Sex Positive Week at Esalen

Sex Positive Week at Esalen

A Bro Robinson story

By Bro Robinson

I don’t think such a week was ever intentionally planned, and is certainly not promoted (officially) at least. But I happen to know that it is a thing because I was there for one and know what went down.

Now days, I hear it happens every year — at least once a year. Usually twice, sometimes more often. It helps to be an Esalen insider for these. I’m not sure what that means, as I am certainly not one but I know keep hearing stories. If you go to Esalen, you certainly hear them. I think it keeps the mystique alive and the people signing up for more workshops. Cha ching! They do go by an alternative name, I am told: Orgy Week.

With its naked hot tubs and naked swimming pool, and the famous extra sensual Esalen massage, it’s a pretty sex positive place anyway. No one can deny that.

But that week I was there in the fall of 1999 there was a kind of convergence and synergy of sexual energy from the workshops offered that which created a vibe with a certain extra sexual punch that went way beyond the usual.

The workshops that I remember were: Esalen Massage, The Long Stroke which emphasized the sensual elements of Esalen massage. This is standard fare for Esalen and what I had signed up for.

Draping, as per usual, is minimal. A single modest sized towel, strategically placed, — or not — provides cover — or not. Did the towel slip off when I twisted you for a low back stretch? Oopsies. No matter. Wink.

We’ll all be naked anyway when we head off to the baths. Did you want your tushy massaged? The towel needs to come off for that, usually shoved down between your legs but not necessarily. Nudity abounds, as well as a super sensual atmosphere.

Then there was the Tantric Sex workshop for couples which added a lot of heat. Couples were encouraged to be adventuresome and trade partners, which they eagerly did. All of the couples that I met at the baths were absolutely freakin’ gorgeous, very playful and totally uninhibited. I got so many invitations, I had to turn most all of them down.

New that week at Esalen was the WATSU massage workshop which was held at the swimming pool in front of the main building.

Bathing suits were touted as an option for the shy, but as per the usual custom at the pool, everyone who attended decided on the spot that they wanted to do it naked, and so they did. If anyone attending might have preferred to wear a swim suit, naked peer pressure prevailed. The intimate stretches of WATSU were all the more so.

One crucial element added to the sexual fever of everyone. Normally at Esalen the cabins are separated by gender. As I understand it, because the Tantric Couples workshop was so large and an usual number of couples had signed up for other workshops wires supposedly got crossed and somehow there was no separation by gender in any of the cabins that week. Or, maybe it was planned that way. In any case, that is what happened.

Quite a number of cabins were quickly and spontaneously declared “nudist cabins”. Word spread like wild fire and by the evening of the first day, all of them were. As far as I have been able to surmise, no one objected to this. If being naked is good at the baths, it is even better if your roommates were naked too, usually 4 bunk beds to a small cabin.

In my cabin were a couple attending the Tantric Sex workshop and a woman who signed up for the nude yoga one. None of the three people gave me the option to wear a stitch, and so I didn’t. It was nonnegotiable.

All four of us were totally nude the entire time. Not surprisingly, me and the other fellow were erect most of the time, much to the delight of the women.

Repeat that scenario for all the other cabins and you get a sense of it.

The morning of my first day at Sex Positive Week at Esalen started early. The couple who had eagerly informed me Sunday night that they were enrolled in the tantric sex workshop and who I discovered later were my cabin mates, awakened me with their rutting and groaning just before dawn.

Because they were in the bunk directly across from me I had a full on view of their performance, which left nothing to the imagination even in the gray light.

I think the wife appreciated my lecherous wanks, as I watched them. But I quickly got bored of that as it was clear I was only a spectator to their sporting.

I decided to check out the baths and merely donning my light robe and flip flops, headed out to the newly rebuilt cliff side baths.

I arrived to an empty bath house and showered alone then walked out to the hot tubs which were also empty of anyone. A lone young woman was cleaning a tub she had just drained. She looked up and smiled. As per baths custom, she was naked, so I thought nothing of it.

“I guess I’m a bit early for the baths.”

“Yeah, maybe a tad. She leaned on the long brush she was using and looked me up and down. “I was supposed to have a helper escort bursa this morning but she wasn’t feeling well. I’m thinking maybe you could stop gawking and give me a hand?”

