Game of Love Ch. 11


Game of Love Ch. 11

Comments, critiques and tips are welcome!


Thank you and welcome to the 11th chapter of this captivating series. I love you guys a lot and I would love to thank you for your comments, ratings and for being on this journey with me. I appreciate all of it and I promise to always deliver without disappointing.

Don’t forget to drop your comments and rate this chapter. I am definitely looking forward to your comments, whether negative or positive because they inspire me a lot. I love you once again.

Game of Love, feel the passion….


Eric was seated in his office trying his best to concentrate on the sketches that he was doing. But he kept on messing them up. He ripped the paper and threw it on the floor were hundreds of others were. This was so not him. Whenever he tried to sketch, he always did it with such ease but this time, that wasn’t the case.

‘You rascal, how dare you touch, Eric?’ Sergio’s words rang through his head. ‘You bastard, you shouldn’t have touched my Eric!’

Adrenaline flooded Eric’s system, pumping and beating like it was trying to escape. There were times when he felt like the world was slowly disappearing in front of him, or maybe it was just him who was fading away. His heart was hitting his chest so hard that he thought it was gonna break his ribs.

‘You shouldn’t have even talked to him.’

‘Only a man in love can act the way he did. Don’t tell me you’re the only who doesn’t see his love for you.’

Eric was restless. He tried to stay calm and just concentrate on his sketches but he soon found himself thinking about Sergio. He was so worried. He had come prepared for work that morning and had left really early, before Riya woke up.

He was dressed in a sexy wine red designer’s suit which was a little tight on him, a sky blue shirt inside and blood red shoes on his feet. His hair was made in a long lack hair bun that just looked so amazing. But he was worried, so worried that he couldn’t even concentrate on anything.

Eric sighed, staring at his phone like he was expecting something to come out of there. He took a nervous sigh and picked it up. But as fast as he had picked it up, he put it down, groaning angrily. He didn’t even realize how much his hands were shaking.

“God, keep it together!” He sighed, rubbing in his head. “You need to concentrate.”

Eric took a deep breath and held his pencil tighter. He was about to start sketching when he heard a voice, a really familiar voice.

“Why are you so confused?”

Eric slowly raised his head and when he looked at the person that was there, his heart twisted and sunk with nerves. His breaths came in sharp pants and he tried to gain control, but nothing was working.

The boy who was standing on the other side of the table looked just like him. He was dressed just like him but he looked fiercer, more confident and he had a grin on his face. His arms were crossed on his chest and he was staring right at Eric.

“A man was trying to get so close to you the other night, Sergio almost killed him. That is where the confusion is coming from.” The boy chuckled. “Look at you, Eric! You are becoming too soft. You’re losing your focus because of Sergio.”

“I am not becoming soft!” Eric said harshly, shaking his head. “I am still the same boy.”

“Really?” He raised his eyebrow. “I highly doubt that. Have you forgotten what your plan was, our plan. You were going to cause so much pain to Giada and her family and you were going to use Sergio in the process.”

“I have been successful in that.” Eric gasped. “And my plans are still pushing through.”

“But Trevor slapped you the other day. What did you do about that?”

“He’ll pay for it.” Eric snarled. “I haven’t forgotten about that and the stunt that Giada pulled the other day.”

“You shouldn’t forget about it. Giada and Trevor had caused you so much pain.” The guy spoke harshly. “There’s no way they’re going scot-free. But we both know that this isn’t about them. This is about Sergio and what’s been happening with him. I see the fear and the confusion in you today.”

Eric felt Sergio’s voice ringing in his head. His fingers slowly curled into a fist as he hesitantly looked away from his shadow, shaking his head. He couldn’t think straight. As the images of Sergio started kicking in, Eric felt like he was going insane.

“You had a whole different plan when you came here. But you realized that Sergio was still very much in love with you.” The guy spoke with a chuckle. “And after all the encounters, you lost yourself in the game. You’ve now realized that he loves you so much.”

Eric gulped, staring at his other self.

“The confusion here is that, after everything that has happened between the two of you…” The boy paused and made Eric freeze while staring at him. “…how can you still love him? He had hurt you.” The guy leaned on the table, smiling at Eric. “You are scared of repeating the same mistake, going through the same pain again.”

