After Class


They met in a class after school. She could feel her face blush the first time he smiled at her. She was too tough to admit it though. Instead, she would respond to his comments with off-handed sarcasm, all the while trying to suppress any inner giggles that might slip out. She figured she couldn’t possibly have a chance with him anyway. There were plenty of other more attractive alternatives for him to choose from. His piercingly gorgeous blue eyes could never fall on her. One day after class, he asked her for a ride home. She could feel her heart leaping from her chest, pangs of excited giddiness running through her stomach. She contained all of this and calmly said, ‘Sure, where do you live?’.

She drove and he rode, quietly. Both sensing the tension. Both watching each other from their peripherals. “Turn left right here,” he said, pointing to a long drive that led to his father’s apartment. They stopped in front. She put the car in park. He clutched at his bag. Her hands dropped to her lap, while she desperately tried to avoid saying something final, like “Well, see you next week in class.” They shyly glanced and smiled at each other.

At last, he asked if she would like to come in for something to drink. Unsure, but excited, she stammered, “Yeah,” clears her throat, “Thanks, that would be great.”

She turns off the ignition, climbs out and follows him up to the front door. He was just as nervous as she was, but he was much smoother and didn’t let it show. He opened the front door and invited her in. She politely took off her shoes, even when he said she didn’t need to. He plopped his bag down and headed towards the kitchen.

She stood, rubbing her hands together, clasping her fingers, together and apart, together and apart, while looking around, thinking, “So, this is where he lives.” The couch looked soft and inviting, so she decided to sit down. He walked back into the room after a minute with two glasses of cold water. She thanked him as she carefully took the glass from his hand. She sipped it, careful not to finish it too quickly. She looked around and said, “Hmm, I thought you’d have more trophies or medals. You’re so good in class. I thought you were in more competitions.” He looked around as well, “Oh, most of Escort Çankaya them are in my room. Wanna see?” “Sure.” She got up and followed him towards his room. Indeed there were a few more trophies sitting on his bookshelf on the back wall. She stepped in to have a closer look. He tried to close the door behind her quietly, but she turned around when she heard the click.

Their eyes met for a moment before he rushed over to the bookshelf, “Here let me show you the rest of my trophies.” She walked over and looked over each one intently. “Whoa! You got First Place? That’s wicked!” They both reached out for the trophy. Their hands brushed and they both contracted quickly. She backed away to sit on his bed, while he wandered toward the chair at his desk.

His eyes darted, before saying, “You should join some competitions too. You’re pretty good in class.” She’s elated at the compliment but she laughs it off, saying, “Don’t feel confident enough. And confidence doesn’t exactly come easy for me.”


“I’m a little envious of you sometimes. Confidence seems to come so easy for you.”

“Ha! Far from it.”

“You can deny it but everyone sees it.” The next sentence runs back and forth in her head before finally coming out. “It’s part of why I like you.”

Their eyes meet for a second before he turns away and smiles. He can feel his ears getting hot. He clears his throat and shakes his head. Her eyes follow the dimples dancing on his face, satisfied with the reaction she got. She stands up and says, “I should probably head back home.” He stands and stammers, “Uhh, right. Yeah.” She licks her lips, smiles, picks her bag up and take a few steps toward the door. He walks toward the door and places his hand on the door knob, but pauses before turning it. Their bodies only a foot apart, almost close enough to sense each other’s heat. He runs his hand up the strap of her bag, lifting it from her shoulder and placing it on the floor. She looks up at him. He moves in closer and tilts his head down toward hers. She stares at his lips as they begin to part. She whispers, “What are you doing?” “I…want to…” his lips find hers. A short kiss. Then they fall into each other. Mouths open, tongues darting in and Çankaya Escort out. One of his hands on her waist, pulling her body into his. His other hand cupping her face and neck, massaging gently. Her hands rub his chest, and glide down to his waist. After another minute of furious kissing, they break apart. Both breathing heavily. They look at each other, unsure of what to do next. She begins, “Umm… that was… yeah.. good. I should go.”

She opens the door and takes a few quick steps toward the front door, but stops when she realizes she forgot her bag. She turns around and he’s standing in the hall with her bag. He hands it to her by the strap. She reaches out and when she grabs onto the strap, he pulls the bag back, pulling her forward. He catches her with his arm around her waist. They kiss again. He twirls her back into his room and shuts the door again. This time, he pulls her toward the bed. He sits on the edge and pulls her between his thighs. She runs her hands through his hair. His hands rub around her waist and down the side of her legs. Her hands trace his shoulders, down his arms and into his hands, twining fingers together. She stands up straight, breaking the kiss. She rests her forehead on his and smiles.

He smiles and asks, “Why are you smiling?”

“Just happy.” He smiles even bigger.

She cups his face in her palms and kisses him again. This time, slower, deeper. His hands hold her waist. He sneaks a couple fingers underneath her shirt to touch the skin at her waist. She moans into his mouth upon feeling the warmth of his fingers. He grows bolder. His fingers start rubbing her lower back, tracing her spine, reaching further and further up. She can feel her skin tingling where he’s touched her. His hands lower back down to her waist. She guides his hands across her stomach and up to her breasts. He stands up and pulls her close, his hand massaging her breast. They writhe and moan into each other’s bodies. He could feel her nipples hardening under her bra.

Suddenly, she stops and stares into his eyes. His hands retreat back and he says, “I’m sorry, sorry. Am I moving too fast? Sorry.” She shakes her head and smirks. She pulls her shirt off, to his surprise, and he looks in awe. He Çankaya Escort Bayan kisses her lips again, then across her cheek to her ear. He rubs his nose against her ear and nibbles down her neck hungrily. Her breathing turns to a pant. She clutches at his shirt and yanks it off his body. Her hands glide down his body down to his belt buckle. He cups her face and brings her into another hot, panting wave of kisses. She slips her fingers into the top of his pants. He could feel his skin tingle down to his thighs and back up his spine. She whispers into his ear, “I want to give you something.” His ear turns red from her hot breath.

There’s a sly little grin on her face when he looks into her eyes as she backs away and kneels down before him. Their eyes remain locked on each other while her hands deftly unbuckle and unzip the front of his pants. He could feel his heart thumping through his chest and his member growing stiffer as her face moves in closer. She pulls down his pants and pushes them down to his ankles. Her hands rub the growing bulge in his underwear. “Oh-my-god…,” he gasps, finding it difficult to stand. Her stomach flutters from excitement at watching his arousal. She peels his underwear off his body, revealing his hard penis. She looks up into his eyes and kisses the tip. He collapses back onto the edge of the bed. She crawls forward and wraps her hand around his stiff cock, massaging up and down. Her tongue licks a ring around the head before she glides it far down her throat. His moans grow louder with each lick and suck and swallow. He places his hand on the back of her head as she bobs up and down, faster and harder. He can’t hold it in any longer. One more deep thrust into the back of her throat and he felt everything erupting from within. She locked her lips onto his spurting member and swallowed every drop he unloaded. Still panting, he opened his eyes, looked into her eyes and pulled her up for a deep swirling kiss. “That was…amazing. You are…” She put her soft finger to his lips before he could finish.

“I really have to go,” she says, quietly. She puts her shirt back on while he pulls his pants and underwear back on. He hands her her bag and walks her to the front door and out to her car. She opens her car door, but he gently pulls her arm before she gets in. “What’s going to happen next? What does this mean for us…if anything? I don’t know what you’re loo–“, she interrupts him with a kiss. She backs away, smiles and gets into her car.

To be continued…

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