Dahlia is a Lovely Flower Ch. 02

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If you are under 18 years of age, kindly leave and do not read any further. All individuals in my tales, both real and fictitious, are themselves, over the age of 18 years old.

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This chapter is a continuation of Asian cougar, Dahlia’s, desire to meet and be used by her daughter Violet’s, older male friend. To fully understand comments made and the story to date, I kindly suggest you read The Deflowering Of Violet series and chapter one of this series.

A number of weeks have passed since Dahlia arranged to meet me and we played in the forest of a well known city park. I took part of her anal cherry that afternoon. This story chronicles the next time we got together and an experience I arranged for her that I thought she might enjoy. My goal was to help her find her inner slut and to satisfy the cravings and needs that she certainly has. She wanted so bad, to be free to fuck guiltlessly and these are the stories of how I tried to help her. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy.

From the diaries of Dr. St. John Smythe

* * *

It was exactly 3 weeks since the day that I first met Dahlia. Since that day we had talked on the phone and texted with each other as I got to know her better. Many things were changing for her and one was learning how to take photos and videos of herself to share with me and most likely, others. She was quite lovely to look at as she tried her best to a provocative slut. The one thing, however, that I wanted to change in her appearance was the unkempt pubic bush she had.

“Okay… tomorrow at 11. I’ll see you then,” I said as I hung up the phone.

We were going for lunch and then, I had a treat planned for Dahlia. The last time we met, she had made the plan. Tomorrow, I was driving and would have to wait and see how the afternoon unfolded.

* * *

She had given me directions to get to her home and as I drove through the winding streets of the neighbourhood, I have to say just how impressed I was. Perhaps that makes me sound shallow, but despite the fact that I do not live like that myself, I was as curious as the next person to see how people with money actually did live. My lifestyle affords me that opportunity, perhaps, a little more than most. A lot of people with money, seem to have alternative tastes in a few other things too.

These weren’t homes I was driving past, but mansions… every one of them, and they sat on huge lots of land with urban forests–literally and a few even had hills and streams on their properties. I knew of the area, but since I didn’t live in this city, this was my first time to actually be in there! Don’t even ask, ‘how much?’… you and I together, couldn’t afford even one of their garages.

The address I was looking for was announced by large, black numbers on the face of one of the stone columns that marked either side of the entry way. The tree-lined drive up to the house curved twice before arriving at the stately looking portico. Two carved statues of towering Greek Goddesses, Aphrodite and Athena perhaps, stood on either sides of the double black doors, along with urns of flowers and a large ornate fountain in a garden on the opposite side of the drive. I was impressed, if not by the wealth itself, at least by the show of good taste. It was beautiful!

* * *

Dahlia opened the doors before I was even out of the car. Throwing herself in my arms, she gave me a passionate kiss.

“Right on time!” she said playfully.

She was looking great in a one piece jumpsuit and high heels! The first time we’d met, I had guessed that she was in her early forties or thereabouts, but I had since learned she was actually 51. Her signature, long black hair hung all the way to her waist, splaying out across her shoulders and back. She had sent me a few photos of herself, nude, with her hair draped across her body. Today, I was going to see it in person. Dahlia was one extremely sexy woman!

“And you’re looking great today!” I said in return. “Hungry?”

“Uh huh! But you have to come in for a minute first,” she said taking me by the hand.

If you’ve read my other stories, you would know that in the couple of years that I had been friends with her daughter, Violet, I had never been to where she lived and until a few weeks ago, had never met anyone else in her family. Violet kept this part of her life secret and always met me at the hotel to begin our outings.

I followed Dahlia into the foyer and was immediately struck by the grandeur of their home! Without turning this into an AD Home Tour, let me just paint a tiny picture for you. The foyer was circular with a 360 degree band of stained glass windows high up the walls, letting in dappled light. The glass was a crazy pattern of chaotic colour, like something you would see if you stared into a giant kaleidoscope! The ceiling of the entryway was easily 25 feet above our heads and was painted a dark blue colour. Stars and figures of the zodiac captivated my attention and as its dome-shape blended into the rus escort band of glass and then the cream-coloured walls, it gave the impression that one was standing in the centre of a bejewelled silo. Ornate, gold mouldings made the entry more palace-like than anyone’s home. There were 3 doorways leading into the house from here and all were arched with pillars on either side. Tall palms in huge, ornate pots reached high up the walls. Paintings of Oriental figures hung upon the circular walls and the small, jewel-like tiles on the floor, created an outrageous mosaic of colour and design that literally sparkled beneath my feet!

