Jenna’s Christmas

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Christmas Eve had arrived, but over at St. Michael’s vicarage, Reverend Morris was in a bit of a panic.

“Oh dear, what terrible timing,” he sighed, as he put down his smartphone.

“What’s up?” Jenna asked, handing him a glass of mulled wine. “Is it about tonight’s carol service?”

“Unless I can find an organist willing to step in for Gordon, I’m afraid we’ll be forced to have a rather muted carol service, with only the piano!” The vicar sighed.

A look of horror spread across Jenna’s face. “Oh no, Gordon! Is he okay?”

“Gordon’s fine. It’s his cousin Barry, who lives in Yorkshire. He’s taken a tumble on some ice and broken his ankle. He’s recovering at home, but he lives alone and can’t manage by himself over Christmas. His daughter Lisa, lives in Florida. So Gordon has decided to stay with him until after the new year, when Lisa will be flying over.”

“Aww. That’s so kind of him. Nobody should be on their own at Christmas. Let’s hope Barry makes a speedy recovery. But the carol service just won’t be the same without Gordon playing the organ. He’s…taught me a lot, but I’m not up the standard where I can play fluently during a church service yet! The organ is so complicated.”

In truth, Jenna had spent rather more time playing Gordon’s 8 inch organ rather than the church organ. “Simon, I’ll gladly play the piano at the service, although you’re right, it’ll be feeble-sounding by comparison.”

Reverend Morris sighed. “I really appreciate that, my love. People are expecting a fantastic Christmas service this year, to make up for the two years we lost due to the pandemic. With all the bad news recently, they need cheering up. I’ve been going on about the carol service for weeks, promoting it online, putting ads in the gazette. I even forked out for an ad on the local radio. You simply can’t have Hark the Herald Angels and O Come All Ye Faithful played on anything else but a pipe organ!”

“Is there nobody else who could take Gordon’s place?”

“Not at such short notice. The service is only seven hours away! I phoned Tom Fishwick who used to play at St. Paul’s, but he lives ten miles away and can’t drive. He can’t get here due to the train strikes. So I tried Sundeep Kapoor over at the Living Earth Free Church, but he’s at home suffering from a chest infection, plus his cat has developed ringworm, so he’s stressed out about that.”

Jenna groaned. “What a nightmare.”

“That just leaves Raymond Wilson, the organist at Oakwood Road Methodist Church. Oakwood had its carol service this morning, so he might be available. But…”

“But what? Get on that phone pronto, Simon!”

“Raymond’s notoriously difficult to work with,” Reverend Morris replied. “I don’t like to speak ill of people, but I’m not that keen on him. He’s rude and awkward. A bit of an Ebenezer Scrooge.”

Gordon used to be a bit like that…before I was able to cheer him up, Jenna smirked to herself. “Oh I see. I wonder why he’s like that?”

“Some people are just like that, and I don’t think Raymond’s that keen on Christmas anyway.”

“I don’t mind speaking to him,” Jenna said. “He doesn’t scare me!”

The vicar perked up. “Would you? I confess the last time I spoke Bayan Eskort to him on the phone, I got a tirade of abuse.”

“Leave it to me,” the wily redhead replied, although she wasn’t planning to speak to him by phone.

“I must dash, Jen. I’ve got to head over to the church hall and drop these foodbank items off, then I’m going to take this shopping round to Mrs Grimes.”

“Don’t wear yourself out, Simon. Big day tomorrow! Our first Christmas together, and my parents, your parents, Lucy, Debbie and Christopher will be joining us for dinner. It’ll be so nice for Christopher to have a big family Christmas.”

“I always have the Lord’s work to do!” Reverend Morris laughed, hurrying out. “Love you. See you later!”

Jenna smiled to herself as she looked through the address book. “So this organist is like Scrooge is he?” She said as she found Raymond Wilson’s home address. “Well Scrooge was redeemed in the end, after he saw the three ghosts. Oh that reminds me. Home Alone and the Alistair Sim version of A Christmas Carol are on later. Must make sure the TV is set to record them.”


