Church Camp

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All players are 18 or over.


“Look at this,” Jason held out the ad in the back of their favorite Christian magazine. “This looks like the perfect place to celebrate God’s works and commune with nature. It’s reserved for those just about to embark on their lives after high school. Everyone is going to be our age and Christian.”

Celeste looked at it. The photos were beautiful. Deep woods, beaches, hiking trails, and picnic areas. “Where is this? Oh, never mind I see it, Lake Ontario, upstate. Where are the pictures of the cabins?” she asked.

“Jason chuckled, “No cabins…I mean, there are the restrooms but we’d be tent camping.”

“You’re kidding, right? Sleeping on the ground? Who does that any more?” the cute blonde asked. “And who would I be in the tent with?” She dreaded the concept of a half-dozen girls sharing a tent or cabin.

“Me. I mean we could get separate tents but we’ve known each other our whole lives and we’ve staved off all temptations.” He wasn’t just commenting as he’d had impure thoughts about his friend, seemingly more and more each week. He and Celeste had grown up next door to each other their birthdays just two days apart.

They had a pure relationship base on love, respect, and faith in Jesus. Sure, he had thoughts, after all, he is human and Celeste epitomized female beauty. He looked at her, the unwelcome thoughts entering his head. 5′ 2″ blonde, barely over 100 pounds. Long legs, narrow hips, and waist, then there was her best feature, or rather features. Her gravity-defying breasts. Just last week, Father Murray commented on them to him after church, ‘Celeste Coffman could feed an entire nursery if she needed to with those God-given assets,’ he’d said. His words seemed innocent enough, but Jason shuddered as he recalled the look on the older man’s face. On the other hand he’d once stopped himself from looking in her underwear drawer to find out her bra size. One of his friends swore she was a DD, perhaps 34 DD.

“We’re going off to University in a couple of months surrounded by temptations we can barely imagine. You think we’ll be so weak we can’t just sleep next to each other?”

The cute blonde nodded, “So how long would we have to…sorry, how long is this for?”

“Six weeks, and look at this. Daily Bible classes and readings. Then there are hikes, scuba lessons, and well this one isn’t great for me but sailboats you can take out. The entire place has over 3,000 acres!” His face was beaming, “and get this. Mom and dad said they’d pay for it, for both of us, as graduation presents.”

Celeste looked at her boyfriend. She’d never seen him more excited so she slowly nodded, “Ok. You got me with the sailing. Do they also have power boats, you know for water skiing?” she asked.

Jason nodded, “They do. Damn, you do love your water sports. You can do all the water sports you want,” he said innocently. This did not interest him as the one time she took him sailing, he leaned over the side throwing up the entire time…and she told him that was the calmest she’d ever seen.

Celeste wanted to laugh hearing water sports but kept a straight face. She was the innocent looking one, but her older sister had filled her in on the things she could be doing on her knees rather than praying. The day after she turned 18, Cherie had ‘popped her cherry’ with one of her toys, telling her that wasn’t what made her a virgin. Getting rid of it now would make losing her real virginity that more enjoyable. Then she showed her videos of couples doing just about everything, some nice, others not so nice. She shuddered remembering the girls peeing on guys and guys peeing on girls. Who would do that? she wondered.

Her mind drifted to the other things her sister told her, promised her. She told her about boys licking between her legs and showed her videos. She wanted her face to look like those girls’ faces. Girls sucking on hard penises as if they were enjoying a sugary treat. But it was the idea of the orgasm that captivated her. Cherie said she couldn’t tell her about it it as there weren’t any words capable of truly describing it and doing it justice.

“How will I know when I have one if you can’t tell me what to expect?” she’d asked.

Claire laughed..laughed hard, “Oh, honey. Trust me, you’ll know…you’ll know!” she smiled.

For the first time, Celeste looked critically at Jason. He was the kindest, most decent human being she’d met. He was very religious never missing church, except during the quarantine. He still attended services remotely. He decided to save himself for marriage and assumed Celeste was on the same page. She knew she loved him but she wasn’t sure how…she thought he was more like a brother than a boyfriend. Hearing water sports her mind again went to places he wouldn’t understand or accept. Without realizing it she was looking at his lap and the outline of his penis.

She roused herself and smiled at the boy, “well sure. It sounds fun.” The boating sounded fun and the hiking but she felt something like dread thinking about Bible reading. She believed in God but there was something creepy, something İstanbul Escort cultish about those who live and breathe it.

