big Town. Karl and I get to look at bits of it after him. Monopoly. Dinner. Moby Dick. Lights out. I retrieve the face washer that I put under my pillow and have it ready for when Junior gets `really excited”. He spurts for me.

“You”ll really have to learn to be a bit quieter when you do that,” Karl tells me. “You won”t want Ron to know what you”re doing at night.” Haha. I say to myself, `That”s what you think, brother. Actually, I”m hoping that I won”t have to do it myself.”

He goes on, “Now that you”ve got me all hard from listening to you, you”d better come over here and do it to me!”

“Only once though!” I tell him and giggle. I slide my naked body in beside him. He already has his pyjama pants down, ready for my hand.


Monday. The last few days of school for the term coming up. Karl and I get some strange looks for our new hairstyle. Mr Grant tells us that we look even more cool than before. I was hoping that he would like it.

William is acting really excited. I wonder what he”s up to.

He can”t wait to tell everyone at our morning recess that he”s been invited to spend the holidays with Mr Grant”s parents on the Gold Coast.

I watch the happy expression drain off Karl”s face, almost like water going down the hole in the bottom of the sink. All his plans and dreams about him and William out at `Whispering Gums” have just been washed away.

Then, when I think about it, I”m not happy either. This could mean that Karl will be tagging along with me and Ron.

Young David, looking at William says, “Gee, Mr Grant, I hope that your mum and dad can tell which one of you is William and which one is really you!” Everybody laughs.

Mr Grant is quick on his feet. He responds, “Yes, David. Although, wouldn”t it be great if they made William clean up my bedroom, make my bed every day and do the dishes, instead of me?” Everybody laughs.

Jake says, “And do all the gardening and look after the animals.”

Karl adds, “I hope William doesn”t try to kiss your girlfriend, Mr Grant.” Everyone who heard and understood that, laughs. I laugh too.

Mr Grant tells him, “Don”t worry, Karl. He will never get the chance.” He looks at William who smirks back.

I don”t know how this came to me, but I”m going to have to encourage both Dad and Karl to continue with their plan of shoeing the horses. And tell Karl what amazing experience it will be to learn that skill from Dad. And encourage Dad to ensure that Karl is really good at it so that he might soon be able to do it by himself.

At the same time, I will remind Karl of Ron”s `slave-driver” and `assassin” tendencies! That way, if Dad gives him the option, I know which work Karl will choose. Sounds like a plan! It had better work!


Wednesday. Mr Grant tells us all to take home any art work that is pinned up in the Craft Room, and what to bring for the party tomorrow. It looks like Karl and I will be doing a bit of cooking tonight. Or making sandwiches. Or raiding the pantry for some drinks.


Thursday. I”m still disappointed that William is going with Mr Grant instead of coming with us to `Whispering Gums”. But, given the choice, I”d be going with Mr Grant too.

We are in party mood.

At the end of the day, we tidy up, wish each other a `happy holiday” and head out. Mr Grant tells William that he can spend some time with us and he will come over and pick him up shortly.

We waste no time in going to our house and `being gentle” with each other. Once. “Gonna miss you guys!” William tells us.

“Me too.” Karl replies, still coming to grips with the fact that his holiday fun is now going to be limited to shoeing horses.

Mr Grant arrives, and we say goodbye. I give Mr Grant a hug, and hold on, which he doesn”t seem to mind. In fact, I think he enjoys rubbing my back and patting my backside.

William takes his `P” plates from Mr Grant, puts them onto the car and he drives away, tooting the horn, with Mr Grant waving from the passenger”s window. We cheer them off. I”m going to miss William”s helping hand after school, but I”ll miss Mr Grant even more � his stares, his name-mouthing game, his rubbing my back, his patting my backside and his playing with my growing willie in the weir.

Then my thoughts turn to Ron. And I experience an uncontrollable, but massively feel-good, event.


(to be continued)


The parallel version to this story, is told through the eyes of Tom Grant, the `Schoolie”.
Find it at https://www.//gay/adult-youth/schoolie

If you”d like a full picture of their lives and thoughts, you should read both concurrently.


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