Catherine Ch. 23


Confessions — Just So You Know

My phone buzzing, it’s Catherine, a text from her, “My plane was delayed, rushing to meet Jon, Maria waiting, hope your day is a good one, C”

John, seeing me reading it, “From the girlfriend,” he ask.

“Yeah John, she’s at the airport, her plane was late getting in,” telling him.

“Bet you’re glad to hear she’s back,” he says. “I guess now you can lose those horns that have sprouted from your head,” he jabs me.

“No John, it’s going to be a few more days before I see her again — a busy weekend ahead with her house guest, I think I told you about.”

“Oh.., right,” he replies. “You did say that. So I guess those horns on your head will be about bull moose size before then,” he jabs me some more.

“Jon…, I have other girl friends; you know. Who, are more than eager to clip those horns. How’s your sex life lately — that blow up doll holding up? Probably got a lot of miles on her, huh?” My knife to his ego, as I walk away to check on the progress of the test we started; laughing out loud as I go to John’s, “Fuck you Swaggart!” He hurled at me.

My phone buzzing in my hip pocket again alerting me of another text; expecting it to be from Catherine. But when looking at the phone, it’s not Catherine, but Ryan. “hi I’m back, call me,” I read on the screen.

“You are?” Saying out loud, at the same time touching in her speed call number to the sound of three audible rings when it’s, “Hey, how Are…, you?” I hear in Ryan’s cheery greeting.

“I’m doing fine and when did you get back?” My reply and question to her.

“I got in very late last night,” Ryan’s reply. “I was going to call you and Sally,” she says now. ” But as late as it was I thought better of it and waited till this morning — I just got off the phone with Sally.” Ryan’s telling me.

“Well I’m glad you’re back, so how did the project go — well I hope?” Asking Ryan.

“A…, Huge success — it was, amazing…, they were So…, pleased!” I hear in her excited tone of voice.

“That’s great! I’m so very happy to hear that too!” Enthusiastically replying to her.

“The reward for me was a, “HUGE,” check!” More excitement in her voice knowing too, she’ll have a beautiful smile on her face — she must be really pleased and proud.

“So, what are you doing this weekend,” I hear her asking me now.

“This weekend Ryan…, not much.” Telling her the truth.

“Well…, how about I…, take you…, out to dinner tomorrow night,” she ask.

“Dinner with you Ryan would be a pleasure, and thank you for asking…, and I accept. But!”

“But what Swaggart?” Her blunt question.

“Is this going to be a coat and tie type of place?” Asking.

“Yes!” She replies affirmatively. “You’re a very handsome man and more so when you’re in a suite and tie — especially you in uniform I might add too.” she comes at me.

“Ryan…, no…, uniform!” telling her.

“No Bob,” she says. “A jacket, slacks, shirt and tie…, that go well together, is all I expect.” Her busting on me, has me laughing. Where today and after the last two days, I need a good laugh.

“Of course, Ryan, they’ll go well together — my clown suite is out for dry cleaning.”

“Swaggart… seven o’clock!” Sounds like an order.

“Sure Ryan.., oh Ryan…, are you still there,” asking her.

“Yes I am Bob,” she replies.

“Am I picking you up at your house or are you coming over to mine?” Asking her.

“My house Swaggart!” Her firm reply. “We’ll be taking my, car, because I’m not going to be climbing in and out of your truck in a dinner dress and high heels,” she says.

“Sure Ryan…, I’ll be standing at your front door.” telling her.

“Good bye Bob,” she tells me.

“Bye Ryan,” replying back.

Putting my phone back in my pocket it’s John, who’s been sitting next to me in front of the computer monitor, “Didn’t sound like your girlfriend,” he says, as he’s typing on the keyboard.

“No John, it wasn’t. But still a friend…, a, very, close, friend!” Telling him.

“Whoa!” John’s exclamation. “From the way you said that…, something special…, like…, friend with benefits; maybe? You know, just asking,” he’s saying.

“Yes John. There have been some, very, nice, times with Ryan!”

“Shit Swaggart, how do you luck into…,”

“I’ve told you, John. I’m just a very nice guy…” interrupting John

“Yeah, yeah, Swaggart…,you’re a nice guy with big…,”

“Not just that John,” interrupting John again.

“It’s more than that John! I respect them. To me there’s nothing more sexy then a beautiful, intelligent woman with a sense of adventure and a great sense of humor. Not silly humor, but witty and at times, sharp tongued too. Sally, as well as Catherine, have set me down a few times — I respect that John!” telling him.

