Primadonna Boy


A/N: sugarbaby is loosely referenced to be overweight but isnt a huge plot point or whatever. this is another story from 2021. yes, i am well aware of all its flaws. i wanted to upload on here tho so here it is.


“Mhm, I am using it! It’s very pretty, thank you,” Elliott hummed into the phone, pushing it against his ear as he dipped a hand into the water, swirling the colors of the bath bomb around further. “Oh, I know! I wish you were here too, daddy! You’d fuck me so well, I just know it.” He purred, laughing at something the older man said.

It had started on Seeking Arrangements because of course, it’s a big well known safe site. He wasn’t going to get himself killed to get a sugar daddy. It started because he needed a way to get through college, now it was just for fun. It paid his rent, got him free clothes, free booze, free everything, and all he had to do was send a few photos, videos, call the man every day. Besides, his daddy was a fucking model compared to the rest of the creeps on Seeking.

Mr. Sutton was one mean DILF, silver fox, whatever you wanted to call him. Tall, salt and pepper hair, perpetual five o’clock shadow, and he had the prettiest smile. He had no idea what Mr. Sutton did for a living besides the fact it paid very well and was apparently very important, somewhere on the top of pecking order. Mr. Sutton was fucking perfect as far as Elliott was concerned, handsome as fuck, and one of the kindest most respectful men he’s had the pleasure of talking to. It wasn’t a chore at all to lean back in the bath and put on his best doe eyes, one hand splayed over his chest, acting as innocent as he could for a man who sent hole on a regular basis. It wasn’t as embarrassing as it used to be because right away a Cashapp notification came in for $500.

He thanked the man profusely, taking another photo and moving his hand slightly to show one of his nipples, promptly getting another $500. He grinned to himself, continuing to chat with his daddy, basking happily in the attention.

Elliott gets off the phone and out of the bath eventually, slipping on one of the many nighties his daddy had bought him, taking a few photos and sending the best ones, getting a request for a video in response. He indulges with a quick video of him groping himself through the satin before tossing his phone on his bed, disappearing to his kitchen for a Hot Pocket. He lounged on his bed in the skimpy little thing, scrolling through Twitter and idly watching some lame movie as he ate his late dinner.

He spends the next day shopping, Mr. Sutton says he’ll be visiting soon, for business but he’ll make time for Elliott, and needs the man to get a nice outfit for some fancy company outing. It’s a great idea, free shopping trip, hell yeah! But then Mr. Sutton reveals he wants Elliott to put in the app-controlled butt plug he bought for him while shopping. The shopping trip’s still fun, just nerve-wracking, without even being there Mr. Sutton has the fucking six sense to turn up the vibrations nearly every time Elliott’s talking to a store worker. He has to go to the bathroom at one point to masturbate, video calling Mr. Sutton to show him the effect the teasing had on him. He settles on a suit, is talked into buying jewelry, lingerie, and everything else in between. It’s so much, but he loves free shit even if he doesn’t get the same excitement from cross-dressing that Mr. Sutton does. It’s worth it to see that Cashapp notification, it’s worth it to get paid for looking pretty.

Mr. Sutton is supposed to visit for a whole week, it’s not very long but it’s better than nothing. And Elliott cannot wait, he supplies Mr. Sutton with plenty of pictures and videos, more than he needs to. He’s just so excited he can’t help it, he’s never had a relationship that’s mattered this much, not to mention how touch-starved he’s been. He hasn’t been with anyone else since he got with Mr. Sutton, he’s just itching to get fucked.

Then the day comes, after too long of waiting he finally gets to meet his favorite sugar daddy. And…Fuck, he’s prettier than any photo or video could do justice for. He’s only a couple inches taller than Elliott but that’s okay, Elliott swoons anyway. Mr. Sutton really is the best looking sugar daddy he’s ever had.

“Hello.” He greets, and fuck his English accent is even nicer in person. They’re meeting outside of the hotel Mr. Sutton’s staying at and where the event is being held.

“Hello, you’re Mr. Sutton, right?” Elliott confirms, looking the man over once more, it feels like a fever dream finally getting to meet him.

“And you’re Elliott. Nice to finally meet you, do I live up to your expectations?” Mr. Sutton asks with a laugh, holding his arms out slightly.

“Fuck yeah! I mean, yes, sir…Do I live up to yours?” Elliott’s suddenly self-conscious, worried he looks weird, worried the corset he wore over his dress shirt was too much, he just didn’t want to look too big.

“Of course, you’re everything I ever dreamed of and more, princess,” Mr. Sutton coos, tilting Elliott’s head up to look at him. “God, you’re perfect. I can’t bursa sınırsız escort wait to show you off.” That worked, that’s what he needed to hear, he wanted to be arm candy, he wanted to be Mr. Sutton’s pretty little baby he loves to show off.

