Educating Caroline



Caroline stepped off the ‘plane at LA airport and drew a deep breath. This was the start of an adventure that she had dreamed about for a long time. She was about to become a film star!

Her parents had split up when she was twelve and as a result Caroline had developed into a very independent girl. Not listening to family and friends who had told her that her ambition would not prove to be so easy to obtain, she had a single-track obsession – to go to Hollywood and become an actress.

Her father had been a colonel in the army and had married her mother for her money. However, the money eventually disappeared and part of it had gone on educating Caroline at Roedene School, a top class English Public School for girls. Consequently Caroline, who had just celebrated her 18th birthday, had grown into a beautiful English Rose. She had all the poise, charm and aristocratic bearing that one would expect of such an education. She was sure these Americans fell for such things!

The first thing was to find some accommodation. Her parents strongly disapproved of what they considered her wilful disregard of their advice and she therefore arrived almost penniless. She had taken the precaution of finding the addresses of a couple of acting agencies and made straight for one of them. The woman on the desk was very helpful and kind and told her that she might be able to find a small apartment but meanwhile she was welcome to stay at her house for the night. How generous these Americans are, thought Caroline.

Sure enough next day she spent almost all of her money on a deposit and was installed in her own modest little apartment. The next couple of weeks were spent trawling round agencies until she was offered an audition to test her acting skills. It must have been beginners luck because a part in a TV advertisement which was about to be shot required a girl that fitted Caroline’s particular qualities exactly. The money from this came just in time and Caroline was solvent again!

However, she soon discovered that many of the world’s most shapely females had much the same ambition as her and hundreds of them regularly make a beeline for Hollywood. Although she landed the odd TV advertisement bit part, she was flat broke most of the time. One film director was taking an interest in her and asked her out for a meal. He turned out to be just another gigolo intent on getting the classy Caroline into bed – and she was having none of it! However, things were getting desperate and she was never certain where the next cent was coming from. So when this film director suggested to her that he could introduce her to a woman who could help, she jumped at the chance.

Caroline had no idea what she was letting herself in for when she arrived at the sumptuous mansion in Beverley Hills. She was admitted and shown to a room where, to her surprise, she found herself in the company of three other girls. A door opened and another girl emerged and one of the other girls went in. When it was Caroline’s turn she entered the room and an elegant lady who was probably in her fifties, shook her by the hand.

This lady came straight to the point. “I am the managing director of a company who provide companionship for wealthy clients”, she said. Caroline rose to leave. “You mean to say that I am being interviewed for a position of a tart”, she said! “No, no my dear”, said Dominique, as she was called. “Just hear me out. Nothing could be further from the truth. You must remember that this area abounds with millionaires and wealthy men who crave the company of a woman or girl who can converse with them on their own level and who can provide genuine companionship”. Caroline was unconvinced. “You mean a Call Girl”, she said! “Honey, I can employ plenty of attractive young ladies and I really don’t need you to take up my time”. Caroline remembered that she was at her wits end to provide money for food and rent and thought that she ought to hear Dominique out.

“Empty your handbag”, ordered Dominique! “Whatever for”? “Just do it Honey or please leave and ask the next girl to come in”! Caroline hesitated and then did as she was told and tipped her handbag contents on to a table. “That’s fine”, said Dominique. Caroline had not been offered a seat and was still standing as Madame Dominique walked right around her and examined her general appearance and even looked at her shoes for scuff marks.

“You may ask why on earth I am interested in the contents of your handbag” she said, “and the fact is that it is an indication of just how smart and tidy you are”! Caroline was indignant but at the same time fascinated at just how this woman went about her job! “Your general appearance is smart although I guess that you are living from hand to mouth”! Once again Caroline was about to ask this woman just who did she think she was when she remembered once more that she was down to her last few dollars!

