Craigslist NSA Love


I met April online from a Craigslist ad I placed for NSA sex. She was one of only two real women that replied. She said that she liked my ad, and was interested, “I am 36, 5’3″ 127lbs, brunette, blue eyes, and I work a lot” she typed, and then she asked. “What would you like out of this?”
I replied; “What do I want out of this? It’s an easy/hard question to answer, I know what I want, but don’t know if I can describe it. I want a lover, someone to share myself with. I want someone to love on, someone to touch, someone to breathe in! No strings attached love. I will never ask if you have others, no jealousy, no pain, no lies. Just fun, and love. I need someone to share my passion with. A woman to please in the bedroom, a woman to push to sexual heights unknown to her, the higher she gets the higher I get. I feed off her passion; I feed off her desire, that’s just the way I’m built. I love petite women, and I love brunettes, and blue eyes. I forgot to tell you that I am tall, 6’3” and slim at 180 pounds. I hope to hear from you soon.”
“Billy, that’s sounds very descriptive to me. You do know what you want. I enjoyed reading what you wrote. I have never heard (read) a man sound so sincere about his sexual desires and wants. To find a man who is about passion and pleasure is a rare find. You have me blown away, speechless, which is unusual for me. I really liked this last picture you sent to me. I have one to send, but it’s not a very good picture, but I will send it to you. You are really tall, that’s a very good thing. We both know physical attraction is a big part of this. I am attracted to you, so I will send this picture and then we can go from there. You may not like how I look at all, lol, and if you don’t like what you see then just don’t respond. April”.

April sent me her picture, and she was beautiful! Long dark hair, small waist, and startling blue eyes! It wasn’t the sharpest picture, and a strange thing in her picture was her skin. On the image she sent me, it looked blotched with tiny dark spots. I couldn’t make out what they were, if they were real or just a bad photograph. But I could see that she was very beautiful so I sent:

“Beautiful April, when I got your picture all I could think about, was Shakespeare’s line “The hand that hath made you fair hath made you good.” I wish to meet you! Are you ready to meet me? I haven’t done this before, but I have a plan. I’m concerned that you feel comfortable with your safety. I don’t know Tulsa very well, just how to get to the airport, and the 71st street mall. I could meet you somewhere public, like the Barns and Noble bookstore on 71st street? Last time I was there they had a coffee shop. Or it could be anywhere you would like. If you decide you want to meet me I will leave the details up to you. Whatever makes you feel comfortable, and safe I will be glad to do. Billy”.

Well, to make a long story shorter, we set a plan to meet. It was just to be a meet and greet of an hour, and in case we didn’t click well together this would leave us a way out. She had some shopping to do and had to be at a meeting at 3pm. So we planned to meet at the coffee-shop at noon, and we şişli escort gave each other descriptions of the vehicles we would be driving.

