Electra Complex Ch. 02: Gangbanging My Little Sister

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Author’s note: The Electra Complex is intended to be series of stories centred around a fictional underground sex club, called the Electra Complex, where all the taboo and forbidden things we think about are possible. All the characters are over 18 and, while the title does suggest a Father-daughter thing, I chose it simply because I like the sound of it and it tied in with the first story in the series. They are intended to be one off stories, with only the Complex and the character of Mimi recurring.


Justin had, despite his reservations, been actually quite enjoying his bachelor party.

There were some minor annoyances, such as being woken up in the morning by his three groomsmen dog-pilling on top of him while he still dozed in bed.

The indignities had continued when they had forced him into a mascot costume which took the form of a grinning cartoon wolf.

Justin recognised the logo and the uniform that covered the loose fitting furry bodysuit as coming from the high school team that Ben coached. Ben must have stolen it from the team locker room because Justin got regular whiffs of the teen spirit that was probably eternally embedded in its fibers.

The wolf’s head was hot, and small crescent of black mesh that covered the back of the wolf’s open mouth was all he had to see through. It both narrowed and obscured his vision.

Then, laughing and shoving each other, they had all piled into Victor’s car and, for some inexplicable reason, had driven for over an hour to the next city.

It surprised Justin that Tim was getting on so well with the other two groomsmen. He was a late addition to the party and Justin had been worried that he might say or do something to offend Ben and Vic. Tim was unpredictable at the best of times.

Justin felt a pang of guilt when he saw the signposts telling him where entering Olympus City. He hadn’t seen his little sister, Astrid, since she had left home to follow in his footsteps and attend his alma mater, Olympus U. It had surprised him that she had wanted to move so far from their home state, she had always been a very reserved, conscientious girl growing up.

Justin couldn’t wait to leave home and had chosen that university precisely because it was so far away from his parents. They had never had any intention of helping him to pay for his studies, so he had spent every free moment and vacation working to pay off his debts. Debts he was still paying off to this day with the job he had found in-state, just one city over.

He felt bad that the feud he had had with his parents had cost him his relationship with his sister. She had always been a sweet kid. He made a mental note to make more of an effort with her. If their parents had been anywhere near as useless with her as they were with him, she might need a little help here and there.

He doubted his buddies would give him time to pay Astrid a visit today, though. Not that it mattered, he supposed, she would be at the wedding. Skye had made her one of her bridesmaids, just as he had made her brother one of of his groomsmen.

But then Skye’s brother had dropped out suddenly, unwilling to fly back from his extended vacation in Thailand in order to make the wedding in time. Justin had actually been pleased to hear it, he hated Skye’s brother. But it had meant he had to scramble to find a new groomsman to keep the wedding party symmetrical, and Tim was his only option.

It was Skye who had suggested him. Tim was his boss at the brokerage he worked for and, although he was not much older than Justin, he was incredibly rich and successful. He was also a little bit douchey and unpredictable.

His idea of a practical joke was find and purchase an illegal pet alligator and leave it chained up under the desk of one the female temps who had, apparently, rejected his advances. But he made the company a lot of money, so the they tended to look the other way when these things occurred.

Skye had convinced Justin that asking Tim to be a groomsman might improve his chances at a promotion. It couldn’t hurt anyway, it wasn’t like Justin had any other guy friends apart from his two college buddies, Vic and Ben.

And so far, Tim had, somewhat surprisingly, been just another one of the boys.

Throughout the journey the guys had insisted Justin have a beer can in his hand at all times. He was allowed to have the head of his suit off only as long as he was sipping a drink. Naturally, he was pretty buzzed by the time they arrived at their first destination.

The day had proceeded as he could have expected from there: a baseball game between Olympus U, a team Ben had played for, and some other college. Justin only saw about half of it because of the stupid wolf head they insisted he keep on. After that Vic had led them on a tour of local bars, and if there had been a team for that at college Vic would have probably been the captain. Here Justin was allowed to take the head off, if only so they could force more drink into him.

It bursa escort bayanlar had been fun all the same, but now it was late in the evening and Justin was tired and he had a headache from the booze and from being confined in that damn wolf suit. He was sweaty and all he wanted to do was go home.

