Rachel’s Summer Job


It was the end of my last college semester and I wasn’t sure what step to take next with my life. The obvious move would be to find a nice summer teaching gig like many of my friends had at one of the local elementary schools, but I was craving something different. Being stuck in so many different classrooms for five years had made me exhausted and stressed to no end. I wasn’t ready to get back into the classroom just yet, and so against my parent’s wishes, she sought out some other opportunities.

I remembered that I had set up an account on care.com a few years ago, so I grabbed my laptop and began exploring the different job offers. “Let’s see,” I said to herself. “There’s plenty of babysitting jobs, but they don’t pay near enough”. “Hmm, no one needs a nanny right now, a few pet sitting jobs”. “Maybe I should try calling up some local daycares”. I grabbed her temples with her hand trying to relieve her building stress when her cell phone started to ring. It was her close friend Cristyn.

ME: Hey girlie what’s up?

CRISTYN: Oh nothing just packing for the beach and thought I’d see what you

Were up to.

ME: Oh yeah, time for your yearly beach trip with you Mom and Mamaw I guess.

I’ve just been searching for some summer work on Care.com, but haven’t had any

Luck so far. I guess you’re working for that year round school when you get back?

CRISTYN: Well have you tried looking outside of Morgantown? I know you’ve thought about traveling; maybe you could find a gig somewhere else.

ME: That’s a great idea actually! Hey let me get off here and expand my search and I’ll get back to you later.

CRISTYN: Ok bye!

I changed my search options to nationwide on the webpage and hundreds of job offers popped up. “Well looks like we’re off to a good start,” I said slightly smiling. There were so many options, so I clicked a tab that put the most recent offers at the top of the page. After the page finished loading a big header for the first job offer finally popped up. I clicked on the link to read the whole description:

SUMMER HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED: My name is James Summers and I’m looking for someone to look after my house during the summer. I work long hours during the day so I would need someone to clean the house two to three times a week, prepare meals each day and be able to help me with any secretarial type work when necessary. If you would like more information please email me at [email protected].

I looked beside the header for the job offer and it said the job was located in the Outer Banks of North Carolina on Corolla Beach. I had been to that beach before with my family and knew that some parts of the beach could be pretty remote.

Mr. Summers,

My name is Rachel Figueroa and I am a recent graduate from West Virginia University looking for summer for as well as travel opportunities. If you could email me back with some more particulars about your job offer or call me at 304-553-5085 I would be very appreciative.

Thank you for your time,

Rachel Figueroa

“There” I said. Now to wait for a response. I closed my laptop and lay back on my bed closing my eyes. I imagined Corolla beach, a nice bottle of wine and the sun setting in the background. Then I started to imagine the silhouette of a man walking down the beach. He’s getting closer and leaning down to kiss me and then…

I heard a loud buzzing beside my head. BUZZ…BUZZ…BUZZ…BUZZ. I sat up and realized my phone was ringing. “I must have dozed off” I said to myself. I picked up my phone to see who was calling. “Hmm a 252 area code, that’s weird”. I answered the phone expecting to hear a telemarketer on the other end, but instead heard someone completely different.

ME: Hello?

MR. SUMMERS: Hello is this Rachel? I calling in response to your email about my job listing on Care.com

ME: Oh yes, Mr. Summers right? Thank you so much for calling me.

MR. SUMMERS: No problem, so let’s get down to business. I own an engineering company in the Outer Banks that contracts homes and offices for vacationers and different companies. As you can imagine everyone’s looking to build down here so that they can visit or work during the summer, so when the summer comes it’s my job to greet the new owners and run through the property with them to make sure we didn’t leave anything out of the buildings or need to add anything to accommodate the buyers needs. This means that I’m going to be at work at my office and at different properties from around 7-5, Monday through Friday, and on the weekends I will work from home. Your responsibilities would be to make breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday through Friday and dinners on the weekends, clean the house twice a week and help me with things like paperwork and organizing my office. Any questions?

I was stunned at how blunt this man was being. I mean I didn’t expect to be best friends with the man, but I thought he might have some ounce of kindness. Avcılar Escort Despite my desperate need for a job, I responded to Mr. Summers rather annoyed.

