Notty High – For Naughty Teens Ch. 02


(Thanks to Drewau for editing. Comments and feedback are always welcome and appreciated. This story will make more sense if you start from the beginning, but hopefully, you can enjoy it anyways. All characters are 18+.)


The walk back to class felt like the longest walk of my life. In the heat of the moment I was too stunned by what was happening to pay much attention. Walking back I had plenty of time to remember Hilary ripping my track pants off and blowing me in the middle of class. If it hadn’t been for Ms. Maven’s kind words of encouragement, I probably would have just dropped out of school and never come back to class.

The closer I got to the classroom, the more I realised that I could hear yelling coming from the room. Something about being a slut, irresponsible, three time senior. By the context clues, and what Ms. Maven had told me, I guessed that it was Hillary’s mom, the principal, yelling at her. I got to the door and peered in without actually entering the room.

I couldn’t see much from my vantage point. Namely Ms. Maven in her ankle length pencil skirt and brown sweater. She was standing by her desk watching whatever fiasco was going on at the front of her classroom. She noticed me, and with a subtle gesture of her hand, beckoned me to come in.

“Where do you think I got it from Mom? The whole school knows you’re screwing Mr. Beldin and Mr. Quell. We’ve even seen the video of you with Mr. Shel, Ms. Vera, and Mrs. Buchanan. The only person in this school you probably haven’t humped is Ms. Maven, and that is only because she’s such a prude that she’s probably still a virgin.”

I’m not sure if it was the insult or the loud slap that made Ms. Maven flinch. The red mark on Hillary’s face left little to the imagination of what the noise was. That was when she noticed me. She stood there, still covered in my cum, and suddenly smiled at my entry into the room.

Her sudden distraction drew Ms. Beavers unwanted attention to me. She glanced over at me, and then back at her daughter. “Go to your gym showers and get cleaned up. After you get changed, I’m driving you home.”

“Fine.” Hillary’s tone was suddenly jovially defiant. As she walked towards the door, she winked at me and peeled her t-shirt off revealing her softball sized breasts and a pink satin bikini. Her shirt smeared even more cum all over her face and hair.

I couldn’t help but stare, along with all of the other students. Even the janitor who was mopping the cum off the floor watched her leave. Just before she stepped out of the room, she unzipped her short skirt and let it fall to the floor. This revealed a matching pair of pink panties that scrunched up in the back.

Ms. Beaver sighed loudly and rolled her eyes. Then she looked at me and asked if she could see me in the hallway. I felt my stomach drop. I was sure I was in trouble again. I stepped into the hall and she apologised to Ms. Maven for the trouble before joining me.

When she met me in the hall, her expression was that of defeated exhaustion. “I’m sorry for what my daughter did to you. Please don’t press charges.”

I blinked in confusion. Press charges, I didn’t even think that was an option. “Why would I press charges?”

“Because she sexually assaulted you. She has her problems, but she’s my daughter, and she is so close to actually graduating this time.”

I was still a little confused by the conversation when I said, “Yeah, sure. Don’t worry about it.”

“Thank you so…” Her voice trailed off when she saw the imprint of my log through my pants trailing down my leg. She just stared at it for a few seconds. Suddenly she realised what she was doing. She shook the fog from her head and said, “Sorry, I don’t know where my mind went. I… I’ve got to go.” And then she drifted down the hallway clearly distracted by something.

I stepped back into the classroom and the entire room stood and gave me a round of applause. This day just kept getting stranger and stranger. Even the janitor seemed to be staring at me admiringly. Ms. Maven quickly quieted everyone down. “OK. Class. Before Hillary’s little outburst.”

A kid in the back made a crack about I was the one with the outburst. “That’s a detention Michael.” The kid cursed under his breath and Maven gave him another. “Anyways, as part of Drew’s community service, he has to do some after school tutoring. Does anyone want to sign up?”

Every hand in the room shot up. Ms. Maven smiled with tight lips. “And just so you know, he doesn’t have anymore of that chemical that made him big anymore.” Half the guys hands dropped. “And he doesn’t have the recipe either. The rest of the guy’s hands dropped. “OK, I don’t have time to interrogate all of you about your actual need for tutoring or not. So, I’m just going to leave a sign up sheet by the door.”

Ms. Maven hung the sign up sheet and the girls in the class surged for it. “After class!” She yelled. And then they sulkily slunk back to their seats.

