Up In the Air

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***All characters are over 18 and are fictional. Any resemblance to any real-life persons or situations is purely coincidental.

Authors note: Apologies to flight attendants everywhere if the portrayal of the ones in this story don’t live up to the standards and practices of your profession.


Sean felt like he was literally in hell. He was starting to suspect that his plane had arrived on time, but it crashed and he was sent to hell, where he was going to spend all of eternity stuck in the airport where everything was going wrong. The airport bar was closed, there was no good place to eat, the unusual number of children running around were being extra annoying, the lobby was overcrowded, creating a very potent musky smell of everyone’s body odor, just to name a few things.

But he knew this wasn’t hell, this was just an airport in Los Angeles, where he found himself stuck because of a series of delays.

The first delay was because the flight crew needed extra rest time because they were working continuously for a long period of time. According to FAA rules, they needed downtime to rest up so they could fly the plane fully rested. Sean understood this reason; it was all for the safety of the passengers on board.

Then there was an issue of ice forming on the engines that they needed to defrost. Then there was a delay in getting the plane refueled, which Sean didn’t understand why they didn’t do this earlier. Then there was a weather situation in their flight path that they had to wait out.

They eventually got on the plane, but by then it was close to midnight. The plane was originally set to take off at 830pm, but now they would be arriving in New York from LA very early in the morning, throwing off their original plans. If he wasn’t so desperate to get back to New York he would’ve just changed flights for the next day.

He could probably handle all of that if he wasn’t stuck in this situation with his bitchy wife, Beth. The longer the planes were delayed, and the more they had to deal with the problems in the airport, the more horrible it became for him, and there was nothing he could do about it. She was constantly complaining, usually about the same thing over and over again. She was cursing out people, and he had to apologize for her to avoid any confrontations, and she was berating him over every detail she could think of.

He counted twelve times already that she had him go up to the counter to ask for any updates on the delays, which annoyed the airline employees very much. He was annoyed by it too, but it gave him a few minutes away from Beth each time he did it.

She wasn’t always like this. When they first met at the law firm where he worked, she was the sweetest person he had ever met. She was kind to everyone, liked to joke around, was very charitable, and on top of all that, she was the prettiest person he had ever met. Little did he know it was all an act.

He started seeing signs of how terrible she could be in the weeks leading up to their wedding; he just thought she was being a bit of a bridezilla and would settle down when the wedding was over. She did calm down during the honeymoon, but as soon as they got back home, she slowly worked her way up to being a top-level bitch.

He tried to break it off with her a few times before, but she threatened to ruin his life in the divorce. Her father was also a senior partner in the law firm he worked at. Not only did he help to create an ironclad prenup for Sean and Beth to sign, he would fire him on the spot and use every resource at his disposal to ruin his life personally and professionally. Sean knew he could do this because he had seen him do this to other people before. He was a powerful man with a lot of connections, and he was not afraid to use them to his advantage when he wanted to.

He was constantly planning a way out of the marriage and had some ideas that he could use. But for now, he was stuck in this marriage with her until he could figure out a way out of it. But at the moment, he was willing to settle for a few hours of peace when his wife fell asleep on the plane ride, and he wouldn’t have to listen to her.


The passengers were not happy as they boarded the plane. Emily put on her best smile for them, something she was basically trained for in her job as a flight attendant. She guided the passengers as best she could throughout the plane to get them ready for takeoff. The passengers were all unhappy about the delays that occurred, but fortunately for Emily, it was late at night and they were too tired to complain too much about it. She knew that it would be closer to 12 a.m. before they took off, so she was sure that many of them would fall asleep during the trip. If it wasn’t for that timeframe, many of them would be awake enough to chew her out about the delays as if it was her fault.

As she made her way throughout the different classes of the cabin, she helped the passengers with whatever they needed and answered İstanbul Escort their questions as best she could. After helping an elderly couple with their seatbelts, she saw a guy trying to shove two luggage in the overhead compartment despite the fact they couldn’t fit together in that one small space.

