When I Found You Pt. 02


When I Found You — Part 2

© Copyright 2020. All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction. All characters depicted are 18 years and over.


I am Sherry. Chris and I are each writing a piece of this story. He has written the first part and will write more later and I am doing the same. I wanted to write this piece because it involves my family, my mom and dad to be specific, and I wanted to tell this part.

When I woke up on the fourth day of being with Chris I was horny. One thing most men do not know is that while women do not have a morning hard on like a man does, we do wake up wet sometimes. I happen to wake up that way ALL the time. I always wake up horny and sex is the only way to relieve myself, either through masturbation or with a man. Otherwise I am horny all day, and sometimes I am that way even if I have morning relief. Chris makes me horny all day.

Chris was still asleep next to me in his camper trailer. I had been sleeping with him the last three nights and I never had such restful sleep. He felt warm next to me and that made me feel good. He is a good man and that is why I love him. But he is more than just that, he is also sexy, loving, thoughtful, kind, gentle, and many other wonderful things. I have barely known him for only three days but I have fallen hard for him. So hard in fact that we have made love many times the last two days and I intend to keep on doing that as much as possible, I just can not get enough of him.

I like watching Chris sleep. Just knowing he is next to me fills my heart with love and joy. And knowing that he will make love to me with only the slightest coaxing make me even hornier. I gently move next to him to spoon him. We are both naked and his skin is smooth to the touch. I put my arm around him and wait for him to wake.

It is already light outside and I can tell the sun will shine today, at least in the morning. I can hear the birds singing outside as they go about their morning hunt for food. Chris has already shown me many things about this place that I have missed on my previous visits. He and his family have been here many times for longer than I have been coming here so he knows a lot about all the hidden places this place has. He has pointed out a lot of wildlife I have missed seeing in the past including some deer and hawks.

Just as Chris was stirring I felt the need to empty my bladder. I eased over him and out from under the sheet and quietly slipped outside. There was a clear place by the woodpile where I could do my business so I went there. Having a pee while horny is kind of weird as it both relieves and makes me hornier.

When I got back to the camper Chris was awake. He got up and went outside to pee while I got back into bed. While he was gone I played with myself a little. I like doing that as it makes me ready for hopefully what ever may be about to happen. Chris came back in short order and his cock was still hard.

“Good morning, lover.”

“Good morning, Sherry my love.”

I climbed on top of him and inched down so his cock was pushing against my pussy. I started kissing him while I pushed against his cock. I was getting wetter and was easily depositing that wetness on his cock so that it was pushing into me more and more. When he was all the way in I sat up on him so he could play with my breasts.

“Now that’s what I call a good alarm clock. You can wake me up like that any time.” he said.

I smiled at him. “If that is what you want then I am more than happy to oblige.”

“Do you always wake up horny?”

“Always, but especially when I wake up next to you.”

“Now that is nice to hear.”

He started to play with my breasts. While they are only 34C in size they are very sensitive. I love it when they are played with and Chris does an especially good job of that. He was moving his fingers over and around them. Then he did the same around my nipples, finally pinching them gently. He placed my nipples under his palms and gently squeezed my tits. It was heavenly.

We were slowly moving against each other with his cock moving in and out of me. It felt so good and I wanted it to last as long as I could make it. I guess Chris had the same idea as we both continued to move at a slow pace.

“Chris, I love making love to you. You know just what I want and I do so love that about you.”

“And I love you, Sherry. I love the way you feel around my cock and how you fuck it. I wish we could make this last forever.”

“Oh God, me too.”

We slowly began to pick up the pace. I was almost bouncing against his hips. His penis was doing things to me that no other man has ever done. And his stimulation of my breasts was working its way down to my clitoris. It is funny how that happens, I understand that not all women have that experience but it does that to me. I always feel it all they way down to my love button and it definitely enhances my sexual stimulation. But then again, so does Chris’ cock.

“I sure like what you do to me, Chris. You are the best lover I have ever had. Your cock fills me up and touches me everywhere I need to be touched.”

“You always say the nicest things. Makes me feel all gooey inside.”