* * *

“Wow! It’s even more beautiful than in the brochure,” Jason said as they climbed out of the car.

Celeste had to admit it was beautiful. She inhaled the sweet scent of the pine forest coupled with the fresh lake air. This wasn’t going to be so bad after all. They were immediately greeted by an older woman who came trotting over.

“Hi! I’m Marion and welcome to Camp Cópula. I’m so happy you decided to join us this summer.” the woman said.

After the introductions, she gave a quick overview of events, programs, and restrictions pointing this way and that. Celeste looked quickly at Jason hearing no two-piece bathing suits. At least she’d packed one one-piece but she had three cute little bikinis that she and her sister had gone out to get for this vacation. She’d been excited to show them off to Jason, but now they’d stay in the duffle bag. It was strange that as an unmarried couple nothing was said about sharing a tent, but the counselor just went on telling about the food.

That night was a little uncomfortable. It had been years since they’d slept together. As kids, they’d shared a bed periodically but they were just kids and now it was a bit awkward. Jason mumbled something about going to the restroom while Celeste changed and crawled into her sleeping bag.

The girl was instantly uncomfortable. The ground was lumpy and the bag was overly warm. She was wearing just a tee shirt and panties and would have preferred to sleep on top of the bag…or better yet at a hotel. Six weeks of sleeping on the ground?

Jason came back and crawled into the tent. He stripped down to his boxers and tee and climbed into his sleeping bag. He looked over at his girlfriend who was facing the side of the tent. “Good night,” he whispered.

“Good night,” she said softly.

Jason could sense her unhappiness but decided it could wait until morning.

Celeste was relieved seeing the morning light having slept terribly. Is she the princess who is bothered by a pea? These lumps aren’t peas, she thought, but squashes. She quietly pulled on her clothes, grabbed a towel, and headed to the showers. At least an invigorating hot shower will wake her up.

The young blonde was pleased that no one else seemed to be up and she’d have the showers to herself. She was by no means shy or overly modest but showering with a bunch of strangers after getting almost no sleep would have been too much to take. She hung up her towel and stripped naked shivering in the cool morning air. She trotted over to the nearest shower and stopped. A single valve with no indication of how far to turn for hot caused her to pause. She shrugged and stepped away from the cold spray after turning the valve. Her hand was getting numb from the spray of cold water until she realized that it was futile.

She turned it off and slumped to the floor shivering. She felt like crying having never been as miserable as she was now. She felt dirty from sleeping on the ground and having driven 400 miles the day before and was wondering how she’d be able to bathe. Gritting her teeth she stood and turned on the cold spray. As she went past freezing she wondered if this was part of the plan, forbearance…’fuck that!’ she thought.

Jason was just crawling out of the tent when he saw Celeste come trotting back, her arms wrapped around her body. “Cold?” he asked. “Come, climb back into your sleeping bag,” he urged.

“Ssssssoooo dddamn cccoolllddd,” she shivered. “Nno, nno, hotttt wwatterr,” she shivered as she quickly crawled into the tent. She didn’t bother taking anything off, instead buried herself inside the warm down-filled bag. As Jason lay down beside her, she unzipped it and pulled him close for his body heat.

The boy had hugged his girlfriend before but this was the first time lying down. On top of it, Celeste was grinding her body against his. Even though he knew it wasn’t sexual, he felt himself hardening without being able to pull away. He just hoped she wouldn’t notice.

Celeste’s shivering was easing with the sleeping bag and Jason’s hot body. She was sure Marion wouldn’t approve of how she was writhing against a boy, but she was trying to get as much of his warmth as possible. Did Jason have a carrot in his pocket? she wondered. There was something hard in his pants and softly moaned as she realized what it was. He has an erection! She should be pulling back but instead, she opened her legs as if wanting more heat. She tried not to be obvious as she opened her thighs loving the increased pressure against her pussy, but he had to suspect. Wow! That feels good, she thought. “Mmmmm, mmmm, mmmm,” she moaned, “I love how warm you are.”

Jason felt Celeste’s pelvis rocking up and down his hard shaft instinctively grinding back. He was surprised at how good it felt and forgot the initial reason they were clutching each other so tightly. He wanted to make her happy as he came to her aid and didn’t want to ruin the moment by kissing her, but her open Escort Bayan lips were right in front of his as she softly moaned. He wanted to kiss her so badly but resisted.

