Frat Pledge Heaven Pt. 01


The year was 2016 – the good times, before plaque, war and Joe Rogan threatened the very existence of mankind. I, Scott (18M) was in my first year at The Ohio State University. Having grown up in a small town, surrounded by small minds, OSU represented a chance to experiment and explore.

In High School I had to suppress my feelings and urges. My interest in guys had started around middle school, and grown every year. But small town Ohio was no place to express such feelings out loud. So instead I immersed myself in my school work, and football. At 6’4″, and with good genetics, i had grown into a very good wide receiver, and a pretty good safety. That, plus a 3.9 GPA, lead to several scholarships being offered up. I decided to matriculate at The Ohio State, and see if i could turn my skills into a profession. (Spoiler – i could not…oh well).

August of freshman year was filled with practice, video sessions, showering with a team full of young, cut, sexy naked boys, and mad wank sessions afterwards. I was tired, sore, horny beyond belief. I needed to find a better outlet for my frustrations.

As classes started, i had less time for frustration. An engineering major, my classes and studying took up every free moment not spent at the practice facility. As we headed into October I had managed just a couple of drunken one nighters, with girls in my dorm. While i don’t mind sex with girls, it was a bit like spending a full day in a butchers shop, looking at prime rib and sirloin, then grabbing McDs.

October started rush season. The fraternities were on the hunt for new recruits, and I wanted in on the action. My dad had been an Alpha Gamma Rho man, as had my Uncle.. They both talked about the crazy parties, and more importantly the life long bro network that helped them throughout their careers.

I went to several frat rush parties – both to compare, and as insurance should the AGR guys not give me an invite. But as a football player / legacy candidate, i had little to worry about. AGR invited me to pledge.

Pledging took the non existent free time i had left over, and then some. I was lucky to get 5 hours sleep a night. Studying, memorizing the playbook, practicing, memorizing the Frat history İstanbul Escort and code, going to class and doing frat chores was nearly impossible. I was exhausted, but felt like i was fitting in. Only one thing was missing….

Hell week at AGR coincided with fall reading week. No classes, but i had extra football, and frat events every night. I was assigned a big brother – Luke. Luke was a stud – 6’2″, and on the school swim team. Very short blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and a smile that could light up a room. A great guy, but he took his job as big brother seriously – and was going to make me work for his approval. On Wednesday of hell week he explained that Thursday trough Saturday would be a challenge. He said he could go one of 3 ways – he could give me chores that would be physically killer, he could put me in humiliating situations forcing me to prove myself via embarrassment, or i could spend the 3 days as his sexual slave.

“What?…you want me to have sex with you?” i was floored

Luke started laughing – “that last one was a joke bro – i don’t go that way”. I tried not to let on that i was disappointed. But the weird smirk on his face left me wondering just how much of a joke this was. Did Luke go the other way??? No, nope, no way. Dude was a stud, smashing a different coed every week. Not a chance this adonis was secretly interested……i don’t think. Well a boy could always dream.

With football exhausting every fibre of my body, i chose the humiliation path. Luke was surprised, but seemed pleased. “Oh you will regret that little brother. You are going to beg for pushups before we are done”. gulp.

That afternoon he summoned me for a walk. “Where are we headed?” I asked, somewhat fearfully.

“Oh just going to Hopkins Hall…should be a memorable trip”.

Hopkins Hall? The Art building? What

At Hopkins, Luke escorted me to a windowless studio, where 5 girls and a guy sat behind easels. “Hey guys, this is Scott, he will be your model for the next 90 minutes”.

Huh? Model? Wtf

“Scott, these are some friends of mine, in the arts program. They love to draw naked people, but struggle to find new models. They are so happy you agreed Kadıköy Escort to model for them tonight. Time to strip”.

I doubt Luke could have known about my exhibitionist side, but he just put me right smack in the middle of one of my favourite fantasies. Naked for a crowd of clothed people. Sure i would have preferred more dudes, but this was still going to be hot.. So hot, i was very concerned about keeping my composure. Could i stay flaccid?

I slowly stripped down, nervous, excited, scared and alive all at once. The girls giggled a little, and the other guy — a 5’10″” brown haired twink named Connor – let out a little gasp. WTF? Settle down Connor. The first 5 minutes were a struggle….i was visibly shaking. But i slowly calmed down and started to enjoy myself. The girls were making occasional comments about my various body parts – including my butt, chest and legs – but not my penis thankfully. i wasn’t ready for that. One of the girls remarked on my abs – saying she could eat jam off of them, at which point Connor agreed.The girls laughed, while I blushed pure red. “”Somebody embarrassed” a voice said, I looked over and realized Luke was standing In the corner, staring at me.. had he been watching me the whole time?

90 minutes passed quickly. Luke made me walk up to each easel, still naked, and look at each artists various drawing. Each girl took the opportunity to look me up and down, with zero shame. One girl, Madison, even slapped my bare butt as i complimented her work. She said she hoped she could see me naked again. i was blushing again, and they were all laughing at my expense.

The last artist was Connor. His work was by far the best – this dude could draw. But while the others drew my entire body, he had drawn just the good parts…..a couple of drawings of my ass, and several of my penis. Wow, he wasn’t hiding his interests. He looked me right in the eyes and said “you have a great body, i would love to draw you again. Maybe you could sit for a long pose, and let me draw your entire body”. Before i could answer, Luke jumped in “oh Scott would love that – wouldn’t you Scott??”

I mumbled something close to yes. The idea excited me, but scared me too. I needed Ataşehir Escort to cover up now, before my interest in Scott became more obvious. Fortunately i was allowed to get dressed.

“Well Scott, i need to get back to the Frat – you can help Connor Clean up. I will see you tomorrow right after practice…don’t dilly dally”.

Luke and the girls packed up and headed out, while Scott and I reorganized the studio chairs, raised the blinds and put all the props back in the closet. While most of this was done in silence, Scott finally pipped Up “you know drawing isn”t the only thing i do with naked guys”..

I froze. Did he know? What do i do?? I am mad with sexual frustration, and a hot twink wants to get down – but i can’t let the frat discover my secret. I looked up at Connor, who has staring right at me. One look and I knew i was going for it. I pulled my shirt off in one quick motion, and stepped in for a kiss. His lips met mine, and our tongues danced. This guy could kiss. I pulled his shirt over his head and started to kiss my way down his naturally smooth body. By the time i got to his waist, he was already fumbling with his own belt buckle. His jeans fell to the floor, leaving just a pair of tenting boxer briefs. While I grab the waistband, he kicked his sneakers off. I yanked down his undies, grabbing his socks along the way. His erection was poking my nose. Average in length, but surprisingly girthy given his thin body. I started to kiss and lick the tip, circling it with my tongue as he moaned with pleasure. I slowly took all 6 inches into my throat and sucked with delight. Connor grabbed the back of my head, lightly, and guided it back and forth. Within a few minutes he told me he was about to come. I tried to relax and prepare for his explosion. I swallowed most of it,but some made its way down my chin. Connor wiped up his own juice, with two fingers, and put them in his mouth, sucking them clean.

Connor pulled me up for a kiss.. “We need to get out of here before the janitors catch us. Next time, I will take care of you”” We kissed deep, before we both dressed and headed out. As we exited the studio, we both took on our ‘straight’ personas – letting go of each other’s hand, and drifting a bit apart. He took my number and promised to text later that night.

As i headed back towards the dorm, even hornier than before, i checked my phone. There was a text from Luke. “Hope you had fun with Connor.. But you better not have cum….that is for me, later”.

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