Breast Enlargement


Too big?

Gerald listened to Watson, his nephew, enthusing about the new position with Universal Slimming Corporation. He had that awkward feeling while stifling a yawn. At first he welcomed some company but the young researcher was just like his boring father.

‘You were right!’ Watson said.

This woke Gerald up, ‘What?’

He must have asked a polite question when the lad first arrived but couldn’t recall what it was.

‘That was a clever guess uncle. I looked up early experiments on the computer and the original formula did work in reverse. Fat cells are stimulated to absorb more fats from the blood. The formula enhanced normal bodily functions, exciting cell receptors making them more sensitive,’ he said.

He droned on, spouting technical terms while Gerald switched off again.

‘That’s very interesting, Watson,’ he commented, trying to shut him up.

Even his name, from a nineteenth century novel, reflected his parent’s pretentious outlook.

‘They abandoned the project as soon as a modified formula was found for slimming,’ he said.

‘Why is that?’ Gerald heard himself asking and immediately regretted it.

‘More money in slimming of course, nobody wants to put on weight,’ he answered with a smug look.

Gerald put this remark together with the odd word he understood from so much boring technical jargon, to work out what the lecture was about. Unable to let the young prig get away with it he retorted.

‘There must be some people that need to put on weight. What about if they’ve been ill? Or want to add weight somewhere to change their shape, breasts for example?’ he challenged.

On seeing Watson blush he felt some small victory had been gained.

‘So the pill to lose weight, wherever you want to, actually works?’ Gerald asked.

The scepticism in his voice was hard to miss, even by Watson.

‘Yes! Slight variations in the formula match cell signatures, receptors, to stop the intake of fats. It works and quickly too,’ he said proudly.

‘What about the old formula?’ Gerald asked.

He was pleased with himself for understanding something of what was being said. He’d been a pharmacist before retirement, but this new technology was beyond hm. They would be into the twenty-second century in a few years, and he wondered what miracles they would be able to perform then.

Watson had to spoil it by again sinking into a quagmire of jargon, losing his uncle’s attention.

‘Is it that late?’ he made excuses and escaped, shaking his head.


Next morning Gerald reached for the morning paper at the same time as his neighbour, Kathy, went for hers. The attractive young woman was single and available, but not to him. Gerald was fifty-five and felt every moment of a well lived life.

He waved to her, savouring the reactive gesture. If only, he thought, while watching her set off for the office. A glimpse of thigh as she dropped a slinky figure into the low slung sports car was exciting. The slim legs, tiny waist and shimmering long black hair, was perfection on two legs.

As she drove off he imagined her with larger breasts, for he was a typical breast man.

‘You could do with some of Watson’s medication,’ he whispered.

He chuckled at the idea.

‘Well, a guy can dream,’ he mused.

It nagged at him all morning. Since selling his business he hadn’t found a hobby and although friends and family said he was lucky, he regretted selling up. It was coming up to lunch time so he had better get dressed.

‘Even if I got her to take the pills, which she wouldn’t, what good would it do me?’ he thought out loud.

Fiddly squat! Something nice to look at, but she’d be even more desirable and more out of reach. Some handsome young man would have the benefit of a large handful, never him.

‘This is stupid. I don’t even have the damn pills, which probably don’t exist now they’re unprofitable,’ he scolded himself.

He shook himself from the daydream to get showered and changed.

While trying to complete a crossword, the daydream kept interrupting his train of thought. He imagined her with large breasts over that slender waist, and licked his lips. What would he do if he had the damn pills anyway?

‘Here, Kathy, just take these pills for me, I want to see if your tits grow,’ he said, to the coffee pot with a snort of derision. ‘If I secretly got her to take them and they happened to work, she’d be just a bit suspicious and sue my ass off,’ he told the coffee pot.

He shook the paper rustling it harshly. Just as he started on another clue a knock at the door interrupted him.

‘Hi Jim, how you doing?’ Gerald asked.

‘Okay! You?’ the delivery boy asked in return.

The young man dropped the grocery bags onto the kitchen table.

‘Thanks for taking them in, I get my round done so much quicker. See you next week,’ he nodded, and let himself out.

Gerald looked at the bags of groceries.

‘It’s all fast food, TV dinners, cans, packets, spray cream and spray cheese. Yuk! I’m glad I can cook. I’ve been alone Bostancı Escort too long, I’m talking to myself,’ he laughed.

