The Role Play Game

Big Tits

Our sex life has gotten a little stale and the tension was making us fight. It didn’t help that she had a hard time supporting me in my career and activities. Her needs drained her energies from my needs.

So I stopped by the sex store on the way home to pick-up something to spice things up.

There were lots of things I would like, but which ones would Naomi go for?

I passed by dildoes because I already knew they intimidated her. Dildoes are kind of one-sided anyway. Only the girl gets to enjoy them.

All the restraints were right out. Any time I’d suggested having her tie me up to tease me she talked about her getting teased. Finally she threatened that if she ever were to tie me up that I’d be sorry.

When I came to the games I knew I just needed to find the right one.

I saw the teasing Jenga game, the Monopoly type game, Truth or Dare, and finally The Role Play Game.

Naomi was in Drama in college and still liked literature quite a lot. I figured this one was in her wheel-house.

I looked over the categories:

Cheerleader and Athlete,

Housewife and handyman,

Maid and Boss,

Photographer and Model,

Cop and housewife,

Study buddies,

Master and Slave,

Professor and Student,

Escort and Client,

Doctor and Patient,

Nurse and Patient,

Strangers at a bar,

Movie Characters,

I looked at that last one and briefly imagined myself as a movie star receiving my academy award.

The rules were that we would fan the cards out, roll the dice to see who picked, and the picker would design a story based on the prompt on the card.

Only I didn’t know that until months later. Naomi was a little peeved that I’d picked up the game. She said it was insulting to our sex life.

So Naomi read the rules when we first opened the game. The way she read them we would fan the cards out on the table, roll the dice to see who played the “Pink Heart” part, which was submissive, and who would play the “Black Heart” part, which was more dominant. The Pink Heart player would draw a card at random. Then the Black Heart player would invent a scenario with setting, character traits, props, and a basic plot all mapped out.

I didn’t get it the first time she read the instructions so she clarified. She said, “Suppose we rolled the dice and I was the Pink Heart. I would play the submissive role and you would play the dominant role. So if the card was Strangers in a Bar, I would go down to Smitty’s, then you would come in and pick me up as the more aggressive player. Before we started you would invent names for us, say what kind of person each character was, and outline the major plot points.”

I got it. “So maybe I’d be Steven Stud and you’d be Wendy Wallflower. Then I’d come swaggering into Smitty’s, buy you drinks, and sweep you off your feet. Next you would satisfy all my carnal desires since the Pink Heart has to do what the Black Heart says.”

“Exactly!” She exclaimed.

Again, I didn’t read the rules myself so I didn’t catch the discrepancy.

We rolled the dice, it showed a pink heart, so I was pink for the first play, while she was black. I hadn’t considered that I would be the pink player. It was unnatural for the man to be pink.

Anyway, that’s the way the dice rolled. So I chose a card, it was Professor and Student.

Naomi began weaving a storyline, “OK, I’m Professor Ballbuster and your Nancy No Nothing…”

“Wait!” I objected, “Why did you give me a girl’s name?”

She stared me down, “You bought the game. I’m just following the rules and the rules say I make up the characters. I figured because you’re the Pink Heart, a fem name would be good.”

She stopped for a moment, “We can play and follow all the rules, or watch Murder She Wrote.”

I chose to play the game.

She spun her web further, “So I’ll find you sitting on a bench in the quad at the local Uni, and I’ll sit down next to you…I’ll say, ‘Aren’t you in my Econ Bostancı Escort 101 class?’ Next I’ll threaten to fail you if you don’t give me everything sexually that I want.”

Her story sounded sexy and exciting, we would get out of the bedroom, she could flex her dramatic skills, we’d have sex, and most importantly spice things up. “I can do that.”

“Well, don’t forget. This is improv. We have to adjust to changing situations.”

Abruptly she got up and went into our bedroom. I didn’t know if I was supposed to follow or wait or what. She came back a few minutes later, “Here’s an outfit for you.” It was her grey sweatpants with the word “PINK” emblazoned on the butt in silver rhinestones, a tube top, and a flannel shirt.

“I can’t wear that in public.” I complained.

“Why not? It’s sweatpants and a flannel shirt. It’s even your shirt.”

“But the pants are yours and it’s a tube top.”

“But you’re playing a Nancy, a student. This is typical student-wear. You’ll blend right in. And with the shirt, only you and I will know you have a tube top on. This is for us, right? To spice things up…unless you don’t want that?”

I did, badly, want to spice things up. It WAS my shirt. And guys wore sweatpants all the time. Sitting down no one would even see the rhinestones. I agreed reluctantly.

