Aunt Julie

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This story has been published elsewhere by me.

(This story is inspired by the superb sleepy fetish story Aunt Julie by Victor)

5:25 P.M.,

Wisconsin Airport (C-Way),

April 2020,

My name’s Scott Gershwin and I just want to say that Aunt Julie isn’t really my aunt as I only learned to call Julie that from my parents and Julie herself. It was a nice affectionate name that always made me feel comfortable around Julie when I was growing up. She’s always been such a close friend to my parents. Whenever my parents needed a babysitter for me and my elder brother, Isaac, if Julie wasn’t busy, me and Isaac could go across to Julie and her husband, Peter’s house. Where we would play PS2 games or watch Simpsons episodes.

Julie Curtis is a tall six foot one and about thirty years older than me but I think she still looks incredible. Julie exercises a lot and eats healthily, she even dyes her short spiky hair. She and Peter had raised two kids who now had grown lives elsewhere and kids of their own. One of my fondest childhood memories is being scared by Julie’s Halloween costume while she handed us all candy at her door. Even though my parents didn’t celebrate Halloween, they let me and Isaac join the other kids going door to door in costume. Julie’s an airline pilot and flies across the world, while Peter had worked as a research scientist. About a year ago, Julie lost him when he had a sudden cerebral haemorrhage.

We all missed Pete and grieved with feeling the loss and emptiness from his passing. I came back from college for Peter’s funeral yet I couldn’t believe he was gone. Between visits from college, I hadn’t seen much of Aunt Julie and I thought about her a lot. My mom told me Julie seemed to be coping well and keeping busy flying huge 777X-9’s.

A week before graduation day, my girlfriend Sarah had broken up with me by email. We’d had problems because of our long distance relationship, which I thought Sarah and me could resolve. But Sarah’s own studies and graduation put a strain on us both, she explained. Sarah’s other reason for our breakup was because I liked to stay in too much and didn’t go out as much as Sarah loved to.

Today had been my graduation day and now my parents, Herschel and Gemma, told me dad’s brother Morrie was hospitalized with a viral infection in Tucson. So they had to fly there and so here we are at C-Way with Issac and my eight year old sister, Taylor, as we see off our parents. Isaac’s gonna be driving us back to the house in dad’s SUV and I’m already dreading seeing him in charge. I know Isaac’s gonna invite over friends and work buddies from his accounting firm for a weekend party even though mom and dad specifically told him he can’t. Isaac’ll just threaten me not to tell. Though even if I did, mom and dad would come back too exhausted to do much about it. I just want to get home, get some food and sleep in my room but what chance is there of a quiet night with Isaac’s thumping party going on? At least Taylor will be away from the noise sleeping over at her best friend’s house a few doors down from us.

With everything that’s happened, I can barely process any of this because it all seems like a waking nightmare or something.

I’m standing with my family a few feet away from the check in desk when I see Aunt Julie walking over. I see her first and she smiles as I wave hi. Julie’s wearing her Captain’s hat, uniform and aviator sunglasses, she says bye to the air stewards and co-pilot she’s walking with. Julie comes over and parks her luggage bag upright. Hugs are exchanged and Aunt Julie kisses my cheek as my parents tell her the whole story. I feel restless as they talk at great but necessary length and all I wanna do is go home and try to forget about Sarah dumping me, graduation stress and everything else.

Aunt Julie’s dark brown eyes settle on me while she’s listening to my dad talk and I could sense she knew what I was feeling. Julie smiled to me and I blushed a little, the noise around me seemed to quieten. I felt drained watching my parents then go catch their flight. Taylor’s upset and Julie’s the first to notice and comforts her, getting Taylor to smile and laugh. Isaac’s ready to drive home, but Julie sees my tension and fear. Julie offers to drive me back in her Chevy Impala. All I do is say to Aunt Julie how Isaac’s in charge and she knows what’ll happen. Out of kindness, Julie offers me her spare guest bedroom to sleep in. I’m a little shocked but it sounds very tempting to get some much needed rest, so I agree. Issac says okay and all four of us walk through the airport to the parking garage. Julie’s car is parked on the next level, so I wave bye to Issac and Taylor. Issac puts on a loud heavy metal track until Taylor screams at him and he changes the music to easy listening before driving off.

Aunt Julie had taken off her aviators and she looks to me, “So, how was college?” She asked.

“Confusing, boring, overwhelming, the usual I guess.”

“Hm, honesty. I like that. Come on.” almanbahis giriş Julie asked, walking with me to the elevators. “You know, you’ve changed a lot.”