“What Bornova travesti are you talking about?” Eric chuckled bitterly. “This is me and I don’t have any feelings for Sergio. What we had was destroyed years ago. I am only using him to hurt Trevor and Giada because… because…”

“You can’t even lie to yourself.” The other him laughed. “You were afraid of the truth. That is why you kept running away from those feelings, the reason why you keep running. You thought that as time passes, those feelings would fade away, but no!”

Eric didn’t even realize he had tears in his eyes.

“In fact, those feelings kept on growing stronger even when you were in Australia. Once again, you’re faced with a really difficult situation right now. You’ve seen Sergio, he’s suffered a lot and you’ve pitied him once or twice.”

Eric shook his head, furiously rising from the chair.

“What the hell are you talking about?” He snapped. “You’re talking…”

But when he looked in front of his desk, the boy was gone. He sat back furiously on the couch, gripping his hair.

“What the fuck just happened? I am officially going insane.” He gulped. “I think I need some hot coffee.”

He quickly picked up his phone and left his phone. He didn’t wanna hear anything about Sergio anymore.


Sergio was rushing down the stairs, putting a blazer on himself. He was in a hurry and he was so nervous. He felt like he was gonna go crazy if he didn’t see Eric. His line wasn’t going through and he needed to talk to him about something important.

But as soon as he reached the exit, trying to get out of the house, two guards blocked him. To say he was shocked would be an understatement. He looked at them with a frown on his face.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He snarled, shaking his head.

“We cannot allow you to go out.” They both said. “We’re very sorry, sir. But we’re just following orders.”

“Are you going insane?” Sergio snapped. “What the fuck do you think I am, a kid that you need to keep in the house?”

“We’re sorry, sir.” They apologized, bowing their heads. “We cannot allow you to go outside the house. We’re only following ma’am Kimberly’s orders. Please understand, we don’t wanna lose our jobs.”

“What are you talking about?” He said hoarsely. “I am your boss. I gave you the jobs that you have right now. If there’s anyone who is gonna fire you, it will be me if you don’t get the hell out of here. Do you understand?”

“Sorry, sir!” They muttered but they still blocked his way.

Anger boiled deep in Sergio’s system, as hot as lava. His fists began to clench and his jaw rooted. He was breathing harshly, his heart pounding so hard in his chest.

“Get the fuck out of my way and…”

“What’s going on here?” Adrianna came rushing towards them. She held her brother and felt him trembling from anger. “Sergio, are you okay?”

“Adrianna, tell these stupid guards to let me go.” He groaned. “I don’t wanna hurt anyone.”

Adrianna looked at the guards and her anger just went overboard. “What do you think you are doing blocking your boss? Have you gone crazy?”

“Sorry, ma’am, but we’re only following Mrs. Alvarado’s orders. She ordered us to never allow Master Sergio out of the house unless she allows it.”

“That’s nonsense!” Adrianna gulped, shaking her head. “Why would ma’am do that? Can you please let him go? He’s got important things to do.”

“And what things are those?” Came Kim’s voice.

The two of them turned and found their mother cat-walking towards them with a frown on her face. She was looking sexy in a tight dress that made her look really young.

“I have got somewhere I need to be.” Sergio said abruptly. “It’s very important. And besides, I have important meetings that I have attend.”

“I am sure that whatever that is can wait until after your wedding.” Kim said harshly. “And don’t think I am stupid. You wanna go see that little whore, don’t you?”

“Mom, why do you always like causing trouble for me?” Sergio groaned angrily. “Why are you keeping me prisoner in my own house?”

“It’s for your own good. You can go anywhere you want after your wedding.” She gave a shrug. “But for the next two days, you’re gonna be in this house. Whatever work you want to do will be done on your PC. And you shouldn’t worry about work, I have asked Steve to take care of everything. So there’s np reason for you to be out there.”

“Mom, why are you doing this?” Adrianna asked with a frown on her face. “Do you think keeping him locked up is solving anything? When did you become this woman?”

“I don’t care if it solves anything or not!” Kim snapped. “All I know is that I am keeping my son away from that desperate whore that won’t leave him alone. I am keeping him from all the troubles that he’s been going through because of that boy. And call me a stupid mother but I am ready to do more just to see that boy away from my son. I wasn’t joking when I said he won’t leave this house until his Buca travesti wedding.”

She walked to the guards, staring at them like she was gonna slap them.

“Do not let him leave this house.” She warned, pointing angrily at them. “Do anything to keep him inside. Should he leave this house, not only will you lose your jobs but I’ll make you and your families pay.”