Raymond Wilson had arrived home after playing the organ at Oakwood’s carol service. He poured himself a brandy and slumped in an armchair. A tall skinny man, who looked to be in need of a good meal. He was fifty, but looked a lot older. Years of being hunched over playing the Methodist church’s organ had left him with a stoop. In recent years, he’d let his white hair grow long until it was almost on his shoulders.

“Thank God that’s over for another year,” he muttered. He reached over to the side table and pressed the flashing button on the answerphone. There were two new messages.


“Hi Ray. It’s Steve. Brandi and I really hope you can visit us for Christmas dinner tomorrow. Brandi’s going to cook this time. I taught her how to use the microwave. See you about half-three. Love you!”


“Ray, it’s Terry. The kids and I are gonna call round tomorrow morning to exchange presents. Noah’s hoping Santa’s going to bring him the latest Pokémon game. You did get Pokémon Scarlet didn’t you? Oh and Mia has her heart set on that Bluey plush. Remember that? The big ones that they sell at Asda. Don’t get any cheap fake stuff off the market stalls. Those soft toys that the Bulgarian guy with the gold tooth sells? Well they tend to have wraps of cocaine inside them…Okay, bye for now!”

Raymond drank his brandy. “Bloody kids,” he moaned. His younger brother’s children were notoriously spoilt, and never wanted to spend any time with him, unless he had some money or a toy to give.

He hadn’t much time for his cousin Steve either, or his new wife, an airhead former porn star named Brandi Snaps.

Raymond was dozing in his chair when the doorbell rang. “This had better not be another of those damned cold callers…”

“Raymond Wilson? Hello!” Jenna smiled. She was wearing a Santa hat. Over a white top she had on a red Christmas jumper, bearing a slogan, “Pull My Cracker!” The tight sweater revealed the curves of her perky C-cup tits quite nicely and got her nearly as much attention as her skirt. The short pleated green skirt was just long enough Anadolu Yakası Escort to tease while leaving a good portion of her smooth white thighs visible. Then completing the look she had on a pair of long white socks that came up to a few inches above her knees and black patent leather shoes.

“Who are you?”

“I’m the Ghost of Christmas Yet to CUM…” she grinned. Blimey, he really does resemble Scrooge! She thought.

“Look I’m not in the mood for carol singers,” Raymond muttered. He was about to close the door, but she quickly stopped him.

“I’m Jenna, wife of Reverend Morris over at St. Michael’s. I came here because we really need your help!”

“Huh?” Raymond blinked, looking her up and down. “You’re an improvement on his previous wife. So how can I help?”

“Please may I come in?” Jenna said. “It’s so cold out here and my legs are freezing!”

“You should wear some tights instead of socks,” Raymond replied. “Come in. I suppose you’ll want a brew?”

“Oh no thank you, I won’t trouble you,” Jenna said, sitting opposite him on the couch. “I came to ask you a favour.” She told him the church’s predicament, and how they were in desperate need of an organist.

Raymond folded his arms. “That’s a big ask, Mrs Morris. I’ve just done the service at Oakwood. It’s bloody hard work you know.”

“Jenna, please call me Jenna. Look, my husband will pay you well. And I will make it worth your while too.” She uncrossed her legs, and noticed him shift around in his armchair.

“How exactly will you make it worth my while? This sounds like bribery.” He was starting to feel uncomfortable. He was pretty sure she wasn’t wearing any underwear!

“Picture the scene, Raymond. A Christmas carol service that’s damp squib. Scores of disappointed people expecting to hear the rousing sound of a pipe organ, and instead having to endure the frail tinkling of a humble upright piano, that is long overdue for retuning. Picture the scene at next Christmas Eve. Nobody turning up at our church after last year’s disappointment. I don’t think my poor husband could bear the shame…”

“Oh where’s my small violin?” Raymond sarcastically replied.