ME: Well sir, considering you’ve given me less than five minutes to think about this job opportunity, I might need a little more of your time and patience.

MR. SUMMERS: I apologize if I sound rude, but you must understand Miss Figueroa, I’m a very busy man and I work on a tight schedule. I need someone to help me out this summer and honestly I won’t have time for any type of working relationship. If you take this job you will not see or hear from me very often, but I promise you will be paid very well if you can keep up with your responsibilities.

His tone was softer now and I couldn’t ignore the phrase “paid very well” that easily. I felt a conflict building within me. Do I follow my heart and take this job as well as a big risk, or do I follow my head and find something more solid?

ME: Mr. Summers, I accept your offer.

MR. SUMMERS: Ok great. If possible I would like to meet you within the week and show you around the house as well as where you’ll be staying before work gets too hectic. Let me know when you are on your way and have a safe trip. Oh and don’t forget to send me a copy of your background check, I want to make sure I can fully trust you.

Mr. Summers hung up the phone and I rubbed my eyes still trying to process what I had just done. Me, Rachel Figueroa, was going to be staying in a house with a man I’ve never met for an entire summer basically playing wifey. But on the bright side I’ll be near the beach and I can go shopping. I still felt nervous about my decision, but also felt excitement building within me knowing that a great opportunity was heading my way.

On Saturday, the day after I made my crazy decision, I called up my parents to try and explain to them what my plans were exactly for this summer. Telling my Dad was a breeze. I just let him know that I had a job and boom no problem. My mom on the other hand was a different story.

MOM: Rachel I’m not discussing this with you anymore, you’re not going.

ME: Mom let me tell you something. You know that I love you very much and respect all of the advice that you give me. But I’m twenty-two years old and need to make my own decisions. I’ve thought this through and this is something that I really want to do. And besides I know how to take care of myself. I’ll have my cellphone on me so you can call or message me whenever you want me to, I’ll be close enough to town in case of any type of emergency, and I’ve researched this guy. His company is legitimate and there are no red flags anywhere that I have found. You know me mom, if I ever thought there was something wrong when I got down there I’d pack up and turn right around.

There was silence on the other end of the phone and I could almost hear my mom thinking. I prayed she wouldn’t question how thoroughly I’d really thought this job offer through.

MOM: Alright Rachel, I can’t tell you what to do I will admit that. But I hope you know I don’t fully agree with this. Making this decision means you’re going to have to support yourself this summer and I can’t rush down there if something goes wrong. I love you sweet pea. Please be careful.

When we hung up I felt a wonderful sense of relief. I was all clear to head down to Corolla. I sent a quick email to Mr. Summers letting him know I’d be in Monday evening. Then I started the busy task of packing. I was digging through my underwear drawer looking for my bathing suit and my sparkly orange vibrator from spencers caught my eye. “Hmm” I thought to myself. “Am I really going to feel like using this knowing that some random guy could be listening in the next room, a guy who is going to be my boss?” “Oh what the hell” I said. Three months is a long time and a girl can go stir crazy if she can’t let off steam once in a while. I tossed my vibrator in a side pocket in my suitcase and zipped it up.

On Monday morning I waited outside my apartment and saw Cristyn pull up. The plan was to get a ride with her to Charleston, WV where we’d pick up her family, and then on their way to Myrtle Beach they would drop me off in Raleigh where I could take a bus the rest of the way to Corolla. Normally I would have driven myself down, but since my mom wasn’t going to help me out this summer I decided that a car just meant extra money I’d have to save for gas. Besides, Mr. Summers already said I would use his car to go get groceries for each week, so I’m sure if I really needed something I could just use his.

I tossed my suitcase into the back of Cristyn’s jeep and got into the passenger side seat. Cristyn started driving and didn’t greet me like usual, but instead stared intently at the road.

ME: Hey is something wrong? You’re being really quiet.

CRISTYN: I just, I’m worried Rach, I mean you don’t know this guy. He could be some creep just looking to take Avcılar Escort bayan advantage of young girls. I just don’t want you to get down there and be stuck without a way out.

ME: Look how about this. I’ll go down there and if it seems ok I’ll try it out for a week. If I don’t like the job I’ll just hop back on the bus and head back home with you. Does that work?