The guards bowed. Kim looked at her kids in disgust and left there walking like a queen that she was.

Sergio groaned angrily, hitting the wall. Burning rage hissed through his body like a deadly poison, screeching a demanded release in the form of unwanted violence. It was like a volcano erupting; fury sweeping off him like ferocious waves.

“Sergio, what are you doing?” Adrianna held his arm before he could punch the wall again. “Calm down!”

“What am I supposed to do, Adrianna?” He yelled, furiously walking to the living room. “She’s making my life a living hell. I can’t even go to Eric. I am so damn worried about him but she won’t even understand.”

“Calm down, Sergio!” Adrianna had tears in her eyes. “I know that it is very painful and I completely understand your pain. Everything will be alright.”

“Nothing will ever be alright.” He shook his head. “How can I get married without seeing Eric, telling him exactly how I feel? Everything is driving me nuts inside and I feel like I am about to explode. God!”

Adrianna gripped his arms, resting her head on his back. “Sergio, please, calm down. I know how much you love Eric and how far you’re willing to go for that love. But why are you still pushing with the wedding?”

“Because… because…. I don’t know!” He yelled, gripping his hair hard. “I am just so confused, Adrianna. I am trying to reach Eric but his line is not going through. I don’t even know who to call. And I am just so damn worried. What am I supposed to do?”

“I will help you.” Adrianna said with a smile. “I will help you to talk to him. I will go to his house and then I’ll see what I can do.”

Sergio quickly turned and stared at his sister. Tears welled up in his eyes and he quickly rushed to her, pulling her into a hug.

“Thank you so much, Adrianna.” He said softly. “You’ve got no idea what that means to me.”

“You’re welcome. But you’re gonna have to find a way to get out of here.” She said, kissing his cheek. “You need to talk to him yourself.”

Sergio nodded. “I’ll find a way. But thank you.”

Adrianna nodded and just held his hands, smiling brightly. At that same moment, Sergio and Adrianna heard a happy voice behind them.

“Baby!” It was Trevor and he was rushing towards them. “Oh my God, my love, I missed you so much.”

He ran to Sergio and planted a kiss on his lips, holding him tightly like he wanted him to be a part of his body. Adrianna rolled her eyes, getting a little pissed. Even Sergio wasn’t happy that Trevor had come there. The only person that he had wanted to see was Eric and no one else.

“Sergio, I’ll be outside. I suddenly feel suffocated.” She said, eyeing Trevor from head to toe in disgust.

Trevor chuckled nervously, smiling at Adrianna. God, he hated her so much.

“Well, Adrianna, you don’t have to go outside.” He rushed to her and held her hand. “I actually wanted the three to talk, spend some great time together and just bond. In less than three days, we’ll be one big happy family, right? I know you and I didn’t quite start off on a good note. But it is not too late, right? Blood is thicker than water, remember?”

Adrianna gave a fake laughter, uncoiling her hand from Trevor’s.

“Like I said, I feel suffocated. And you’re right, blood is thicker than water.” She chuckled in mock. “Your offer is very generous but I am not interested. You’re getting married into this family but not to me. So focus your energy on your wedding and your husband to be.”

With those words, Adrianna rushed out of there, cursing under her breath. If only she could drag him by the ear out of there and give him several slaps. She was just praying for a day like that to come, a day when she’d put him in his place once and for all.

“My love, I don’t understand what’s wrong with her?” Trevor groaned, stomped his foot on the floor. “I have been trying so hard to get into her good books but she just hates me. It’s not good since we’re gonna be family.”

“Don’t worry about, Adrianna.” He said sternly. “She’s always been like that. Excuse me!”

“And where are you going?” Trevor asked, fanning himself sexily. “I came here to spend some time with you.”

“I need to shower.” He sighed. “I am not feeling too well.”

“Well, I am coming with you, boo-boo.” Trevor shrugged. “It’s been so long we spent some quality time together.”

Sergio sighed. “Okay.”

They both headed upstairs with Trevor’s arms coiled around Sergio’s waist. They looked like a happy couple and Trevor was sure they were gonna make love. But if only he knew what was at the back of Sergio’s mind then he would have called off that Konak travesti wedding himself.


“Alright, everything is ready, David!” Eric chuckled as he picked up some files from the table. “I am already on my way and I promise we won’t be late for this meeting.”