“Speaking of Catherine, Swaggart.” John saying now. “Does she know about this other woman? I heard you say her name was…, Ryan?” John’s asking.

“Ryan…, yes her name has been mentioned maybe…, a time or two with Catherine,” replying to John.

“Not Travesti a bomb shell, Swaggart, when Ryan’s name came up,” John ask.

“No John, not a bomb shell, she just asked who Ryan was.”

“The real bomb shell for you though, John…, would be knowing about the last two days of Catherine’s business trip to DC.”

“What!?” Johns exclamation.

“Come on John, it’s close enough to lunch time, lets take a walk and maybe I’ll tell you more about the women who like me for more than just my, good looks, nice guy personality and big dick,” telling him.

Once out on the street to find it’s a nice unseasonably warm day, the sun light breaking into the winter shadows, warming my melancholy disposition as well; I miss her!

Taking my cell phone from my hip pocket, swiping through the gallery of pictures, — lots and lots of Erin. “Here John, this is my daughter Erin,” handing him my phone.

John, looking at the picture of Erin. “Very pretty girl,” he says.

“Yes she is John. And the spitting image of her mother,” telling him as he hands me back my phone. “She’s just as beautiful, bright, sassy and talented, just like her mother.”

“You’ve met Catherine, so I won’t show you the two pictures I have of her…, because I wouldn’t want to see you swallow or trip over your tongue.” telling him.

“What do you mean.” he ask.

“Never mind John, I promised her…, only me.”

“You mean they’re…,”

“Never mind John!” Shutting him down.

Swiping through my pictures till, “This is Sally, John,” showing him the phone again. “Beautiful, intelligent, talented, and a really, great, fuck…, the woman loves…, to fuck! I told you about that Saturday night she came to my hotel room. An yes, I told Catherine, like I told you too.”

Where now, swirling in my head, are the sounds and words of Catherine fucking Neil and how explicitly she was in telling me about fucking James.

John, nudging me, handing me back my phone pulling me back.

“She’s available, now that the two of you are divorced; right? John’s asking me.

“Sorry John, not for you. There’s just no way in hell you could keep up with her! It’s best you stick to your blow up doll and imagination.” Busting all over him.

“Fuck, you, too.., Swaggart!” I get back.

“Anyway John, this is Ryan,” as I’ve finished bringing up her picture, then handing the phone to John again.

“Beautiful, sexy, smart too, John. She’s Sally’s best friend…, like almost for ever, you could say, all the way back to…, I think…, maybe elementary school…, one of them told me.” John, looking at the picture of Ryan not saying anything.

“John…, John,” jogging him,”

“You’re seeing her too.” he ask now.

“I wouldn’t call, seeing her, John. We’re just very good friends who have a lot of fun together.” Telling him.

“What’s she like,” John ask.

“Lets see…, how would I describe her, John…, physically…, beautiful face as you can see with that bobbed auburn hair style, her trimmed pubes matches it, also frames her gates to heaven — dark nipples on perfect tear drop breast, nice hips, leggy with an amazing heart shaped ass that won’t quit — you ever fuck a woman with a heart shaped ass…, John?” Asking him. “Do you also know what it’s like to stand in front of a full length dressing mirror, gripping the cheeks of that heart shaped ass — Ryan, with her strong beautiful legs wrapped around you, both of you watching as you’re lifting her up and down, riding her creamy wet pussy over your cock till her orgasm — so intense you almost dropped her because she was shaking so hard from it?”

“No!” He sharply replies, looking dejectedly straight ahead.

“Have you ever fucked…, a women…, John?” Breaking his balls now.

“What? Go to hell Swaggart!” His sharp return.

“Just busting on you John — I have!” Twisting the knife in a little more.

“Ryan, John…, is the perfect wet dream for you.” Jabbing him again.

“Like I already told you John, she’s very smart and talented, she does web design and very good at it too. That call from her earlier, telling me she finished up a big project, along with getting very handsomely paid for it, she told me. And.., she wants to take me out to dinner tomorrow night. I am looking forward to seeing her; it’s been awhile.” Telling John.

“What’s your other girlfriend, Catherine, going to think about you seeing and going out with this Ryan goddess…, at her invitation.” John asking.

“Catherine…, she’s had a very busy three days.”

Now flashes through my head — along with two exciting and pleasurable nights, along with a little kink with one.