Every eye was on me as I walked back to Bahçelievler escort my desk. Ms. Maven did her best at salvaging what remained of the hour. She talked about advanced chemistry and formulae. All of which was right up my alley, but it was basic stuff that I had mastered my freshman year. So, I was bored, and distracted.

And by that, I meant that I was stiff as a board and distracted by the redhead that kept glancing over at me and inching her skirt up little by little. She was pretending like she had an itch on her beautiful pale thigh a little higher every time. At one point I was surprised that I didn’t see her panty line on her hip.

The bell rang and half the girls ran for the sign up sheet, and the other crowded around my desk to talk to me. I had no clue what to say to these beautiful women though. Thankfully, they would not stop asking me questions. Even stranger, was the fact that they all seemed to be more interested in tabletop RPGs than any other woman I had ever talked to, other than Brittany.

“I love role playing.” Said one brunette. “My ex and I used to dress up and role play in the bedroom all the time.”

That seemed a little weird to me that they would game in the bedroom. “Wouldn’t that be hard to roll the dice on the bed?”

“No. My exes dice stayed fairly well put.” The girl made a hand gesture like she was circling Meridian balls in her hand and all the girls laughed.

Not getting people’s jokes is common for me, so I just laughed with the group. Another girl spoke up. “Do you ever chain people up when you play in your Dungeons?”

I figured she was making some joke about D&D. “No, in Dungeons and Dragons we typically just say what our characters do. LARPing is when you get into props and toys.”

The girls laughed, and the same one said, “I have some props and toys you should see?” They all laughed at that.

“Girls, if you don’t get moving you will be late for your next class.” Ms. Maven’s voice called.

The girls groaned and headed for the door. I packed up my things, getting ready to follow. But then Ms. Maven called out to me. “Drew. Can I see you after class for a moment?”

I nodded and walked up to her desk after everyone left. “You seem to be making friends fast.”

“Yeah, apparently they are all fans of RPG’s.” I said excitedly.

Ms. Maven stared at me with a mix of pity and humor. “You really don’t get it do you? You really are that innocent.”

I was genuinely confused. “What do you mean?”

She sighed and leaned forward in her chair. I tried not to stare as I suddenly had a perfect view down the top of her sweater to her cleavage. “I don’t think I have time to explain this now. But, be careful. These girls want one thing, and I’m afraid you will misconstrue their intentions, and end up getting your heart broken.”

“I don’t understand. What one thing are you talking about?”

“Wow.” Ms. Maven leaned back in her chair. “Are you really this innocent? Do you not have the internet at home?”

“No, my mom always said that the internet was a distraction. She always pushed me to read and study instead.”

“OK. Nevermind. Don’t forget the sign up sheet on the way out the door.”

“Will do, Thanks.” About halfway to the door I suddenly realised what one thing she was talking about. I turned and asked, “Is the one thing that they want to play Role Playing Games? I really need a new group after changing schools.”

Ms. Maven’s mouth hung open for a few seconds, unable to speak. “Yes. I’m sure that is exactly what they want to do.” I’m not the greatest at picking up on sarcasm.

Walking down the hall, I felt like every eye was on me. Mainly because every eye was on me. People were openly staring at me, and whispering to each other. One of the girls from Ms. Mavens’ class was gesturing with her hands a fairly large sized object. I figured she was telling her friend about the scale model boat that I told her that I created for one of my games. That thing was massive.

If everyone hadn’t been smiling at and high fiving me as I walked by, I might have thought their attention malicious. Then again, it could have all been an act and they were secretly bad mouthing me behind my back. I really started to wonder if they were messing with me when a large breasted blonde locked eyes with me and sexily sucked a finger into her mouth.

That distracted me so much that I didn’t see the woman bent over in front of me tying her shoe. I bumped into her but managed to grab a hold of her hips to keep her from falling. “I’m sorry. I didn’t see you.”

Still bent over at the hips, she looked back at me over her shoulder and smiled. Her cute face distracted me from the fact that my pelvis was still pressed up against her butt. And I mean literal butt. She was wearing a very short flowy skirt that had ridden up enough in the back with her bent over as she was, that my crotch was against her bare butt.

I assumed that she was wearing a thong, but I was too Bahçelievler escort bayan much of a gentleman to lift what was left covered to check. “I love this position, just let me pull my panties to the side and we can get started.”