Mr. Sutton does just that, he links their arms together and leads Elliott to the event room in the hotel, he walks as if he owns the place. Elliott’s just happy to be there, to finally be touching Mr. Sutton though he cannot wait until later, until they can actually fuck. The alcohol that was being passed around made it a little easier, even if Mr. Sutton stopped him after his third cocktail. He was more than happy to mingle, to let Mr. Sutton introduce him as his sugar baby unashamedly. It was fun to watch some of the older, more exec-looking men’s faces screw up because they wanted to say something nasty but couldn’t.

But he was also more than happy to get the fuck out of there, following Mr. Sutton out of the event to one of the elevators, kissing even as they step in and Mr. Sutton fumbles to hit one of the buttons. Maybe he’s so stupid and lonely that these are the best kisses he’s ever had or Mr. Sutton’s just that good. It could go either way really. “Fuck, you’re good.” He pants, whimpering a little when Mr. Sutton’s hands travel down his back to grope his ass.

“You’re better,” Mr. Sutton chuckles, grabbing Elliott’s hand instead to pull him down the hallway and to one of the rooms, holding a card to the handle, and slipped inside. As soon as the door shut he had Elliott against the door, hands making quick work of his blazer before moving onto the corset belt around his middle. “You’re fucking perfect, I can’t wait to fuck you.”

Elliott chuckled at that, flattering this beautiful, experienced older man would call him perfect. “Says you.” He’s near breathless, pushing at Mr. Sutton’s blazer as well but his hands are quickly pinned above his head.

“Come on now, no touching me without permission, alright?” Mr. Sutton stares into his eyes as he speaks, and it’s threatening in the sexiest way possible.

“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” He whispers, nodding gently, swooning harder at the smug grin that spreads across Mr. Sutton’s face.

“Good boy..You’ll continue to be good for me, right,” He got another nod and another quiet ‘yes, sir’. “Undress for me. I want to see you.” Mr. Sutton commanded swiftly, stepping away to sit in one of the armchairs in the room.

Elliott follows, stopping a few feet away to give Mr. Sutton a show as he stripped. He takes a deep breath before unbuttoning his shirt and lets it fall away. Mr. Sutton had seen him naked plenty of times, but it was different in person, it was way more real. Mr. Sutton didn’t say anything one way or another, so Elliott just continued, kicking his shoes off before pulling his pants off.

The lust was apparent, heavy and dark, in Mr. Sutton’s eyes as he took in Elliott’s full appearance in front of him. “Come here. What’s this, hm?” He questions, running his finger over the lace edging of the garter belt Elliott wore.

“They’re from Victoria’s Secret, from when I went shopping before you came here,” Elliott gasped when Mr. Sutton’s fingers brushed over his cock trapped by the lacy fabric. “‘m wearing makeup too, just mascara, wanted to be pretty for you, daddy.”

“You’re always pretty, baby, but I appreciate the effort,” One of Mr. Sutton’s hands moved to feel the smooth fabric of the stockings, slipping up to squeeze his thigh, admiring the way the elastic top squeezed the fat of his thighs. “You still want to do this?”

Elliott has half a mind to snap and curse at Mr. Sutton until he remembers he shouldn’t, that it’s in his best interest to stay nice for now at least. “Yes, I do. I want this more than anything, I’ve been waiting for this for so long. Daddy, please..” He falls easily when Mr. Sutton pulls him forward, into his lap, braces his hands on Mr. Sutton’s shoulders, eagerly presses their lips together.

Mr. Sutton’s hands dig into his ass, groping and squeezing him as they make out, sloppy and punctuated with breathy gasps for air and Elliott’s needy moans. He’s been with plenty of men no one even comes close to Mr. Sutton, maybe because most of the men he’s been with have been past middle age, dependent on pills to keep it up, maybe he’s just lonely and beyond needy and touch-starved but fuck he finds himself getting lost in Mr. Sutton’s kisses. It’s so cliche, so romance novel it’s not even funny.

“Please, daddy..” He whines, hands roaming Mr. Sutton’s chest.

“Please what, princess?” And fuck, he doesn’t know what he’s asking for either. It’s a coin toss between wanting Mr. Sutton to undress too, and just plain wanting the older man to rail him. He settles for the latter, he’s certain Mr. Sutton would refuse to undress, he’s that cocky type who wants to fuck in a full suit. Elliott doesn’t blame him, it’s hot being left in the skimpy women’s underwear while Mr. Sutton’s still fully dressed.

“Want you, daddy. Wanna ride you, need your big cock in my tight bursa escort bayan little ass..” He whispers into Mr. Sutton’s ear, listening to his sharp intake of breath. He’s perfected the needy little sub voice, it used to be so awkward, but now it’s near second nature, anything to get his way.

