Me and Zoey

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Last month (July), I had an experience with my super slutty sister Zoey I can’t forget. (We’re both 18)

It was a regular week, Zoey and I had just finished our classes for the day. Zoey had told me when we were dismissed that it was “that time of the month”. “That time of the month” is every 2nd Friday of the month where she, her friends, and her boyfriend Joel go out to the local night club. Although every Monday, Wednesday, and Tuesday, she told me she had a party to go to, I knew she just went out to sleep with one of our classmates (we were in the same class. And we’re in 2nd year college now). We were in our living-room (about the super slutty comment, she had alredy slept with every guy in our class except me). Our mom and our dad were on a “business- vacation”.

We were bored so we decided to watch our pirated copy of Transformers 3 Dark of the moon. So I put the DVD in the player, called Zoey, and crashed on my reclining chair as Zoey laid down on our sofa. About half way thru half of the movie (as in only ¼ of the movie passed), Zoey stood up and laid down with me. I didn’t complain. I was actually was looking forward to her falling asleep on me (which she did). At 7:00, the movie ended and Zoey was still asleep, so I decided to carry her to her room. After 5 minutes, görükle escort the phone rang. When I picked up the phone, it was Zoey’s friend and our classmate Amy. When I asked her how she’s doing she just said shut up and asked me if Zoey was there. When I told her Zoey was asleep, she told me wake her up and to get ready by 8:05.

So I went up to Zoey’s room, woke her up and told her what Amy told me to tell her. Then she jumped out of her bed, and ran into to the shower. After about 30 minutes, Zoey came out of the bathroom, already dressed and went into her room to put on her shoes. After 5 minutes she came out of her room, asked me if Amy and the other were there. I didn’t answer which was a definite sign for Zoey that they weren’t. After some time, I heard our doorbell ring. “Zoey, their here!” “I know!” Zoey said. So she ran downstairs and ran to the door. But before she could go outside, I told her “Zoey, remember, be back by midnight.” Then she nodded and said fine as she went outside.

The moment I heard Amy’s car leave, I ran up stairs to my room, grabbed some porn movies I bought from one of the students in another class. I put a disc in the player kicked back and watched some porn. After I watched all the movies, I checked my watch which eskort bayan said it was only 11:30. So I grabbed a beer, went up to my room went to the balcony, and started drinking while at the same time I wondered how Zoey was doing. After about half an hour, Zoey wasn’t home yet, but I decided to give her another 30 minutes while I play Plants vs. Zombies on my computer. But still after 30 minutes, she still wasn’t back. So I went down stairs, got in my car and drove to the nightclub. When I got there, I saw Zoey asleep in their booth while Joel was dancing with Zoey’s friend Katie. I pulled out my IPhone 4 and recorded Joel and Katie dancing. Then I went over to their booth, and carried Zoey to my car. I put her in the front passenger seat and put her seatbelt. After they got home, I carried her to her room and went back downstairs. I turned on the TV and sat in my reclining chair.

The next morning, I was downstairs eating breakfast, when Zoey came down and said “why the HELL did you bring me home you stupid son of a BITCH?!” Then I brought out my IPhone and showed her the video. Then moment the video ended, Zoey passed gave me back my IPhone and said sorry about what she said.

Just then the phone rang. Zoey picked up the phone and asked altıparmak escort “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT JOEL?”

Then they had a conversation. This is what I heard:

Joel: “Where were you last night? I went to get you a drink and when I came back you were gone.”

Zoey: “O really. Are you sure? Because Mike just showed me a video he took on his IPhone of you

dancing with Katie.”

Joel: “Listen babe.”

Zoey: “Don’t you “listen babe” me. Look, just never call me again you asshole!”

After that, Zoey ran up to her room, locked the door and I think she started crying. The entire rest of the day, Zoey spent locked inside her room. At around 6pm, I remembered that our parents keep a spare key for each of our rooms. So I went into our parent’s bedroom, and opened a secret compartment in their wall disguised as an electrical socket. Inside was the spare key to mine, and Zoey’s rooms. I went to the door of Zoey’s room and put the key. When I opened the door, I found Zoey on her bed masturbating with a dildo. When Zoey saw me, she started crying. I assured her that I wasn’t going to tell our parents, but on one condition. The moment I said condition Zoey stood up shut the door, and threw me onto her bed and shoved my dick in her pussy. We fucked for about 2 hours, had a shower together and then went downstairs for dinner. When Zoey asked me what I wanted, I walked over to the kitchen, told her I wanted Ham started kissing Zoey’s neck.

The next day, our parents came home. Although every time we get the chance, we go again.

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