“Well a lot of people, including my girlf-…I mean ex-girlfriend now, think I’m immature.”


“It’s okay, thanks.”

“Actually, you seem more mature than most guys I know. Her loss. I’m glad this isn’t you know an awkward moment.” Julie said and pushed the elevator button.

“Me too.”

“Am I talking too much? I’ll shut up now.”

“No, no, please it’s fine. I…I like talking with you.” I said and Julie smiled to me.

The elevator doors opened and we got in. The elevator rose up and my stomach turned over. The floor pulling me down in a spinning vacuum, I almost vomited before the doors opened. I stumbled out to rest my body and face against a concrete wall.

“You alright?” Aunt Julie asked and I nodded.

“Yeh…I’m okay, this is happening a lot lately. Weird stuff going on, vivid dreams.”

Aunt Julie rubbed at my back and left shoulder, “I know what you mean. I had one last night. I dreamt a man, a passenger I’d never met was thanking me for a nice flight. I was accepting something else though… Something amazing.”

“Sounds like a dream I had a few days ago. I guess it’s just a coincidence.” I said and stood up to walk with Aunt Julie to her car.

Aunt Julie unlocked her Impala, putting her hat, luggage and tote bag on the back seat. She got in first and asked me to sit in front beside her. The nice smell of faux leather car seats, ozone and warm skin assailed my nostrils to wake me up as I awkwardly buckled myself in. The sun was disappearing during bright magic hour, so Julie put her aviators back on while driving. Julie grimaced at a news report on the radio, instead selecting her own MP3 music selection.

“First thing I’m gonna do is take a shower. Then get some real food.” Julie told me.

“Uh hm. What’s it like flying a plane though?”

“Cruising at plus seventy thousand feet, you feel the aircraft’s weight in your hands along with the passengers.” Julie now smiled, “The upper ionosphere’s clear at night and the sky is filled with stars. Seeing them on a return journey’s a joy.”

“Wow, thanks, thank you.” I said.

“You’re welcome.”

I was fascinated with watching Julie’s ardent driving concentration; the movements of her head and neck to check directions, the way she quietly gasped and sometimes swore at other vehicles around us.

I was hungry by the time we pulled into Julie’s driveway and parked. After I got out to stretch aching limbs, I helped Julie bring her luggage into the house. The moment the door opened, Jack, her beautiful and huge Siberian Husky came bounding over from Wilma, her next door neighbour’s open front door. Jack, she told me was named after one of her favourite authors, Jack London. Jack was overjoyed since he’d missed Julie while she’d been gone for the last four days. Julie hugged and made a fuss of him. Wilma came over to chat with Julie and me. Jack seemed as hungry as I was because he galloped inside, stopping only to sniff at Julie’s luggage bag to catch the scent of faraway places. Julie explained a lot of what had happened to Wilma and I felt like a lot of attention was on me. Taking my leave, I went home to get my toothbrush and toothpaste, change of clothing.

I got what I needed and on my way out, I escorted Taylor to her best friend’s for her sleepover. Rowdy guests were already arriving for Issac’s party and I was glad to be away from that noise. At Julie’s house, I rang the bell and Jack excitedly ran up to the front door as Julie opened the door for me. I put my bags in the hallway and I saw her hair was slightly loose, her long shirt sleeves undone.

I hadn’t been in her house for years and some things had changed. My heart felt sadness when I once again saw Peter’s happy smiling face in a framed photo alongside many other different framed photos on the hallway wall.

“I miss Pete everyday. Jack does too. Sometimes I find Jack staring at pictures of him.” Aunt Julie told me then gave me a short tour of the ground floor rooms. Jack had to stay outside of the locked garage while we went inside. Julie put on the LED lights and I could smell traces of disinfectant and chemicals in the air. There were large square cardboard boxes stacked around a scientific work bench. On it were glass tubes and beakers, measuring jugs, gazillions of reusable plastic pipettes inside silicone mugs. I noticed assorted papers around a switched off PC and a laptop beside the computer.

“This’s my second job: I send out Crisper Cas-9 Gene Editing Kits to online clients. They tell me exactly what they need and I prepare the kit for them. Science was my study major before I decided to become a pilot. You never really forget, I guess.” Julie said and explained the technology a little bit for me.

“Have you…”

“No, no, no. I haven’t tried Crisper myself yet.” Julie almanbahis adres said with a small laugh.