“I have to tell you”, said Dominique, “that I have interviewed five other girls today and none of them have been suitable. However, Escort Çankaya your attractive, smart appearance and your English accent with that unmistakeable upper class bearing that some of you English seem to exude is just right for the post that I may, and I emphasize, I may, offer you! Now get undressed”! “I will not”, said an indignant Caroline. “Then good afternoon to you”! “Why do you want me to get undressed”, said Caroline. “I am not considering appointing you as a Call Girl, as you call it, but obviously my clients, who pay up to three thousand dollars per day for your company, will only want the most attractive young ladies”. Caroline pricked up her ears at the sound of three thousand dollars per day, whew!

Tentatively she undid the buttons of her blouse and pulled it out of her waistband. Then she loosened her belt and stepped out of her skirt. She removed her blouse and stood in front of this impossible woman! “I said get undressed and that means everything”! Caroline was proud of her body and decided, what the hell, she might as well humour this woman and unclipped her bra. Finally she pulled her panties down and stood stark naked in front of Dominique. Perhaps she is a lesbian thought Caroline! Once again the autocratic Dominique walked around the nude figure of Caroline. “Very nice, very nice”, came the comment. “Just one word of advice my dear”, she said. “Hair is out! Get yourself a nice razor and use it regularly”!

When Caroline finally left the mansion she seemed to have agreed to give it a try! What ever I am thinking about, she said to herself. The terms agreed was that Madame (as Caroline secretly called her), would supply a client on a trial basis and she would arrange for payment. Caroline would keep 60% of the amount. She was given a credit card with a generous limit. I can see that you are a sophisticated young woman, said Dominique, so I have no doubt that you will choose skirts and dresses of good taste.

Before she left Caroline was introduced to a younger woman who took her to another room. Drawers were opened and a large variety of the finest French lingerie was shown to her. “They are for you to choose from”, said the woman. “But they are all white”, said Caroline in surprise. “Yes Honey, all white – virginal white! This is a sort of trademark of a girl from “French Connection””, which Caroline learned was the name of the Company owned and run by Dominique.

It was with no little sense of trepidation that Caroline listened for the ‘phone as she remained in her apartment. The very next day Madame called to say that she was required to call on Mr……. Dominique had lectured her at some length about the need for complete discretion – “so, no names if you please”! Dominique was a ruthless all-American business woman and she said, “do you know, my dear, I could blackmail any one of these men but I will never ever do so. The success of my business is at stake and depends upon complete confidentiality”. Perhaps, when I am ready to retire……

Caroline had been shopping in the morning and was pleased with the two dresses and skirt and blouse ensemble that she had bought. Later that afternoon she was to take a cab to an address which had been given to her. However, just as she was leaving she received a ‘phone call to say that the rendezvous was off and the client would call again when he was able.

Caroline was relieved on the one hand because of her apprehension of what may be asked of her and at the same time, disappointed that she would not have her first experience that day. She had been told to prepare for an evening out with the client and had been advised to wear a fairly formal and “dressy” outfit.

Caroline was not a virgin and neither was she a very experienced girl. Since arriving in LA she had very much kept herself to herself. She was no fool and realised that if she mixed socially with any young group she may fall in with an undesirable group or come face to face with the drug scene that she was aware abounded in this city. Anyway, she had been concentrating upon the job of finding work as a fledgling actress.

She removed her dress and lay on the bed in her underwear. After many disappointing days job hunting she had frequently arrived home early in a frustrated and worried state. She couldn’t afford to have the air conditioning turned on and would often undress and lie on her bed to try and keep cool. This tension that she felt and the fact that she was, after all, a young girl who naturally thought about sex all the time had only one effect. Her hand would fall between her legs and she would start to play with herself. The orgasm that followed would release the tension and she would feel much better! Today was no exception. Caroline removed her white panties and began furiously to massage her clit with her hand in that delicate, ever quickening circular movement which always resulted in a lovely orgasm.

The next day she received a ‘phone call from Dominique’s secretary to say that her appointment was on once more and she should dress for an Çankaya Escort evening out. Caroline duly arrived at the address given and rang the doorbell. An elderly man answered the door and she was shown into a plush apartment. He explained that he had given the butler the evening off and introduced himself as Arthur. Caroline guessed that he was in his seventies! Arthur explained that this was his “town house” and only some time afterwards did Caroline learn that he had a large house in its own grounds, in the country.

