Love Overcomes All Ch. 02


First of all, thank you to everyone who has given me feedback. Your kind words and guidance has given me some much needed confidence. And, for those who asked, here is chapter 2. Enjoy!


My name is Kit Moody, I am 5’6″ have waist length red hair which is thick and wavy, green eyes and a good figure. Some may say that I’m a little overweight but I’ve always thought “curvy” when I look in the mirror so I don’t let the little things bother me. My cousin Jay had come to stay with my parents overnight instead of a hotel as he was passing through on the way to a new posting with the air force. He and I have always had a close bond and even though we’d not seen each other in many years, that bond was instantly rekindled. We spent the evening talking and eventually, one thing led to another and we ended up in each others arms making wonderful love. We fell asleep tangled together in his bed and that is how my mother found us….Which brings us to the next part of my tale….

I awoke slowly to someone knocking loudly on the door and calling my name. For a moment I was a little confused and disoriented as to where I was. I was warm and there was another body snuggled up around mind and an arm wrapped around my stomach. I took a second to shake the cobwebs of sleep from my mind and in a moment of epiphany the events of the previous night came crashing back. Instantly, the adrenaline coursed through me…if my parents caught me in bed with a man they would kill me….never mind my cousin!!! Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to react or even try to cover myself as my mother pushed the door open without another word. Jay sat bolt upright behind me on the bed and there was a moment of shocked silence while my mother stood there, one hand still on the doorknob with a look of utter disbelief on her face. Her face drained of colour and I went cold then she went beet red and something low in my being began to quiver like a frightened animal.

“Shhiiittt…” Jay groaned from behind me.

“Well I never!” My mother sisli escort screamed at us. Jay leaped up using the sheet to cover himself awkwardly as he pulled boxers on and threw my robe, which I barely remember wearing, to me. I pulled the silky material over myself like a cloak of protection and tried to sink into the mattress and disappear. I was doomed….WE were doomed.

Before Jay or I could explain or try and justify ourselves we were literally being chased out of the house by my screaming parent who threw things at us along the way. I barely had time to gasp to Jay that he should follow me in his car before we were practically thrown into our vehicles and told to “Get the fuck out and never come back”. The whole 30min drive to my house I cried, knowing that my parents would never speak to me again but as I turned onto my road with Jays blue car still following me I calmed as I realized that if we really truly were in love, this would just be another bump in the road. We pulled into my driveway and I jumped out of the car and ran for the door. Thankfully, I lived in the middle of no-where so there were no neighbors to see and gossip. Jay followed me into the house and as I moved to hide in the bathroom he caught my shoulders and turned me to face him. “It doesn’t matter what our parents think,” he said. “I love you, and I know you love me, that will never change.” I sank to the floor and cried harder at his words. Jay knelt down beside me and drew me into his arms then just held me while I cried.

Soon, the tears stopped and I snuggled into his beloved warmth. I was more than aware of his hands inside my bathrobe (which had come undone somehow) and his thumbs caressing my back. I tipped my head back to look at him and he captured my lips in a sensuous kiss. Before I knew what was happening, Jay had scooped me up and plunked me back down on my bed. He spread my robe open and just drank in the sight of me for several long moments. I grabbed his hair and pulled his lips back down to mine, kissing him furiously and frantically trying to push his boxers escort istanbul down. He pulled one hand out of my hair and helped me shove his shorts off his legs and onto the floor. The feel of his hard cock against my leg drove me crazy as his lips slid down my jaw to rest on my collarbone and nibble a little. Desperately, I pushed his head lower so he could suck on my breasts and play with my nipples. The feel of his hands on my body made me quiver inside with need and something deeper….love. I traced the muscles of his back with my hands and then slid them forward so I could cup his manhood and gently stroke him. He moaned, a low primal sound in the back of his throat and moved my hands so he could move lower to spread my legs and taste me.

As his tongue dipped into my slit I gasped and grabbed for his hair…anything to hold on to. He licked, sucked and nibbled until I couldn’t stand it anymore. Just as I thought it couldn’t get any better he slid two fingers into me and put pressure on my sensitive place deep inside. I dug my fingers into his scalp and managed to gasp out “I’m cumming!” before wave after wave of incredible pleasure washed over me. I pulled his head up to kiss me before the pleasure drowned me. “your turn,” I whispered and pushed him down. I slowly kissed down his chest, stopping to nibble on his nipples and flick them with my tongue. His chest and abs were amazingly well defined and rock hard. As I made my way down I could see his belly quivering and he tried to control his need. In one swift movement I took his balls in my right hand, held the base of his perfect cock in my left and swallowed his prick right down my throat. He moaned and dug his fingers into the bedspread as his hips writhed under me, begging for more. I sucked up and down his shaft until his breathing came in ragged gasps and I knew he was close. Then, I sucked him right down to his balls and clamped my throat around him. Instantly I felt him explode and I sucked and swallowed for all I was worth. As I licked the rest of his seed off my lips I moved up to snuggle şişli escort with him, curling into his arms and laying my head on his shoulder.

“That was wonderful” he sighed…still in the seventh level of heaven. I chuckled softly and kissed him on the edge of his jaw. He turned over to look at me and sighed softly, “you know, I don’t think I ever want to leave you,” he said quietly. “If you let me, I’ll make this my home.” I was at a loss for words, I wanted nothing more than to jump up and down in excitement, instead, I leaned in and kissed him.

“You are more than welcome here my love,” I said to him. “I love you and that is never going to change.”

“Thank you,” he whispered, “I don’t care what anyone thinks or says, you are adopted and therefore not true blood. If you could prove that in a court of law we could even get married and have children if you like.” I was overwhelmed and could only stare at him with tears in my eyes. “Don’t cry love,” he said, “I have wanted you for years now and I am not going to let anything stand in the way of our love now that I have you!”

I could do nothing but smile and let tears run down my cheeks as I absorbed the enormity of what he had just told me. I said the only thing I could think of;

“Welcome home!”

He then pulled me into his arms and kissed me fiercely and passionately, I could feel the hard heat of his cock pressed against me, ready again as he snuggled closely.

This time we made love slowly, exploring every inch of each other’s bodies, turning ever caress into a trail of flame. He caressed my love tunnel with his cock with every stroke and I arched to meet his every thrust. We came together, at the same moment and this time we were quiet as the power of our love washed over us with the amazing feeling of orgasm. Afterward, we lay in each others arms and dreamed of the future…OUR future.

Now, almost 2 years later we are still living together and although neither of our parents have accepted our love for each other we are still just as happy as we have ever been. Last year we had a small private wedding with only our witnesses and the priest. The best thing of all, tonight I get to tell Jay, my husband who was my cousin, that I am pregnant with his daughter – our daughter. We will finally be the family we always wanted.

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