He couldn’t help but let out an embarrassing squeak when Mr. Sutton scoops him up in his arms, letting go with one hand to pull the duvet off the bed before dropping Elliott in the middle of the sheets. “On your hands and knees.” He smiled when Elliott easily obeyed, squirming into position. He didn’t have to wait long, Mr. Sutton stepped away to dig through his suitcases to find lube but was back quickly, kneeling behind Elliott, groping his ass before pulling his panties aside.

Elliott huffs quietly at the feeling of one long, slender, lube soaked finger slipping inside of him. He wanted to bark at Mr. Sutton, to tell him he could take more than that but he kept quiet. This was good enough, it was more than good enough, he still couldn’t believe he was actually with his daddy, that Mr. Sutton was about to fuck him.

“You’re taking my fingers so well, baby, I can’t wait to fuck you.. You’re doing so well.” Mr. Sutton praised in Elliott’s ear, drawing a breathy noise out of him when he slipped in another finger.

“Fuck, daddy! Mmf, your fingers are so big!” He whined happily, gripping at the sheets as he resisted the urge to pull his cock from his underwear and touch himself.

“Just wait for my cock, I’ll have you screaming your pretty little head off.” Mr. Sutton chuckled, kissing at Elliott’s neck, adding a third finger, drinking in every moan, every shudder that came from him.

He whined, burying his face into the pillows, trying his hardest not to buck his hips, but he wanted friction on his cock so bad. Elliott hadn’t been teased in too long, even when he sexted he didn’t actually follow the instructions, always masturbated at his leisure. Now though.. “Daddy! Ah, I’m gonna cum!” He cried out suddenly, the fingers swiftly pulling out of him, and he was stuck with nothing, teetering at the edge until he was forced to come back down without orgasming. Now, he had to listen to Mr. Sutton, had to listen to the command ‘Not yet princess, don’t cum’ purred so sweetly in his ear.

And, fuck, he forgot his love-hate relationship with edging. Because his panties and garter belt were being discarded and the fingers were back, along with a hot, wet palm against his cock. “So, so good for me.. You’re doing so well for daddy, such a good boy.” He cooed, nuzzling Elliott’s hair.

“Mmh! Thank you, daddy.. Just wanna be good for you…” Elliott tilted his head back, managing to capture Mr. Sutton’s lips in a quick kiss before he’s pressing his face back into the pillows, muffling a disappointed noise when all stimulation stopped again. It was torture in the best way possible, being right there but being denied the pleasure of tipping over the edge.

“I wonder just how much more you can take before I fuck you, hm? Do you think you can keep being good? You wanna cum on daddy’s cock right?” And like that Mr. Sutton was right back to touching him, rubbing one of his ears with a lube slick hand, which embarrassingly brought him even closer, got him bleating and moaning like nothing else.

It felt like forever when Mr. Sutton finally stopped teasing him, when he departed for towels quickly before coming back. “Can you take daddy’s cock out? My hands are too slippery.” Mr. Sutton chuckled, tossing a couple full sized towels on the bed while he wiped his hands off with a hand towel.

“Yes, sir,” Elliott rose on shaky knees, shuffling to the edge of the bed where Mr. Sutton stood. His hands shook as he unbuckled Mr. Sutton’s belt and unzipped and unbuttoned his slacks, the man’s cock quickly popping out much to Elliott’s amazement. The photos didn’t do this justice either, he was fucking packing. Elliott half wondered how he was able to keep that thing in his pants, how it wasn’t unbearably, painfully hard against the inside of his pants. But, a more pressing issue was on his mind. “Can I? Suck you off a little, not all the way, you can stop me whatever, I just-..” He trailed off a little when a hand tangled in his hair and pulled him closer, Mr. Sutton mumbling a quiet out-of-character ‘Yes, please’.

Elliott fought back a smug smile at that, he loved being able to break these men down, he loved when their character broke even for half a second. “You’re wetter than I am, does teasing me really make you this hard?” He couldn’t help but smile now, making eye contact with Mr. Sutton as he licked up the length of his cock, swiftly taking it in his mouth effectively shutting Mr. Sutton up from making whatever remark was on the tip of his tongue.

He didn’t usually get bratty on the first experience with a dom, he preferred to really get used to a man’s style before pulling out his inner bratty sub. But he talked to Mr. Sutton enough to gauge just how soft he is, and they’re far enough that he feels comfortable nilüfer escort enough talking to the man that way. Especially since Mr. Sutton does little besides twist his hand deeper into Elliott’s hair, forcing his cock further down his throat.

“God, the things I could do to you, the things you deserve..” He murmurs, brushing hair from Elliott’s eyes, hand loosening its grip in his hair enough for Elliott to pull back up, dragging his tongue up Mr. Sutton’s cock as he pulled off.