“Just so you stay hard in all the right places for me.” I smiled at him and he smiled back.

“I will always have a hard cock for you any time you want it.”

“I will always want it if you continue to make love to me like this.”

“I think I can do a little better than this.”

With that he sped up his thrusting. That always started to hit my clit just right. It was getting me closer to orgasm and there is nothing I like better that a good climax. And Chris gave me the best orgasms I have ever experienced.

“Oh, Chris. You have no idea what you are doing to me. You make me feel so good.”

“And you do the same to me. Will you always fuck me this way?”

“Yes, always. Fuck me. Fuck me good, Chris!”

And with that we were doing it like a couple of rabbits, abandoning civilized behavior to the animal instincts inside of us. We were fucking each other without any hope of stopping until a climax was reached. Like rafting down a wild river with no oar or rudder, just going where the river takes us. Chris was pounding like there was no tomorrow, and for us there was none, just the current moment. As we got closer and closer, it was also like we were becoming a single entity, bound by the love we had for each other.

I was close, so close, and my heart was filled with love for Chris. Just thinking that drove me to orgasm, an orgasm like no other, filled with my love for Chris. My whole body was shaking and I had to close my eyes because the room was spinning. My vagina was contracting over and over again, squeezing Chris’ cock with such force I was afraid I was hurting him. But I could not stop because it felt so good.

And then Chris’ cock let go with a load of cum aimed straight at the center of my being. I could feel it hit my cervix and splash all over my womanhood inside me. It was what I wanted, to feel what he had to give me. And he gave it to me every time we made love.

When my climax was over I collapsed onto his chest, pressing my breasts into his chest.

“Oh God, Chris. You give me the best orgasms. It is like you pour all you have into me and I love every bit you give.”

“You make me wish I had more because I would give that to you as well. Everything I have, everything I am, all of it is yours.”

“I love you more every day. You are so good to me and for me. When I am with you I feel complete. I did not know I was missing something until I met you, but I know now that I was and it was your love that I was missing.”

“And I was always missing you, I just did not know it. But now that I have found you I will never let you go.”

“You promise?”

“Yes, I promise.”

“Good, that’s all I wanted to hear. It will last me until the next time I need to hear it.” I smiled at him and then kissed him and he kissed me back. We held it a long time just enjoying being connected to each other.

When we broke the kiss he said “Let’s have some breakfast and then a swim. I would hate to meet your father smelling like I do now.”

“Oh fiddlesticks, he would just see the smile on my face and know that I was happier than he has ever seen me. He could never be mad at you for making me happy.”

“Well, I still want to be clean when I see him.”

We got up out of bed and cleaned up a little. Then we started putting breakfast together. Chris gathered the firewood and started the fire in the pit. I got out some eggs and bacon along with some rolls from its plastic wrap to keep them fresh. Chris got a frying pan and cooked breakfast for us. When it was done we ate while sitting in Chris’ lawn chairs. When we finished I helped him clean up and then we got our towels and soap and went down to the pond.

I stripped out of my clothes and ran down to the water with Chris right behind me. It was a little colder than it had been but was still tolerable. We lathered each other up while playing a little with each other. Chris was so much fun to be with because he was still a boy at heart and I really liked that about him. His ability to be a man one moment and a boy the next brought out the mother in me, but not as much as the man brought out the sex pot in me.

When we were done we got out and dried each other off. Then we put our shoes on temporarily to get back to clean clothes at camp. Once there I got clothes out of my car where I had stashed them the day before to keep them from getting wet in the rain. Then I took them to the camper to get dressed and brush my teeth. Chris was already finished and was getting dressed.

We were going to see my parents today. I live a short distance from the campsite. I got my dad to offer Chris a job for the summer. Of course I had my selfish reasons, like having him with me all summer. I was able to make my dad see the advantages and Chris does have some building skills. In any case I just know dad will like Chris.

We finished dressing and it was still a little early to head to my parents house so we sat down in Chris’ chairs and just talked with each other. He was so easy to talk to, his conversation was light but at the same time was intelligent. We talked on a number of topics as we were still learning a lot about each other. It was fun because the more I got to know him the more I wanted to know about him.