Sitting in the back, next to Ben, he listened as Tim guided Vic through a desolate part of town. It was either an abandoned hood or a run down industrial area. But Tim seemed to know where he was going, and he guided Vic with unwavering confidence.

Eventually Tim pointed to a nondescript alleyway entrance. Vic actually stopped the car, asking, “Are you trying to get us killed?”

Tim answered, his saleman’s smile painted wide across his face, “Relax, man. Yeah, this place is a little off the beaten path, but it is worth it. They have rooms you can rent out for special functions, and this function is more special than most. I swear to you, this is a night you will remember forever.”

Relenting after a look back the impassive Ben and the cartoon wolf grin of Justin, Vic turned into the dark passage between buildings.

To everyone but Tim’s surprise there was a gate, with a stern looking guard in front of it, about halfway down the alley. Vic turned to Tim who simply motioned for Vic to wind down the driver’s side window.

When the guard leaned in Tim gave a passphrase that Justin didn’t quite catch. It sounded something like “Am-fish-bee-na,” but it had the desired effect. The guard opened the gate and motioned them in.

Vic asked him about it, but Tim only muttered something about the place have a thing for monsters of Greek mythology.

They parked and got out of the car. Everyone, apart from Tim, seemed very uncertain that they were in the right place. Not that Justin saw much. He was dragged out of the car, bustled through the parking lot, led through a door that needed a repetition of the strange passcode to get through, down some stairs, and into a plush looking waiting area.

There a stunning asian woman greeted them, not seeming to even notice the strange get-up Justin was dressed in. After a brief introduction, where Justin learned her name was Mimi and this place was some sort of secret country club called the ‘Electra Complex’, Tim took her aside to have a short but earnest conversation with her.

She nodded and smiled, responding periodically. Then money exchanged hands, Justin did not see how much, and Mimi pushed a button under her desk.

Nearby a door buzzed open.

On the other side of it another, very large and very serious looking guard, was waiting for them. He led them down a long, dimly lit corridor to yet another door.

Tim shepherded them inside and closed the door behind them, leaving the bruiser outside. They were in a room that might have passed for a minimalist apartment, but for the fact that the walls were bare cement and windowless.

It was brightly lit, the the furniture was all white imitation leather and chrome and the table near the centre of the room was ladened with enough drinks and snacks to cater for a small platoon.

Justin was trying to take in what he could with his limited field of vision, when Tim barked an order, “Grab him!”

Laughing, he, Ben and Vic wrestled Justin into one of the large white chairs. While the other two held him, Tim pulled out a roll of duct tape and secured Justin the seat. He used far more tape than was necessary, binding Justin’s arms, legs and torso into place. Then, for good measure, Tim lifted up the huge mascot head and slapped a strip of tape across Justin’s mouth.

The others laughed, but Justin felt slightly panicked. What if he couldn’t breath in the suit? How could he call for help?

He sat there, his annoyance growing as he watched his friends tucking into the food and alcohol. They even taunted him by offering him some of it.

While Vic and Ben enjoyed the hospitality Tim kept checking his phone. Justin puzzled over what he had planned.

A while later, while Ben and Vic were busy daring each other to take shots directly out of a vodka bottle, Tom pulled up a chair beside Justin. He spoke in a voice just above a whisper.

“Justin, the man of the moment.” He paused as if Justin were expected to respond in some way. Even if he wanted to Justin was trussed up like a roped steer.

Tim continued, “I thought long and hard about this. Every bachelor needs at least one really big prank. Dropping the groom off naked out in the desert the day before the wedding or something like that, you know?” He smiled at the thought, “Your buddies are great and all, but they don’t have the imagination to pull anything like that off, so I volunteered. I want you to know I spared no expense, I wanted my part of tonight’s events to be something you would never forget.”

Justin felt a growing concern. Tim’s sense of humor was not appreciated by anyone but Tim. His practical jokes were always over the bayan sarisin escort bursa top. He could not help but think back to the crocodile incident at work.

Tim opened his mouth to start talking again, but was interrupted by a beep from his phone. Whatever it said on the screen it seemed to please him, because he grinned and stood up.