‘You do realize we’re already late, right?’ David chuckled on the other end.

“Alright, do this.” He laughed. “Go with Reina. She has all my documents for this meeting. You can start without me and then I’ll join you later.”

‘Okay. But do hurry up. This meeting will be useless without you.”

Eric laughed and then cut the call. He started sorting out the documents on the table. He was at his house because he hadn’t gone to the office in the morning. Now, he was already running late for his own meeting and he didn’t even know where he’d put a particular design.

It didn’t take time and he found it. Then he picked up his phone and started heading out. But he’d just taken a few steps when he saw Adrianna entering his house and when she saw him, she smiled and rushed to him.

“Thank God I have found you here.” Adrianna gasped. “I needed to talk to you about something important.”

“Adrianna, can this wait?” He asked, wearing a beautiful smile. “I have got an important meeting and I am already running a bit late.”

“It won’t take much time, I promise.” Adrianna put her hands together. “Please, this is very important.”

Eric glanced at his watch, taking a sigh. “What’s wrong? Are you okay? Is Sergio okay? I hope he didn’t get into much trouble because of me and what had happened the other night.”

Adrianna sighed, losing the smile on her face.

“You do realize that the day after tomorrow is his wedding, right?”

Eric felt his heart pound violently in his chest. The weight of everything seemed to press down on his shoulders and he struggled to take even a step. He was staring at Adrianna with shock but he managed a smile, a smile that Adrianna saw through.

“I know, Adrianna, but I can’t attend that wedding. I am not in good terms with your mother and neither am in good terms with Trevor or his family.”

“Eric, you know that isn’t what I am talking about.” Adrianna shook her head. “I am talking about Sergio. I am worried for my brother. He… he loves you so much. He can’t marry Trevor. They are both so incompatible.”

Eric felt like a storm had just been awakened in his heart. He felt tears welling in his eyes and he quickly turned his back to Adrianna.

“What are you talking about, Adrianna? Sergio and I are just friends.”

“No, Eric!” Adrianna shook her head. “I know everything. My brother told me everything that had happened in the past between the two of you. I know he had hurt you but for the last five years, he’s been living in pain. The only time I saw him happy after five years is when you forgave him.”

Eric felt a tear go down his cheek but he quickly rubbed it. He then turned with a smile, trying to present himself to Adrianna like he was okay.

“Don’t you feel sorry for him? Sergio really loves you.”

“Adrianna, please!” He sighed, his smile fading. “Sergio and I have nothing between us. Sure, we have a past but that ended long ago. He was with Trevor before I even met him and they’re still together now. The fact that they’re getting married means they love each other.”

“You do not understand!” Adrianna held his hands. “You don’t know what that Trevor has done to my brother to reach this point. He’s so manipulative, evil and….” She paused and sighed. “…why do you think I hate him so much? I agree that he made a terrible mistake in the past, a sin. But you shouldn’t hold that against him. I know you love him. I can feel it and I can also see it.”

“Sergio and I…”

“Are just friends?” Adrianna chimed in, shaking her head. “I don’t care about Trevor but should my brother marry him, three lives are gonna get ruined. That’s yours, Trevor’s and Sergio’s. Don’t you think you need to…”

“Adrianna, you’re talking nonsense!” Eric chuckled bitterly, getting his hands from her. “Sergio and I have nothing going on. I know that you love your brother so much and you’re willing to go to lengths just to see him happy. I admire you for that. But I do not love Sergio in that way. Sure, I will not deny that I used to love a lot. But that was a long time ago. Those times are gone and we’ve both moved on. He’s starting a new chapter of his life.”

“A chapter that he doesn’t want to start. Eric, Sergio is in agony.” Adrianna couldn’t fight her tears. “My brother’s life is about to turn a great turn, a dangerous turn. My brother loves you so much that he can’t even bear to see you hurt again. The other night at the restaurant, he almost killed a man just for touching you. Didn’t that tell you anything?”

“He’s just being protective of me as a friend.”

“As a friend, he’d have just talked to the guy and not try to kill him.” Tears escaped her eyes, running away upon her cheek. “But he didn’t do that. Eric, Sergio doesn’t love Trevor. He loves you.”

Eric felt really scared and pained. His head spun and it was as if his tongue was too big for his mouth. He felt the need to wipe away the non-existent tears that he felt were on his face but there was nothing. He was just in pain, intense pain.

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