Cloying and Anxious Ch. 01


It was one of those sticky hot days that made every breath feel like a struggle. It almost made Mandy go back to the house to grab her asthma pump, she thought against it as she checked her public transit app, it told her she had about 6 minutes before the next bus came and she really needed to be on it. ‘Fuck’, she thought as she began to sweat. Her brow was wet already and the humidity sat heavily on her chest, she hadn’t been outside for more than three minutes. She made it to the bus stop on time with a couple minutes to spare. She got out her pass and stood close to the stop at the edge of the curb.

She noticed that there were a few familiar faces that morning, people she had seen in passing over the years that she didn’t speak to. Her eyes latched onto a stream of bright color going up an arm that reminded Mandy of a latte in a bottle, soft brown, tastes good. She licks her lips and turns to face the street again expecting her bus to be there, it isn’t. Her brow furrows and she looks into her bag. The app is already open when she unlocks the screen and she feels what little breath she had leave her in a woosh. She had been looking for the right bus just going in the wrong direction. She’s already missed her bus and the next one wasn’t coming for another 15 minutes. She’d be a little late for her meeting but nothing serious.

She walked with slumped shoulders to the shade farther onto the sidewalk. Mandy decided she wouldn’t stand there and wallow. She had important things to do today and she wasn’t going to let her anxiety catch up to her. She swallowed hard as she made to call her editor to let them know she was going to be late. It went over pretty well her editor was understanding and told Mandy that waiting 5 minutes more wasn’t going to hurt anything. Mandy sighed in relief and mopped the sweat off her phone and ear. The short conversation making her sweat that much more with nervous energy.

Mandy whispered, “Everything is fine. Just slowly roasting in hell but overall everything’s the insect’s ligaments,” she sighed deeply after her short musing on the day’s start. She closed her eyes and let the shade cool her down. As she opened her eyes she turned her head to the side and found light eyes looking at her. She didn’t really want the attention but expected it as she wanted to dress for the weather and be comfortable. Her dress was mid thigh with half length sleeves that hugged her elbow. It was made out of a soft blue linen and had pockets on the bust and hips. On someone else her dress was seen as motherly and practical, on her it was something less regarded. Full hips and bust stretching the fabric. Mandy turned her head back and went to rummaging in her bag for her earphones. She didn’t hear him walk toward her and didn’t see him until he reached out and touched a hand to her elbow. Mandy jumped and pulled her elbow down and held it close to her body.

He was cute and had a nice mouth, a pink tongue darted out and traced a top lip that reminded Mandy of bubblegum. “Um, would you mind giving me the time,” his voice was heavy and Mandy thought about the way he might sound between her legs. Mandy felt herself unfurl it was a simple request and nothing creepy. Her phone was in one of the outside pockets of her antep escort bag easy to reach, “It’s 11:37.”

He nodded his head but didn’t move away from Mandy. Mandy lifted her hand meaning to go back in her bag and look for headphones. “Do you know when the 12 is coming?” That’s the bus Mandy was waiting for she nodded, unlocking her screen and double-checking that the bus would be there by 11:45. He nodded his head and said a low, “Thank you.”

Mandy replied with a soft, “You’re welcome,” and went back to looking for her headphones with success. Just before she put in her earbuds their bus came rumbling to a stop. Mandy sighed in relief and walked quickly to the bus. Mandy clambered on the bus just before it started to close its door and began a speedy ascent up a small hill. She pressed herself against the black rail guard and didn’t feel someone behind her until a hand reached forward and Mandy felt heat along her back. The voice was somehow made that much more appealing standing behind her and coming from above. What would he sound like when she swallowed around him? Mandy murmured something appropriate for the situation of accidental touching on public transportation.

She finally swiped her pass as the bus made another stop to take more passengers. Mandy made her way to the back, she had a long ride almost to the end of the line. She made her way to the back and felt the intense burst of air conditioning. Mandy sat in the far back where the engine of the bus sat loudly rumbling as the bus continued on its journey. She didn’t mind the trip, she enjoyed looking out the window and feeling the clammer of people around her. She took a tight corner seat presses to the window. In front of her where a pair of seats that faced the window to the opposite side.

Mandy had closed her eyes for a moment feeling nausea rile up her stomach, she got a little motion sick on any ride. When she opened her eyes she was looking at a column of neck that had specks of black that shifted as Mandy made to look up and stare back at welcoming eyes. Mandy liked the look of his teeth as he looked down at her. His mouth had parted as if he wanted to say something but got distracted. Mandy sat straighter and was about to say something along the lines of, ‘Tits aren’t psychic,’ but his gaze trailed further down and Mandy felt his eyes on her bust then the swell of her stomach and lastly on her thighs. She had a large tattoo on her thigh of a dragon coiling around a tiger. It was a reference to a story she had read years before. A woman who found herself between two powerful men and chose the man who she had seen at his weakest. Though that tattoo depicted the dragon killing the tiger by strangling it to death Mandy had the tiger and dragon on equal footing.

Mandy crossed her legs covering the tattoo and pulled her dress down for effect. His eyebrow lifted and he made to turn his head to look out the opposite window and instead caught sight of more ink. Mandy had latin tattooed on the ring finger of her left hand, “Seize Love,” Mandy could hear the wonder in his voice. He was looking at her and she was staring back not many people knew past carpe. She smiled slowly and bit her bottom lip, “Yea.” He chuckled at her reaction. Like he was pleased by her being happy with him knowing a little latin.