“Our guest of honor is arriving. Excuse me.”

Justin seethed in mute frustration. He watched as Tim moved to the door and opened it. He strained to see outside into the dark corridor.

Tim turned back and gave Justin a strange smile and a thumbs up. Despite everything, Justin found himself intrigued.

“Just don’t let it be a dude,” He begged silently, “I think I could handle anything except that.”

When Tim ushered in the ‘guest of honor’ Justin prayed he could have that wish back.

When he had last seen her she had not even been a senior in high school. Then she had still had the gangly, coltish body and awkward self-conscious mannerisms of the teenager she was.

He could not see much of her now, dressed as she was, but there was something more womanly to her bearing.

Despite that, and the years she had aged in his absence, he immediately recognised her. It would have been impossible not to. She was his sister after all.

Astrid looked small and vulnerable next to Tim, as she stepped into the room. She had on a long coat and heavy make up. This latter had the effect of forcing Justin to see her in a new way. She was an adult now, and very beautiful. There was still the same innocence he remembered in those large blue eyes, but her full lips were set with a firm confidence that he had never seen in her before.

She had changed her hair too. Gone was the mousey ponytail. Now her hair fell no longer than the line of her chin, her bangs were like a set of limp ravens wings, framing her high cheekbones.

“Damn!” Ben said aloud when he and Vic finally looked up from the table. Justin felt a flare of anger as he noticed the two if them running their eyes over Astrid.

Tim, meanwhile, had shut the door behind them. They were alone now, the five of them. Justin, his three groomsmen and his kid sister.

Justin felt a discomfort growing in his gut. He tested his binds. They held. He tried to make a sound, but it came out like an animal groan.

With a supreme effort he tried with everything he had to stand or shift the heavy chrome chair in some way, but all he managed was a brief rocking which quickly resided when his strength ran out.

It drew Astrid’s attention, however, and she gave him a curious look. Despite the ridiculous outfit that obscured his features, Justin felt sure she would recognise him.

“A wolf costume?” She asked, a little disdainfully, “Really? Well that at least that explains your very specific requirements,” she pulled at the lapel of her coat, revealing a flash of the red material she wore beneath it.

“What can I say,” Tim leered at the glimpse of skin that came with her movement, “I love the classics.”

“It was surprisingly difficult to find you know. It’s going to cost extra.” She was so direct and businesslike, completely unthreatened by the room full of strange men. If he was not watching her Justin would not have believed it was actually his sister.

“Relax, baby,” Tim’s tone had changed from that of male bravado back to that of an oily salesman. “We are not sparing any expense tonight. Our buddy over there is getting married soon and we want to send him off with a bang, if you know what I mean.”

Justin felt his discomfort growing. Surely she would put it together that this was his bachelor party?

But then, why should she? Justin lived over an hour away and his wedding was still not for another week. She had never met any of his friends. As far as she knew this was a room full of complete strangers.


Justin had been putting off mentally delving into why Astrid was here, dressed as she was and why Tim had strapped him down and gagged him.

Despite his attempts at self denial, a small beam of illumination had pierced his defensive blackout.

Could his kid sister really be a stripper?

He had killed himself at menial jobs to pay for his education. Was it really such a stretch that she might use the assets he lacked to help her get ahead?

But resorting to taking her clothes off for a room full of strange men? He felt his stomach twist at the thought.

How had Tim found out about her? More importantly, when was he going to pull the wolf’s head off Justin and yell, “Surprise!”?

Surely the ‘prank,’ or whatever Tim wanted to call it had run its course?

Justin was already planning the serious talk he would have with Astrid when his buddies released him. Maybe this was a good thing, it would teach her the dangers of doing this kind of work. He would loan her money if he had to, even if he had to borrow more. His little sister could bursa evi olan eskort not be a stripper.

She had been such a delicate little thing growing up

Justin sat in uncomfortable silence and observed, a multitude of conflicting thoughts flooding his mind, as he watched Vic and Ben offer Astrid some champagne.

“She’s only nineteen!” He wanted to yell. But he had to watch silently as she accepted the flute and sipped at it delicately.