“Do you like opera”, my dear, he said. “Yes, sometimes”, she admitted. “I particularly like the operas of Mozart and Verdi”. Arthur was duly impressed. He was to escort this lovely young girl who was as intelligent as she was pretty! The evening went well and they shared a box in the Los Angeles Opera House to enjoy Mozart’s Cosi Fan Tutti. Luckily this was a favourite of Caroline’s and she remembered that it had been staged by the sixth form at school when she was in the fifth form. So she was aware of the story and was even able to describe the meanings of the scenes to Arthur. He continued to be mightily impressed and they held hands! She caught him looking down her cleavage a couple of times and even made it easier for him to do so by leaning forward occasionally! He really was a sweety!

They returned to Arthur’s “town House”, as he liked to call it and she made them both a cup of hot chocolate! Before leaving, Arthur kissed her on the cheek and said how much he had enjoyed her company. With that he pressed a couple of two hundred dollar bills into her hand. “For you, my dear”, he said. She thanked him “for a lovely evening” and kissed him on the forehead before leaving! On the way home in the cab Caroline thought to herself, this is really easy money and so far not at all bad!

“Madame” herself ‘phoned Caroline the next day. “Well done”, she said, “Arthur has told me that he had never enjoyed the company of one of my girls more”. Then she was handed over to the secretary, who had another client for her to entertain. This time it was an American actor who had been a heartthrob for perhaps too many years, but who was, nevertheless still a handsome man. Caroline remembered him from some of the earliest films she had seen!

This time it was a morning appointment and Caroline wore a diaphanous summer dress and picture hat. She was collected from her apartment by a chauffeur driven limousine and taken to a swish address in Beverley Hills. She was greeted by a middle-aged woman who was dressed in clothes that Caroline considered to be more suitable for a teenager. Nevertheless the woman, whose name was Beverley, was pleasant enough and took her to meet Richard…, the heartthrob actor! The three of them sat on a terrace and sipped cold drinks. They twigged her English accent and asked her about England and the conversation flowed.

Seemingly Beverley was destined to be present all the time and eventually it was suggested that they had a swim in the luxurious pool. “I am sorry”, said Caroline, but I have no costume. They laughed at this and Richard said, “why worry about such details”! Then Beverley chided Richard. “Can’t you see that she is just a young girl and probably shy”? “With a body like hers who could possibly be shy”, said Richard. Caroline, who may have been a little light headed from the effects of the drinks, tossed her head. She was not about to be treated like a child and anyway she knew her body was lovely.

“Last one in’s a cissy”, she said and with that pulled her dress over her head. Her bra was off in a flash and her panties thrown to one side. In she dived with Richard and Beverley hard on her heels! Caroline marvelled at her own impetuosity as she swam with the other two, who were also naked.

When it was time to get out of the pool Caroline suddenly became a little more shy. “Please hand me a robe”, she said to Richard, who was standing on the poolside already in a robe. “Come and get it”, said Richard laughing. So Caroline had no option other than to stand beside him naked. Beverley had also got out of the pool and was also in a robe. “Isn’t she just gorgeous Richard”, said Beverley?

“Let’s use the upstairs shower”, said Richard and all three went to find it. The shower was an elaborate continental affair with no cubicle and it was possible for all of them to shower at the same time. So once more they were naked together. Both Beverley and Richard fondled the lovely Caroline and she could see that he was rapidly getting an erection. Beverley, far from avoiding the subject said, “really Richard just look at you”! “It’s not my fault” he said, “I blame Caroline”!

They dried each other and Caroline slipped her panties back on. “Why don’t we all have a little rest”, said Richard and with that they both took Caroline by the hand and led her to a bedroom with an enormous bed. Caroline was bidden to lie on the bed and the other two lay beside her. It had been obvious to Caroline almost from the start that she was going to be seduced this day and she had Çankaya Escort Bayan been feeling more and more aroused as time went on.