When it was time to go we went in my car since I knew the way even though it was only a few miles away. When we got to my parent’s drive you can see the house and barn from the road but it is set back pretty far. I drove down the drive to the house and parked in front. As we got out of the car my mom came outside to greet us.

“Hi, mom!”

“Sherry, it is good to see you. And this must be Chris.”

“Hello, Mrs. Crawford. I’m Chris Henderson.”

“Chris, please call me Susan. I may be a mother but formality is not something I insist on from anyone.”

“Thank you, Susan. You have a nice home and a great daughter. I have been looking forward to this meeting. “

“As have I. Anyone who can make Sherry this happy is welcome in my home.”

“Where’s dad?”

“He’s in the barn. You both go inside and I will get him.”

I took Chris inside to give him the tour. The living, dining, kitchen, and master rooms were all downstairs along with a master bath and a small powder room. Upstairs were two more bedrooms, two baths, and a roofed patio that looked out over the fields out back. One of the bedrooms had a door that gave it access to the roofed patio and that one belonged to me when I was home.

“This is really nice, Sherry. I like the layout and the large rooms.”

“And the big bed?” I smiled when I said that. Chris smiled right back at me.

“I like that, too. But we better get back downstairs before your parents get suspicious.”

“And so what if they are? Eventually we will be up here a lot.”

“If your dad approves of me.”

I smiled again at that. “Don’t you worry. Once dad meets you he will not be able to turn you away.”

“Well, let’s go find out.”

We went downstairs and mom and dad were just coming in the front door. I ran over and gave dad a big hug.

“Hello, Dad.”

“Well, you look chipper. How’s camping?”

“It’s great, especially since I met Chris.”

“Hello, Mr. Crawford. I’m Chris.”

They shook hands and dad said “Glad to meet you. You certainly have made a big impression on my daughter. From her looks I would say a very big impression.”

“Thank you, sir. She is a wonderful person and I am extremely fond of her.”

“As are we. And please call me Paul. The formality of titles is not needed around our home. Please feel like you are home when you are here.”

“Thank you, Paul. I appreciate the hospitality you and you wife have already shown me.”

“Not at all. Susan, is lunch ready?”

“The table is set and I just need to put out the food.”

“Good. Let’s eat everyone.”

We all went to sit at the table while mom set out the food. She had fixed fried chicken plus whipped potatoes and vegetables with iced tea to drink. I made sure to sit next to Chris in order to make him comfortable. Dad and Chris had started a conversation about the work that needed to me done around the place over the summer. They seemed to be getting along just fine. Mom queried me about Chris and I told her a little about him. She leaned in next to me and we exchanged some private conversation about Chris.

“Sherry, does he make you happy?”

“Oh Mom, more than you could ever know. I have fallen in love with him just since we met.”

“And I assume he is treating you well by the smile on your face.”

“He is the perfect gentleman. I don’t see how I could be happier.”

“I’m glad for you.”

Chris and dad were still discussing work. I think dad was impressed by Chris and it looked like I was not going to have any trouble about Chris staying with me this summer. That was a relief as I hate disagreeing with my dad. Dad finally looked up from there conversation.

“Sorry to have dominated the lunch with Chris, but I think we have come to an agreement about this summer. Chris has agreed to my wages and the work to be done and I have agreed to feed and house him while the work is being performed. That is, if everything is okay with Susan?”

“Of course, Paul. Chris, this is your home as long as you are here and continue to make Sherry happy.”

“I will do my best on both parts.”

“Good enough. Shake with me, Chris, to seal the bargain.” Dad and Chris shook hands firmly. I felt a sense of both relief and happiness.

“What’s for desert, Susan?” Dad asked.

“I have some fresh strawberry shortcake if anyone is interested?”

We were all in agreement about desert. Mom brought out the strawberries, whipped cream, and cake on a dish for each of us. Mom knew this was my favorite desert. I looked at Chris and he was smiling so I smiled back. It was his signal that he would be sleeping in my bed all summer which made me happier than I ever knew I could be. I was looking forward to having him in my bed and in my arms every night.