“Oh. Sorry. I didn’t mean to be staring.” The woman looked quite ravishing I thought. “Sure. I could help you. What do I do?” I tried to act business like and not like I was naked, which I was.

“You can rinse with the hose, after I get the tub brushed with this disinfectant.” She pointed to the hose streaming water across the deck.

“Okay. Sounds easy.”

“I really wasn’t expecting anyone which is why I’m working naked. But I guess since these are the baths…”

“Right. Who wears anything at the baths?”

She grinned. “And it is sex positive week…so…”

“Wait. Sex positive week? What’s that?”

She stopped and leaned on her brush again, brows furrowed. “You didn’t know? We have these a couple of times a year.” She looked me up and down as though I were a prospective candidate.

“I guess that explains all the questions I got asked when I signed up for the long stroke massage class. But once they confirmed I had been to Esalen several times before they seemed okay with it.”

She laughed. “It’s not something that gets advertised.” She started brushing and dipping, brushing and dipping, really putting some effort into it and I found myself mesmerized by the way her pendant breasts bobbed with each brush stroke.

I think she felt I was watching her. She paused again and looked up and then down — at it. “So, you single?”

She was staring right at my manhood when she asked and it was giving me tingles. “Totally unattached! Free as a bird.”

Now who was staring? She was grinning now. “Yeah, me too. I broke up with this guy a couple of months back. I think they volunteered me for tub cleaning thinking I might meet someone.”

I looked around. “Not to fault their logic, but as you can see, there’s nobody here!”

“Well, you’re here aren’t you?” Her smile and demeanor had changed. Was she flirting with me? “I think you like talking to a naked woman.” Her gaze had fastened itself to my crotch and had not moved.

She was flirting! Okay then! “And a beautiful naked woman at that.”

She ran her hands over her breasts suggestively. “If that thing gets any bigger I may forget all about cleaning these tubs.”

I looked down at my full blown erection, amazed how fast I had inflated, and right in front of her.

Suddenly she looked serious. “I think I had better get back to work. I can work up a good sweat out here and when I shower afterwards, maybe you can wash my back. I bet you’d really like that.”

After that it was all a blur for close to an hour as she brushed and I rinsed. A couple of people settled themselves into a freshly cleaned and filled tub and we were not totally alone any longer. Would there be anyone in the open shower bay when we finished cleaning?

When the last tub was scrubbed, rinsed by me and filling with hot water, she handed the empty bucket to me and we walked back into the bath house to put the long brush and the bucket in the utility closet.

“Time for our shower.” She was smiling invitingly. “I think I’d like for you to wash my hair too.”

I detected a double entendre. Her bush was neatly trimmed, but formed an enticing dark V. The thought of putting my soapy fingers into her cleft was getting me hard again.

Walking into the shower bay, she took the nozzle closest to the large glass sliding door that opened to the ocean. She put some liquid soap on her hands and put them to her thick dark tresses. “Stand behind me and massage it in. Mmm. That’s right.”

Was the mmm because I was pointing straight out and poking her deep into her butt crack? She bent forward as if in answer and now I was fully between her legs.

My soapy hands left her thick head of hair and slid down over her breasts, caressing and lifting them. She immediately turned around and put her mouth on mine as I re-soaped my hands then lowered them to her buttocks.

A young man came into the shower bay and was clearly moved by our antics, vigorously washing his crotch with abandon. We both were stunned and even more aroused by his watching us.

She pulled her lips away from mine and whispered in my ear. “I have an idea. Follow me.”

I followed her into the restroom area. Opening a stall she motioned for me to sit. I did, and she lowered herself down onto me, gasping as her buttocks sank into my legs.

We were both still slippery wet from the shower and her bush was still full of soap. Her nipples were hard and poking me as she leaned in to kiss me passionately. Bouncing now and I felt myself going deeper inside her with every bounce. Running my hands through her tresses I got them slippery again with suds and slid them down to her breasts and rock hard nipples pointing straight out.

“Pinch them. Pull them. Oh yes.” I have never encountered nipples so hard and I flicked them bursa merkez eskort back and forth, then pinched hard and pulled, flicking and pinching and pulling, testing to see what they can take.

“Don’t stop. Geezus. I’m gonna come soon. Oh yes. Oh my god. Hurt my nips. Shit. Oh. Oh. Oh.”