She had to have warmed up but she must be trying to get even warmer using friction. He was sure she was unaware of the effect she was having on him and was simply trying to warm up. She might be just trying to bask in the warmth of his body but he was fully aware of the heat between her legs. It was a humid heat he’d never felt before and the plump masses against his chest were making his head spin. Her moans were getting louder and her mouth hit his, her tongue coming out as if exploring his lips. Without warning, he felt an aching rapidly growing under his bladder and before he could pull away he felt a powerful, almost painful surge as he came in his pants.

Celeste was feeling a tingling growing between her legs and cried out in frustration as Jason quickly pulled away from her, rolled over, unzipped the tent door, and rushed out. She felt like crying knowing what she was close to feeling for the first time in her life. First, she got very little sleep on the lumpy ground, then had to take a freezing cold shower and now she’d come so close to what had to have been her first orgasm and had that abruptly yanked away. Where did he go? Did she scare him by pressing her body against his? She wanted to cry thinking Jason had realized what she was doing, fleeing in disgust. He must think she was a slut to have such carnal desires.

Jason rushed to the men’s room hoping no one would see the dark stain on the front of his pants, but it was still early and anyone up was far away. He yanked off his pants and underwear, then went over to the sink and scrubbed at the gooey cream. He heard someone coming so he dashed into a stall, grabbed wads of toilet paper, and tried to dry his clothes off.

It was a half hour before he felt he could put on his underwear and pants without the dark stain. They were a bit cold…dank-feeling, but he could live with that. He found Celeste sitting out front of their tent looking worried. “Sorry, sorry to run off like that but I had to get to the bathroom. It was urgent.”

Celeste stood up and hugged the boy, “I’m sorry. Are you alright? Was it the truck stop sandwich last night? I thought you were angry with me for wanting your warmth.”

Jason was holding his ass away from the girl as he hugged her, “No, no. I will always be there for you if you need me, or my warmth,” he smiled “unless it’s one of your water sports. Sorry, I’m pretty worthless when it comes to those.” Then he patted his stomach, “Yeah, might have been that sandwich. I’ll check the date next time. I feel better now. Shall we go get breakfast?”

Celeste was wondering how to explain that sometimes people think of other things than boating when he says water sports. Hopefully, breakfast will be hot…she couldn’t take it if she has to put up with a disappointing meal.

She asked a counselor if there was warm water for showering and he shook his head, “I get it but part of the experience here teaches us self-sacrifice and character building.” He looked around looking conspiratorial, “However, you didn’t hear this from me but there are those who use the back door to the dining hall, um, there’s a sink with hot water. The lock has never been repaired. Bring your washcloth,” he smiled as he again scanned the girl’s body.

* * *

The next few days were not much better, except when Celeste was out on Lake Ontario either on a sailboat or water skiing with other campers. Jason saw the other boys fight over who would be going out with Celeste in the two-man sailboats or would take her water-skiing. It surprised him he never felt jealous but rather was happy to see her smiling.

It was the nights and mornings that he wished he could solve. She still had trouble sleeping on the hard lumpy ground and found that simply wetting the washcloth and sponge bathing was not the most cleansing.

Jason explored while Celeste was out boating. He wandered miles through the woods discovering places no one else seemed to go. He wasn’t happy being alone and missed his girlfriend, plus it was strange during meals seeing her with some of the other boys laughing and talking about the day’s fun. She found three boys who shared her love of sailing and they talked constantly about the winds or what they’d do tomorrow.

Other activities distracted them, outside of the Bible readings. There were crafts, woodworking, singing, and painting along with various sports.

A week later, right after the group sing-along, they crawled into their tent. Celeste had finally told Jason just to turn his back as she undressed and she did the same for him. It would be ridiculous for them to try to maintain modesty for six weeks. Jason looked over at his cute blonde girlfriend who now just lay on top of her sleeping bag. He tried not to admire her barely covered body, the swelling of her breasts and again felt the unwelcome throbbing in his shorts. “Tomorrow, can you not go out on the lake? I found a couple of really Eskort cool places. Private and if you want to wear a two-piece, no one ever goes there.”

The girl rolled over, propped on an elbow. She did want to spend more time with Jason and her one-piece was starting to get a bit rank, even though she rinsed it daily. “Really? How far is it?” she asked.

