The Refinery


Suzie was an engineering student working at the refinery for a coop term. The deal was that she’d spend 2 months on shift with a crew at one of the units and then work two months with the engineering department.

The first week was spent with the other three students, learning all about safety and working in a refinery. They watched videos, learned how to put out simple fires, learned how to deal with bigger issues, etc. They also got issued work clothes, all in brown and tan colors. Not very flattering for Suzie but it was for work so she didn’t really care.

On the Friday, they got an orientation specific to the unit where they’d work. They were to work as assistant operators in the asphalt plant which was teamed up with one of the crude units. Suzie was told she’d be on D crew and that as such, she was to report back to the asphalt control room on Monday night for her first two night shifts.

On that Monday night, Suzie met her crew for the first time. Her co-worker at the asphalt plant was Mike, a rather large guy who was very funny and very knowledgeable as Suzie soon found out. Then, at the crude unit was their First Operator and boss, Mex, a fit, 50-something man with dark skin and salt and pepper hair. There was also Alan, the main crude operator and then Tim and Rick, the two crude field operators. All were very nice to her and made room for her around the lunch table. They said their crew made it a point to always eat together if at all possible and Suzie liked that. They told her all kinds of stories of funny mishaps and such.

Suzie learned her job quickly and settled into the routine of the crew without any problem. At first, they had been a bit reserved with their jokes but when they’d figured that Suzie had an open mind, they no longer hesitated with the risqué jokes. Despite her open-mindedness, Suzie still blushed when laughing. They teased her about it frequently. She told them to note that she would blush anytime she was laughing whether the subject matter was embarrassing or not. It didn’t matter to them, they still enjoyed making her blush, Mex more than anyone else. Suzie didn’t mind as Mex was her favorite. Despite the fact that he was old enough to be her father, she found him incredibly attractive.

One night shift, Rick called in sick so a field operator from another crew was brought in to replace him. Mex came over to the small control room for the asphalt plant and asked Suzie “You joining us for lunch later?”

“Of course!”

“Well, we got a different guy tonight and we’d like to have a little fun. Are you willing to play along?”

Suzie was intrigued but agreed. When she made her way to the other unit, the guy from the other crew was already there. As she walked into the kitchen area, Suzie called out “Hi, I’m Suzie.” The guy hurriedly put away his magazine on the bench next to him and turned a bright shade of red. Then, he shook the hand she had held out saying “Mark. Nice to meet you. The guys told me you usually eat by yourself later.”

Just then, Mex walked in and said “Suzie! So Travesti nice of you to join us tonight!”

Suzie played along and said “I decided join you guys tonight. I hope you don’t mind.”

Mex said “Not at all, grab a seat.”

Suzie sat on the bench opposite Mark. Then, Tim came in and slid in next to her. Mike came in and tried to slide in next to Mark but Mark didn’t want to slide over his magazine so Mex went behind him, grabbed the magazine and said “here, now there’s room for Mike.” Then, he looked at the magazine and said “I’ve seen this one” and handed it over to Suzie, saying “Have you seen it? The girl in the middle is pretty.”

Mark tried to grab the magazine before Suzie could take it but Mex lifted it out of Mark’s reach and said “Suzie wants to see it!” and handed over the Playboy magazine to Suzie. Suzie opened up the magazine to the middle and said “She’s not bad. Her eyes are kind of dull in this picture though.”

Poor Mark was beet red and embarrassed. All the others started laughing. Suzie handed the magazine back to Mark and said “You can have it back. Don’t worry, I’m not offended.” And they went on talking, teasing poor Mark.

One night shift in the main crude control room, they were particularly picking on Suzie and the laughter was going strong and, of course, Suzie’s face was red. Mex bent over to look at her in the face and said “I’ve never seen that shade of red before Suzie! How’d you do that?” Suzie laughed and said “One day, I’ll make you blush, Mex.” And the room went silent. Looking around, Suzie asked “What?”

It was Alan who answered “None of us have ever seen Mex blush so good luck with that.”

Suzie tried a few times and even got help from a few of the bosses in the form of stories about Mex’ younger and wilder days, but nothing worked. Mex didn’t blush. And then came the time for Suzie to get off the crew and on to the engineering department. Yet whenever her crew was on day shift, she’d go eat lunch with them. By that time, she’d given up on the idea that she could ever make Mex blush.

One Thursday in November, Suzie went to have lunch with her old crew. After lunch, she used the only washroom in the unit and found that with the window open, it was quite cold in there. Coming out, Suzie was rubbing her arms trying to warm herself up. The guys laughed and said “Cold in there?” Suzie laughed and said “Unlike you boys, I actually have to bare more than just a little bit so yeah, I’m cold!”

Of course, they protested about the use of “little bit” and Mike even offered to “put it on the table” but Suzie told him “Keep your pants on, I didn’t meant anything by it and I trust your word that you are well endowed. I don’t need to see it or anybody else’s for that matter.”

Alan then said “Well, we’d all rather be a little cold then smell Mike’s leftovers.” And there was general laughter and Suzie agreed. They continued chatting away.

Ten minutes later, Suzie was still cold and shivered. Mex looked at her and asked “You still cold?”

Suzie nodded and said Konya Travesti “Yeah, it was really cold in there!”

Then Mex asked “What can we do to warm you up?”