He began putting the frozen food into his freezer then stopped, holding onto a Pizza. A crushed up pill could be sprinkled onto this. Still, what good would it do? There was no way his nephew would bring home stolen pills from the lab, even if they still existed.


When Kathy arrived home, she called for the delivery, making the usual greetings and thank you noises. He couldn’t help looking at the white blouse as the jacket fell open. There was just a hint of breasts while the sensible bra revealed nothing real.

‘Here let me help,’ he offered, as she tried to balance the two bags in her arms.

The back of his hand squashed her breast, though he totally ignored the mishap, and so did she. With the back door opened he watched her stride off. She was always in a hurry, and the wiggle of her ass was delightful.

Kathy ordered everything she needed on the internet, with no time to go shopping, and he dutifully collected the goods from delivery guys.


Watson arrived home later, obviously putting in extra hours to make an impression.

‘Just something quick, have you got Pizza, uncle?’

The question reminded him of an earlier daydream.

‘No, but I can rustle up something quick. You out on the town?’ he asked.

‘No I’m going back in, need to catch up on something,’ he answered.

‘I’ll give you a lift if you like. I’d like to see the place,’ he said.

‘Ok!’ Watson said, while setting the table.

Gerald shrugged. It wasn’t as though he was going into the place, and even if he did, the pills wouldn’t be left lying around for him to steal. If they existed they would be locked away.


Outside the office block Gerald marvelled at the chrome and glass edifice.

‘They must make a good profit from slimming pills,’ he commented.

‘Unbelievable! Impressive building isn’t it. You want to look around?’ Watson asked.

‘How long are you staying?’ Gerald asked.

‘An hour tops,’ Watson responded, hoping to get uncle to stay for a lift home.

‘Have they got good coffee? I could wait with you, I guess,’ Gerald shrugged.

Gerald’s pass opened the doors for them to both squeeze through. The atrium was impressive but the rest of the building was functional, just the same as any large corporation’s opened planned offices.

They toured around but there wasn’t much to see as it was a head office. Nothing was manufactured there, though a cool storeroom for sales samples caught Gerald’s attention. Gerald noticed the combination lock on the door. Well it was just a thought, just a silly daydream.

‘You want coffee?’ Gerald asked. ‘Don’t worry I’ll find it.’ A moment later he came back to say, ‘There’s no sugar,’ he said to Watson. ‘I’ll try upstairs, okay?’ he murmured.

Seeing his nephew absorbed on the computer, he put the cups down and wandered off. There was no harm in just looking. From a distance he could see there weren’t any cameras and the control panel only used three digits. He just couldn’t help trying it. Of course a series of random numbers wouldn’t work.

He sat on a desk, swinging a leg, musing over it, imagining getting in and what he might do. It was a secretary’s desk, close to the door. If the photo was of her she was a tasty eye-full. Not as glamorous as Kathy, despite the long blond hair.

Next to the photo was a scribbled number. It was just an ordinary sticky post-it, looking old and tatty, hardly noticeable. No! It couldn’t be, could it? For amusement, rather than any expectations of finding what he wanted, he tried the number. It didn’t work.

Gerald shrugged and laughed. Nothing in life is that simple. He tried the number in reverse. The mechanism clicked and he pushed on the door. It swung open on well oiled hinges. To pull it closed, which he had better do, meant stepping in, so he did.

Racks of small boxes were stuffed on ceiling high shelves. He looked at the nearest without taking another step inside. It would take forever to find what he was looking for. He had a half hour before Watson surfaced from his work to find him missing.

In the far corner faded boxes sat calling to him. Looking over his shoulder Gerald walked over. They weren’t faded, they were just a different shade of blue. Perhaps they were from an early corporate identity. He pulled one out at random.

The name was written bold and large across the package, ‘Weight-on.’ He scanned the small print. Picking a box from each pile he eventually came across what he was looking for.

To fill in the gaps he grabbed discarded packets that seemed to have been flung in to a cardboard box on the floor. Shoving them to the back of the pile he managed to make it look right. Closing the door behind him he stuffed packets of different pills into jacket pockets hoping they didn’t bulge.

Slipping into the seat opposite his nephew Gerald gulped the cold coffee down.

Looking over the computer screens between them Kadıköy Escort he asked, ‘You nearly ready?’

‘Bloody hell! You frightened me,’ Watson complained. ‘I forgot you were there. I guess so, the rest can wait till tomorrow,’ he added.