When lunch was over dad wanted to show Chris around the place so they went off to the barn first. Mom and I had the house to ourselves for a little while.

“Sherry, will you want Chris to share your bed this summer?”

“Oh yes, Mom. He is the best lover I have ever had and I just can’t get enough of him.”

“I’m glad to hear that. He seems to be a very nice person and what ever is good for you is fine by me and Paul. But of course you know that already.”

“Thanks, Mom. Chris and I are still falling for each other and I never want that to stop. I love him more now than I thought I could ever love anyone.”

“I’m glad for you, dear. And I know your father is just as glad. I hope it lasts for you and Chris like it has for your father and I.”

“I just know it will. But we do have one problem we are trying to find a solution for. He goes to UT and of course I go to Baylor. It will mean long periods where we are away from each other and neither of us is sure of what might happen during those periods. It is kind of scary for both of us.”

“Hummm. That could be a problem all right. But I am sure a solution will present itself if you really want it to.”

“Oh we do. It kind of hangs over us, but I know we can work it out. We both want that as much as we want each other.”

“Then don’t worry about it. The solution will come in time. Meanwhile, just enjoy each other and be happy. Your dad and I will also keep your problem in mind and we will let you know if we come up with anything that could work for you.”

“Thanks, Mom. You and Dad are the greatest parents a girl could ever have.”

Mom and I continued to talk and eventually Chris and dad came back in. Chris looked excited and Dad looked pleased. They were getting along together very well. They sat down with us and we talked about this and that for an hour. Everyone seemed happy when we were ready to leave.

Mom and Dad walked us out to my car and I kissed both of them goodbye reminding them I would be home on Memorial Day. Chris shook hands with Dad and hugged Mom before getting in the car. We waved as we drove down the road to the highway and then back to the campsite.

On returning to the camp we got out of the car and immediately hugged each other.

“Your Dad is a really great guy. He really made me feel comfortable while showing me around. I already like him.”

“I just knew you would. It is almost impossible to not like both Mom and Dad. I know I love them and I certainly appreciate them for who they are and what they mean for me. They are the best.”

“Thanks for setting this up for me, Sherry. This will be a lot of fun this summer, especially sleeping with you.”

“I know. Just thinking about is getting me all wet.”


“As a rabbit. Make love to me. Now. Out here on the blanket again.”

“Let me get get the blanket.”

Chris brought the blanket out from the camper and spread it on the ground. I was already half out of my clothes by that time and Chris hurried to catch up with me. When we were both naked we lay down together on the blanket in each others arms. I was already so horny I could feel my wetness between my legs and Chris was already hard as a rock. We held each other just enjoying the feel and presence of one another. The slight breeze kept us from getting too warm as we kissed and enjoyed being in love.

Chris turned me onto my back and began kissing my body starting at my neck and working his way down from there. When he got to my breasts he kissed and licked all around them finally sucking on my nipples. It felt really good and I took his head and pressed it to each breast in turn. Then he continued his way down to my stomach pausing at my belly button so he could stimulate it just a little. When he was done he finally got to my crotch area where he kissed all around my mound. I spread my legs even more so he had unfettered access.

Without getting me too worked up he moved even further down to my thighs kissing and licking the tops and insides of them. I could feel my pussy starting to leak my fluid down the crack of my ass which meant that I was really worked up and ready for him.

“Chris, I want you so bad. Please fuck me now. Please.”

He moved between my legs and started rubbing his cock on my pussy. I was so wet that I coated him in no time flat. He started to ease into me and soon I could feel his cock all the way to my G-spot.

“Oh God, Chris. You feel so good. I love it when you are in me. Make love to me. Make me cum over and over.”

“I will do my best.”

He started pumping me and I loved it. I was already so overcome that within a minute or two I could feel my first climax coming on.

“I’m cumming for you. I’m cumming!”

And did I ever cum. My climax was unbelievable and I convulsed like I was in some kind of electric shock. My hips moved up and down until it was over.

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