CRISTYN: Yea, just make sure you call and text every day. You’re my best friend and I don’t want anything to happen to you.

The rest of the drive went smoothly. Cristyn and I laughed and talked all the way to Charleston and then when we picked up her family we laughed and talked even more. We pulled up to the bus station in Raleigh and Cristyn and her family wished me well. I stood and watched them pull away with my suitcase in hand when I heard a voice from an overhead speaker announcing that the 312 bus was getting ready to leave. “SHIT!” I said as I ran around like an idiot trying to find the right bus. I ran down a row of buses looking at each of the numbers on the front and finally found number 312. The doors were almost closed when I waved frantically at the driver. He rolled his eyes and opened the door again.

DRIVER: You almost missed the bus young lady, might want to pay attention to what time it is next time you decide to catch a bus around here, we don’t usually wait around for stragglers.

I could have made a smart comment to the bus driver, but instead I just smiled and nodded as I got on the bus. I walked to the very back and had a seat by myself near the window. I watched as we pulled away from the station and took a deep breath. This was it. In six hours I would be in Corolla. In the last email from Mr. Summers he said that he would have a driver pick me up from the bus station and take me the rest of the way to the house. A driver, really? I laughed to myself a little thinking about how crazy rich this guy must be. He’s probably just some money-crazed guy who throws himself into work at every waking moment. But hey, at least he pays well.

I listened to the music on my phone for about an hour, watching the sun start to set when I leaned my head against the side of the bus and fell asleep. I started to have the same dream again about the man walking down the beach, but this time I could hear him talking. He leaned down to kiss me but instead whispered “take off your clothes”. I took off my bikini top and pulled down my bottoms and he started kissing his way down my body. First my neck, then the spot between my tits as he played with my nipples. I was in absolute heaven. He made it just a little further when suddenly I felt the bus come to a screeching halt and my body was thrown forward. “Anyone who’s going to Raleigh, this is your last chance!” I realized we were at my stop and stood up quickly making my way to the front of the bus. “Thanks for the ride!” I said as I walked down the steps of the bus and grabbed my suitcase from underneath.

The bus station was surprisingly busy and being only half awake I was trying to look around and see if I could figure out where this driver was. I walked into the crowd and soon was met with an older man wearing a black dress shirt and pants who seemed to recognize me.

DRIVER: Miss Figueroa?

ME: Yes that’s me, are you, Mr. Summer’s driver?

He let out a slight chuckle.

DRIVER: Haha yes that’s me, but you can call me Hank. Follow me and I’ll help you get your bags into the car.

We walked out to the parking lot of the bus station and Hank led me over to a Mercedes that was parked right in front. “WOW” I thought to myself “Who is this guy?” I was expecting more of a cab or something.

Hank opened the door for me and I hopped in while he put my suitcase in the trunk. I ran my hands across the cool leather seats and admired the new car smell. “I could definitely get used to this” I thought to myself.

HANK: So what brings a girl like you down to Corolla by yourself?

ME: I’m sorry, a girl like me?

HANK: Oh you know, I just figured a young girl like you would rather be somewhere like Myrtle Beach where there are things to do. Not too much to do in Corolla besides embrace the sun and sand.

ME: Well I guess I’m a little different than other girls my age, I’m just looking for some peace and quiet. You can’t get much of that in a college town. And I’ve always liked travelling.

HANK: Well you’ll get plenty of peace and quiet at Mr. Summer’s house, you rarely see him during the summer months. Well except for me of course, I do drive him around from time to time.

ME: What can you tell me about Mr. Summers? I know I should have probably asked about this earlier, but I don’t know much about him.

HANK: Oh he’s a good man, very work oriented though. Always has plans and schematics running through his mind, but he’s always been a good boss. Pays me well and treats me right, that’s all I could ask for.

The rest Escort avcılar of the drive was pretty quiet. It was around ten when Hank pulled off into the parking lot of Marriott.

ME: What are we doing here? I asked a little concerned.

HANK: Well Mr. Summer’s house is a ways down the beach, he likes his privacy you see, and so you have to drive down the beach to get here. But since it’s dark out and we’re in the town car I can’t very well drive you there tonight. Mr. Summers booked you a room here for the night and in the morning the other driver Ben will be here to pick you up.