That was when I realised that I was still holding her hips against my crotch. “OH! Sorry. I just didn’t want you to fall.” I released her and she straightened and faced me.

“Too bad, I’ve been getting screwed in the classroom all day, I thought the least I could do was get screwed in the hallway as well.” The girl joked. Now that she had turned around, I could see that she had done her hair and makeup to look like Margot Robbie from Harley Quinn.

The second after I realised that, her words caught up to me. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

She grinned at me and cocked her head sideways, then she patted me gently on the cheek. “You’re cute.” Her intonation was that of someone talking to a puppy. “What I meant was that all my teachers seem to have it out for me today. My science teacher just said that we were going to have a test tomorrow, and if I didn’t pass it, then he was going to fail me for the year.”

“I’m guessing that means you aren’t ready?”

She sighed and said, “No, I’ve been watching too much porn lately instead of studying.” I blinked hard. Did I just hear that right. She laughed at me and said, “You are just so easy to rile up. I’m Harley by the way.” She extended her hand towards me.

The look and name we’re too alike to be coincidental. I shook her hand and asked, “As in Harley Quinn?”

Harley’s face brightened, and in her best Brooklyn accent she said, “You know my work.” Then back in her normal voice. “It’s technically Harriet, but I prefer Harley. I love her character.”

“I do too. She is one of my favorites.”

“Yea, yours and every other horny teenager that ever saw Suicide Squad.”

“No… I mean, yes she’s hot. But even her backstory is really interesting. She was the Joker’s therapist before falling for him and going crazy herself.”

Harley’s eyebrows arched. “Oh. Someone actually was reading the articles, instead of just looking at the pictures.”

“What articles?” Then I realised I didn’t care about whatever joke she was making. Have you ever cosplayed as her?”

Harley stepped back and showcased herself. “What do you think I’m doing now? Granted, I’m not in the full costume, but I’d probably get kicked out if I did.” The one minute bell rang, signaling for us to get to our next class. “You never said your name by the way.”

“Drew, Drew Austin.”

Harely’s eyes suddenly got big. “Oh. You’re Mr. Big?” And she gestured down towards my crotch.

That made me uncomfortable and I linked my hands together in front of me. Harley started to turn away, but then she turned back again. “Wait, don’t you have to help us study or something?”


“Do you mind helping me prepare for this test tonight then?

“Sure. Just meet me out front after school.”

“See you then, Mr. Big.”

I really hoped that nickname wouldn’t stick. I didn’t have time to worry about that now though. I had to get to the nurse’s office. Apparently, every incoming student had to get a check up. Since I was coming in halfway through the year, the school offered to let the Nurse practitioner do it. I had special permission to skip my next class just to get this over with.

The late bell rang just as I walked into her office. Instead of an office though, it looked like a miniature hospital. There were a few beds with curtains that could be pulled for privacy, and a few rooms if more discretion was needed. I sat in the waiting area next to a fellow student with exceptionally large breasts.

There was obviously much more to her, but I had to keep my eyes straight ahead or else they would have been glued to her copious amounts of cleavage. Even seeing them out of the corner of my eyes was making me hard again. Thankfully she started making small talk, I figured that would distract me.

“You’re new here right?”

“Yeah.” I nodded, keeping my eyes forward.

“You’ll like Nurse Bolton. She’s nice.”

“That’s good.” I was trying to keep my answers short and sweet as there wasn’t much blood feeding to my brain at the moment.

“Most guys tend to especially like her.”

“Oh, yeah? Why’s that?”

“Rumor is that she got pregnant by one of the students here.”

That pulled my attention to her face, then her tits, then back ahead. “Are you sure?”

“Well, no, but she’s not married, doesn’t have a serious boyfriend, and a quick look at her facebook and you can tell she doesn’t get out very much.”

I was going to argue the possibility of in-vitro fertilization, when Nurse Bolton walked out of the back office. When this stranger said she was pregnant, I didn’t realise she meant that pregnant. She had to have been at least eight months along. Her breasts stuck out nearly as far as her belly did. I never noticed Escort bahçelievler how sexy pregnant women looked until that very moment.

I don’t know why, but I wanted to kiss and rub all three of her perfect round globes. I had to clear my head before she caught me staring and salivating.