With the monitor blanked he pulled on his jacket and they walked to the lifts.

‘Sorry if it was boring for you,’ Watson said.


Next morning Gerald was halfway through breakfast when he remembered the pills. Opening the boxes he was relieved to find guidance notes. Familiar warnings and instructions, common to all medication, were in small print. He had been a pharmacist for twenty years before selling up to a large chain, so it was all very familiar.

‘So what do I do now?’ he wondered out loud.

He couldn’t do anything with his nephew around, or was that an excuse? He hadn’t worked out how to make it an advantage to him either. He sighed, thinking it was all a waste of time. A crossword would take his mind off things. Again that morning Kathy marched across the lawn for the paper, at the same time he did.

‘Thanks for taking in my deliveries. I’ll cook you something to eat sometime,’ she smiled, with her head to one side.

‘My pleasure, but you can forget about cooking pizza for me, I prefer something home cooked,’ he laughed back. In a moment of inspiration he told her. ‘You should watch the chemicals in those things, the side effects can build up, then you’re in trouble,’ he warned her.

In a hurry as usual, she strode off, dismissing his remarks. Again he watched the magic legs slip into the low slug sports car. The glimpse of thigh was heart warming, and a good start to the day. Unable to concentrate on the crossword he dug out the latest research journal, ready for when she arrived home.

She let him in the back door into the kitchen with the usual perfunctory greetings.

‘Is that a delivery?’ Kathy asked.

She moved around the kitchen removing a box from the fridge, and slipping something into the microwave, pulled a coffee bag from a cupboard, and tipped the contents into a jug.

He waved the journal shaking his head, almost in time with it.

‘No. It’s what I said this morning,’ he tried not to stare, as she had changed into a one piece track suit in preparation for the gym.

‘Those ‘E’ numbers in the pizza can affect your health. They aren’t letting on much, but some case studies are in the journal. I just thought you should know, that’s all,’ he said, with a shrug.

‘Don’t worry Gerry, I’m fit and healthy. I promise to eat properly, DAD!’ she laughed.

‘Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt your busy schedule,’ he smiled back.

They quickly wound up the routine of leaving and walked out together. He hesitated a moment watching the delicious heart shape ass gyrate in a tight leotard to the car. Maybe he should join a gym.

He didn’t leave the journal on the off chance she decided to flick through it, which wasn’t very likely. He made up the story about research, and as a cornerstone to the plan it was important she didn’t find that out.

Nothing was delivered the rest of that week and he didn’t see her in the mornings, but she was in his thoughts. On the Friday he struggled with the usual weekly grocery delivery across to her kitchen.

‘Could you be a pet and put them away, I know it’s an imposition but I’m late,’ Kathy asked, with a pouty-lip expression that couldn’t be refused.

Her hair was up and the make-up was sparingly applied. With such a smooth complexion she hardly needed anything except some colour. She came back in just as he finished putting the last item on a shelf.

‘Could you zip me up?’ she asked, turning her back on him.

The little black dress was either a Chanel or a fine copy. Gerald took a deep breath needing some calm to stop his hands shaking. With the zip down, it was so low at the back, he could see the cleft of her ass. The fine hairs glistened where she had missed drying. The dress was too tight to pull back for a better view, though he wouldn’t have anyway.

Gripping the zip he told her, ‘Breath in.’

‘What do you think?’ she asked, twirling around with arms raised for his inspection.

‘Too good for some young man,’ he grinned.

‘Work!’ she grimaced. ‘No time for boyfriends, it’s all work and no play, I’m afraid,’ she intoned.

She turned around with head cocked back. ‘Does my bum look big in this?’ she asked

‘It’s perfect,’ he stated, with a big smile letting her know he appreciated the question and her ass.

‘No ill effects from pizza then?’ Kathy teased.

She was laughing at the look on his face.

‘I was just letting you know, that’s all,’ he said.

Recovering he told her, ‘I genuinely admire your bottom which is very nice. It’s just a pity I’m not a bit younger, a lot younger,’ he grinned.

‘Oh! Gerald, that’s so sweet,’ she said, and kissed his lips. ‘I don’t mind you looking, just no touching, alright,’ she grinned back at him.

He couldn’t help admiring her slim figure. In that tight dress Göztepe Escort heads would turn wherever she was off to tonight.

‘What exactly are the side effects anyway,’ she asked.

It was obvious she was just humouring him, though, this was an opportunity not to be missed.

