Lost on a Hike


** Thanks so much for the feedback on my last story! I know it was short, so I want to try and make some longer ones with these characters coming up. I do like this fantasy a lot, so you’ll probably see more from me involving loving families. 😉 Please let me know what you think! — NOTE: ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18 OR OLDER! –**


Laura, Derek, their dad, my mom, and I had all been camping in the cabin for a few days now. Since there was no internet or TV, us three millennials (Derek being 18, Laura and I being 20), had no idea what to do with ourselves.

“Come on, let’s all go hiking!” my mom suggested.

We shrugged and decided it was better than sitting around doing nothing. I glanced over at Laura as she bent over to put her sneakers on. After seeing her in the shower a few days ago, I was thinking about her almost all the time. I wondered if she would ever have a similar lusting for me.

We were all hiking for an hour or so through the forest when Laura spoke up. “I have to go to the bathroom, I’m gonna go find a tree or something over there.” She wandered off into the forest.

I shuffled my feet nervously for a bit, then I said, “Uh… I have to go, too.” I followed her similar direction without making it too obvious that I only wanted to see her.

I saw her a few trees away from me as she was just about to pull up her underwear. I felt so wrong staring at my step sister like this without her even knowing. As she was, with her hiking clothes on, but her pale, round butt showing in contrast with the green forest, I was already feeling myself starting to get turned on. I wondered what she would do if I approached her right now. Suddenly I saw her head look over in my direction. “Hey! Did you see anything?” she yelled over to me.

I blushed deeply, but I was a bit too far away for her to see it. I started laughing to cover up that I was actually staring at her. “No of course not! Besides, we’re both girls, I know what girls look like!”

She pulled her pants up and walked over in my direction. “You done? Let’s go back to the rest of them.” Laura looked around and scratched her head. “I can’t remember what direction we came from.”

I distinctly remembered it being towards my left, but I didn’t say anything. I just shrugged and looked around as well.

“You distracted me and now I lost my sense of şişli escort bayan direction,” she laughed. “Well… let’s just try this way.” She picked the exact opposite direction from where we came from.

I felt my stomach turn a little as my mind filled with dirty thoughts. What if I got her alone deep into the woods, and things developed, and… No! She’s my sister. Well, kind of. My step sister. But still, it’s wrong. I bit my lip thinking about how the fact that it was wrong made me want it even more.

We were walking and I decided to use this opportunity to open her up a bit. “Laura, you’re always so shy about boys. Have you ever had a boyfriend before?”

She blushed and smiled a bit, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear. “No… I don’t know. I’m not really interested in it. I know I’m already 20, and I’ve never done anything with anyone before, how pathetic is that?”

“It’s not pathetic. It’s kind of sweet. You’re so innocent.” I tried to make my voice sound normal instead of lustful as I thought about her virgin pussy. Her innocence made her even more attractive to me. I can just imagine how she would squirm at my touch. Sexually, I’d always been the submissive one, but Laura only made me want to dominate her little body.

“Yeah, I suppose I am innocent,” she laughed nervously. “Besides… I don’t even know if… Well, never mind,” she looked away from me.

“What is it? Whatever it is, I’m sure it won’t bother me. I’m really open minded.”

“Well… Don’t tell my dad. He’s kind of religious and all. But, I don’t even know if I like guys. I just haven’t found any that I’m really attracted to or comfortable around. Am I broken or something?”

I tried to hide my smile and contain my excitement. “No, not at all. Honestly, I’ve been with guys before, and it’s not all that great. Besides, for your first time, you shouldn’t do something you’re not comfortable with.” I paused for a moment, debating on how far I should go. “You’re really pretty and sweet, Laura. You’ll find someone for sure.”

“Thanks Tori, I’ve always been comfortable around you, it’s nice having a sister instead of just a brother. Derek doesn’t get it. But you seem to be so nice and understanding towards me,” she looked at me and we stopped walking. I stared at her blue eyes for a few moments, debating what to do next. It’s escort mecidiyeköy almost as if her lips were begging me to kiss them.