I know, I could go on and on, but you want naughty tales, not a home tour, so I’ll stop. Suffice it to say, though… it was completely AMAZING!

“Dahlia…,” I stammered. “Your home… is incredible!”

She took no notice of my compliment and after allowing me to stop and stare for a brief moment, continued to pull me further into her home.

In what I took to be the living room, she pushed me into an overstuffed, leather chair, then stood about six feet in front of me.

“Comfy?” she asked.

“I am,” I replied.

And with that, she began to sway and dance. I had no idea what she was doing, but I wasn’t going to do anything except sit there and enjoy the little show.

Slowly, she started to pull the zipper of her outfit down while looking me directly in the eyes and smiling. Her hips swayed and gyrated in exaggerated circles. She had lowered the zipper almost down to her breasts when she took her hands and started running them all over herself. She closed her eyes and slowly tilted her head back and swished her mane of hair slowly in circles too. As I watched, I could not help but think how nice this would be, if I had something spirited to sip. No music, in fact, no sound whatsoever. The house was silent except for the sounds of Dahlia’s fingers running across her body.

If there had been a snake charmer blowing a melodious tune on a wooden pipe, it could not have been more exotic to sit and watch. Again, she slowly pulled the zip inch by inch and slowly Dahlia’s lovely breasts came more and more into view. In actual fact, though, it was not her breasts at all, but rather a very exotic looking brassiere.

When the zipper was as low as it could go, my tantalizing hostess slowly and gracefully pulled it from first one, then the other shoulder. Hips swaying, hair trailing, she continued to slowly remove each arm from its respective sleeve. Again she ran the tips of her fingers across the points of her brassiere and down over the ample cups onto the smooth skin of her taut tummy.

Making eye contact with me one more time, I watched as those delicate fingers slipped into the waistband of her jumpsuit and teased it over her curves. Her panties matched her brassiere as my overly analytical mind made note of the high quality of each. Just once, I wished, that I could stop doing things like that…

Slipping out of her heels one at a time, the jumpsuit continued to slide down her shapely legs until it landed in a rumpled wreath at her feet.

“You see?” She began.

“See what?” I responded to her open question.

“You see… I intend to be completely naked under my jumpsuit today… just for you,” was her answer.

“I see…,” I answered with a smile.

And her not knowing what our day was to entail… she could not have made a better decision.

* * *

It was obvious that we had similar tastes in where we liked to dine, because for the second time we found ourselves seated overlooking the sights of the south side of the city. Again, we were perched on top of a hill that overlooked the great expanse of trees and the roof tops of the neighbourhoods beyond. We were on a patio, under a large umbrella that shaded us from the noon day sun. Not as private as our first outing together, we had the company of many others enjoying their lunch at tables close to ours. It would be much more complicated for Dahlia to misbehave here.

We conversed in hushed tones, like two spies planning the theft of state secrets. In fact, though, it was mostly Dahlia inquiring about the little ‘beauty treatment’ she was booked for later, after our lunch.

“Now St. John,” she began with one eyebrow raised slightly above the other. “You promise me that this person who is going to give me a little trim, knows that I still want to have a little… of my womanhood left when she is done!”

If you recall, I had made mention of Dahlia’s ‘bush’ on our last outing in the woods. I had told her that I would like to take her to a friend of mine, who specializes in such services for both ladies and gentlemen.

“Dahlia, my little slut,” I whispered as I leaned closer. “You are going to have to do a better job of trusting me then that.”

She sat there looking at me. Her breathing betrayed her angst at that moment, and the fact that we were surrounded by more than a dozen listening ears.

“I istanbul bayan eskort am just saying… I’m just saying that I don’t want to be as bald down there as a… child!”

I smiled and chuckled at the drama she was engaging in.