Bouncing on my cock hard now, she started kissing me with her open mouth and tongue, her wet body sliding against mine in a slippery dance.

Her body started to tremble and it triggered me as well and I started erupting inside her. Someone is banging on the stall door. “Hey, I really need to go. Hurry up.”

Her convulsions subside but I’m still spurting as she gets up to wipe her crotch and I leaned forward to open the stall door.

The naked man standing there waiting looks at us aghast. “I guess they don’t call this Sex Week for nothing.” He pushed past us to sit on the wet toilet seat and lets out a huge fart as he sits down. “Damn that was close.” He gives us a sheepish smile, but we are the ones who are embarrassed.

I point to the shower bay. “I think we need to shower some more.” She nodded in agreement and grabbing my still half hard member lead me to the closest nozzle, where I finished working the remaining soap out of her hair as the bay filled up with couples, men and women eager to use the hot tubs. What a way to start the week!

Oh, I almost forgot to mention about the advanced Gestalt Therapy workshop was also a huge contributor to the Eros.

Picking up on the vibes of the other workshops that week the participants started challenging each other to experience each other naked, and so the clothes came off. “How did that feel to be naked in front of everyone? How does it feel for you to be naked with us right now confessing your life story? And with that the whole naked thing took off with that group which spilled out into the baths and affected me directly.

I somehow got to be part of their “let’s name our genitals” experiment. Apparently someone’s issue in the Gestalt workshop was that even though everyone was naked at the baths, everyone also pretended not to notice. It wasn’t honest. It was not the Gestalt Way.

The solution, suggested by a woman in the class named Cat, was for everyone’s genitals to have names. I discovered this as I lowered myself into the hot water in the tub she occupied with several of her classmates.

She put her hand up to her eyes to shield them from the sun. “This is the Gestalt tub. Your penis has to have name to be in here with us.” I stopped short of lowering myself into the water. I blinked hard.

“What? You guys are naming your genitals?” I looked around for confirmation. Everyone was nodding and agreeing. “You guys are too far out.”

She introduced me to the men on her left and right: Stand and Pointy, both well built and nicely endowed. They both stood up from the water and sat down on the edge of the tub. Everyone was laughing. Sitting next to me were two beautiful babes: Peaches, a sunny blonde on my left and Rosie on my right, a stunning red head. They stood up too and sat down on the edge of the tub as well. Everyone was totally showing me what they had.

Still standing, I looked down at them and then at myself so I could contemplate my manhood and what its name might be. “Gee, I never named my penis before. Let me think on this. I know. How about Mr. Ed? You know from the TV show.”

Everyone thought that was hilarious. So I tried to keep it going. “Ed is friendly intelligent, and likes to be ridden.” I put in a naughty wink for extra effect. I thought I was being pretty clever.

Cat blinked hard but was clearly amused. “Likes to be ridden you say.” I sat down on the edge of the tub and she was staring right at it. So was everyone, for that matter.

Peaches stopped laughing long enough to spurt out that she would “ride that.” By now I was getting all kinds of tingles down there and was inflating fast. I wanted to change the subject.

I looked over at Stand and his amazing amount of foreskin. “So, Stand, I think you should call it Skinhead.”

Stand laughed. “Well, I would but our classmate Gary already beat me to that name. He’s got even more foreskin than I do.”

“I find that really hard to believe.”

Peaches looked most amused. “It’s true Mr. Ed. I know because I peeled his banana last night. Several times in fact.” She laughed at her clever little metaphor. “Anyway, that’s why he’s not here this morning. He’s sleeping in. I could peel your banana too, Stand, if you’re interested.” She gave Stand a flirtatious wink.

Cat jumped on that. “I got dibs on Stand!”

Stand looked perplexed. “Uh, this is the first I’ve heard about it! And hey! I like Peaches’ offer.”

Both women mumbled something about who would get to Stand first, each giving the other a bad eye.

Barely able to believe we were having this conversation I turned to Cat. I thought she was sexier than Peaches and the way she bursa sınırsız escort was sitting so provocatively with her legs spread and her lips partly open, had me wondering about her.

I had been introduced to Cat earlier and so I knew that was not the name of her pussy. “So Cat, what do you call yours?”

She blushed and stammered. “I don’t know. I’m still working on that. What do you suggest?”