I stood up, dropped my slacks, and started unbuttoning my regular shirt to change.

“Great!” She jumped up, clapping her hands. I hadn’t seen her happy in a while. “Since you’re a Nancy we’ll get you some better underwear too.”

She returned minutes later with a matching thong and a lacy push up bra.

So I put it all on, buttoning the shirt from neck to tails. It was less girly than I feared but more feminine than I’d hoped to avoid. Really, though, only she and I would know I was playing Nancy No Nothing – innocent freshman.

Naomi put on a business suit and looked every bit the college professor.

Despite the storyline I was feeling frisky and ready for more. Besides, next time we played I was just as likely to be the Black Heart.

Ten minutes later and we pulled up next to campus. She said, I’m glad you talked me into this. It really does bring back thespian memories. “You go find a bench and I’ll park the car.”

I looked out the window at a number of coeds strolling the quad. “How far do you think it is to the nearest bench? I don’t think I look right for this.”

“Of course dear. You’re so right. Let me help. She tugged hard on the shirt and all the buttons popped off exposing my tube top. Now hurry up before I get cold feet.”

Before she gets cold feet! What about me?

Naomi nudged my shoulder and I followed her push right out the door.

I walked fast, scanning for a bench. I reflected that she was playing the game kinda aggressively. I knew that was the intent of the game but maybe some underlying hostility was involved here.

I waited on the bench forever, though it was really only fifteen minutes. I breathed a sigh of relief when there was a tap on my shoulder, “Hey Babe. This seat taken?”

It was a guys voice. Some big athletic dude leaped over the back of the bench dropping into the seat next to me.

We both looked shocked.

“Sorry,” he said, “I thought you were a…are you a girl?”

“No,” I answered the imposing figure. “I’m just out playing a game. This is a costume.”

He looked me over, “Your boobs look great. And I can make out your bra under there. What kind of game is it?”

Then my wife was there, standing behind us, “It’s a sexual role play game and you’ve stumbled onto the set. You can join in if you want. But we’re out of character so make up your mind quickly.”

Naomi sauntered around to the front side, “Mind if I sit with you two students? I’m Professor Ballbuster.”

The dude looked back and forth between the two of us trying to decide what to do. Then, “I’m Football Fred, quarterback. What class do you teach?”

Naomi Ümraniye Escort jumped right in, “Econ 101. I recognized Nancy No Nothing here from my class and I came over to say hi.”

‘Frank’ adlibbed, “Oh yea, Professor B. I’m in your class too.”

Naomi sat down, squeezing us all together with Frank in the middle. I really should have been in the middle.

We all took turns pretending to be in an Econ class. Then Naomi got back on our predetermined script.

“Nancy, your grades aren’t too good. Do you want to pass my class?”

I played along, “Oh yes Professor B. Very much. I’ll do anything.”

Frank wanted to get in on it too, “I need to maintain a C average or coach will cut me.”

My wife turned to me, “Are you willing to tutor our star quarterback? Our school needs you to do it or our team will lose.”

“Of course, professor. I’ll do anything for the school.”

Naomi leaned on Frank, stroking his arm flirtatiously. Then she placed his other hand on my thigh. “Frank, we just need a study room. For the good of the school.”

Frank moved his hand from my lap, draping it over my shoulders, “Yeaaaa, I think I know just the place. Ready to go?”

I thought about the possibilities, Naomi has said multiple times that she would never do a threesome. And I would never do a threesome unless it was two girls on me. Another possibility was that Frank could watch us. That seemed most likely. I could go for that. Both of them would be focused on me, her fucking me and him watching.

He led us into an ancient stone building, up the stairs, around a few corners, then into a broom closet. “Does this look like a good place to study professor?”

She came over to stand behind me, “And Frank, how can Nancy help you study? What do you need?”

“That’s easy. I need stress relief. The classes are very hard. Then I can’t concentrate on my runs.”

Naomi put her hands on my sides, pushing the flesh on my chest forward to fill the bra, then she nibbled on the back of my neck. She moaned a little like I haven’t heard her do in a long time.

“Frank,” she said. Do Nancy’s breasts help you relax?”

“Oh yes! Prof.” He cupped my padded bra through the tube top. The two of them seemed so excited. I enjoyed bringing them a thrill, figuring if my top came off it would end the illusion and that’s when the game would end. Then she and I could go home to laugh about this and have sex.

Frank reached under my tube top, then pulled it completely out of the way so he could maul my black lacy bra.

Meanwhile, Naomi slid her hands down my sides and right into her PINK sweatpants that I was wearing. She massaged my penis and balls and it had been a long time since I’d felt her touch there. Libidinous urges filled me up.