Emily recognized that guy from the waiting room at the airport. She noticed him because he looked vaguely familiar to her, but couldn’t figure out where she knew him from. She just assumed that he was a frequent flyer that she must’ve seen before.

She also remembered that he was with his wife, who was throwing tantrums, and he was trying to calm her down. She felt bad for him; she didn’t know who he was, but she could tell that he had a lot to deal with that crazy woman.

“Excuse me, sir,” she said, trying to get his attention. “Those won’t be able to fit in the overhead together like that. The smaller piece of luggage can fit under your seat.”

“Thank you, miss,” he replied.

“I don’t want it under the seat,” his wife snapped back at him. “It would feel too clunky under there.”

“I can put it under my seat,” he told her.

“Thanks a lot, Sean. Make me look stupid in front of the help.”

Emily didn’t like being called “help” in that tone of voice, but didn’t say anything about it. She walked away as the man began putting the luggage under his seat. She hadn’t gone too far away when she suddenly remembered who he was, thanks to his wife’s mentioning his name.

“Sean Thompson?” she asked.

“That’s me,” he replied. “Do I know you?”

“It’s me, Emily Taylor,” she said with a very enthusiastic smile.

Sean suddenly remembered who she was. It was his ex-girlfriend from high school.

They both hugged and greeted each other. It had been 15 years since they last saw each other; they both pretty much looked the same, but with some distinct differences.

Sean used to have much longer hair, like a rockstar, and he was more muscular back then. He now sported a standard short haircut. He had lost some of that muscle mass now, but was still very lean and kept in shape.

Emily, on the other hand, had much shorter hair back then instead of the long black hair she has now. She also had a rebellious, gothic look going back then when she wore dark makeup and had multiple piercings on each ear, a nose ring and an eye brow ring. She phased out of that look sometime after high school. By the time she became a flight attendant several years later, she wore regular makeup, had her hair grown out, and had stopped wearing all of those piercings.

Now that they got a better look at each other, they were surprised by how much they had changed since then. Sean still thought she looked very beautiful, and he had to admit the flight attendant uniform made her look very sexy.

They spent a few minutes catching up with each other when his wife interrupted him.

“Would you stop flirting with the help?” said Beth. “She has peanuts to pass around or whatever it is that she does around here.”

As usual, Emily didn’t say anything. She just said her goodbyes to Sean and went back to work.


A half hour later, they were up in the air, making their six-hour nonstop flight to New York. The lights were dim throughout the cabin, and Emily helped pass out pillows. She felt fortunate that she was on the other side of the aisles, so she didn’t have to come across Sean’s wife again. She did see one of her fellow attendants and close friends, Tara, come up to them to offer them pillows. Emily couldn’t see what Sean’s wife said to Tara, but from Tara’s reaction in her face, she could tell it wasn’t good. She also saw on Sean’s face that he was embarrassed by what his wife had said.

She met up with Tara, another attendant, in the back of the plane, getting things ready for the rest of the trip. A few minutes later, Tara joined them.

“There’s always one bad egg on every flight,” said Tara. “But that bitch in business class is just rotten as hell.”

“Are you talking about that one with the cute husband?” Suzy asked. “I feel bad for that guy. He seems nice, but it looks like he’s stuck with her.”

“The husband’s name is Sean. I used to date him back in high school,” Emily revealed.

Tara and Suzy stopped everything they were doing.

“Oh, please tell us that story,” said Tara.

“We dated for the last half of our senior year. He was a really cool guy back then, and we had a lot of fun.”

“What kind of fun are we talking about?” Suzy asked, hoping to hear something very juicy.

Emily leaned in close to them. “He took my virginity on prom night.”

They both got very excited when Tara said that.

“No way, he was your first?” asked Suzy.

Emily smiled and nodded. Her friends pressed her for details of that night, but she kept it vague and said she was more than satisfied. She then explained how they continued to date during the summer after they graduated, but Bayan Escort he had a scholarship for a college in another part of the country. They weren’t in love with each other, so the breakup was mutual, although a little heartbreaking because they did like each other.