“And I’ve been a good girl all year long!” Jenna continued. She put on her best pouty face and added a bit of a whine to her voice. That of course was a lie worthy of a politician. Standing up, she walked over and pressed her tight arse straight down at the middle of his lap. Pressing down, she gently ground her backside up against him as her hands came to rest on his knees.

“What the…Mrs…Jenna, this is hardly appropriate!” Raymond spluttered, but his erection prodded up between the curves of her arse, despite his protestations.

“I don’t do appropriate when times are as desperate as this,” Jenna sighed. As she spoke she reached a hand behind her and groped his crotch.

“Oh my God,” Raymond groaned. He fumbled and unzipped his black trousers. Gripping his shaft tenderly, Jenna began to stroke his thick long cock. She could hear him whimper with arousal as she teased him.

“It’s true about organists. They all have such impressive instruments!” She giggled.

“Uhh, could I stand Pendik Escort up?” Raymond gasped, and she let him. She helped slide his trousers down, pulling his white boxer briefs down with them. Her eyes lit up when she saw his cock spring up upon being freed from containment. This “organ pipe” was perfectly sufficient to sate her carnal designs.

“What a big instrument!”

“This is so wrong.” Raymond panted, though his body clearly had other feelings on the subject.

“It’s a necessary sin,” Jenna replied. She reached down and cupped his hairy balls with one hand while wrapping her fingers around the base of his cock and bringing her face in close to it. Her seductive eyes looked up into his as she pursed her cherry red lips and kissed the organist’s fat cock head.

It had been a long time since Raymond had experienced any sexual pleasure, having been divorced for many years. He’d never enjoyed a blowjob half as good as this, however. It was almost more than he could stand. Seeing this stunning twentysomething vicar’s wife gobbling on his dick had him on the verge of spewing his load right down her throat. Sensing he was close, Jenna pulled his cock out of her mouth and stood up. Pushing him down onto the couch, she straddled him. Raymond’s cock teased past her entrance and deep into her pussy. Once he was inside he began to fuck her hard.

“Ooh God yes, Raymond, give it to me! She was delighted with the stamina of this man. To look at him, you’d think he was a frail chap who could be felled by a faint breeze. Never judge a book by its cover. In his twenties, Raymond had been a notorious bare-knuckle fighter.

Jenna’s yells sent the organist over the edge. With one last thrust, he groaned out loud as his balls surrendered their gift and his thick jizz spurted out inside her.

“Mmm, oh Raymond! Fill me up, Raymond! Feels so good! Ohhh my God…I’m coming! Ahhhh!”

When they’d both calmed down a little, she pulled up off his cock till it slipped all the way out. She stood up straight and closed her thighs, feeling his spunk oozing out of her. “So, Raymond. Will you play the organ at the carol service at St. Michael’s tonight? It starts at 6.30. If you could be there at 6, that would be perfect. I’ll be directing the choir.”

“I’ll do it. No problem…I’ll be there…no problem.” Raymond panted, completely dazed. “Tell…your husband….I’ll….do it for free…”

“Aww, I can’t thank you enough, Raymond. You’re so sweet.” Jenna kissed him. “Goodwill to all men…(that includes women too), now that’s the true spirit of Christmas, isn’t it? Right, I’d better get going. I’ll see you later, at the church!”


The Christmas Eve carol service at St. Michael’s had a bigger attendance than Reverend Morris could ever have hoped for. The church was so packed, that extra chairs had to be provided. For two brief hours, everyone who attended had a superb time and were able to experience comfort and joy, and it more than made up for the two Christmases that had been ruined by the pandemic. During the interval, mince pies and mulled wine were provided.

Raymond Wilson performed his duties as an organist to perfection and literally pulled out all the stops. He was true to his word. The St. Michael’s organ was much larger than the one he usually played, but it didn’t faze him. Thanks to Jenna, he learned to love Christmas again. Like Scrooge, he became “as good a man as the old city ever knew.”

God bless us, every one!

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