ME: Um ok, but are you sure about this? I mean I had no idea Mr. Summers was paying for a hotel room or anything. I feel kind of uncomfortable about this.

HANK: Oh don’t worry Miss, it’s just Mr. Summer’s way. He’s a generous man, always helping others.

ME: Ok well, thank you for everything Hank, I’m sure I will see you around.

I wheeled my suitcase over to the entrance of the hotel and walked up to the front desk.

ME: Hi um, this might be a little strange, but I think I have a room booked for me by Mr. Summers. My name is Rachel Figueroa and…

CONCIERGE: Oh yes he called earlier and said you’d be arriving, you’re in room 401. The elevator is to your left, check out is at 11:00 A.M., oh and Mr. Summers said to go ahead and order anything you want from room service this evening. He expected you would need dinner.

ME: Um thank you very much. I guess I’ll head up to my room.

I hoped the woman at the front desk didn’t think I looked like a complete idiot because I’m sure I looked absolutely dumbfounded. Now this Mr. Summers guy is paying for my room and dinner? I just hoped this wasn’t some kind of scam.

I went up to my room and sure enough it was extremely luxurious. There was a big king sized bed, the bathroom had a giant bathtub and shower and there was an impressive flat screen TV mounted to the wall. I flopped down onto the bed and inhaled the smell of the clean linens. I rested my head wanting to go to sleep when I suddenly realized I should let everyone know I made it here ok.

I first called my mom letting her know I finally made it to Corolla and told her that “I” got a room at a “Red Roof Inn” for the night because we couldn’t drive on the beach at night. I knew if I told her that my so called “boss” whom I’ve never met put me up in a ridiculously expensive hotel room she’d be on the next flight down here. She seemed calm enough and told me to keep in touch. We said our I love yous and then I called up Cristyn.

CRISTYN: He booked you a hotel room?! A crazy fancy hotel room?! AND YOU WERE TOLD TO EAT WHATEVER YOU WANT?! WHO IS THIS GUY RACHEL?!

RACHEL: I know it’s crazy but don’t worry, I have a good feeling about this. I mean it’s not like he was in here naked expecting me to “do the dirty” or whatever with a rose clenched between his teeth.

We both laughed really hard for a minute and then sighed.

CRISTYN: Well I just hope you know what you’re in for Rachel. Keep checking in and don’t let your guard down with this guy. I know we always talked about being spoiled by rich men, but you should at least get to know him a little first.

RACHEL: Alright girlie, have a fun trip and I’ll talk to you soon.

I remembered how late it was so I called down to room service quickly before they closed. With the menu in hand, I scrolled through the pages and decided on a cheeseburger and fries, a diet coke and a piece of chocolate cake. I could have easily ordered a fifty-dollar steak, but I didn’t want to piss off my boss this early on.

Soon enough someone arrived at the door with a fancy food cart to bring my dinner. I thanked them and quickly ate my food, which was ridiculously good. I thought about just going to bed, but I felt like I should at least take a quick shower if I was going to meet Mr. Summers tomorrow.

I turned on the shower and got the water just the way I like it, hot, but not so hot that I can’t stand it. I pawed over all the complimentary soaps and shampoos and chose one to wash my hair. I closed my eyes enjoying all of the special treatment I was getting and I could feel the soapy shampoo that smelled like fresh cucumber melon makes it way down my breasts and in-between my legs. Without thinking I started playing with my tits, massaging them with the wet soapy water making my pussy dripping wet. I kept one hand massaging my tits while I let the other hand start rubbing my wet soapy mound. I started thinking about my dream earlier and imagined the mysterious man fingering my pussy and playfully licking my clit. I started rubbing my clit faster and faster until I let out a loud moan and had a shuttering orgasm. The feeling pulsated through my body and made me feel so good I could hardly stand it. I opened my eyes and thought that I better finish up in the shower and head to bed. I rinsed off the soapy water, dried off and then slipped into the big bed naked. The feeling of the soft cotton sheets on my body felt so good I almost felt like I could make myself cum again if I wanted to, but soon I fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of the phone beside my bed ringing. I answered and heard the concierge on the other end of the line.

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