“Darling… no one is going to do that to you,” I reassured her, but then continued to chuckle under my breath. ‘But they may, perhaps, have other things in mind.’ I kept that thought to myself.

Niki, the esthetician, was a friend of mine from a few years back. She was a bubbly personality who had been born about 20 years too late, in her estimation. She was a proverbial flower child, who, I know for a fact, strolled naked in the parks and suntanned au naturel, whenever she thought she could get away with it. Niki also practised some other very special talents as well. Niki is the freest spirit I know… and that’s saying something!

What I didn’t tell Dahlia, but I will share with you, was that my good, ‘bed friend’, Shirley Mickleson, aka Super Realtor, had shared a little secret about Dahlia, with me… People do like to gossip and Shirley, surely is… part of ‘the people’! Apparently… Dahlia, like daughter Violet, has a taste for, shall I say… clams. Dear Dahlia has only dabbled, but under the right circumstances, could be led quite a long ways astray. Just how far though? Who can say.

I’ve digressed, though, for the sake of the story… Let me get back to my tale.

* * *

We’d had a nice lunch, but it was obvious that Dahlia had things on her mind. Call it a woman’s intuition or whatever you like, but she was distracted and not nearly as playful as on our first outing. The striptease was miles behind her now, as was lunch… the time had come and there was no avoiding it.

I pulled into the parking stall beside the studio where Niki ran her business. It was a cute little place and first impressions being what they are… it looked clean and crisp. Inside was even more impressive and as we stood in the small waiting room, Dahlia seemed to noticeably relax. The smell of nag champa hung heavy in the air and sitar music played quietly from speakers in the ceiling. The decor was right out of a San Francisco hippy house… right down to a few psychedelic black light posters framed on the walls. I chuckled to myself and watched Society Asian collide with Haight-Ashbury. The only thing missing was Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey’s bus parked out back.

There was no sign of Niki when we arrived and no one else in the waiting room. Dahlia took a seat and picked up the top book that was sitting on a stack on a side table.

“The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test,” she read aloud. “That’s an odd title…”

She didn’t get a chance to finish as Niki and another woman came walking through the beaded curtain that separated the waiting room from her treatment salons.

“Thanks again, love,” the woman was saying to Niki as she headed towards the door. Apparently Dahlia and I were invisible, since we didn’t even rate a smile.

It hadn’t registered with Niki either, that she had another client sitting and waiting for her, but as the door closed behind the frost queen, Niki came alive and clicked back into the here and now.

“St. John!” she squealed and ran over and put me in a formidable bear hug. “How are you?”

She planted a big kiss right on my lips. I could smell something distinctive on her breath.

I quickly said my hellos and then brought it to her attention that I had brought her 2 o’clock appointment with me.

“Oh, that’s right! I saw it in the book earlier!” she said, just a little spacey. “Where is she?”

Dahlia stood up and was immediately on Niki’s radar. Who knew all one had to do was sit in a chair to become invisible in this miniature time capsule of the 1960s.

“So you’re Dahlia!?” Niki greeted her… half asking, half exclaiming.

Dahlia looked at her and then at me. Her face said it all. In Dahlia’s eyes, it appeared Niki had 2 heads and a pointed tail. The blood had all drained from poor Dahlia’s face. It probably didn’t help that Niki was completely nude from the waist up.

I probably should have warned Dahlia about just what a free spirit Niki actually was, but she was so concerned about her pussy being turned into a cue ball, that it just kind of slipped my mind. Besides, it was a good lesson for Dahlia to learn… to each, their own. In this world, one encounters far too much of ‘my kink’s okay, but yours is weird’. Chock it up to, one more experience–and a good one at that.

I probably should tell you too, since you can’t see Niki, that she has a knockout set of tits on her. I shall spare you the long description by directing you to look up: Miss December 1968. Add 6 inches to her height and about 30 lbs to her figure and you have Niki… rocket tits and all!

I had not used NLP or anchoring with Dahlia, as I have been known to employee with some of my projects, so she was dealing with things as they unfolded before her. Raw data, ukraynalı escort harsh reality, one might say, but I knew that Niki would win her over quickly and before we left this little hippy nirvana, she’d be eating right out of Niki’s hand… or something else.