“OK. Who was next” When the nurse spoke I was finally able to take in the rest of her beauty. She had curly dirty blond hair that came down just a little past her shoulders.

I pointed at the busty stranger to my left. “Yep, it’s me. Not to mention he’s probably too hard to stand up right now.”

The Nurse chuckled, but chastised the girl for embarrassing him like that. “So, what can I do for you?”

The girl suddenly got uncomfortable. “Can we talk in private?”

“Sure, just step over here.” Nurse Bolton escorted her behind a curtain that she pulled closed. I could just barely see the shadows of the two busty women through the white curtain.

They whispered, but from what I couldn’t help but overhear, the girl was worried about a lump she found on her breast. Nurse Bolton asked if she could perform an exam herself. The girl agreed and a bright light was flicked on which left little to the imagination in regard to their silhouettes.

Then the senior pulled her shirt off over her head, followed quickly by her unclasping her bra and letting it fall away. I could even see the outline of her huge nipples from here. Then the thing that almost made me moan happened. Nurse Bolton began to grope and fondle them.

Nothing seemed inappropriate, at least as far as I imagined a breast exam should go, but it still had me squirming and clenching my pelvic floor to keep from cumming in my pants. I knew I should close my eyes, or look away, but every ounce of testosterone in my body refused to let me.

Finally the examination ended and the girl put her clothes back on. Nurse Bolton clicked her pen and started writing on a clipboard. “I think it’s nothing, but I’m going to recommend you get a mammogram anyway. Just to be safe. Just take this note home to your mom.”

The girl thanked her and left. Then Nurse Bolton turned to me. “Drew Austin?”

“Uh huh?” I squeaked out.

Kathy laughed gently. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. This is just going to be a friendly little exam. Please follow me.”

Nurse Bolton turned towards her back office and I used my backpack to hide the behemoth in my pants as I followed her. Thankfully, she wanted to ask a few questions first. She sat behind her desk and I sat in front of it. The questions were mostly benign boring ones that gave me a chance to calm down. Then they took a sharp left turn.

“Are you sexually active?”

“What? No. Can you really ask that?”

Bolton leaned forward and said, “There’s nothing to be ashamed of. About 30% of students are sexually active, and that’s just the ones that are honest on the survey’s. At this school that number is probably closer to 95%.”

“Well, I’m afraid I’m not.”

The nurse looked puzzled by this. She looked at her paperwork. Weren’t you expelled from your previous school for ejaculating on your lab partners breasts in class?”

“No. I mean, yes, but it was an accident.”

“And the oral sex Hillary gave you in the middle of class this morning?”

My eyes went wide. Did everyone know about that already? “Completely unsolicited and unwanted.”

Kathy laughed and mumbled. “Never heard that before from one of Hillary’s conquests.”

My face flushed and I started speaking quickly. “I mean, I liked it, it felt good. But I didn’t ask for it. And I especially didn’t want it right in the middle of class. I mean, who performs a sex act right in front of an entire class of students?”

Suddenly Nurse Kathy was the one that looked embarrassed. “Um… I don’t know. Maybe someone trying to give a very informative sex education demonstration?”

“What? Who would do a thing like that?”

“Um… Uhh… No one. Let’s move on. Next up the examination.”

Over the next ten minutes Nurse Bolton checked my heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and reflexes. Then it came to a part that she seemed a little too eager for. “Alright Drop your pants.”

“I’m sorry what?”

“I have to check for a hernia.”

“No you don’t. I’m not athletic, so there is no chance I got a hernia.”

Kathy smiled sweetly. “It’s OK. I do this all the time and it is very clinical and professional.”

“But I don’t have a hernia.”

“You can still get a hernia without being athletic. If anything, you are probably more likely to get one since you haven’t been properly training your core.”

“Please don’t make me do this.” I was almost in tears as I pleaded with her.

Suddenly, Kathy became very tender with me. She brought me in for a hug and pressed my face into her sizable chest. “Calm down.” She spoke softly as she caressed the back of my head. “Why are you so terrified of this? Typically, I can’t get you guys to keep it in your pants.”

I sighed, contemplated being honest with her, and finally decided to do it. “Aside from me being a virgin and really innocent, I’m also really ashamed of it.”

“Ashamed of what?”

“You know?”

“Your penis? Why would you be ashamed of that? Especially if everything I hear about the size is true.”

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