Jason was slowly taking his eyes off the breasts now flowing off her chest, “Two, maybe three miles north of the dining hall. It’s so beautiful and peaceful,” he said finally looking at her eyes. He rolled over onto his stomach feeling the head of his cock slip out of his shorts.

“Could we skinny-dip?” she asked coyly. Jason had a look of shock on his face so she quickly laughed, “Got you. I knew you’d react like that. The two-piece will be great.”

Jason groaned. He’d thought about getting around to suggesting that on his walks but knew Celeste would reject it and most likely get pissed at him. Now he wondered. Could he get to see her naked? What would happen? Would he get an erection and freak her out? Christ! he thought, that would be the most embarrassing thing ever. He lay on his stomach trying to think about something other than Celeste in all her glory. ‘I’ll bet she has perfect nipples,’ he thought. He had to face the side of the tent as Celeste’s nipples had become incredibly pronounced. She must be getting chilly, he thought.

Celeste was thinking about the erection she’d felt the first morning. What does one look like in real life, she wondered? Jason’s look dampened her curiosity as he seemed to be upset she’d even suggest such a thing. ‘He’d never want to skinny-dip, unlike the boys I have been boating with. They sure wanted to get me out of my suit,’ she mused. She remembered looking around, gauging how far from shore they were before rejecting their urgings. More than once she wanted to blurt out, “You show me yours and I’ll show you mine.” She’d been curious about what would have happened had she gotten naked while alone with these boys. Would they have lost control and raped her? She found herself rubbing her thighs together at that thought. ‘Horrible, horrible…’ she mused as a tingling grew between her legs.

* * *

“See? Check this out,” Jason said proudly. He swung an arm across the small white sandy beach with a forested peninsula on the right and a rocky outcropping to the left. It was as if there were no people around for 100 miles.

Celeste had to agree. “How the heck did you find this?” she asked. “We had to cut through a densely wooded area and then climb over that ledge. No one will find us here,” she smiled. She unrolled her towel and grabbed the turquoise bikini. “Turn around, don’t look,” she ordered. Jason not only turned around he wrapped an arm over his eyes. She had the quick feeling of disappointment he’d not hesitated, unlike Drew and Troy. They would have folded their arms across their chests and dared her to strip in front of them. Bill, on the other hand, was always nice to her, never one innuendo. Again she felt that tingling, the throbbing tingling. No wonder Claire found orgasms hard to describe…even the arousals are hard to put into words.

After pulling off her suit she considered telling him it would be ok to look now. She looked down at her body and thought about what Bill and Troy told her, she had the body of a Playmate or Penthouse Pet. They’d argued which one before finally declaring she was just as hot if not hotter than Miss October 1993 or some Playmate like that. How would I look her up? she wondered, and how could they know the exact months for all these girls? How would Jason react? Then she remembered the look of horror on his face when she’d suggested skinny-dipping and decided then cover up. Some other time when he’s ready, she thought. “OK, I’m decent,” she said.

Jason turned around, a voice in his head telling him he blew it but instead gasped, “Oh wow! You look…wow!” he sighed.

Celeste did a couple of modeling poses enjoying his overt gaze at her near-nakedness. This was a tiny bikini, just three little triangles covering…or attempting to cover her private parts. She knew he had questions as he was looking at the tiny bit of fabric covering her mons, “my sister. She trimmed and waxed me. Called a Brazilian wax,” noticing his unblinking stare she had to smile.

After discovering the quiet beach, Celeste spent less time on the sailboat with her friends, instead exploring the coast of Lake Ontario with Jason. They found two more secluded spots, one with a rocky beach, and the other with a granite ledge they could dive off of.

Jason was up in the trees taking a piss when he heard a power boat. A large one by the sound of it. He dismissed it as they always pass by, but it was annoying to have their peace and privacy disturbed. He finished and came back down to their beach to rejoin Celeste. She was wearing the red bikini today which covered a bit more of her body than the turquoise one, but still just covered her nipples and her… lower region. He knew Marion would go ballistic if she saw how much of Celeste’s breasts were exposed. And he was sure Marion would disapprove of her relaxed position. She had that intriguing crease in her crotch…he thought that was called a camel toe. Jason had to stop checking her out and dive into the water every time he studied her body.

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