I arrived early at 11am feeling like a nervous school boy! I bought a book to read and found a table in the coffee-shop where I could see and be seen by the cars driving past. I wanted her to have the option to just drive by and see me in person. If she didn’t like what she saw in me, she could just go on. I wasn’t worried, because the pictures I sent her were of the real me, untouched in anyway. I’m what she saw in the pictures I sent. Tall, slim and fit for 48, with short gray sprinkled black hair, and a face I wouldn’t call handsome as much as rugged and weathered. Some women have called me handsome, but they all say I have great eyes, “bedroom eyes they call them” whatever the hell that means.
So there I am setting, waiting in the warm sun beaming through the window, watching every female in sight, looking for my soon to be lover. It was a very long hour, and it got longer as the hour passed and time ran on, with no April in site. I decided to give her till one o’clock, for neither one of us lived in Tulsa and something could have happened that delayed her. But by one o’clock, already five chapters into my book and two cups of coffee drunk, I had given up on her coming. I consoled myself with the old adage that “those who won’t try, won’t win” when my cell beeped that there was an email. It was from April “Were are you?” it said “I’m in the coffee-shop parking lot, I see your truck but you’re not there.”
I left the shop and headed to the lot, looking all around for April or her car. I spy a car of her description, but the windows are so dark I can’t see if there is anyone in it. When I walk around to the driver’s side, April gets out and she is as beautiful as I had dreamed! She’s wearing a white blouse with a form fitting, black dress and long black, high heeled, leather boots. She had a great ass, the kind that causes the hem of a woman’s skirt to ride two inches higher in the back then the front. “Hi Billy” holding my hands out, I say “my beautiful April”. She allows me to sweep her into my arms and I look down into her smiling face and amazing blue eyes. The tiny blotches I saw, in her picture, were freckles! Beautiful, wonderful freckles, starting at her cheeks and running down to the deep cleavage between her breasts. I couldn’t help but to say “freckles! You have freckles…” her eyes left mine in a downcast sort of way, and I realize that she was embarrassed or maybe ashamed of her freckles. Grasping this I added “what beautiful, wonderful freckles, I just love your freckles!” She smiled again and her eyes lit with pleasure while she held me tighter. Her perfume was of a citrus aroma that I just couldn’t get enough of.
I just couldn’t believe my luck! Such a beautiful woman, with such long raven hair, blue eyes, C cup breasts, slim waist, full lush red lips, great ass, and freckles! What a strange but wonderfully exotic collection of a woman that I held in my arms. I could not wait till I found out just how many freckles she had, and exactly where they were.
“April, your more beautiful then I could have ever dreamed!”
“And you Billy” she said “are much more man then I had excepted”
Picking her up by the waist I twirled us around and said “I’m glad you like what you see, because I sure do!”
She laughed and when I placed her feet back on the ground she said, “Come set in the car with me”. I open her door for her and helped her get in. Jogging around to the passenger side, I felt my cock getting hard, tenting my pants leg. In embarrassment, I adjusted it before getting in. I hoped she didn’t notice, but by her smile and direction of her gaze I believe she did.
There was silence after I got in; neither of us knew just what to say. I took her hand in mine and we looked into each other’s eyes and laughed. “I’m sorry” I said, “I’m somewhat shy and really shy around a beautiful woman… and nervous too.”
She smiled and said “That’s alright baby, just kiss me.”
With that invitation, I took her in my arms and placed her sweet lips against mine for the first time. The taste and silkiness of her lips was more then I have ever dreamt. The electric fire of her kiss ran through my body, sending tingles up and down my spine. Just a kiss has never done so much to me before. How could such thing exist? She slowly parted her lips and allowed my tongue to slip inside, I wanted to touch and taste every part of her mouth, but especially her tongue. When that sweet wet wonderful thing touched mine, the electrical fire she was causing within me went wild! I could feel goose bumps rise upon my skin, my skin flushed with desire for her. I tasted and touched every part of her wonderful mouth my tongue could reach. I ran it along her beautifully white teeth, on the inside and out. I tasted the roof of her mouth and around down under her tongue. Breaking from her kiss, I kissed her eyelids, her cheeks. I ran my tongue across and into her ear where I licked and nibbled on her earlobe.
She moaned for the first time, and said “Oh, baby, I love my neck and earlobe tickled!
She never called me by name again; it was always “baby”. She had such a sexy voice, and I grew to love the sound of that word! She could get my cock hard by just whispering it.
I couldn’t believe how excited I was getting; I could feel my cock grow every second. As I nibbled on her earlobe, I slowly moved my hand to her breast. Her moaning increased slightly as I cupped one in my hand. Oh, how soft and loveable it was! Running my hand around and across her blouse and bra clad breast I began to feel a nipple, and felt it began to grow. I reached and found the top button of her blouse and as I started to undo it, her hand moved to the crotch of my pants. It was my turn to moan as her hand stroked across my hard cock. Releasing her earlobe, I took a sharp intake of breath when she grabbed onto my prick. Cheek to cheek I looked down her cleavage and watched as I exposed more of her breasts from the opening of her blouse, and more of her breathtaking freckles I found.
She really surprised me just then, taking her hand she raised her dress and moved her hand deep into her black lacy panties, looking me in the eyes, she masturbated for a bit, before removing her hand and raising it to my mouth with the two middle fingers extended. April said something, but I was just too surprised by her actions and for the life of me I don’t know exactly what it was. It was something about my emails to her. See, we had emailed back and forth quite a bit before this day, and I had told her how oral I was and how much I loved the taste of a woman’s pussy. So, here she was offering me a taste of her sweetness. I excitedly opened my mouth and inhaled the fingers she offered, taking them deep within my mouth. I know my eyes widened, because once more she surprised me! The taste was fantastic; I have never tasted a woman that tasted so good! It was sweet and had a fruity flavor that I thought I knew. There was no salty taste at all! Just all sweet goodness! She watched my face as I sucked on her fingers, and my surprised look must have startled her, because now she was taken aback. But when I said “Baby do that again!” she smiled and reached for some more. The second taste of her fingers had more sweet juices then before, and I still could not quite place what fruit she tasted of, It was closer to strawberry than anything else. I said “baby, you’re my strawberry! I just love your taste; I can’t wait to dive into your pussy”. Thinking back about this wonderful gift of hers, my guess is that she wanted to see if I was telling the truth about how much I like the taste of pussy.
Setting in the front seat of her car was very confiding and I had trouble reaching all of her that I wanted to. Bucket seats and that damm console was getting very annoying, as I returned my mouth to her sweet lips as her hand moved back to my crotch where she unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. Her hand was very stretched out and must have been uncomfortable for her, as her fingers touched my bare cock. As I tried to pull her bra up to free her breast, she moved back from me, smiled and asked “Do you need some help baby?” I was so worked up and horny I started thinking about just taking her right there! But in that car, how could I? I wanted her so bad and was trying to control myself. “April, I don’t want this wonderful time to end, but it’s time for your meeting. Do you have to go to it?” I asked. There was this long pause before April answered, “Yes baby, I have to go, and I can’t get out of it.” “Could I wait for you and could we spend the night together?” I asked. “I’m sorry, no, I can’t, I have to get home to the kids.” “Ok then April, my strawberry, I need to go then, because if I don’t go right now, I don’t know what I would do, I want you so bad!”I added and couldn’t help but beg, “Please find us a time together, and spend the night with me, and please make it soon”. She promised she would, and she did, but that’s another story.
I just want to add that this is a true story about April and I. All I have changed is her name, the way she looked and tasted is as true as anything that I can remember. The emails between us at the beginning, I just cut and pasted here, just as they were, with only her name changed. I wish I had a copy of the ad I placed that won this wonderful woman to me, but I don’t. I couldn’t recreate accurately so I decided it would be best not to try.

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