My attention was drawn to the quietly humming Lec Medical ISU square counter top refrigerator. Aunt Julie unlocked and opened it for me. A purple UV sterilizing light lit the inside and I shivered with the tickling cold coming out. On the Lec’s inside floor were rows of sealed glass lab tubes and sealed petri dishes. While on the upright shelf I saw several 100ml and 50ml amber brown glass bottles. Some had red or yellow hard plastic hexagon or rounded bottle tops. There was one 100ml amber bottle that caught my attention… Behind a bottle of Isopropyl Alcohol, my heart skipped a beat out of fear. I saw a lab chemical company logo: SOMNI CHEMICAL COMPANY and below that, two separate skull and X Toxic warnings in black on separate orange squares on the hard paper label. Written in the label’s middle was: CHLOROFORM. CHLOROFORME CHCI3. 99.99 Purity ReAgent for laboratory analysis only the label warned in big bold black lettering. All I could think about was a long held childhood thrill of seeing kidnappings on TV shows. I used to fantasize about those scenes… What was it like to be chloroformed? What does Chloroform smell like? Why do their yells of complaint under the Chloroform cloth become sensual groans as they pass out so quickly? The old vibraphone music sound effect in those kidnapping scenes make chloroforming look so soft and sensual as the soporific drug takes effect… The onscreen blur effect coupled with the vibraphone’s sensual tone always made me jealous of those women and men getting chloroformed. What kind of dreams did Wonder Woman have after being chloroformed? Was it like the swirling colours I saw when at the dentists getting Nitrous? Or when I had surgery; all those injections with oxygen before I woke up and couldn’t remember what happened?

My throat felt dry so I gulped down moisture, still staring at the Chloroform bottle. Aunt Julie noticed my fascination, “Chloroform. I use a small amount to clean surfaces. Here…let me show you.” Julie said and I couldn’t believe this was happening when I watched her take out the heavy Isopropyl bottle. The Isopropyl bottle’s ribbed glass slightly gritty and papered underside scraped the Lec refrigerator’s metal top a little. Aunt Julie then carefully pulled out with both hands the 100ml heavy amber glass bottle of CHLOROFORM for me and closed the refrigerator. It seemed unreal with Julie holding the bottle inches near to me… Everything about the bottle of chloroform looked dangerous, from it’s warning label to the indented hard red plastic bottle top. The heavy clear looking liquid inside the bottle was almost filled near the top as a little had already been used recently…

Touching at the curve of the refrigerated amber glass by the warning label, words spilled out of me. “Wh…what’s this stuff. You know. W…what’s it smell like?”

“Like very strong starter fluid. A quick inhale stings, clears the sinuses. While about fifty parts per million of this stuff’s enough to kill. Chloroform’s too dangerous to use as an inhational anesthetic. These days we use faster acting, safer anesthetics like Isoflurane or Sevoflurane. In the beginning all we had was Henbane and Mandragora, distilled alcohol, Diethyl Ether, before discovering Chloroform. Chloroform’s still heavily used to make other chemicals, clothing, in water purification and in manufacturing. But it’s very dangerous stuff.” Aunt Julie said and smiled still noticing my rapt fascination. “Here, you can still smell small traces on the bottle cap.” Julie brought the Chloroform bottle cap to my nostrils and my sinuses cleared, picking faint traces of a smell that reminded me of solvent adhesive. Julie pulled the cap away from my nostrils.

“See, it’s a very strong sweet smell. Yes.” Julie was lost in thought for a moment. “In case you’re wondering, Chloroforming someone takes longer than in movies or on TV.”

“Oh.” I said and thought about the Chloroform’s soporific power… Would it help me sleep better, would it help me forget Sarah breaking my heart? I thought about this and I couldn’t help daydreaming about Aunt Julie chloroforming me with a saturated cloth over my nose and mouth… Mmmphing in distress, passing out…

Remembering Julie’s laughter at that pool barbecue three years ago and how amazingly sexy she looked in her two piece bathing suit. Her beautiful round D Cup breasts almost ready to spill out of her swimsuit top made me thankful to the plastic surgeon who gave Julie those magnificent implants. After her swim with others in the pool, Julie smiled contentedly wearing her sunglasses on her floating sun lounger as I swam over to hand her a beer. I thought how fortunate Pete was to be her husband and I masturbated that night thinking about Julie. And now, Julie’s warm, curvy body stood beside me… So close I could catch the subtle store bought perfume on her skin along with traces of soap and deodorant. I didn’t almanbahis adres realize I was so turned on until my cock sprang to attention through my boxers to my jeans. My balls ached with arousal and I could feel sticky pre-cum oozing out my cock to wet my boxers.