“Plus…,” Coming back form those thoughts, “Her husband is home — a reception Friday night, and a big dinner party Saturday night; I think I told you. Also John…, Catherine was seeing some old friends while she was in DC too.”

“Men friends!” he suddenly ask at hearing what I just said.

“Yes John, business contacts she’s known for a long time — dinners out with them too, like mine with Ryan,” telling him.

“Yeah…, Ankara Travesti but you’ll be fucking this Ryan girlfriend for dessert I bet,” his laughing with it. John saying that has this thought passing through my mind, Catherine’s old boy friends going home with huge smiles on their faces — both with refreshed memories of what a great dessert course she is.

“I don’t know about that John. But…, it’s happened before — dinner with Ryan for dessert — she is delicious!” Poking that at him.

“Fuck you,” John back at me again.

Scrolling through my pictures again till finding, “Here’s another girlfriend John,” telling him. “Her name is Carly,” showing the picture of her to John. “She’s five foot two, about a hundred and ten pounds, dirty blond ponytail, cute tight body, nice tits for a girl her size, tight round butt, she coaches gymnastics at the college level — ever fuck an gymnast John, a female one?” Busting heavily on him again.

“Didn’t I just say, “Fuck you!” John right back at me. “An no I haven’t!”

“What a shame John…, you’ve missed a great experience. Female gymnast, John, like Carly, who can put her ankles behind her neck, do splits, bend over backwards with her hands and feet flat on the floor. Can you imagine, John, fucking a girl who can put her ankles behind her neck? An John, do you have any idea of what it’s like, you, hovering over her like she is with those ankles behind her neck, your cock head poised to plunge into her slightly gaped bald pussy. At the same time, you’re trying to make up your mind as to do that, or stop and go down on her gorgeous fat peachy pussy and eat the daylights out of her; I have! Or…, this too; have her doing splits while she’s sitting on your cock that’s plugged into her tight pussy. Have you ever heard the term, ‘a spinner,’ when referred to a woman, John?” Asking him.

“Yeah, so what!” John comes back.

“That’s beautiful, sweet, adorable Carly. She’ll take your breath away! You know John…, you’ve lived a way to sheltered life.”

“I got to know her through Sally, who was taking course classes along with aerobics and yoga lessons at the college. Sally was always trying to lose that little bit of baby belly she still had from her pregnancy; I thought it was cute, even made her more sexy and desirable I thought. Carly was the instructor as well as the gymnastic coach. Sally and Carly became fast friends, and that’s how I came to know Carly,” telling John now.

“An now John, I’m going to tell you one more thing…, Catherine. An if you ever repeat it…, and it gets back to me, remember what I inferred about that seventh story window back at the school building and weather you could fly? Asking him.

“Yeah.., so,” he replies.

“This building we’re in now has ten floors, and we’re on the eighth. So it’s a longer flight to a hard landing. Remember too, John I said I’ve survived two hard landings, the first from about the height of that eighth floor were on. There were ten people on that helicopter, John. Three crewman and seven of us Recon Marines. All of us survived although the two pilots were injured pretty bad, trapped in their seats too — those of us that could, worked for hours dismantling jammed seats, breaking instrument panels to get them out — as well a couple of my fellow Recon Marines who were hurt from being thrown against the bulk head. Those of us that weren’t so banged up took care of those that were. Help couldn’t get to us because they didn’t know where we went down. And when they did locate where we were, they still couldn’t get to us because the reason we were out there also could be looking for us too. Officially, John, we weren’t supposed to be out there. Three days John, we were there, hiding out, taking care of the injured, conserving what water we had and ready to fight it out if we had to. We got out, John, because two brave crews volunteered to come and get us — all of us got out. I bet you’re thinking too John, why am I telling you this. Because first…, I’m a very nice, easy going guy! But when I have to be, I’m one of the toughest, meanest mother fuckers you’ll ever know in your life…, and that’s no bull shit, no exaggeration, I’ve got the physical scars and other baggage that go along with it; plus, lots of dead bad guys I could tell you about!” Saying all this to John while never taking my eyes away from his.

“Those two men, John, old friends of Catherine…, she fucked one Tuesday night, which she deliberately let me listen in over the phone call she made to me. The other guy she fucked last night. I was home from my class, re-working some notes — late when she called too, giving me a very explicit description of what she did with him.”

John looking at me, his dumbfounded look expressing what hasn’t really registered in his brain.

“An something else John, both — I loved hearing every fucking bit…, of it!”

Picking up the pace now, because we’ll be late getting back if it’s not.

