Brown Sugar Addict


Brown Sugar Addict

Having had a very enjoyable, one time, man to man sex encounter in 2011, I wanted more. I wanted more the next day, and the next month, and there has not been a day go by since, that I haven’t thought about finding myself under a good, big, black lover.

I don’t feel that I am gay, wanting any man that might come along, but along with the occasional women in my life, I wanted to be fucked by, NO! I wanted to be made love to, and then fucked, by a black man. Not any black men that I can hook up with, but with one black man that I had yet to meet. I am not a “gay cruiser” and really don’t want a gay slut type, so my choices have been very limited.

I am an older guy, not the oldest, but not a young one either. There are things that I have wanted while I am still able to enjoy them. These things would come from one guy, who would get my best in return. In my one experience, 7 years ago, I didn’t get kissed. I wanted that from a lover. I didn’t put his cock in my mouth, nor in my throat, nor did I taste his cum. I wanted all of that, and held out for that “right” black man.

Recently, at the grocery store that I most use, one of the clerks and I began exchanging greetings when I would go to the store. He was decent looking, slim, tall, and always has a smile. Catching him outside on a break the other day, I sat beside him asking: “How’re you doing today? It sure is humid.”

He smiled, and replied: “I am doing well, and you? It is humid, isn’t it?”

I asked: “What’s your name? Mine’s Eddie, and I am doing alright, horny as hell, but doing alright.”

He laughed at my reply, then dropped his voice catching my eyes and shocked me with: “I’m Henri, with an I, do you need a good fucking? I could do that.” I had thought about him and I getting together, but his openness and honesty shocked me.

“Henri, with an I, we should talk about that. What time do you get off work?” I asked, flustered. He said that he would be off at 3:30 PM. “Let’s meet over at the Waffle House for an Iced Tea then. I really have been wanting to talk to you.” I said.

I made a couple more stops around town and went to the Waffle House to wait for Henri. There were few customers so finding an isolated booth was easy. In a few minutes he came in, smiled and sat down. As we talked, I learned that he and his woman shared an open lifestyle, that he was former Air Force, now retired, and 54 years old.

I told him some of the basics of my life, and we laughed together when I told him that I have 5 ex-wives. I should mention here, that I have been looking for more than “just a black cock”, wanting a guy to be a lover above all. He looked more and more like that guy. I had to know, and asked: “What made you think that I might want to take you to my bed?”

Laughing, he told me: “I wasn’t sure, but I thought that if I did want to fuck a guy that he would be something like you, friendly, not a young guy, tall and slim like you, and I love your long hair.”

I answered him, saying: “From the first time I saw you, I felt that you might be the one to be the second ever man to lay me down.”

As we sat and talked, a group of customers sat next to us. Henri offered: “Let’s get out of here, and take a ride so we can talk.”

I was all for that, and grabbed the check and said: “Let’s take my truck.” I paid the bill, and Henri left a tip for the waitress, as we walked out and got into my truck.

As I pulled onto the road, Henri said: “Tell me about that other guy, baby.”

I told him about meeting Jamal, at a motel that we were staying at, in 2011, about how thoroughly he had fucked me, and about how I was left wishing that we had done some necking, making out, and such. Henri asked: “Are you a sissy?” I told him firmly: “Not in the least. I love my manhood, and love being on top of a good lady, but I also want to be one man’s woman in a bed. I would love to close a bedroom door and become a man’s lady, someone that he would want to seduce, to bring to the edge before giving her what she wanted. Is that Sissy of me?”

He then wanted to know if I wanted some role play. I said then: “Yes, that is more like it. I would want to become a lady and have a man take me like a woman gets taken. There is much more to good sex than just getting fucked.” He laid a hand on my thigh and said: “Do you think that I could be that guy? I would love to show you what I have.”

As I drove, I pondered our conversation, liking him more and more. “Baby, I am 75 percent sure that I would like to spend some time in bed with you, but have some questions.”

He said: “Ask away, and I will answer them.”

“Well, do you have any diseases? Is there any chance that your woman might be jealous?” I asked him, placing my hand on his.

He squeezed my thigh as he replied: “No and no. I am regularly tested by the VA and have no STDs. My woman would want to know how well you and I got along if we get to bed, but she is never jealous of what I do. So far, I have mostly been with other women, and only one other man.”