Cat was a sultry Hispanic and quite mischievous. I leaned down closer to it. “I need to get a good look at it, if you don’t mind.”

Cat put a finger in her slit and opened her lips even further. “There. How’s that?”

I leaned in still closer. I was an inch away from it. I could see her labia swelling up. A light went on in my brain. “You know what? This is an easy one. I’m calling yours Taco.”

Cat’s eyes widened, then she grinned. “Because you’d like to eat it.” Her defiant look told me that she was testing me.

Everyone started tittering until I answered. I decided to test right back. “That’s right. I like a nice meaty taco.” I put my thumb in her cleft to add to the effect.

“Mr. Ed! Damn! You’re not shy!” Cat leaned back, and looked me in the eyes pleading for more.

Stand piped up. “Hers is really meaty all right.”

Peaches joined in. “Taco is a perfect name.”

Cat leaned back on the edge of the tub even further and spreading her legs wider. “So, are you hungry now, Mr. Ed?” Her tone and expression were as naughty as you are imagining. “Eat my taco you bad boy!”

Rosie looked over at me. “Look! Mr. Ed clearly likes that suggestion.” With Taco’s legs spread wide like they were, it appeared to me that she really WANTED to be eaten. And right in front of every one?

I was at full attention now. There was no hiding that. What the hell. I gave myself a stroke to show off.

Now Peaches was leaning over it and staring right at it. “I’ve got 20 bucks that says he doesn’t act on it.”

Stand joined in. “I’ve got 20 bucks that says he may giver her snatch a couple of licks but won’t get her off.”

Suddenly everyone was agreeing with Stand and what their 20 bucks was going to do. Realizing that I could possibly make a lot of money off of all of them doing something I was already hot to try, only emboldened me. “You’re on suckers! Just watch.”

I got down in the hot water and reaching out my arms to spread her legs even farther apart, lowered my face down to her awaiting “taco”. It was indeed a meaty one all right, her inner lips swelling out and over her outer ones. Her clit was still tucked in her raspberry sized clit and so my first task I felt was to use my tongue to unsheathe it. Maybe my thumb too.

“Oh my god, he’s really going for it!”

“Ha ha suckers. Your money’s about to be mine.” I lowered my head back down and Cat let out a long moan.

“Damn. And she’s loving it too!”

With her clit easily unsheathed I started in on sucking it hard. Cat responded by pushing my head down on her with both hands. Taking that as a cue, I decided she need some additional finger action and so in went index and middle fingers to stretch and circle, thrust and tickle. Her hips started bucking immediately.

“He’s going to town on that Kitty Cat. He’s getting her off all right!”

I switched my arm positions to put them under her legs and pull them tight against my head then shifted my hands placing them under her butt cheeks and spread them apart. Now better positioned pushed my face even harder into her. I could tell she wouldn’t last much longer and started sucking faster while speeding up my fingers inside her.

“Oh. Oh god. Shit. I’m gonna. Oh my god. Don’t stop. In front of everybo…. Oh!” Her hips went into spasm, then her whole body as though she were having an epileptic fit. Her hands were pulling my hair even as she pushed my face even harder against her crotch. “OooawwAWWWWWW.” With that she went limp, but gasping for breath.

I lifted my head, my face soaked by her juices. I grinned and looked around. “Suckers!” Then I started laughing. I felt a hand on my still erect penis. It was Rosie.

“Would a blow job be a fair trade instead of the money?” She was already stroking me with her hand.

“Go for it Rosie!” What Rosie lacked in technique she made up for in unbridled enthusiasm. Sucking and bobbing up and down with her mouth while stroking me with her hand. He lack of finesse was bringing me to the edge very quickly and now I was pulling her head down on me. “Rosie, I…” I couldn’t speak, only gasp out a raspy Geeezus as I erupted into her mouth, on her hands, on her breasts.

Peaches leaned in. “That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Anybody got a towel? He’s got his cum in the water.”

Rosie was trying her best to clean up the mess I had made using her mouth and tongue. “Damn you sure did shoot a lot!”

Regaining my composure I looked around at each of them and at Cat. I smiled. “I think I just made myself a lot of money.”


Certainly not least of the erotic antics was the nude yoga class which met on the lawn near the swimming pool where they had plenty of space to spread out on the grass in the warm September sun and gave everyone coming and going through the dining hall more than an eyeful of provocative poses.

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