“I can see what you might’ve liked about him,” said Tara. “He’s very cute and seems like a very nice guy. I can’t see why someone like him is with a woman like that.”

“I don’t understand either. Back in high school, he would never have put up with this.”

“That bitch probably conned him,” said Suzy.

Tara saw the look on Emily’s face. She could see that she still liked him in some kind of way. She also knew that Emily hadn’t dated someone in quite some time, ever since she broke it off with her cheating fiancé, so that meant she probably hadn’t gotten laid during that time either. At that moment, she had an idea of how to help both Emily and Sean at the same time.

“This may sound like a crazy idea for you, but it’s been a while since you had a bathroom visitor, if you know what I mean,” said Tara with a wicked smile.

“Ooh, that sounds like a great idea,” said Suzy. “Inviting him into the mile high club is just what the both of you need.”

Emily looked surprise.

“You’re kidding me,” said Emily. “He’s married.”

“And not happy about it,” said Suzy.

“That’s not an excuse.”

“Oh, come one, it’s been a while for you, we all know that,” said Tara.

“Seriously, you and your ex-boyfriend broke it off six months ago,” Suzy chimed in. “I know you two were together for a few years, but you need to move on and have some fun already.”

There were a few times over the years that Emily and a few of the other flight attendants would use the bathroom for a little fun in the sky. Sometimes they would take a passenger, who was often a person they were already involved with. Other times it was one of the pilots, or in some rare cases, both. There had been some male flight attendants over the years; they didn’t all sleep with their female coworkers, but a few lucky ones did. Tara told Emily that she once knew two female flight attendants who were in a lesbian relationship and liked to hookup during flights; they once boasted that they’d done that for twenty flights in a row.

Emily thought about it for a moment. She hadn’t had sex in a long time, and hadn’t done this in the air in years. But the idea of doing something like this again with an old flame was very appealing to her.

The passengers were falling asleep, so there was a good chance that she wouldn’t be noticed. Also, Sean’s seat wasn’t too far from one of the bathrooms, so he could sneak there and back with ease if it was all done right.

“You ladies have my back, right?” Emily inquired.

Both of her friends were very joyful.

“You know we do, babe,” Tara replied.

Emily went over a few details with them. Whenever flight attendants do this kind of thing, it always works best when they have some help. They need someone to cover their duties, be on the lookout for people who might be suspicious of what’s going on and deflect that suspicion, those sorts of things.

There was still a chance that Sean wouldn’t go for it. Just because his wife’s a bitch doesn’t mean he’s the type who would cheat. But it was still a chance worth taking.

When Emily was sure the time was right, she sprang into action.


Emily waited another hour to make sure most of the passengers in the area were asleep. There were still a few who were awake, but they were busy reading or looking at their phones. She was fortunate that this flight was delayed by several hours and was now flying in the middle of the night, and they would dim the lights in the cabin for everyone to sleep. This would’ve been a lot harder to do during the day when the lights were on and everyone was awake, as there would’ve been too many passengers to attend to.

The first thing she did was to make sure that Sean’s wife was asleep. She made her rounds around the business class and came by Sean’s seat. She was happy to see that his wife was fast asleep. She and Sean smiled at each other as she walked past him. At that moment, she dropped a folded note on his lap and just continued walking.

Sean was a little surprised to be getting a note from an ex-girlfriend of his. He looked over at Beth and saw that she was still sleeping, which made him relieved that she didn’t see that happening. He opened the note and was even more surprised by what he was reading.

Meet me in the bathroom nearby in exactly 15 minutes. The middle one on the right-hand side. So that I’ll know it’s you, knock three times, then twice, and then three more times. I’ll only wait ten minutes for you. If you don’t show up, I’ll understand

Sean heard about this kind of thing from other people. He had a few friends boast about joining the mile-high club, but they were on private jets, where there was more privacy. This Eskort was a cramped airplane where they could be heard if they make enough noise.