‘It depends on the person. Chemicals build up in the body then produce sudden weight gain, memory loss, and agoraphobia. There is a list but usually only one symptom is present. It’s rare, but best avoided,’ he told her.

He noticed she took some notice, then quickly dismissed the advice, and him. She was in business mode again, ready to knock a customer out. He walked out with her then stopped to watch her bend while locking the back door.

‘Have a good time,’ he said, waving her away.

Because of high heels it was an awkward slide into the car, and showed more than usual. She was wearing stockings with a suspender belt. Probably power dressing to boost her confidence. The poor customer didn’t stand a chance. He would be hooked as easily as a fish in a bucket.


Watson moved out into an apartment and Gerald helped, trying not to show how pleased he was.

Gerald delivered the groceries and other deliveries to his attractive neighbour as usual during the next couple of weeks. He didn’t mention fast foods and merely shook his head in mock sadness, while holding up a pizza box. It had become a bit of a joke.

Dozing in his favourite chair the newspaper slid off his lap.


‘I’m sure you’ve noticed, no weight gain,’ she said, while patting her bottom.

‘It’s rare, just so long as you only eat pizza occasionally,’ he scolded.

‘As long as I’ve got you checking on my butt, I don’t have to worry,’ she laughed at him.

As she squeezed past him for the fridge, she impulsively grabbed his hands and placed them on her bottom.

‘Check me out Gerald, and see if I’m putting on weight,’ she told him.

‘I’m old but not that old,’ he warned her.

‘I thought you could check my ass on regular basis and warn me if you thought it was putting on weight,’ she goaded him.

He still hadn’t moved and he didn’t know what to say. His hands were lightly grazing her bottom, which was covered by a thing leotard.

‘Do you mean you are still active, Gerald,’ she asked, with amusement in her voice.

‘If I had someone, yes. But like you I don’t,’ he said.

‘That’s a good point, neither of us have a partner. I don’t have time for all the nonsense involved it getting one. Mmmm. An idea Gerald. You can help me out, and I’ll keep you young and fit,’ she suggested.

‘If you mean what I think you mean, yes,’ he said, looking startled.

‘We could take turns in screwing each other. I would be on top one day, then you the next,’ she proposed.

‘You make is sound like a business proposal,’ he said.

‘It is. I think it is sensible, as we are both free. We’re old enough to know what it is all about, and not get silly over it,’ she said.

‘Well, yes, I guess so,’ he agreed, still looking surprised.

‘We’ll seal it with a kiss, then,’ Kathy said, and opened her mouth for a long smooch.

The idea had been for a quick kiss, but his technique was absorbing, and enduring.


A slobbering, snoring noise woke him up. Damn! He still had a hard-on. The dream was full on, though a bit silly. The thought of it though was an inspiration.

Looking at the clock Gerald decided to just get on with it. An old pestle and mortar from the store he once owned, was ready and waiting. Grinding four pills to a fine powder, he put his finger into the dust for a taste. Nothing! He spat into the sink several times then used a mouth wash.

She wouldn’t eat a whole pizza, so double the recommended dose was needed. It sank into the frozen topping, satisfyingly untraceable. He wondered what might happen if she invited a friend home, and chuckled. The sight of two luscious females with huge breasts, cut a delectable picture. It came to mind it might be a boyfriend, and he laughed out loud.


‘Hi Gerald, thanks again, you’re a pet,’ Kathy smiled, then on impulse kissed his cheek.

After being called a pet, there was no way he was volunteering to put the groceries away, as much as he wanted to stick around. It was terrible leaving, wondering what might happen. He wanted to be there when she ate the pizza.


From his open window he heard her arrive home from the gym. He dare not look out the window at her, and anyway, she might not have eaten it yet, or maybe he had overplayed his hand. Maybe she had given up pizza or was saving it for the weekend, or gave it to friend.

Gerald took a few deep breaths.

‘Patience and tranquillity bring all things to those who wait,’ he recited. ‘Shit!’ he exclaimed loudly.

Hitting the bottle wasn’t an original idea but it would help.

Next morning he stood by the door ready to collide with her on the front lawn. ‘Hi, how are you this fine morning?’ Kathy asked.

It seemed her voice was particularly loud and it was clear she noticed he had a hangover. He didn’t watch her get into the car, instead he scuttled back to the kitchen for more coffee. The crossword puzzle seemed more difficult than usual, though it did at least take his mind off the naughty scheme.

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