I gaziantep escort had to tell him: “Baby, I have never kissed a man, but want to. I have never wanted to be the top man, always picturing myself under a strong, black man, who would want to seduce me. When I pull behind this store, I want to kiss you. I am very horny, but not ready to fuck you just yet. I need to clean myself out first.”

Pulling the truck behind the Sears store, I stopped and he put his hand on my neck, pulling my face to his. He kissed me strongly, and as I relaxed, he put his tongue in my mouth, making me feel very good. “Baby, I want to lay you down, feel all of your body, and kiss your face like you need it. When can we fuck?” He asked.

I told him: “That was some kiss, and I want more, when you lay me in my bed. I don’t want a quickie. I want to spend a night, or at least an afternoon and evening together. I am totally single with no schedule, when can you be free for awhile?”

He said that he could spend the whole night, from when he got off work tomorrow, if I was free.

We spent the rest of the ride back to the restaurant, to his car, talking about our military time, and when I dropped him off and drove away, I felt very good about all of this. It seemed like my wish was but a day away from coming true. The way he had kissed me, let me know that he wanted to fuck me, and I hoped that my response had told him the same about me. I headed for home with my mind in the clouds. As I turned into my driveway, I remembered that I had no idea of how big, or small, his cock was, (his slacks were too loose to show his package), and hoped that it was at least thick, regardless of length.

In the house, I got things together, then began to clean myself out for tomorrow’s time together. I had been keeping a 4 pack of Summer’s Eve douche bottles on hand, hoping that this day would come. I used two of them, refilling them until the water that came out of me was clear. I would do this again tomorrow before Henri got to my place. I changed the bedding putting on clean, black sheets, and put some towels and two tubes of lube on the night stand. Knowing that the day was finally near, I didn’t even want to play with my big toy. I was saving this for Henri.

On Friday, Henri called me at noon and asked: “Baby, are you still wanting me to come over for the night?”

I laughed, saying: “You silly man, after the kiss that you gave me, how could I turn you down. Of course I want you to come over. I have been thinking of you constantly since I dropped you off. See you around 4PM? What would you like to see me wearing when you come in?”

He said: “H’mmmm, let your hair down, put on a tank top, and some short shorts, and, if you care to, some panties, but it will be closer to 5 because I need to go home and shower and change clothes.”

I replied with: “You got it. I will be waiting for my first date with my Brown Sugar.” I closed my phone and went into the bathroom to clean myself out again. I wanted to be perfect for this man.

Just before 5PM, he pulled into my driveway, and got out. He was wearing a tight tank top, showing his nice chest, and had on a pair of tight shorts, that showed a nice bulge off to his left side. What a good looking lover. “Come on in, babe. You look good.” I said, as he walked onto the porch and came in the house.

Not wasting any time, we went to each other and he kissed me as he hugged me to him. Our tongues danced, with his winning out, and going into my throat. I couldn’t help but think that I would love to feel his cock in the same place. He handed me a 6 pack of O’Doul’s that I put in the fridge, and turned back to him. He sucked my earlobe into his mouth and asked where the bedroom was.

Taking him by the hand, I led him into the bedroom and closed the door. I wanted to see, to feel, to know his body, and I think that he felt the same about me. We pulled each other’s shirts out of our shorts, peeling them over our heads and dropping them on the floor. I asked him: “Baby, does me wanting one good man make me a queer to you? I feel that I just want all the sex I can get, from you and from a woman.”

His answer made sense: “Do you think I am queer, wanting to fuck you, when I have a woman at home?”

Feeling much better, I said: “That is how I feel about it. Now that you are here for the night, how about showing me some of that Brown Sugar that I have been dreaming of, baby?”

He had put on a good cologne, and smelled nice, even inviting. I unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts pushing them down and showing him my panty clad ass. I was wearing a new pair of size 5 bikini underwear that I had been saving for that special guy, and now I could model them. I have never wanted to cross dress in public, but at home, I often put on panties, feeling femme as I daydreamed about having my fantasy lover fuck my brains out.

Henri, took his shorts off and was naked, not wearing any underwear. His cock was soft but still well over 7 inches long. He pulled my panties down and I stepped out of them as he pushed me back onto the bed.

This was the moment that I had been waiting for. Right now, I was as female as I could be, with a good man about to have his way with me.