John, who disappeared as soon as we walked on the floor and I haven’t seen him for at least thirty minutes. Me, I started the next istanbul Travesti test in the sequence they’re to run in and now sitting back watching the green lines of data scrolling across the computer screen in front of me, green means good; I like green.

A chair scraping on the floor tells me John has returned but hasn’t said anything for the last several minutes. He’s like me, watching lines and lines of data, green data, scroll up the screen every few seconds.

“Swaggart…, Bob.”

“Yeah John,” answering without looking at him.

“Tell me something,” he ask.

“What is it John,” replying, still without looking at him.

Where it’s at least another minute where he hasn’t said anything. But as I turn to look over to him…, “Your girlfriend…, Catherine.” he says.

“Yeah, John,” acknowledging him.

“You were just bull shitting me…, right,” he says. “You know that…, that hard landing thing,” he says now.

“Which hard landing John, yours…, or mine.” Saying to him now as both us are looking back at each other.

“Mine John, all true. Yours…,” I look away and back to the computer screen without a word back to him.

“Catherine…, Bob.” he says, has me looking back at him again.

“You were making that up, yanking my chain,” he says.

“No John, I wasn’t making it up to yank on your chain. It’s completely true John,” as I’m looking around to see if anyone is close enough to hear me.

“She told me a lot John, her past, before she left on her trip. She even showed me a picture of each guy — told me too, a little history behind each one. I joked about something that happened one time on a phone call early in our budding relationship…, ‘Nancy’ I refer to it now. Wednesday, John, a phone call, very early in the morning woke me. I was sitting on the sofa, I couldn’t lay down; my ribs hurting, John. When I saw it was from Catherine I answered it in my usual way. But it wasn’t the reply I expected…, John. It was very obvious sounds of two people, a man and a women having one hell of a great fuck. Catherine, John, her voice, very distinct…, I know what she sounds like…, John, when she and I fuck. She’s an erotic symphony of sight and sound. I could hear the guys voice too. I could hear both of their voices, John. Noises too John, bed noise, the sound of bodies slapping together…, no mistaking what was happening. They both were throughly enjoying everything they were doing…, what she was doing! John…, it also may have been the second time, the two of them earlier. After the obvious sounds of her…, orgasm…, I know what she’s like when that…, maybe his too, seconds later. It all went quiet, mostly, but I could still hear voices, just words, some laughter even, then quiet again. Then, not much until I heard what I thought was a door closing, then sounds of water running…, a shower. Then I hear, what turned out to be Catherine picking up the phone saying, “Did you like that? I’ll call you later.” she was saying, then the call ended.”

“The guy she was with last night…, no phone call that I could listen in on this time. It was in her call, late too, where she was telling me, very explicitly too, what she had done with this second guy. A little bit of kink thrown in with what happened with him this time.”

“John, she’s known these men at least…, any way, some years, before she and I met. So what happened…, has happened before with them and well before I came into her life.” Telling him.

“An you’re okay with it?” John ask.

“John…, I don’t have any claim on her…, she’s married! And even if she wasn’t, I would never try to control or tell her, or any of the women I have a relationship with what they could or not do — it was always that way with Sally too. I love strong, confident, independent women, John! To me they’re an aphrodisiac and they’re the best fucks in the world too John, because they don’t, hold, back!”

“John this too, Catherine…, was the aggressor who started it all between her and I! An thirty minutes after we met I knew she was married; but I couldn’t let her go, I had to know why she did what she did. That lunch she and I had, the explanation she gave me…, I believed her! She said something else too John…, she said, ‘she knew I would be trouble for her.’ It stopped me dead in my tracks! And what ever the, ‘trouble’ was then, I know what the trouble is now, because she admitted it the night before she left for D.C. — the same night she showed me the pictures of those men. It, they, surprised me yes! But I wasn’t intimated by it because I knew there was more to her then what she had already let me in on.”

“And John this too…, back to that lunch we had…, Catherine got a text message. Watching her reading it…, the look on her face as she was reading it, the out loud comment she made as she text’ed back a reply…, John, I have…, what ever it is, a sense. I read things in people John — the things that are there but shouldn’t be. Or the things that aren’t there but should be there; it’s their body language I read very well. John, it’s part of what makes me very good at what I do in the Marine Corps. The what I do…, I don’t boast or talk about it, or, what I’ve done. That bit about that hard landing I’ve never talked about that to anyone else outside of the world I live in Marine Corps…, it’s just the way we…, are!”

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