Suzie turned to him and replied “You mean you don’t know?”

Mex was speechless and turned a nice shade of pink. Not quite red but good enough to be a blush. And in front of a witness too! Alan had witnessed the whole thing and after he’d stopped laughing, got on the plant radio and exclaimed “She did it! Suzie made Mex blush!”

Mex was even more embarrassed as Tim and Rick came back in and asked for details. Suzie, having to go back to work, left them to enjoy the moment and walked back to the offices with a huge smile on her face. She’d done it.

Later that night, Suzie was just finishing her work supervising a contractor crew and was walking through the refinery to get back to the offices before going home when all of a sudden, she was grabbed and pulled into a small equipment room.

“So little girl, you think you can make me blush and get away with it, eh?”

It was Mex. Suzie was partially relieved that it was him but looking into his eyes, she could see that he wasn’t playing. Before she could say anything he continued “Come here and let me show you how warm I can make you.”

With that, he pulled her further into the room, behind a panel and pushed her against a wall. Then, he kissed her. The kiss was rough but Suzie didn’t resist so Mex softened up his attack. He pulled her jacked open and then started working on her shirt buttons. Suzie tried to protest but he shushed her and continued kissing her. Once he had her shirt undone, he pulled it open and stopped kissing her so he could look at her. He let out a short whistle and said “Wow. I always knew you were hiding something interesting under these drab shirts.” Indeed, Suzie was wearing a see-through black lacy bra over her 34 D breasts. Mex pulled the shirt and jacket down her arms and then started pushing the bra straps down too.

Suzie protested “We’re at work! Aren’t they going to be looking for you at shift change?”

Mex laughed. “It’s past shift change little girl. My relief is already there and they all think I’ve gone home. They think you’ve gone home too. Nobody is going to come in here after hours so I’m going to show you just how warm I can make you and you will enjoy it. Then, you’re going to keep your mouth shut about it if you want to keep your job. Understood?”

Suzie nodded and Mex started caressing her breasts. Then, he bent down and took her left nipple between his lips. Suzie moaned. Her breasts were sensitive and responsive. Already, she was feeling moisture between her legs.

While he was softly sucking on her nipple, Mex was busy undoing his own clothes. Next thing she knew, he was pushing her down to her knees. There, Suzie found that Mex was rather well endowed. His cock wasn’t yet fully hard and it was already a full 6 inches.

“Suck me little girl, make me hard.”

Coming from anyone else, the nickname “little girl” would have turned İzmir Travesti her off but somehow from Mex, it was very exciting. Suzie wrapped her hand around his shaft and started caressing him. Then she kissed the tip and started licking the purple head of his beautiful cock. Without hesitation, she took him into her mouth as deep as she could and pulled back, pulling his cock to further rigidity. It was amazing to feel the blood surging into his cock and making it harder and Suzie moaned her pleasure at sucking him. That made him even harder and bigger. After a few minutes of Suzie giving him wonderful head, he was fully erect at 8 inches and thick too. Mex wrapped his hands in her hair, freeing it from the braid she always wore. He was slowly fucking her face and she was loving it. She’d heard of older men having erectile problems and was quite happy to see that this was not the case for him. He was hard as steel.

All of a sudden, he stopped and pulled her up to her feet. His right hand stayed in her hair and he pulled her to his mouth and kissed her. Suzie was totally turned on and kissed him back. His left hand got busy tugging at her belt. Figuring out what he wanted, she helped him undo the belt and the pants and pushed them down over her hips.

Not taking time to remove safety boots, they couldn’t remove their pants so Mex turned her around and bent her over a bit so her arms were on the wall. He then got behind her and she felt the tip of his hard cock against her slit. Fortunately, by that time, Suzie was fully aroused and lubricated as he didn’t waste any time and in one shove, filled her up.

“Ooooohhhhhhhh………….” Suzie cried out. Meanwhile, Mex was moaning. He started pulling out and plunging back in rhythmically and said “Oh little girl, that is one tight pussy you have.”

Mex quickened the pace and Suzie encouraged him “Fuck me, Mex. Fuck me hard.” And he did. With his left hand, he held on to her hip while with the right hand, he reached for her breast and roughly pinched the nipple. Suzie flinched a bit at first but then gave into the pleasure. Mex let go of her breast to grab her hips with both hand as he pounded into her.

Suzie was close to orgasm. “Don’t stop Mex. I’m so close, don’t stop fucking me.”

Mex didn’t stop and soon, Suzie was groaning her release loudly. When he felt her pussy contract against his cock, that was his undoing and he released too, pumping his fluid into her.

When he was done, he softened and pulled out of her pussy. He pulled up his pants and tidied himself up. Meanwhile Suzie did the same. When they were both dressed again, he pulled her to him and kissed her again. Then he asked “You still cold little girl?”

Suzie smiled and said “You do know how to warm up a girl… No, I’m not cold anymore but I’m sure I’ll get cold again some day when you here and need warming up again.”

Mex laughed and said “You go home. I’ll wait a few minutes and then leave. Nobody is to ever know about this, understood?”

Suzie said “you have my word.” Then, she left.

Suzie and Mex met a few more times during the rest of her work term. Then, she went back to school and never saw him again. However, the memories of the good fucking sessions he gave her were very useful for “solos” as she called them! Thank Mex.

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