I leaned back against my wife’s body, so anxious to feel the warmth of another person. For too long it had been my hands masturbating me alone after she went to sleep.

Frank stepped closer, reaching around me he slid his hands up under my bra strap. This would be the end of our drama. It was almost a shame.

He surprised me by pulling my body close to his instead. I could feel his big erection dueling with mine through our clothes. Naomi would be able to feel all that was going on down there too.

My arms lay passively at my sides. I was a pawn in this role play – just a Pink Heart.

Then Frank reached into the back of my pants cupping both my buns as Naomi’s arms passed his on their way up. She rested her hands lightly on my collarbones.

When Frank pulled, he ground our cocks together letting out a low groan. With his lips next to my ear he said, “Nancy, the school needs you.”

Naomi whispered in my other ear, “The team needs you.”

Then it was Franks turn, “I can’t pass the class without you.”

Then my wife’s turn again, “You’ll fail if you don’t help the quarterback.”

Next Frank spoke again, “You make my knees go weak. Aren’t your knees weak for me Nancy?”

She Anadolu Yakası Escort pushed slightly harder. The pressure wasn’t going to be enough to force me down. “Do it Nancy. I want you to.”

But my brain yelled out to me not to.

Frank was getting frantic rubbing himself against my crotch and I wondered if he might cream himself.

Naomi applied more pressure, not that she was strong enough to make me go to my knees, “Tim, do it for me, your wife.”

In that moment when she broke character I couldn’t resist. I needed a sexual experience with my wife. Any experience at all and this was the only one available.

I sank to my knees. I didn’t know when it had happened, but Frank’s cock was no longer in his pants. It was bold and strong and exactly what You would expect on a young college stud.

I knelt there between the two of them and I was responsible for their desire.

My wife fell back into her role again, “That’s right Nancy. You’re doing good.” Her painted fingertips traced patterns on the side of my neck.

Frank placed his hands on the side of my face. And to my mind, I was most wondering if his fingers were touching hers. I didn’t want that. I didn’t want my wife doing anything with another man. I wanted to be the center of attention, not her nor him.

The eye of his cock was glaring at me. There was no build up, no prelude, he leaned in giving his cock to me.

Naomi’s cunt was on the back of my neck. I could feel the heat even through her suit. I imagined her panties getting wet for me.

His cock went straight into my mouth. It was dry and bigger than it looked. I was filled suddenly and I couldn’t get it to glide.

I felt my wife’s body shift then a large glob of saliva fell on Frank’s cock, lubricating it.

It had been a month at least since I’d kissed my wife, swapped spit so to speak. I relished her nectar on his dick. And it now slid easily through my lips.

Frank was grunting and thrusting, banging his butt against a mop bucket behind him continuously. He loved my mouth and he told me.

Naomi was humping my neck now. She loved it and she told me. Saying things like, “You turn me on so much honey. Best game ever.”

She called me ‘honey’!

I reached into my sweatpants, jerking my cock as fast as I could.

A million cocks could crave my lips if she would only adore and respect me again.

A million Franks could fuck my mouth if they all groaned as appreciatively.

With a crash and a clanging, some supplies in the closet clattered to the floor while Frank’s cock expanded in the throes of his climax. He unloaded his gooey spoo into me milking his cock with his hand while he did it.

He loved my mouth and the thrill set off my own orgasm. My hand flew up and down inside the sweats. Cum jetted out soiling both the thong and my pants.

He stopped thrusting, just resting his cock on my tongue, leaking a steady stream of post orgasmic cum. There was a generous amount of salty-sweet jiz.

Naomi had finished somewhere in there too. She had dug her fingernails into my neck and I felt her ease up.

We gathered ourselves together. Behind the utility sink there was a mirror. I saw a smear of cum on my lips which were surprisingly swollen. I hadn’t realized that he had been battering them in my excitement. There were red nail marks on my neck too. And a wet cum spot on the front of my sweats.

I readjusted my clothing ready to go home.

Walking through campus it felt like all eyes were on me. I WAS the star of the play after all.

Author’s note:

If you liked my story please give it a good rating. Add it to your favorites to read later if you want. Follow me and you’ll see all my stuff.

I try but don’t always succeed in creating a good story. Please add comments so I know what I’m doing well and what to improve on. If you want to talk I’ll answer your friendly comments.

I often attempt to create tension in the main character’s motives. In turn, this often means that characters in the story have flaws and might not even be nice to each other all the time.

I could see there being lots of sequels, one for each new role play in the game. feedback?

I really appreciate polite comments!

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