I smiled and winked at Dahlia as Niki took her by the hand and led her towards that beaded curtain. Dahlia looked like a child being led away by the dentist for the first time, but I knew that in less than an hour from now, I would have a nearly bald, delicious peach to enjoy and Dahlia would… well, let’s just wait and see how things go.

* * *

I had made a good start on old (he was 38 when it was published) Tom Wolfe’s book and was kind of enjoying the sitar music and the incense. It was too bright in the waiting room to be able to really enjoy the psychedelic posters, but I’d seen them before in the dark and quite enjoyed them then… and a few other things that were also here in the dark that night.

I was having quite a relaxing time.

As if right on queue, no sooner had the above thought drifted across my sleepy mind when…

“OOOooooooh! Uuuuuuuuugh! OOOoooooooh!” came shrieking from behind the beaded curtain.


There was no mistaking Dahlia’s cries, but she sounded like she was having the most unholiest of bowel movements that one could imagine! Every word and sound being drawn out as if she were trying her best to push raw potatoes through the mesh of a fine wire sieve. ‘Ha!’ I laughed to myself. I think Niki had actually gotten Dahlia to relax a bit and enjoy her special services.

I went back and arrived at the door just in time to see Niki standing up from between Naked Dahlia’s thighs. Dahlia looked like she’d passed out and Niki stood smiling at me with a glace all over her face, that could have only been one thing…

“How’d it go?” I asked Niki smiling.

“Check it out for yourself,” she said stepping aside and gesturing towards Dahlia’s nearly naked little quim.

I stepped forward and admired Niki’s talents. Dahlia’s pubic hair had been so thick, I hadn’t realized that she actually had a gorgeous, plump, little ‘camel toe’ of a cunt.

“Beautiful work!” I complimented Niki.

She came and put her arms around my neck and rubbed her gorgeous, hippy chick body up against me. Planting another kiss right on my lips and snaking her tongue all the way into my mouth… adding to the scent of the ice queen’s cunt, I could now smell Dahlia’s pussy. I kissed her one more time then stepped back.

“Was I right?” I asked.

“I’d say you were right,” she said with a big smile. “But, it’s going to need a little more investigation. Can you come back next week?”

I looked at Dahlia laying on the massage table, her feet still resting in the stirrups and her pussy just as smooth as a cue ball… except for a sexy little strip of hair running up about an inch from the hood of her clit.

“What time?” I asked.

* * *

A number of times during the year my wife, Andromeda… Andi, accompanies me to the city for a little fun and a little shopping. I work and Andi shops. It also gives her a chance to meet up with some of our friends and, you know… have a good time.

I am the one who usually cultivates our west coast friendships, then Andi comes and slides right into the fun. Once in awhile, she does her own cultivating and I just watch, relegated to the sidelines. Although I enjoy fucking with Shirley Mickleson, she is actually Andi’s good friend. I think you know what that means. It was through Shirley, that Andi met Judith and then it was through Andi, that I met Judith. I know, it’s complicated, but Judith is next up in this little story.

I have never had the pleasure of being intimate with Judith and can’t say that I know of any other guy who has…, but that does not mean that Judith is not part of my little circle. She always comes to my parties and on occasion she will do me a favour and help with some project I am currently involved in and that is exactly what she was doing for me on this particular afternoon.

* * *

I had collected Dahlia from the arms of Niki and took her for an afternoon drink and a bit of sushi. She had a nice glow about her, that told me everything I needed to know about her first waxing experience and the attention she’d received from Niki.

“So? What do you think of your new look?” I asked with a big smile on my face.

“I feel cold,” she replied.

“Cold?” I laughed. “You were cold in Niki’s studio?”

“I am cold because you sheared me like a spring sheep!”

I burst out laughing as she feigned being upset.

“Have you looked at yourself?”

“No! But I have felt myself and an egg has more hair on it!”

I roared with laughter.

“You look incredible! What are you talking about?” I said, still laughing.

“I said… I did not want to be completely shaven done there!”

“You’re not, my love. You have a very sexy little patch of black pubes just above your clit!”

“I do?”

Dahlia stood up from the table and walked briskly towards the ladies room. When she returned, she had a big smile on her face.

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