Noticing my large nipples, he asked: “How did you get those to be that big?”

“In the 70s, an ex-wife showed me that nipple play is sensual and even a man could enjoy having his nipples played with if it was in foreplay and during sex. Since then a couple of my women have kept it going, sucking on them, pinching and nipping them, making me feel very good. In my fantasy play, I also maul them, and this has made them be larger than most men’s. If you work on them, you had better be ready to fuck me, because I might want to rape you. Your lips and tongue are weapons.” I told him.

As he laid down beside me, he sucked one into his mouth, gently chewing on it as he pinched the other with his thumb and finger. I loved it! I held his head close to my chest, knowing now how a woman feels as her lover begins to make out with her. Our kisses had been nice, but this was sexual, and I was in heat. I moaned, I squirmed, I hugged him, and gave myself up to his lovemaking. While he was kissing my nipple I took out my dentures and dropped them into the cup that was on the nightstand. I wanted this to be as natural as possible.

I was hot for his lovemaking, and was reaching for his cock, wanting to feel what I was about to get. With one hand on it, I pulled his face up to mine and kissed him, pleading: “Baby, I want to feel this, I need to taste it. Let me, please?”

He helped me squirm down in the bed, where it lay, growing longer, thicker, and then I put it in my mouth. I had a black cock in my mouth, finally. Just the tip of the head, but it was there and I was kissing it. Pulling back, I moaned: “Baby, I am a virgin, but I want you to take it. I am yours.”

I put his hands on my head, letting him know to take the lead. I closed my jaws, making him feel a barrier, and he took the cue, pressing harder and harder against it, pulling my head towards him. Then he thrust forward, pushing past my gums, into my mouth. I pinched his hips, and tried to open my throat to him. He pulled back a little, then pushed into my mouth, past my tongue and into my throat.

It was his. I was about to gag, but my man had taken my virginity, and was feeling me sucking, taking him as well as I could. Working back and forth, he then pushed hard, going so deep that I felt his balls hit my chin. I had all of him in my throat.

Henri pulled back, and out of my mouth, pulling me up to lay beside him. “Baby, when we do this again, I am going to fuck until you taste me. I have never been able to put all of me into anyone’s throat. How did you take me?”

I answered, quietly: “Baby, I have wanted this moment for years, and have used my toys, at my pace, to practice just what I needed to do. You took my virginity, and you took it right. That was so sexy. When you do fuck my mouth next, please, for the first time, don’t cum in my throat. When you are going to cum, pull it back and cum in my mouth. Not on my face. I want to take your load in my mouth so I can taste you.”

Rolling me onto my back, he asked: “Do we need a condom?” “No, I want to feel all of you. I want you to cum deep inside me, fill me up with it.” I replied to him.

I handed him the Astroglide, and he put plenty on his tool, and on my ass. He lifted my legs up and I put my ankles on his shoulders, as he raised my ass off the bed, pulling a pillow under me. He pressed his cock head against my hole and pushed himself into me. Finally, I was going to get the fucking that I had been craving. Having used toys, I was able to help him get in without pain. His thickness filled my hole, and he took his time working his cock into my waiting ass.

After several thrusts, with each one deeper than the last, he was deep inside me. He let my legs down, and laid his chest on mine, kissing me again and saying: “Baby, when I fuck you now, I will be getting it for me so I can lose this load that I have. After that, we can make love and fuck anyway that you need it.”

I wrapped my legs around his waist, took his head in my hands and said: “Honey, you are nearly all the way in me. Please, for me, put your lips to mine, and your tongue in my throat and give me the rest of it and hold it deep. I have to feel all of you.”

He kissed me as I sucked his tongue into my throat, mashing our lips together, and then jammed his cock down, into me, hard. He hit bottom, and the pain was exquisite. Pushing his face off mine, I said: “Oh My God! I am yours. My ass is yours. My throat is yours. No one has ever been there, and no one but you will ever be there. I am in love with this. Fuck me, baby.”

Henri pulled back and put my ankles back on his shoulder and said: “This ass is now mine, and I am going to use it like I want to. When I leave here tomorrow, you will think of this night every time you think of sex. This black snake is going to own you, forever.”