Tim sat down again in the chair he had pulled up earlier and together they watched Ben and Vic try to outdo each other for Astrid’s attention.

“She’s beautiful, your sister.” Tim spoke softly. “I have you to thank for this, really, but we’ll get to that. For now I just want you to sit back and relax and enjoy the little surprise I have planned.” Looking Justin over, Tim chuckled and added, “Not that you have much choice.”

Justin tried his binds again.

This was going south fast and he needed to stop it before it went any further.

Duct tape, however, is a remarkable material. Just a few lengths of it had rendered him silent and immobile.

Tim patted Justin’s leg enthusiastically and rose to join Ben and Vic, where they stood talking to his sister

Astrid was hugging her body a little self consciously when she looked up at Tim. From his jacket pocket Tim pulled out a thick roll of bills. He snapped off three and held them out, an offered bargain of some kind implicit in the action.

Justin willed her not to take them. It seemed at first that it might come true, as her hands stayed crossed over her chest for a beat, but then she reached out, collected the notes and slipped them into a pocket in her coat.

She asked a question and Tim nodded. He moved over to a panel in one of the walls and pressed a button. He flicked through some options with a dial and then, apparently satisfied, punched another button.

Slow, rhythmic music began to play. Tim returned, took her hand and lead Astrid over to where Justin sat. With his eyes and writhing body Justin tried to warn her to stop, to get out of here.

She had to realise it was him, her brother. She had to.

“This is our lucky groom to be,” Tim explained in a matter-of-fact tone, “You’ll have to excuse his rudeness, he is not the talkative type.”

Astrid gave Tim the flat glare Justin had experienced thousands of times when they were both still teenagers – “Fuck! Technically she still is a teenager!” – It communicated just how much she thought of Tim’s wit.

Tim sat down besides Justin again and showed his palms in a shrugging gesture, before saying, “Well? What are you waiting for? Let’s get this party started.” He sniggered and elbowed Justin a little too sharply in the ribs.

“No. No. No.” Justin was shouting it now, but it came out as a low moan.

Tim responded by throwing an arm over his shoulder and saying, with a wide grin, “Relax, buddy. You don’t have to get so excited. She’ll get started soon. You don’t have to worry, she’s ours for the whole night.”

Astrid did not look impressed by this declaration of ownership, but said nothing. Instead she began to loosen the cord at the waist of her overcoat.

“Stop! You have to stop,” Justin willed, but she could not see his extreme consternation.

She shrugged off the large coat and dropped it in a puddle on the floor at her feet.

Astrid now stood before Justin in a ludicrous Little Red Riding hood outfit.

Her bodice was cut obscenely low, baring three quarters of her breasts. They were still in keeping with her lithe frame, but had been thrust upwards by an almost cruelly supportive corset, exaggerating what little cleavage she had.

Her red skirts flared out in layers of red tulle, but still fell no higher than her mid thigh. He hated himself that he could not tear his eyes away from the stretch of pale bare thigh just above where her red gartered stockings began. His eyes followed these down her long legs to her little red leather kitten heels with a schoolgirl buckle.

On any beautiful girl, other than his sister, the outfit would have made him instantly hard. Especially when she pulled up the hood up of the red cloak she had fastened at her neck and looked at him from under the shadow it cast over her eyes.

Something twitched in his underwear. He shifted uncomfortably. He willed the sensation away.

This was really bad. Surely Tim had to end the joke now.

Justin gritted his teeth as he saw the hungry eyes of the other three men, all strangers to his sister, moving over her body. As her brother, he felt the need to stand up and wrap her in her coat again. He was the one in the costume, but he was realising now that his friends were the real wolves.

In a long, slow, sensual movement, Astrid began to sway her hips in time to the music.

Justin tried to look away, but, like his friends, his eyes were magnetised to her fluid, almost languid movements. It was mesmerising the way her little breasts fought with their tight restraints and threatened to spill out, and the way her skirts shifted with each roll of her hips. His eyes were drawn to where her panties would surely be visible with her next movement.

Was she wearing panties?

Justin shook his head violently. He had to stop these thoughts. She was his kid sister.

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