I stepped towards her and put my hands on her neck and cheek, then suddenly kissed her. She did not move or deny me, and after a second she sunk into me and returned my kiss. Her lips were just as I imagined them, soft and supple, faintly tasting of the strawberry chapstick she uses. I entangled my hand in her short, blonde hair, pushing her harder against my mouth. I gently parted her lips with my tongue and mingled it with hers, and she moaned softly. Suddenly she pulled away.

“Tori… this is… not right… Our parents are probably looking for us.”

“Isn’t it better for the first person you’re with to be someone you know well?” My lust for her had gone through the roof. In the secluded forest, nobody would know if we did anything here. It was a perfect opportunity.

Her eyes shifted away, and my hand trailed down her back, down to her butt, around her hips, to the front of her pants. I leaned in to kiss her neck, nibbling on her earlobe, as I gently made circles with my fingers near her clit on the outside of her pants. Her crotch felt warm and damp, and I pressed a little harder with my fingers as I continued stroking her lips. I was trying to be as gentle as possible since I knew she had never been with anyone before, and I could tell it was driving her a bit crazy as she started to squirm.

I pushed her backwards to lean her against a nearby tree and kissed her again. She kissed me back passionately, no longer worried about our parents or about us being sisters. She wanted this, even though she tried to fight it. I moved my hand from the outside of her pants to undo her button and zipper, and she pushed my hand away, but I brought it back. She kept tugging at my hand, but continued kissing me as I had her pinned to the tree with my body.

My hand stroked the outside of her underwear and I felt the small patch of hair that I had seen in the shower a few days prior. I trailed down her lips farther and felt a distinct wet spot on her underwear near her opening. That spiked a feeling of desire down between my own legs and I wanted more of her. I pushed her underwear to the side and felt the outside of her lips, gently sliding my fingers up and down before slowly splitting merter escort them apart and putting my fingers near her clit. She was definitely squirming now underneath me, as I had one of her wrists pinned to the tree.

I stopped kissing her and pulled down her pants and underwear, slipping one leg out of them and holding it up with one of my hands. The fact that she was still fully clothed, with her socks, shoes, and shirt on made it even more spontaneous and hot. I was kneeling in front of her and I held up her leg by her thigh, spreading it to expose her small pussy towards me. I looked at it and it was shining from its wetness, as it was naturally being opened from her legs being spread.

Her hands instantly came down to cover herself and her face was blushing. “Victoria… don’t look, that’s embarrassing. I’m so vulnerable like this.”

I ignored her and moved her hands aside, immediately going in between her legs with my tongue. She tasted somewhat bitter and sweet, as I lapped up all her juices. She was moaning quietly, and had her hand on the back of my head. I licked up and down her slit, and my mouth rested on her clit, sucking on it gently. Her hips started to press into me, and she held up her own leg now to spread her pussy farther.

I made circles with my tongue on her clit, putting pressure on it. I moved one of my hands to her opening, sliding a single finger inside, slowly penetrating her. She was squeezing around my finger, and then I slowly inserted another, which was a bit tight for her. I moved the two fingers softly, curving them, making her whisper in lust that she wanted more.

Laura’s breaths were getting quicker and her moans more frequent. “Tori… you’re gonna make me…” Suddenly her legs tensed and she moaned as she came. I felt more juices coming onto my fingers, and I licked them up. I can’t believe I just made my sister cum in the forest randomly.

Her face was pink and she was smiling at me. We were both speechless. She put her clothes back on and we both just stood there thinking about what happened. I looked around and realized I heard something. My heart started racing. Had someone seen what we just did? Are we going to be in huge trouble? “Did you hear that?” I asked her.

“Yeah I did. Let’s get going.” We started moving, and now we were really lost. There was no phone signal to reach anyone out here.

I looked and I saw a figure behind some bushes a few yards away from where I had Laura pinned against the tree. I decided to go and investigate, maybe it was just a deer. Laura followed behind me as I went over to the bushes, and there was Derek.

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