“How many tattoos do you have?” It caught Mandy off guard rarely did anyone ask how many, always if they had some meaning and for some of them they were only skin deep. “9,” his eyebrows raised to his hairline when she told him and she watched the smile spread across his face, “Wow”. Mandy felt a little embarrassed, she almost put an end to the conversation until she saw him twist his forearms out in front of him and Mandy saw flames licking up his veins and numerals with crooked lines. She thought of him as a collage of experience. She reached out and traced a particular phrase that curved upward away from her. He bit his bottom lip and shifted as if sensitive to her touch.

The letters were thick and raised almost bleeding together with too much ink and too heavy a hand, “Anicetus, Invictus maneo. ” When he spoke it was with a voice heavy with emotion, “Invincible. I am unconquered,” It stoked Mandy in a way she thought indecent for a first time meeting. It was intimate and it left her throat feeling a bit raw. She swallowed and traced more of the heavy ink and ran careful fingers over staggered lines and thought of what he might taste like. His hand was on her knee and his touch was hot, a wave of heat poured from his hand through her dress and the contrast of his warmth at her front and the cool at blowing on her neck made her nipples tighten and she licked her lips

There was a pothole that sent her half a foot into the air and their moment was broken. The startled yipping sound she made as she went into the air drew some laughter. Mandy could feel the heat rising to her face and she tried with all her might to disappear into the seat of the bus. His hand was steadying when it touched her skin though it did no great wonders for her heart which seemed ready to climb out of her throat. His fingers fanned out and made to push her dress just a bit higher. She could feel the pads of his fingers running over some of the raised lines, he began to focus on a particular line that veered close to her inner thigh and Mandy bit her lip sucking it into her mouth and swallowing a breathy sigh.

“How long did this one take?” His voice was a low hum of arousal and interest. “Three eight hour sessions.” Mandy’s voice was shaking with nervousness and want. She watched as one of his eyebrows lifted and his tongue dart out to lick half his lip. He was thinking of what she’d would have looked like open and exposed as someone sat between her legs and touched her with a steady hand while pushing her to her limits. His fingers had veered off course, he was testing his limits he could feel the edge of Mandy’s tattoo with his palm, could feel the heat that rolled off her. He could feel her thigh jerk and her heartbeat thrum beneath his fingers as he stroked her inner thigh. Mandy opened her legs wider to offer more.

There was another pothole and Mandy reached forward and grabbed the armrest before she could go any further into the air. His hand was trapped between her thighs. If he angled it just right he could ghost his fingers over her panties. He leaned forward as Mandy was still holding on to the armrest she was closer to him. He liked the way her oil smelled and the perfume she wore was sweet. Her face was softly flushed and her lips a little puffy from biting into them. He was close enough for Mandy to smell his sweat and deodorant, she felt him shift and he began to pull his hand forward. Mandy opened her legs to free him but he stopped short and cupped her pussy. Her panties were wet from more than just sweat.

Mandy pressed a hand to his wrist not sure what to do. She looked past him and out into the aisle of the bus and saw they were two of only 8 people. Most everyone was sitting with their backs facing them the remaining people were engaged in conversation. She steadied herself with the hand she placed on his wrist and grinded down into his palm. He murmured a low, “Fuck,” as he had expected her to move his hand. She felt good against his palm as he shifted and pushed her panties to the side to feel slick lips. Her pubic hair was soft if a little coarse. His fingers were deft as he slide three digits between the lips of her pussy, two to open her and open to explore. He found her clit easy enough with his searching digit but he wanted to feel her walls flutter around him when she came.

Her entrance was slippery and the sound she made when she felt his finger slide deep inside her was something he would think of when testing the calcium in his wrists. Her eyes were closed and her mouth slightly open. He closed the distance and kissed her. She sighed against him and he felt her pussy clench around him as he bit into her bottom lip. He continued to taste her. Tongue flicking against hers and swallowing her sighs. His finger felt amazing as it touched the bundle of nerves just at the edge of Mandy’s opening. He curled his finger and found where a small dent and began to press on it. He felt her walls flood him and her teeth skidded across his lip. Mandy was going to climax, he could see it in the desperate look in her eyes, he could taste it in her kisses, closed mouth and needy with spit.

He worked her over and felt her stiffen as her pussy drew him closer in her climax. The soft aching sound Mandy made tested his patience when he drew his hand away. He heard a bell and looked out the window across from him, this was his stop. He looked around the bus and saw that there was only one other person and they were getting up to get off. Mandy had leaned away from him and was fixing herself minutely. He leaned over and kissed her again and said, “I’ll see you later.”

Mandy smiled and felt warm and soft until it was time for her to get off the bus. 10 minutes later, When she stood up and pulled her dress down from behind she felt a wet spot and a ball of dread and embarrassment settle at the pit of her stomach. All during her meeting with her editor after many apologies for her lateness Mandy couldn’t tell if she was more bothered by having let someone whose name she didn’t know make her orgasm on public transportation or if the fact that she let him get away without her name or number? Mandy was without a doubt more bothered by the latter.

Though this didn’t stop the fact that she had to finish her second manuscript for the series she was currently writing. Nor did it do to quell her anxiety every time she left the house, her mind supplied many a question. What would she do if she saw him? If he had a girlfriend? If he didn’t respect her and made lascivious comments about her?

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