Richard took her in his arms and kissed her mouth and then her neck and nibbled her nipples before kissing her breasts. She felt Beverley pulling her panties off and her legs were gently parted as Beverley kissed her vagina. She had taken Dominique’s advice and her pubic area was completely smooth. Beverley’s tongue was playing with her clit and she returned Richard’s kisses with increased fervour. He held her hand and took it to his erection. He was so hard and she was so hot for him! Caroline began to masturbate him eagerly.

Then Caroline heard a buzzing sound and suddenly flinched as Beverley introduced a vibrator to her vagina. This was a new experience for this rather naïve English girl and she writhed in ecstasy as Beverley skilfully applied it. She was panting with sexual desire and kissed Richard passionately as she went “over the top” and had the most wonderful orgasm.

It was Richard’s turn now and he laid Caroline on her back. Her legs were drawn up as he knelt between them and pulled her on to him. He was much older than Caroline but still a handsome and fit man. His powerful thrusts were rapidly building her to the point of another orgasm. Beside them on the bed Beverley was having the time of her life. She was turned on by the sight of the couple who were fucking so naturally and her vibrator was turned fully on as she built to her own climax.

It seemed that all three of them climaxed together and exhausted, they lay still for a few minutes. Caroline recovered first and kissed Richard affectionately before turning to Beverley and kissing her full on the lips. “Oh, thank you, both of you”, she said. “That was wonderful! I have never seen a vibrator before”, she confessed.

They all got dressed and went outside again to enjoy a spot of lunch. “I feel that I have made two wonderful friends today”, said Caroline. Money was no object to the couple and they often called upon the “French Connection” to supply them with a girl to have an orgy with, but Caroline was different. For one thing, she was younger than the average “Call Girl”, (for that is just what I am, thought Caroline), and she had a certain naïve quality. “Almost like deflowering a virgin”, Beverley had said afterwards to Richard.

It was time for Caroline to leave and Richard called up the limousine. “Just a minute”, said Beverley, “I’ve got a present for you”. She disappeared upstairs and returned with the vibrator in her hand. “You are welcome to this one”, she said. “I have a drawer full of them”! They both laughed and kissed Caroline before she parted.

The next day she was asked to Dominique’s mansion and given her cut of the money. “Well, what do you think of it now”, asked Dominique? “I think I am a really classy tart”, said Caroline and they both laughed! “It will do until I become an actress”, she said. Dominique said nothing. She knew that it was unlikely that this girl would ever make the grade as an actress but she had other talents, including her intellect and she was sure that Caroline was destined to be a great asset to her Company in the months, if not yet years, ahead.

It was time to find a nicer apartment than the grubby one on Sunset Boulevard that she had been forced to occupy and Dominique supplied an apartment in a block that already housed three other girls who also worked for “French Connection”. Caroline at 18 was easily the youngest girl in the organisation and because of her classy English accent and her obvious intelligence, she found herself in constant demand.

It wasn’t long before the ‘phone rang again and Dominique’s secretary explained that she was to be photographed for promotional purposes. They kept an album of photographs of all the girls for their clients to peruse. She was getting to know the other “French Connection” girls in her new apartment block and one of them was in her room when she answered the ‘phone. Which photographer have you got to go to asked the girl, whose name was Safire? Caroline said that she understood that she would be told later. Why? Oh, nothing said Safire with a mysterious smile.

Caroline was told the address of a photographic studio a day or two later and arrived with a wardrobe of various outfits. The female photographer welcomed her and they had a coffee together whilst Marguerite, as she was called, discussed with her what was required. It was not to be a glamour shoot, but Caroline should wear sensible dresses and skirts, blouses and sweaters. Caroline said that she had just purchased a rather smart business suit with a jacket and skirt. Let’s start with that said Marguerite. So Caroline was helped with her make up and the photography began.

No need to go into the changing room each time darling said Marguerite. There’s just the two of us here! Soon Caroline was being helped in and out of her clothes by a very “touchy feely” Marguerite. Shall we do some lingerie shots now said Marguerite. Yes, of course if you think we should said Caroline but I thought you said it wasn’t to be a glamour shoot. Darling you have the most ravishing body and I would just love to pose you in your undies and in the nude. We have taken rather a long time and perhaps I should come back again, said Caroline?

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