“We have the whole week together, daddy, you have more than enough time to show me all you want to do..” Elliott grins up at Mr. Sutton, loosely twisting his hand around his cock drawing a low sound from Mr. Sutton who clearly tried and failed to repress the noise. He wasn’t too fond of the doms who would force themselves to be quiet just to maintain that stupid lofty air of superiority they insisted upon, Elliott found the best men were the ones who could balance their own vulnerability while also putting him in his place.

Though, he does love the way Mr. Sutton bites his lip and gasps out a quiet little ‘fuck’ when Elliott sucks his tip back into his mouth, suckling on it while he jerked the rest of his cock off. He isn’t allowed to continue for too much longer when Mr. Sutton’s pulling his hair and forcing him off.

It’s a bit of an awkward shuffle that need not be mentioned but Elliott ends up on top of Mr. Sutton soon enough, Mr. Sutton’s hands on his hips guiding him down onto his cock. Elliott bottoms out with a whine, Mr. Sutton has probably the biggest cock of any of the men he’s been with, hard and unflagging, Elliott’s almost surprised by the older man’s virility. “You’re not- Fuck, you’re not on Viagra, are you?” He asks, laughing quietly at himself for having to ask that. He couldn’t help it, he hadn’t been with a man like Mr. Sutton before, he had to know.

Mr. Sutton’s face scrunches up as he laughs as well. “No! Of course not, what makes you think that?” He asks incredulously, a sly grin on his face regardless.

Elliott huffs a little, the fullness clouding his mind slightly, and he has to stay still to focus on talking to Mr. Sutton. “It’s just-..Most of the men I’ve been with have been on it.. Sorry for assuming.”

“It’s okay, puppy, I’m not offended. I’m flattered actually, at least I think I am.” Mr. Sutton chuckles again, the grin turning smug and proud of himself as he grinds up into Elliott, encouraging him to get a move on.

He does quickly, remembering he’s supposed to be riding the man and not just sitting on him and shuddering. He splays his hands over Mr. Sutton’s chest, whimpering quietly as he finds a decent pace, quickly growing comfortable with Mr. Sutton’s size and speeds up slightly.

“God, look at you.. So pretty, riding me so well, taking me like you were made to. Perfect little cocksleeve.” Mr. Sutton murmurs, pulling his hands away to leave all the work to Elliott.

Elliott whines, bucking up as one of Mr. Sutton’s hands curl around the base of his cock, reminding him not to cum. “Daddy..! Ah fuck, daddy, your cock is so big,” He whines, almost starting to struggle now with riding Mr. Sutton, his legs trembling as he bounced on the older man’s cock. “I fuckin’- I can’t..Please…”

“Please what, baby? What do you need?” Mr. Sutton asked with a grin, hands moving back to Elliott’s sides, knowing what he wanted but waited for him to say so before doing anything.

“Need you to fuck me.. Rail me into the sheets, anything..I just-Please, daddy, please..” He rambled, eyes shut tight as he tried to continue but just couldn’t. Mr. Sutton eased Elliott up and off his cock to flip their positions, Elliott falling into the mattress with a gasp.

“Like this?” Mr. Sutton asked, pressing one of Elliott’s legs over his shoulder, as he smeared his cock with more lube before pushing in again. He pauses for a moment to let Elliott adjust, to calm and relax around him, waiting for a nod and a quiet ‘uh-huh, ‘s good.’ before starting to move.

“Such a pretty boy and all mine,” Mr. Sutton praises lowly, hands roaming Elliott’s body, guiding his hands away from his cock with a stern look, Elliott catching on immediately not even needing to be told once.

“Sorry, daddy, just needy is all..Just wanna cum..” Elliott whined, nails digging into his palms as he kept his hands above his head.

“You should know better than to try and touch yourself, puppy,” Mr. Sutton chuckles, almost cruelly, brushing his fingers over Elliott’s cock. “Are you so far gone you’re not even thinking?”

“..Not yet, daddy, I’m okay I promise. I just wanna cum, need to so badly…” He isn’t thinking, not really, his head is so fuzzy and the only thing on his mind is the need to cum, the aching throb of his cock when Mr. Sutton wraps his fingers around the base of it.

Mr. Sutton hums, thrusts picking up again as he jerks Elliott’s cock. “I guess I could let you cum, you’d like that, huh,” He chuckles, watching Elliott’s face, how flushed red he was, drool running down his chin, ears pulled back in distress. “Though, I suppose it wouldn’t be very satisfying if I worked you right up to the edge…Just like this, and then ripped my hand away so you had to cum without anything touching your poor needy cock.” He mused with a grin, pace coming to a halt as he pulled his hand away from Elliott’s cock, edging him again, not giving him enough to cum. It was such a close thing though.

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