He contemplated what he should do. He had his chances like this before, but he was never a cheater. He was sure that Beth had cheated on him a few times before, there were definite signs of it, but he could never prove it.

At the same time, he and Beth hadn’t had sex in almost two months, and he was really horny. He knows that’s not a good enough excuse to cheat, but he couldn’t resist the temptation.

There was also the big risk of his wife waking up and looking for him. She would probably assume he was in the bathroom, but not think he was fooling around with someone in there.

He was running out of time to make up his mind. It had been fifteen minutes already, and he was sure that Emily was in the bathroom waiting for him. According to the note, she was only going to give him ten more minutes before she left.

He started to remember the good times they had together in high school. Not just for the sex they had; they really enjoyed each other’s company. He didn’t think Emily was going to start something up again; he knew this was obviously a one-time hookup situation. But it was still a once in a lifetime opportunity.

He put the note in his pocket, looked at his wife to make sure she was still asleep, and slowly got out of his seat. He looked around to make sure no one noticed him using the restroom; fortunately, it was late at night and most of the passengers were sleeping. He also felt lucky that he was seated close to the bathrooms, so it made for a quick trip to that section.

There were three on each side, and he found the middle one on the right-hand side according to the note. He then gave that special knock he was told to use, and a few seconds later, the door opened.

Emily was there with a big smile on her face, and Sean smiled back. Any hesitation he had left in him was suddenly gone.

He walked inside the bathroom, and Emily closed the door behind him. The bathroom was a very small space, like most airplane bathrooms, and with the two of them being there, there wasn’t a lot of wiggle room.

“Will we be caught in here?” Sean asked.

“Isn’t that risk part of the fun?” she replied. “But we still have to be very quiet about this. We don’t want to risk waking up a passenger.”

“I’ll do my best. I’ve never fucked in a plane bathroom before; it’s so cramped in here.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll guide you through it.”

“What happens if there’s turbulence?” Sean asked.

“If done right, it could work well to our advantage,” she replied with a small giggle.

They began kissing. Neither one of them had kissed someone in months, and they were enjoying every moment of it. Their hands roamed each other’s bodies, enjoying the nostalgia of how their bodies used to feel for each other when they were together all those years ago. Sean gave her ass a nice big grasp; it was incredibly firm, unlike his wife’s ass that had gotten bigger in the last couple of years.

Emily began by taking off the top part of her uniform, letting it hang off the waist band of her skirt. She did the same thing with her black bra, pulling it down from her shoulder straps. Sean looked amazed at seeing her naked large C-cup breasts, as if it was the first time he had ever seen a naked woman. He kissed her again as he grabbed at her tits.

Emily got down on her knees, with Sean moving back as best as he could to give her room in that cramped space they were in. She quickly took off his pants and boxers, impressing Sean with how fast she was able to do this. His cocks sprang up in her face, and she didn’t waste any time taking it into her mouth. Her lips were perfectly sealed around his shaft as her head bobbed back and forth, making small sucking noises as she did this. She had perfected her dick-sucking skills over the years, and she wanted to use them all on him.

Sean began to moan loudly as she did this, making Emily momentarily stop her performance to quietly tell him he needed to control himself so nobody would hear them. Sean apologized, and she went back to sucking him off. Sean remembered how well Emily’s blowjobs were back in high school. In fact, he was the first guy she ever gave a blowjob too. He was impressed with how her skills had grown since then, as he was receiving the best blowout of his life.

When she was done, she pulled out a condom from her skirt pocket that her friend Tara had given her and put it on Sean’s dick. He smiled as he remembered the first time he let her put the condom on him; how much they laughed as she fumbled with the wrapper and then messed up putting the condom on him.

Emily got off her knees, hiked up her skirt, and dropped her panties to the floor. She then sat up on the edge of the small sink and opened her legs as Sean positioned himself in between them. He was nervous at first, realizing he was about to commit adultery. But he really wanted to be with this woman so badly that he pushed any remaining doubts about this to the side as he shoved his dick right into her, making her gasp so loudly she had to cover her mouth as she remembered her quiet rule for this situation.

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