“You alright?” Julie asked, seeing me sweat.

“Uh hm. Yeh. Thanks.”

It was obvious to me that Aunt Julie knew how sexually aroused I was… I expected her to slap me or yell at me, but instead she just cleared her throat with a small cough. Both of us felt a bit awkward I guess because it got quiet. I moved back a little to let Aunt Julie put away the Chloroform and Isopropyl bottles. Julie closed the refrigerator and the small gap between our bodies disappeared with a surprise for us both as Julie accidentally backed up and nudged against my groin with her butt. We both immediately laughed it off and I told myself it was an accident and that Aunt Julie hadn’t felt my hard cock.

After we left the garage, Aunt Julie went upstairs to take a shower and get changed into casual clothes. Remembering the physical sensation of bumping into Julie’s body was constantly on my mind and I had to concentrate. Jack helped me cook a nice meal and while it was cooking I figured out how to put on the TV. Even though I was tired I played with Jack while glancing back sporadically to the distracting TV screen. Julie came back now wearing skinny jeans and a purple sweater, her short spiky hair was still a little damp but I thought looked adorable. The food was soon ready and we sat down to eat at the kitchen table while Jack ate his own food. Julie got up to answer the phone and came back. I reminded myself to call or at least text mom and dad later. Julie got us both beers and we drank from the bottle, chatting before finishing our plates.

We bumped into each other again when I rinsed then put the dishes and cutlery in the dishwasher. I had my stuff in the spare bedroom and Julie put on lights to show me the nice big spare room double bed. Julie’s socked foot nudged closed the third bedside cabinet drawer that was empty. Fresh bits of paper detritus were on the carpet leading from the drawer. I noticed there were circular notches on all four wooden bed posts…

We went downstairs to sit down to watch an episode of 1980s era The Equalizer. Jack yawned and lay across the big spare sofa so he could nap.

Aunt Julie and I talked a little and then she propped up her head on her palm. Her brown eyes studying me closely.

“Hi.” I awkwardly offered.

“Scott, do you get lonely sometimes?”

“Yeah. Everyone does, I guess.”

“Do you think I’m attractive?”


Hearing me admit this, Julie Curtis rose up slightly and padded across the sofa until her body was beside me. We were face to face now and I felt something had changed while I also felt weak yet eager to please her. Julie’s right hand caressed my arm through my shirt.

“I like you too. We’re both adults and I know I’m a little older than probably most women you’ve known. Let’s just forget about that.”

“Oh. Okay. I do like you a lot, Aunt Julie. I always have.”

“I know. Call me Julie, hm?” She asked and her face leaned into mine for a long beautiful kiss that I reciprocated. My eyes closed as I felt Julie sit over my lap, when I welcomed her warm tounge into my mouth I got hard. Julie felt my straining cock down there and her lips kissed me harder. My own tounge probed against Julie’s inside my mouth. I felt her cool but warming fingers on both sides of my face and I willingly gave myself in that moment to Julie.

“I’ll never tell…an-” I said between kisses.

“Ssh. I know.” Julie said, groaning softly and inhaling a long breath just as I did.

I caressed Julie’s back with both palms and it was wonderful to feel the fullness of a woman’s body once again. My right hand slid down until fondling Julie’s covered ass cheek and then squeezed. Julie moaned appreciably at my touch.

“Keep holding my butt like that…Yeah, like that. Oh…Mm.” Julie asked and I gave her my free hand, she sucked on my fingers then I guided my hand’s wet fingers between our bodies. Moving my hand under her sweater and under her bra, her body quivered as my palm began cupping and squeezing her soft D Cup breast. I gently squeezed her erect nipple between fingers and Julie emitted a short gasp of pleasure.

“Like that?” I asked.

“Yesss.” Julie replied, breathing faster. Her pupils widening as we stared longingly into each other’s eyes. Julie showed me just enough of what her soul wanted, needed, craved and I think so did I.

Julie’s face leaned in to take deep long reciprocated kisses. “You’re a great kisser. Lots of experience, I can tell.” Julie told me.

“Mm hm, thanks.” I said and slid my hand to massage Julie’s other breast. Julie’s thighs squeezed tighter around my own thighs in response. She kissed at my neck and I giggled uncontrollably as tips of her tickling hair wisped against my ear and jaw.

Julie’s own hands moved from my face to go between our bodies and awkwardly push up from my waist beneath my shirt. I gasped feeling the heat from both of Julie’s hands cupping over my own nipples to squeeze them. Julie now turned to look into my face and we kissed.

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