He fucked me, and it was not lovemaking in any way. This was fucking like it was meant to be done. He took my breath, his pelvis nearly crushed my nuts, until I grabbed them and my cock to get them out of the way. I was getting fucked in a way that no white guy could deliver. I knew that now I was totally blacked, and I loved it. Life is too short to take anything in a half assed way, and I was getting the fuck of a lifetime.

After what seemed like a half hour or more I could feel Henri tensing up, and then he jammed himself deeper into me than he had been, roared, and began to cum. I have seen several men cum before, both black and white, but never had I witnessed something as intense as Henri was feeling. Pressed hard against me and into me, I couldn’t have pushed him away if I had wanted to. He truly owned my body right then.

As he emptied himself, he relaxed a little, then let my legs down and collapsed on top of me. I moaned to him: “Baby, this is more than I have ever had, and I wish that I was really a woman, and that load had been the breeding that I needed. Please tell me that this isn’t our last time together. I want all of you that you can give me. That was some fuck.”

His cock felt like it was still hard, and he began moving on me. “Let’s do some lovemaking baby, I want to make love to your white body.” He said, as I raised my legs, and rolled my ass under him.

“Put some more lube on your cock so we don’t get raw, honey.” I offered as he raised up a little, leaving the cock head inside me. He put some on my waiting hand, and I rubbed it in, as he kissed my nipple, then bit it.

“Baby! That will get you raped.” I said, wiping my hand off on the towel at our side. Henri began moving around, in and out, side to side, as he put his mouth to my ear. He kissed my ear, sucked my earlobe, and pinched a nipple as he stroked into and out of me. I was taking him good, feeling very good, and falling in love with the moment. This was a passion that I most enjoyed when in bed with a woman. The hardcore fuck was good, but the lovemaking was heavenly, as it was with this man.

Having cum once, Henri was able to fuck without pressure, giving me the best of the best, and able to feel me working out under him. As we made love, I was thinking about what my future was going to be like. There was no doubt that I belonged to him, even though he had shown no need to possess or control me. If we could just keep each other’s phone numbers for an occasional hookup, I would be happy. Every stroke that he made, every kiss, every pinch on my nipples, made me like this more and more. I had that Black Lover that I had wanted for so long.

“Are you liking this as much as I am?” Henri said as he took me.

Smiling up at him, I said: “Yes I am, and baby, you make me feel so much like I am getting my pussy filled. My nipples and my little “A” cup breasts feel good with your lips and hands on them. Take me baby, and give me this as often as you can please. I need this, and will save this for you for as long as you want it. I am yours.”

He told me to get ready for him, and then gave me a couple of good hard strokes and cum in me again. Feeling him cum, knowing that I had helped him to cum, made me feel great. I didn’t need to have an ejaculation even though I had been feeling orgasms inside me since he began fucking me. I had felt him cum twice, and he hadn’t gone soft or pulled clear out of me since laying me on my back the first time.

He pulled out of me, slowly, leaving me feeling empty and wide open. As he rolled off of me, I got off the bed, telling him that I would be right back. I sat on the toilet, and let his cum run out of me, then wet a washcloth, washed myself off, and rinsed it and went back to the bedroom. I noticed, leaving the bathroom that the toilet had a lot of cum in it.

Back in bed with my baby, I kissed him and washed his cock, balls and pelvis. There was lube and cum all over him. With his cock cleaned, I leaned over to it and started sucking on it. Being semi soft, it felt nice in my mouth, and I just loved on it, feeling it, getting familiar with this beautiful thing that was doing so much good to me.

My mouthing his cock got him hard again, and when he was throbbing, I spread my hand, and laid it on his cock. The distance from my little finger to my thumb, when spread, was a little over 9 inches, and his cock was an inch longer than that. I had taken, and enjoyed 10 inches of hard, thick black cock. I had even had all of it in my throat. My practice with my toys had paid off.

As I sucked, Henri moaned, putting both hands on my head, and asking: “Will you take all of me again? I want to put this deep into your throat. And I want to fill your mouth with cum, baby.”

I lifted my head off his cock and said: “Henri, baby, you are the first that has ever taken me to where we have been. I am yours, and whenever you want me, just phone and I will clean myself out and spread my legs for you. Your kisses, your loving, and your fucking are the best I have ever had. I will never need more than you are giving me. Fuck my throat, fill me with your cock and then pull back and fill my mouth with your cum. I need this.”

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