Lots about Me Ch. 17: Tied Up





I’m kneeling on the floor in front of the bedroom mirror. The lights are off, and there’s candles, and I’m wearing sexy undies, just because I want this to be all romantic.

You stand behind me, and put a scarf around my neck. It’s silky, all slippery soft, and feels unbearable sexy as you put it around my neck.

You do that carefully. You stand behind me, and loop it carefully around me. So there there’s one tight circle around my neck, close against my skin, and the ends go out to either side of me. Then you hold the ends, one in each hand, and pull.

The scarf tightens. Enough I can’t breathe completely easily. Enough I want to swallow, and get a weird coughy sensation of having pressure on my neck, but not being able to do anything about it.

You watch my face in the mirror, and pull on the scarf. The mirror is there so I can see you while you’re standing behind me, and so you can see me too, for sexy, and for safety as well. Safety, so this doesn’t go too far.

You stand there, and pull on the scarf, and choke me, and I masturbate while you do.

I masturbate, and look up into your görükle escort bayan eyes, and want you desperately. I lean back against your legs, and feel you there. I rub myself, and gasp to breathe.

I make myself come, leaning back onto you, watching you, while you hold the scarf all slippery tight around my neck. I come, and then you let me go, and then we get on the bed and fuck. And I lick you out twice, just because I want you so much after that.




I’m kneeling on the floor, licking you out, and we’re doing some kind of kinky bondage sex thing. I’m tied up, although I can’t remember exactly how, except that my arms are tied behind me and are maybe tied to my ankles, too, so I have to kneel. Maybe. I’m not sure.

I’m naked, anyway, or mostly naked, like maybe with only undies still on, so naked enough for it to matter, and I’m tied up, and licking you out. We’ve been doing a lot of tied-up oral lately, for some reason.

And also, we’re at your place, which is a share house, and your housemates are home, but we’re doing this anyway.

I’m bursa otele gelen escort licking, slowly, and you’re standing over me and helping hold me up against yourself. You’re stroking my face, too, and smiling at me. I can’t even remember what you’re wearing, or if you are, but I remember your smile, and how you taste, and I remember me being tied up.

Then someone knocks on your bedroom door.

You take yourself away from my mouth, and push your skirt down. Or put jeans on, maybe. I can’t quite remember, perhaps because I’m kind of panicking a bit too much to pay attention. Panicking, because I’m actually tied up, like enough I can’t get free on my own, and this is a small room with nowhere in it to hide.

You get yourself dressed, and decent, and then look at me on the floor. You see me nervous, and start to grin.

I remember your grin too. It was kind of a nasty grin.

Then you put tape over my mouth.

I remember that tape, because it was so wrong and dark and sexy, you doing that. And because it didn’t stick properly, because my mouth was wet from you.

We’d been using tape bursa escort bayan to tie me up sometimes, or gag me like this, because it was quick and wrong and kind of sexy. So you tape my mouth, and leave me there, and then go over to the door.

I don’t know what to do. I’m in plain view. I’m right there. I’m naked enough for it to matter, and I’m really obviously tied up as well.

I want to try and shriek to you no, don’t you dare. I want to, but I can’t because the tape’s over my mouth. And I don’t want to make weird noises either, that get anyone’s attention.

It’s too late. You open the door.

You open it, but only a little, and lean on it, so no-one can see in or get in. You stand there and talk to your housemate and I have no idea about what. I honestly can’t remember because I was so busy being scared and embarrassed. I’m breathless and dry-mouthed and scared, and utterly mortified at the idea of being caught like this.

You talk, and the housemate talks, and then you say give you a few minutes and close the door. You tell me they’re going out, and we’re going too, but first we’re finishing this.

Then you take the tape off my mouth.

I tell you you’re an asshole and that was an awful thing to do, and you just grin, and pull my mouth back against yourself and tell me to make you come.

So I do.

You come, and then untie me, and let me get dressed again, but you make me wait all night to come myself, until we get back home again, and that waiting is sexy too.

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